This illustration shows the recommended directory hierarchy for an EJB application. The root is applications/<application name>. At the next level are directories META-INF, <ejb_module>, <web_module>, and <client_module>. The META-INF directory contains the application.xml file. The <ejb_module> directory contains EJB classes (where package my .ejb.class maps to subdirectory /my/ejb/class) and its own META-INF directory which contains the ejb-jar.xml and orion-ejb-jar.xml file. The <web_module> directory contains index.html, JSP pages, and a WEB-INF directory that contains web.xml, orion-web.xml, a classes subdirectory (containing Servlet classes) and a lib directory (containing dependent libraries and Servlet classes where package my.Servlet maps to subdirectory /my/Servlet). The <client_module> directory contains client classes and its own META-INF directory that contains application-client.xml and orion-application-client.xml.