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Oracle® Containers for J2EE Orion CMP Developer's Guide
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)
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Element Description


The mapping of the assembly descriptor elements.


Enables the application deployer to control or restrict the usage of the asynchronous methods defined on the AC4J bean. You specify the user identity that is allowed to execute all methods of the bean in this element. The identities that can execute the AC4J beans are identified in one or more <caller> elements.


Each caller identity that is allowed to execute methods on the AC4J bean is defined in a single <caller> element.


  • caller-identity–The security role that is allowed to execute the AC4J bean methods.


Deployment information for a persistent field. If no subtags are used to define different behavior, the field is persisted through serialization or native handling of "recognized" primitive types.


  • ejb-reference-home–The JNDI location of the field's remote EJB home, if the field is an entity EJBObject or an EJBHome.

  • name–The name of the field.

  • persistence-name–The name of the field in the database table.

  • persistence-type–The database type of the field. Valid values vary from database to database.


A relational mapping of a Collection type. A Collection consists of n unordered items (order is not specified and not relevant). The field containing the mapping must be of type java.util.Collection.


  • table–The name of the table in the database.


An attribute that is sent to the context. The only mandatory attribute in JNDI is the java.naming.factory.initial, which is the class name of the context factory implementation.


  • name–The name of the attribute.

  • value–The value of the attribute.


The name and URL of a specific Databus for an OC4J object.


  • data-bus-name–The user-defined name of the Databus.

  • url–The URL of the Databus, which is similar to a JDBC URL.


The default method access policy for methods not tied to a method-permission.


A short description.


An enterprise bean's name. This name is assigned by the ejb-jar.xml file producer to name the enterprise bean in deployment descriptor. The name must be unique among the names of the enterprise beans in the same ejb-jar.xml file. The enterprise bean code does not depend on the name; therefore the name can be changed during the application assembly process without breaking the enterprise bean's function. There is no architected relationship between the <ejb-name> element in the deployment descriptor and the JNDI name that the deployer will assign to the enterprise bean's home. The name must conform to the lexical rules for an NMTOKEN.


Declares a reference to another enterprise bean's home. This element ties this to a JNDI location at deployment time.


  • location–The JNDI location, in which to search for the EJB home.

  • name–The ejb-ref's name. Matches the name of an ejb-ref in ejb-jar.xml file.


Lists the beans contained in this EJB JAR file.


Contains the deployment information for an entity bean. See Table A-1 for list and description of attributes of this element.


Specifies the configuration for persisting an entity reference using its primary key. The subtag of this tag is the specification of how to persist the primary key.


  • home–The JNDI location of the EJBHome, in which to search for the bean.


Overrides the value of an <env-entry> element in the assembly descriptor. It is used to keep the EAR clean from deployment-specific values. The body of the element represents the value.


  • name–The name of the context parameter.


Specifies the configuration of a field-based (java class field) mapping persistence for this field. The fields that are to be persisted have to be public, non-static, non-final, and the type of the containing object has to have a zero-argument constructor.


The definition of a container-managed finder method. This defines the selection criteria in a findBy<CRITERION> method in the bean's home.


  • partial–Specifies whether or not the query is a partial one. A partial query is the WHERE clause or the ORDER (if it starts with order) clause of the SQL query. Queries are partial by default. If partial="false" is specified, then the full query is to be entered as value for the query attribute and you need to make sure that the query produces a result set containing all of the persistent fields. This is useful when performing advanced queries involving table joins.

  • query–Defines the query part of a SQL statement. This is the section following the WHERE keyword in the statement. Special tokens are $number, which denotes a method argument number, and $name, which denotes a persistent field name. For instance, the query for findByAge(int age) would be "$1 = $age" (assuming the persistent field is named age).

  • lazy-loading–For entity bean finder methods, lazy loading can cause the select method to be invoked more than once. To turn on lazy loading and enforce only a single execution of this finder method, set this property to true. The default value is false.

  • prefetch-size–Oracle JDBC drivers include extensions that let you set the number of rows to prefetch into the client, while a result set is being populated during a query. This reduces round trips to the database by fetching multiple rows of data each time data is fetched–the extra data is stored in client-side buffers for later access by the client. You can set any number of rows to prefetch. The default number of rows to prefetch to the client is 10. The number set here is passed to the JDBC driver. See the Oracle Database JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference for more information on using prefetch with a JDBC driver.


A group that this <security-role-mapping> implies. That is, all members of the specified group are included in this role.


  • name–The name of the group.


The <ior-security-config> element configures CSIv2 security policies for interoperability, which is discussed fully in the Interoperability chapter in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Services Guide.


Specifies an active enterprise bean for deployment into the AC4J container.


  • jem-name–The AC4J name that is used to identify the enterprise bean within the AC4J calls.

  • ejb-name–The name of the enterprise bean defined in the ejb-jar.xml file as an active bean.


Describes the database server where the Databus is installed


  • data-source-location–Provides the JNDI data source definition of the database where the Databus exists. The data source is configured in the data-sources.xml file.

  • scheduling-threads–If greater than 1, then multiple OC4J threads can act in parallel. 1 is the default value.


The specification of an optional javax.naming.Context implementation used for retrieving the resource. This is useful when using third party modules, such as a third party JMS server. Either use the Context implementation supplied by the resource vendor or, if none exists, write an implementation that negotiates with the vendor software.


  • location–The name looked for in the foreign context when retrieving the resource.


Specifies a mapping of the map key. Map keys are always immutable.


  • type–The fully qualified class name of the type of the value. For example, com.acme.Product, java.lang.String, and so on.


Specifies the methods (and, possibly, parameters of that method) of the bean.


Allows a method element to differentiate between the methods with the same name and signature that are defined in both the remote and home interfaces. This element must be either home or remote.


Contains a name of an enterprise bean method, or the asterisk ( * ) character. The asterisk is used when the element denotes all the methods of an enterprise bean's remote and home interfaces.


Contains the fully qualified Java type name of a method parameter.


Contains a list of the fully qualified Java type names of the method parameters.


An orion-ejb-jar.xml file contains the OC4J-specific deployment information for a bean. It is used to specify initial deployment properties. After each deployment, the deployment descriptor file is reformatted and altered by the server for additional information.


  • deployment-time–The time (long milliseconds in decimal) of the last deployment, if not matching the last editing date the JAR will be redeployed. This is an internal server value, do not edit it.

  • deployment-version–The version of OC4J with which this JAR was deployed. If it is not matching the current version, then it will be redeployed. This is an internal server value, do not edit it.


Designates how the primary key is mapped.


Specifies the configuration of a property-based (bean properties) mapping persistence for this field. The properties have to adhere to the EJB 2.0 specification, and the type of the containing object has to have an empty constructor. This is also designated within the EJB 2.0 specification.


Declares a reference to an external resource, such as a data source. This element ties the data source to a JNDI location at deployment time.


  • location–The JNDI location from which to search the resource factory.

  • name–The <resource-ref> element name in ejb-jar.xml file.


Maps an administered object for a resource. These objects are retrieved at the same time from JNDI. This element maps the destination object.


  • location–The JNDI location from which to search the administered resource.

  • name–The <resource-env-ref> element name in ejb-jar.xml file.


The security role under which the AC4J EJB methods are run when using the <run-as-specified-identity> element.


Specifies that all methods of an AC4J EJB execute under a specific identity. That is, the container does not check different roles for permission to run specific methods; instead, the container executes all of the AC4J EJB methods under the specified security identity.


Describes if the AC4J Databus should use the caller or run-as identity for the AC4J bean security.


The run-time mapping of a role to groups and users. Maps to a security role of the same name in the assembly descriptor.


  • impliesAll–Indicates whether or not this mapping implies all users. The default value is false.

  • name–The name of the role.


Specifies a relational mapping of a Set type. A Set consists of n unique unordered items (order is not specified and not relevant). The field containing the mapping must be of type java.util.Set.


  • table–The name of the table in the database.


Specifies that all methods of an AC4J bean execute under the caller's identity.


A user that this <security-role-mapping> element implies.


  • name–The name of the user.


Specifies a mapping of the primary key part of a set of fields.


  • immutable–Identifies whether or not the value can be trusted to be immutable, once added to the Collection. Setting this to true will optimize database operations extensively. The default value is true for <set-mapping> element, and false for <collection-mapping> element

  • type–The fully qualified class name of the type of the value. For example, com.acme.OrderEntry, java.lang.String, and so on.