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Oracle® Database Express Edition Upgrade Guide
10g Release 2 (

Part Number B32391-02
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2 Upgrading the Software

This chapter describes how to use Database Upgrade Assistant to upgrade Oracle Database Express Edition to Oracle Database 10g.

This chapter contains the following topics:


2.1 Task 1: Download and Install Oracle Database 10g, Release 2 (

Download the Oracle Database 10g, release 2 ( software from Oracle Technology Network:

Then extract and install the software in a new Oracle home for Oracle Database 10g release 2, on the same computer where Oracle Database Express Edition is installed. The location of the Oracle Database 10g Oracle home directory should be separate from that of the Oracle database Express Edition Oracle home directory.

See Also:

Oracle Database Installation Guide for your operating system

2.2 Task 2: Download and Apply the Oracle Database Patch Set

Review the Oracle Database patch set documentation, then download and apply the patch set to the Oracle Database 10g Oracle home that you installed in Step 1.

To find and download the patch set:

  1. Go to the OracleMetaLink Web site at:
  2. Log in to OracleMetaLink.


    If you are not an OracleMetaLink registered user, then click Register for MetaLink and follow the registration instructions. To access OracleMetaLink, you must provide the support identifier you received when you purchased Oracle Database 10g.
  3. Select the Patches & Updates tab.

  4. Select Simple Search.

  5. Enter 5337014 in the patch number field.

  6. Select your platform from the drop-down list.

  7. Click Go.

  8. Click View Readme.

    Each patch set has a Readme file with installation requirements and instructions. Oracle recommends that you read the Readme file before proceeding.

  9. Click Download after reading the Readme file.

  10. Follow the installation instructions in the patch set documentation.


    Be sure to install the Oracle Database patch set in the same Oracle home you specified for Oracle Database 10g in "Task 1: Download and Install Oracle Database 10g, Release 2 (".

2.3 Task 3: Download and Unzip the Latest Version of Oracle Application Express

Download and unzip the latest version of Oracle Application Express to the Oracle Database 10g Oracle home that you created and patched in Task 1 and Task 2.

To download the latest version of Oracle Application Express:

  1. Go to the Oracle Application Express download page:
  2. Click Download.

  3. Locate the latest version of Oracle Application Express.

  4. Download the ZIP file to your computer.

  5. Unzip the downloaded file in the Oracle Database 10g Oracle home preserving the directory names. This extracts the files to a directory structure of $ORACLE_HOME/apex.

2.4 Task 4: Download and Apply the Necessary Patches

The patches you download and apply depend on your operating system.

This section contains these topics:

2.4.1 Downloading and Applying the Necessary Patches for Linux

If your operating system is Linux, then download and apply patch 5947653 and OPatch 5115926 to the Oracle Database 10g Oracle home.

To find and download patch 5947653:

  1. Go to the OracleMetaLink Web site at:
  2. Select the Patches & Updates tab.

  3. Select Simple Search.

  4. Enter 5947653 in the patch number field.

  5. From the Platform or Language list, select your platform.

  6. Click Go.

  7. Click View Readme.

    Each patch set has a Readme file with installation requirements and instructions. Oracle recommends that you read the Readme file before proceeding.

  8. Click Download after reading the Readme file.

  9. Follow the installation instructions in the Patch Readme file.

To find and download OPatch 5115926:

  1. Follow Steps 1 through 3 in the previous section.

  2. Enter 5115926 in the patch number field.

  3. Follow Steps 5 through 9 in the previous section.

2.4.2 Downloading and Applying the Necessary Patch for Windows

If your operating system is Microsoft Windows, then download and apply patch 6038241.

To find and download patch 6038241:

  1. Go to the OracleMetaLink Web site at:
  2. Select the Patches & Updates tab.

  3. Select Simple Search.

  4. Enter 6038241 in the patch number field.

  5. From the Platform or Language list, select your platform.

  6. Click Go.

  7. Click View Readme.

    Each patch set has a Readme file with installation requirements and instructions. Oracle recommends that you read the Readme file before proceeding.

  8. Click Download after reading the Readme file.

  9. Follow the installation instructions in the Patch Readme file.

2.5 Task 5: Run Database Upgrade Assistant

Database Upgrade Assistant is an interactive user interface that steps you through the upgrade process and configures the database for the new Oracle Database 10g. It automates the upgrade process by performing all of the tasks for you.

See Also:

  • "Upgrade the Database Using the Database Upgrade Assistant" in Oracle Database Upgrade Guide

  • The Database Upgrade Assistant online help. Click the Help button at the bottom of any page

To upgrade Oracle Database Express Edition to Oracle Database 10g:

  1. Start Database Upgrade Assistant from the Oracle Database 10g Oracle home:

    • On Linux, enter the following command at the command prompt:


      Note that the Database Upgrade Assistant executable is located in $ORACLE_HOME/bin.

    • On Windows, from the Start menu select Programs, then Oracle - HOME_NAME, Configuration and Migration Tools, and then Database Upgrade Assistant.

      The Database Upgrade Assistant Welcome screen appears.

  2. Review the text and then click Next.

    The Upgrade Operations screen appears.

  3. Select Upgrade a Database. Click Next.

    The Databases screen appears.

  4. From available databases, select XE and click Next.

    Database Upgrade Assistant checks your system and performs pre-upgrade checks. Depending on what it finds, it may recommend that you resolve certain issues before proceeding. It then asks if you want to proceed.

  5. Click Yes.

    A security alert informs you that remote access is always enabled for the HTTP server in the database after the upgrade. It advises you to use Apache for a more secure configuration.

    If you want to configure Apache for a more secure configuration, then you do so as a post-upgrade task as described in "Choosing an HTTP Server".

  6. Click Yes to continue the upgrade.

    The Rename Database screen appears.

  7. Enter the following:

    1. Global Database Name - Enter a unique name that distinguishes this database from other databases in your network domain. For example:
    2. SID - Enter a unique identifier that distinguishes this database from all other databases on your computer. The SID automatically defaults to the database name portion of the global database name (for example sales in the example until you reach eight characters or enter a period. You can accept or change the default value.

    3. Click Next.

      The Move Database Files screen appears.

  8. Under "Move Database Files during Upgrade," select a storage mechanism, either File System or Automatic Storage Management (ASM). Note that if, in step 4, you selected XE, then the "Do not move Database Files as Part of Upgrade" option is disabled.

  9. Click Next.

    The Database File Location screen appears.

  10. Specify if you want to move the database files during upgrade. Select one of the following:

    • Use Common Location for All Database files

      This option requires you to specify a directory for all database files. All the database files will be created in this location. Later, you can modify the database file names and location.

      If, in step 8, you selected File System as your storage mechanism, then enter the path name of the directory in which to store the database files, for example:


      If, instead, you entered Automatic Storage Management (ASM) in step 8, then enter the disk group name, for example, +ASDF.

      See Also:

      Oracle Database 2 Day DBA and Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about creating an Automated Storage Management instance and disk group
    • Use Oracle-Managed Files

      Select this option to have Oracle directly manage operating system files comprising an Oracle database. You specify a default location, called a database area, for all your files. Oracle then automatically creates and deletes files in this location as required.

      To provide greater redundancy and fault tolerance, select Multiplex Redo Logs and Control Files. This creates multiple copies of your redo and online log files.

      See Also:

    • Use a Mapping File to Specify Location of Database Files

      Select this option if you want to specify the explicit location for each file. It enables you to move each file to different locations—unlike the other two options that move them to a single location.

      When you select this option, the Database Upgrade Assistant creates a map file that you can open and edit. The format for this file is:


      You may want to look at the following map file: $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/dbua/XE/upgradenn/mapfile.txt.

  11. Click Next.

    The Recompile Invalid Objects screen appears.

  12. Recompile Invalid Objects.

    When you upgrade a database to the new release, many of the PL/SQL modules in your database become invalid. By default, the Oracle Database recompiles invalid PL/SQL modules as they are used.

    Select Recompile invalid objects at the end of upgrade to have the Database Upgrade Assistant recompile invalid objects after the upgrade.


    If you elect not to have Database Upgrade Assistant recompile invalid objects after upgrade, you must later complete the following steps manually as a post-upgrade task:
    1. Connect to the database where you installed Oracle Application Express as the SYS user.

    2. Run the utlrp.sql script from the Oracle Database home to recompile all invalid PL/SQL packages now instead of when the packages are accessed for the first time. This step is optional but recommended.

      SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql
  13. Click Next.

    The Backup screen appears.

  14. For Backup:

    1. Select one of the following:

      • I have already backed up my database.

      • I would like this tool to back up the database.

        If you select this option, Database Upgrade Assistant makes a copy of all your database files in the directory specified in the Backup Directory field. Database Upgrade Assistant also creates a batch files you can use to restore the database files. See "Backing Up Your Database".

    2. Click Next.

      A second backup screen appears.

  15. For Management Options:

    1. Select Configure the Database with Enterprise Manager.

      To learn more about Enterprise Manager Database Control, see Oracle Database Installation Guide for your operating system.

    2. Under Use Database Control for Database Manager:

      • Enable Email Notifications - Select this option to enable the SYSMAN user (the default Super Administrator) to receive email notifications. To learn more, click Help.

      • Enable Daily Backup - Select this option, to back up your database daily. To learn more, click Help.

    3. Click Next.

      The Recovery Configuration screen appears.

  16. For Recovery Configuration, specify the following:

    1. Flash Recovery Area: Specify a directory or Automatic Storage Management disk group to store and manage files related to backup and recovery.


      You will not use the Flash Recovery Area that is configured for Oracle Database Express Edition. Uninstalling Oracle Database Express Edition would remove the Flash Recovery Area that is configured for it.
    2. Flash Recovery Area Size: Specify the directory size in MB.

    3. Click Next.

      The Database Credentials screen appears.

      See Also:

  17. Specify passwords for the user accounts listed on this screen.

    1. Select one of the following:

      • Use the Same Password for all Accounts. Then, enter the password in the fields provided.

      • Use Different Passwords. To learn more about this option, click Help.

    2. Click Next.

      The Application Express Credentials screen appears.

  18. For Application Express Credentials, enter a password for the Oracle Application Express administrator account ADMIN, then confirm it, in the fields provided. Click Next.

  19. The Network Configuration for the Database screen appears if:

    • More than one listener is available for the Oracle home for Oracle Database 10g Release, and

    • The database is to be configured with Enterprise Manager.

    If both of these conditions are met, then select either to:

    • Register the database with all the listeners, or

    • Register the database with selected listeners only

    If the Network Configuration screen does not appear, then you are taken to the Summary screen.

  20. Review your selections.

    1. For the Source Database and Target Database, note the Name, Version, and Oracle home. The Oracle home is the operating system location of your Oracle installation.

    2. Click Finish.

    Note that Database Upgrade Assistant shuts down the database during the upgrade process.

  21. For restoring the Oracle Database Express Edition database, perform one of the following steps:

    • Click Restore Database on the Summary page.

    • Run the restore script created by the Database Upgrade Assistant. Refer to "Restoring Your Database" , for information on using the restore script.

2.6 Task 6: Secure Resources In Oracle XML DB

After upgrading from Oracle Database Express Edition, the database user ANONYMOUS is unlocked. Additionally, unauthenticated access to any public resource in Oracle XML DB is permitted. These are requirements for use of Oracle XML DB HTTP server of the Oracle database. Be aware of any resources you place in Oracle XML DB after upgrade and apply appropriate security controls on them.

An alternative secure method is to:

  1. Lock the database user ANONYMOUS. Unauthenticated access to any public resource in Oracle XML DB is not permitted.

  2. Reconfigure with Oracle HTTP Server and modplsql as discussed in "Choosing an HTTP Server".