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Oracle® Containers for J2EE Servlet Developer's Guide
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)
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A  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X 


<access-mask> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.1
<classpath> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.2
<context-attribute> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.3
<context-param-mapping> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.4
<ejb-ref-mapping> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.5
<env-entry-mapping> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.6
<expiration-setting> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.7
<group> attribute (orion-web.xml), B.3.8
<host-access> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.9
<ip-access> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.10
<jazn-web-app> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.11
<lookup-context> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.12
<mime-mappings> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.13
<orion-web-app> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.14
<request-tracker> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.15
<resource-env-ref-mapping> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.16
<resource-ref-mapping> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.17
<security-role-mapping> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.18
<service-ref-mapping> element (orion-web.xml);, B.3.19
<servlet-chaining> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.20
<session-tracking> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.22
<user> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.23
<virtual-directory> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.24
<web-app> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.25
<web-app-class-loader> element (orion-web.xml), B.3.26


access-mask element (orion-web.xml), B.3.1
Application Server Control Console pages, A.2
Application Server Control Console Web Module Administration, A.1.2
JSR-77 support, 3.1.1
MBeans administration in OC4J, A.3.1
overview for OC4J, 3.1.1
Web module configuration files, B
Web module MBeans, summary, A.3.2
Application Server Control Console
Configuration Properties Page, A.2.1
configuring Web modules, A.2
EJB Reference Mappings page, A.2.6
Environment Entry Mappings page, A.2.7
Filter Mappings page, A.2.4
introduced, 3.1.1
overview, A.1
Resource Reference Lookup Context page, A.2.8
Resource Reference Mappings page, A.2.5
Servlet Mappings page, A.2.3
viewing web.xml and orion-web.xml, A.2.2
Web Module Administration, A.1.2
Web Module Home page, summary, A.1.2
Web Module Performance, A.1.2
Web module top-level pages, A.1.2
Application Server Control Console--Web Module Home page, getting to, A.1.1
auto-encoding, session (not supported), 4.2.3, B.3.22


classpath element (orion-web.xml), B.3.2
classpath setup for servlet.jar, 2.2.2
co-location of servlet and EJB, 7.2.3
Application Server Control Console pages, A.2
cookies, 4.4.1
session tracking, 4.2.1
Web module configuration files, B
Web module MBeans, summary, A.3.2
container, servlet, 1.2.3
context path (URL component), 3.2
context root, 3.2
context-attribute element (orion-web.xml), B.3.3
context-param-mapping element (orion-web.xml), B.3.4
configuration, 4.4.1
Cookie methods, summary, 4.4.2
enabling or disabling, 4.2.1
OC4J use for session tracking, 4.2.2
retrieving, displaying, adding, 4.4.3
sample servlet, 4.4.4


data sources
configuration, 7.1.2
JNDI lookup, database connection, 7.1.3
default application in OC4J, A.3.2
default Web application in OC4J, A.3.2
demo location, OTN, 1
deployment plan, 3.1.1
deployment plan editor, 3.1.1
JSR-88 support, 3.1.1
destroy() servlet method, 1.2.1
dispatching to another servlet (include or forward), 2.4
DMS (Dynamic Monitoring Service), 8.5.1
doDelete() servlet method, 1.2.1
doGet() servlet method, 1.2.1
doPost() servlet method, 1.2.1
doPut() servlet method, 1.2.1
Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS), 8.5.1


ejb-ref-mapping element (orion-web.xml), B.3.5
EJBs from servlets
Application Server Control Console EJB Reference Mappings page, A.2.6
co-location, 7.2.3
local interfaces vs. remote interfaces, 7.2.4
lookup categories, 7.2.3
OC4J and OracleAS support, 7.2.2
ORMI, IIOP usage, 7.2.3
remote flag for remote lookup, 7.2.5
scenarios, 7.2.3
why use, 7.2.1
Enterprise JavaBeans--see EJBs
env-entry-mapping element (orion-web.xml), B.3.6
event listeners--see listeners
expiration-setting element (orion-web.xml), B.3.7


Feiner, Amy, Hi, 3.5.3
Filter interface, 5.2.1
FilterChain interface, 5.2.2
FilterConfig interface, 5.2.3
actions, typical, 5.1.2
Application Server Control Console Filter Mappings page, A.2.4
configuration steps, 5.3.2
example, response filter, 5.7
example, simple filter, 5.4
filter chain construction, 5.3.3
implementation steps, 5.3.1
include/forward filtering, 5.5
interfaces, standard, 5.2
introduction, 2.5
invocation by container, 5.1.1
request/response wrapping, 5.6
forms in servlets, 2.3
basics, forwarding to another servlet, 2.4.1
example, 2.4.4
filtering forwarded servlet, 5.5
implementation steps, 2.4.3
why use, 2.4.2


GET, HTTP request, 2.1
getServletConfig() servlet method, 1.2.1
getServletInfo() servlet method, 1.2.1
global-web-application.xml file
element descriptions, B.3
element hierarchy, B.2
overview, B.1.2
relationship to web.xml, orion-web.xml, B.1.4
group attribute (orion-web.xml), B.3.8


host (URL component), 3.2
host-access element (orion-web.xml), B.3.9
HTML forms in servlets, 2.3
HttpServlet class
overview of methods, 1.2.1
when to override methods, 2.1.1
HttpServletRequest interface, 1.2.2
HttpServletResponse interface, 1.2.2
HttpSession methods, 4.3.1
HttpSessionActivationListener interface, 6.2.5
HttpSessionAttributeListener interface, 6.2.4
HttpSessionBindingEvent class, 6.2.4
HttpSessionBindingListener interface, 6.2.6
HttpSessionEvent class, 6.2.3
HttpSessionListener interface, 6.2.3


basics, including another servlet, 2.4.1
example, 2.4.4
filtering included servlet, 5.5
implementation steps, 2.4.3
why use, 2.4.2
init() servlet method, 1.2.1
input from user, HTML forms, 2.3
invoking a servlet
by class name (OC4J-specific), 3.4.2
in an Oracle Application Server environment, 3.4.3
in standalone OC4J, 3.4.1
summary of URL components, 3.2
ip-access element (orion-web.xml), B.3.10


jazn-web-app element (orion-web.xml), B.3.11
JDBC driver, using packaged, B.3.26
JDBC from servlets
code implementation, 7.1.3
data source configuration, 7.1.2
example servlet, 7.1.4
why use, 7.1.1
initial context factory, 7.2.3
lookup of datasource, 7.1.3
name and location for data source,
JSP parameters
enable-jsp-dispatcher-shortcut, B.3.14
jsp-cache-directory, B.3.14
jsp-cache-tlds, B.3.14
jsp-print-null, B.3.14
jsp-taglib-locations, B.3.14
jsp-timeout, B.3.14
simple-jsp-mapping, B.3.14
JSR-77 support, 3.1.1
JSR-88 support, 3.1.1


lifecycle, servlet, 1.1.3
code to implement, 6.3.1
configuration, 6.3.2
example, 6.4
introduction, when to use, 2.6
overview, categories, 6.1
request attribute interface, 6.2.8
request lifecycle interface, 6.2.7
servlet context attribute interface, 6.2.2
servlet context lifecycle interface, 6.2.1
session attribute interface, 6.2.4
session binding interface, 6.2.6
session lifecycle interface, 6.2.3
session migration interface, 6.2.5
load-on-startup, OC4J, 3.6
lookup-context element (orion-web.xml), B.3.12


managed OC4J, 3.1.2
administration in OC4J, A.3.1
definition, 3.1.1
MBean browser, 3.1.1
Web module MBeans, summary, A.3.2
metrics, servlets, A.1.2
mime-mappings element (orion-web.xml), B.3.13


Oracle Application Server environment, 3.1.2
OracleAS JAAS Provider user context, B.3.11
orion-web-app element (orion-web.xml), B.3.14
orion-web.xml file
element descriptions, B.3
element hierarchy, B.2
overview, B.1.3
relationship to web.xml, global-web-application.xml, B.1.4
viewing through Application Server Control Console, A.2.2


path setup, 2.2.2
performance, servlets, 8.5, A.1.2
persistent session data, 4.1.3
port (URL component), 3.2
POST, HTTP request, 2.1, 2.3.4
preloading, servlets in OC4J, 3.6
protocol (URL component), 3.2


redirect (to an alternative URL),
remote flag, for remote EJB lookup, 7.2.5
request dispatcher, include/forward to another servlet, 2.4.1
example, form and request parameters, 2.3.3
example, retrieving request information, 2.3.6
filtering/wrapping request, 5.6
information retrieval, request, 2.3.5
listener interface, attribute changes, 6.2.8
listener interface, lifecycle changes, 6.2.7
request objects, 1.2.2
request parameters for user input from forms, 2.3
request-tracker element (orion-web.xml), B.3.15
resource-env-ref-mapping element (orion-web.xml), B.3.16
resource-ref-mapping element (orion-web.xml), B.3.17
example, response filter, 5.7
filtering/wrapping response, 5.6
response objects, 1.2.2


sample servlets
cookie servlet, 4.4.4
demo location, OTN, 1
filter response, 5.7
filter, simple, 5.4
HTML form and request parameters, 2.3.3
JDBC query, 7.1.4
retrieving request info, 2.3.6
security, using POST, 2.3.4
servlet include, 2.4.4
session lifecycle event listener, 6.4
session servlet, 4.3.3
simple example, 2.2
POST method for URL security, 2.3.4
session tracking through secured connections, 4.2.4
security-role-mapping element (orion-web.xml), B.3.18
service() servlet method, 1.1.3, 1.2.1
service-ref-mapping element (orion-web.xml), B.3.19
servlet configuration object, 1.2.4
servlet container, 1.2.3
servlet contexts
listener interface, attribute changes, 6.2.2
listener interface, lifecycle changes, 6.2.1
servlet filters--see filters
Servlet interface, 1.2.1
servlet path (URL component), 3.2
servlet-chaining element (orion-web.xml), B.3.20
ServletContextAttributeEvent class, 6.2.2
ServletContextAttributeListener interface, 6.2.2
ServletContextEvent class, 6.2.1
ServletContextListener interface, 6.2.1
ServletRequestAttributeEvent class, 6.2.8
ServletRequestAttributeListener interface, 6.2.8
ServletRequestEvent class, 6.2.7
ServletRequestListener interface, 6.2.7
attributes, adding and retrieving, 4.3.2
canceling explicitly, 4.5.2
configuring session tracking, 4.2.1
cookies versus session attributes, 4.1.4
cookies, enabling or disabling, 4.2.1
cookies, general use in servlets, 4.4
cookies, use by OC4J for session tracking, 4.2.2
HttpSession methods, summary, 4.3.1
introduction, when to use, 1.2.6
listener interface, attribute changes, 6.2.4
listener interface, lifecycle changes, 6.2.3
listener interface, migration changes, 6.2.5
listener interface, object binding changes, 6.2.6
persistent data, 4.1.3
sample servlet, 4.3.3
session IDs, overview, 4.1.2
session objects, overview, 4.1.1
session tracking in OC4J, 4.2
session tracking through secured connections, 4.2.4
timeout, specifying, 4.5.1
URL rewriting, OC4J use for session tracking, 4.2.3
session-tracking element (orion-web.xml), B.3.22
shared applications between Web site (standalone), 4.2.4
single-thread model, servlets, 8.3
standalone environment, 3.1.2


thread models, introduction, 1.2.7
timeout of session, specifying, 4.5.1
Date constructor for milliseconds since 1/1/1970, 4.3.1
no need to close response writer/stream, 2.1.2
setting up path, classpath, 2.2.2
using POST for URL security, 2.3.3


unmanaged OC4J, 3.1.2
URL components, summary, 3.2
URL rewriting, 4.2.3
user element (orion-web.xml), B.3.23


virtual-directory element (orion-web.xml), B.3.24


Web module vs. Web application, 1.1
web-app element (orion-web.xml), B.3.25
web-app-class-loader element (orion-web.xml), B.3.26
web.xml file
overview, B.1.1
relationship to orion-web.xml, global-web-application.xml, B.1.4
viewing through Application Server Control Console, A.2.2


XML configuration files for Web modules, B
XML parser. using packaged, B.3.26