chap7_loadimg_020.gif shows a Web form with the title, Insert New Employee. Immediately underneath is a horizontal line to separate the header from the body of the form. Then there is a table of eight rows of two columns comprising the form labels and entry fields. The field labels in the left column are:

Department ID, First Name, Last Name, Hiredate, Job, Salary, Commission (%), Photo.

The entry fields in the second column contain the values:

10, Chris, Jones, 11-OCT-05, Marketing Manager, 9000, 0, null

There is a Browse button on the right side of the Photo entry field. The mouse cursor is pointing at the Browse button.

Under the fields, there are two buttons labelled, Save and Cancel.

Immediately underneath is a horizontal line to separate the body of the form and the footer. The footer shows the date, 2005-10-11, and the time, 12:32:04 on the left side, and Any Co. on the right side.