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Oracle® Containers for J2EE Deployment Guide
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)
Part No. B14431-01
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1 Getting Started

Understanding Deployment in OC4J
Valid Components for Deployment
Support for the J2EE Application Deployment API (JSR-88) in OC4J
ÒHot DeploymentÓ in OC4J
Options for Deploying into OC4J
Application Server Control Console User Interface
OC4J Ant Tasks
admin_client.jar Command Line Utility
admin.jar Command Line Utility
Oracle JDeveloper

2 Deploying A J2EE Application Into OC4J

Overview of the Application Deployment Process
Designating a Parent Application
Binding the Web Application to a Web Site
Creating or Applying a Deployment Plan
Dynamic HTTP Server Mount Point Configuration in Oracle Application Server
What Happens During Deployment?
Example of a Deployed Application Directory Structure
Redeploying an Application
Impact of Redeploying a Parent Application
Undeploying an Application
Impact of Undeploying a Parent Application

3 Deploying Large Applications

Specifying the Compilation Mode to Use
Configuring the Java Compiler
Specifying an Alternative Java Compiler
Configuring Out-of-process Versus In-process Compiler Execution
Summary of Java Compiler Configuration Parameters
Tuning the OC4J JVM for Large Deployments

4 Deploying Enterprise JavaBeans

Overview of EJB Deployment
Generating Client-side IIOP Stubs
Generating Stubs with Application Server Control
Generating Stubs with admin_client.jar
Generating Stubs with the OC4J Ant Tasks
Incremental Redeployment of Updated EJB Modules
Impact of EJB Redeployment on Application Clients
Redeploying Session Beans
Stateless Session Beans
Stateful Session Beans
Redeploying Entity Beans
Bean-Managed Persistence Beans
Container-Managed Persistence Beans

5 Deploying Web Modules

Deploying a Standalone Web Module
Redeploying a Standalone Web Application
Redeploying an Updated Web Module into an Existing Application
Adding or Modifying JavaServer Pages in an Active Web Module
Optionally Setting JSP Configuration Parameters in the XML Configuration File

6 Deploying Resource Adapters

Deploying a Standalone RAR
Redeploying/Undeploying a Standalone RAR

7 Deploying Web Services

Deploying a Web Service
When Should You Redeploy a Web Service?

8 Working With Deployment Plans

What Is a Deployment Plan?
How Do Deployment Plans Interact with Packaged Deployment Descriptors?
Overview of J2EE and OC4J Deployment Descriptors
Creating or Editing a Deployment Plan
Creating or Editing Deployment Plans with Application Server Control Console
Creating or Editing Deployment Plans with Oracle JDeveloper
Setting Properties in a Deployment Plan
Setting J2EE Application Configuration Properties
Setting Web Module Configuration Properties
Setting Enterprise JavaBeans Module Configuration Properties
General EJB Properties
Setting Entity Bean Properties
Setting Session Bean Properties
Setting Message-Driven Bean Properties
Setting Web Services Configuration Properties
Setting General Web Services Properties
Setting Web Service Description Properties
Setting Application Client Configuration Properties
Setting Resource Adapter Properties

9 Deploying with Application Server Control Console

Accessing Application Server Control Console
Accessing Application Server Control Console in Standalone OC4J
Accessing Application Server Control Console in Oracle Application Server
Deploying to OC4J Instances Within a Cluster
Deploying/Redeploying an Application
Completing the Deployment Tasks
Selecting the Security Provider
Mapping Security Roles to Users and Groups
Configuring Enterprise JavaBeans Included in the Application
Configuring Class Loading/Shared Libraries
Configuring Clustering
Providing Resource Mappings
Undeploying an Application

10 Deploying with the OC4J Ant Tasks

Preparing to Use the Ant Tasks
Overview of the Ant Tasks
Prerequisites for Using the Ant Tasks
Incorporating the OC4J Ant Tasks into Your Environment
Incorporating the Ant Tasks Using Ant 1.6.2 Outside OC4J
Enabling Logging
Sample build.xml File
Invoking the OC4J Ant Tasks
Setting the Deployer URI
Invoking a Task on a Group of OC4J Instances Within a Cluster
Invoking a Task on a Specific OC4J Instance Within a Cluster
Invoking a Task on a Standalone OC4J Server
Deploying an EAR File
Deploying a Standalone WAR File
Deploying a Standalone RAR File
Redeploying an Archive
Binding All Web Modules to a Single Web Site
Binding a Specific Web Module to a Specific Web Site and Setting the Context URI
Undeploying an Archive
Updating Modified Classes Only in a Deployed EJB Module
Installing a Shared Library
Modifying an Existing Shared Library
Starting or Stopping an Application

11 Deploying with the admin_client.jar Utility

Overview of admin_client.jar Usage
Understanding the admin_client.jar Syntax and URI Specification
Deploying to a Group of OC4J Instances Within a Cluster
Deploying to a Specific OC4J Instance
Deploying to a Standalone OC4J Server
Validating a URI
Printing Usage Text to the Console
Enabling Logging
Deploying an Archive
Deploying a J2EE Application (EAR)
Deploying a Standalone Web Module (WAR)
Deploying a Standalone Resource Adapter (RAR)
Binding Web Modules to a Web Site Post-Deployment
Binding All Web Modules to a Single Web Site
Binding a Specific Web Module to a Specific Web Site and Setting the Context Root
Redeploying an Archive
Undeploying an Archive
Undeploying an EAR or Standalone WAR
Undeploying a Standalone RAR
Updating Modified Classes Only in a Deployed EJB Module
Creating and Managing Shared Libraries
Installing a Shared Library
Modifying an Existing Shared Library
Viewing the Contents of a Shared Library
List All Shared Libraries
Starting/Stopping/Restarting an Application

12 Deploying to Standalone OC4J with admin.jar

Understanding the admin.jar Syntax
Deploying/Redeploying an Application
Undeploying an Application
Updating an EJB Module Within a Deployed Application
Deploying/Redeploying a Standalone Connector
Undeploying a Standalone Connector

13 Deploying Web Applications from Eclipse

Installing the Web Tools Platform
Deploying a Web Application with the Web Tools Platform
Connecting to OC4J from Eclipse
Building a Web Application
Deploying a Web Application

14 Automatic Deployment in OC4J

What Is Automatic Deployment in OC4J?
When Should Automatic Deployment Be Used?
Using an "Auto-Deployment" Directory
Using the Check For Updates Feature
Enabling/Disabling Check For Updates
What Types of Files Are Automatically Redeployed?
What Happens During Redeployment?
Forcing a One-Time Redeployment Using admin.jar

15 Troubleshooting Deployment Errors

Interruptions During Application Deployment
Exceptions During Application Deployment
OC4J Out of Memory Errors
Java Compiler Out of Memory Errors
Stack Overflow Errors
"Too many open files" Errors

A Third Party Licenses

The ANTLR License
The Apache Software License
Apache SOAP
Apache SOAP License
DBI Module
Perl Artistic License
FastCGI Developer's Kit License
Module mod_fastcgi License
Info-ZIP Unzip Package
The Info-ZIP Unzip Package License
JSR 110
The Jaxen License
The GNU License
mod_mm and mod_ssl
OpenSSL License
Perl Kit Readme
mod_perl 1.29 License
mod_perl 1.99_16 License
Perl Artistic License
The SAXPath License
The W3C License
