chap5_err_handling_005.gif shows a Web form with the title, Insert New Employee. Immediately underneath is a horizontal line to separate the header from the body of the form. Then there is a table of 7 rows of two columns comprising the form labels and entry fields. The field labels in the left column are:

Department ID, First Name, Last Name, Hiredate, Job, Salary, Commission (%).

The entry fields in the second column contain the values:

99, New, Person, 10-OCT-05, Accountant, 1000, 0

Under the fields, there are two buttons labelled, Save, and Cancel. The mouse cursor is pointing at the Save button.

Immediately underneath is a horizontal line to separate the body of the form and the footer. The footer shows the date, 2005-10-10, and the time, 16:38:06 on the left side, and Any Co. on the right side.