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Oracle® Audit Vault Administrator's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.2.2)

Part Number B25321-02
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E Audit Vault Error Messages

The following sections describe the Oracle Audit Vault error messages.

E.1 Audit Vault Server Error Messages

This section describes the Oracle Audit Vault Server-side error message codes.

E.1.1 Generic Error Codes

This section describes the generic error codes.

46501, invalid %s
Cause: Invalid value specified.
Action: Provide a valid non-NULL value with a valid length.
46502, NULL in %s
Cause: NULL value specified.
Action: Provide a non-NULL value.
46503, object %s already exists
Cause: Object specified was already present in the system.
Action: Provide a different value.
46504, duplicate %s
Cause: Value was repeated in the input.
Action: Remove the duplicates.
46505, object %s does not exist
Cause: Object specified was not present in the system.
Action: Provide a different value.
46506, attribute %s exists in %s
Cause: Attribute specified was already present.
Action: Provide a different attribute.
46507, invalid data or type name for attribute %s
Cause: Data type of the value specified was different from the type name of the attribute.
Action: Change the type name or the type of the value for the attribute.
46508, too many attributes of type %s specified
Cause: Specified number of attributes of this type exceeded the maximum number supported.
Action: Specify fewer number of attributes of this type.

E.1.2 Source and Event Error Codes

This section describes the source and event error codes.

46521, NULL value passed for a mandatory attribute
Cause: A mandatory attribute was set to a NULL value.
Action: Provide a non-NULL value for the mandatory attribute.
46522, mandatory attribute %s missing in the input
Cause: Mandatory attribute name was missing in the attribute value list.
Action: Provide the value for mandatory attribute.
46523, attempting to drop Event Category with active Events
Cause: Event Category specified had active Events.
Action: Drop the active Events before dropping this Event Category.
46524, active Collectors exist for the Source
Cause: Source specified had Collectors which were active.
Action: Drop active Collectors for the given Source.
46525, Sourcetype-specific extension for Category already exists
Cause: Event Category was specified which already has a Format extension for the given Sourcetype.
Action: Provide an Event Category which does not have a Sourcetype-specific extension.
46526, attempting to drop an in-use Event mapping
Cause: Event mapping specified was in use.
Action: Provide an Event mapping that is not being used.
46527, attempting to change an immutable attribute
Cause: An immutable attribute was specified.
Action: Provide a mutable attribute.
46528, attempting to drop system-defined Event
Cause: Event specified was system-defined.
Action: Provide a user-defined Event.
46529, attempting to drop Event with active mappings
Cause: Event specified had active Event mappings.
Action: Drop the active mappings before dropping this Event.
46530, attempting to drop Sourcetype with active Sources
Cause: Sourcetype specified had active Sources.
Action: Drop the active Sources before dropping this Sourcetype.
46531, unsupported Source version
Cause: Version specified for the Source was not supported.
Action: Provide a Source version that is equal to or greater than the minimum supported version for the corresponding Sourcetype.

E.1.3 Collector Error Codes

This section describes the collector error codes.

46541, attempting to drop Collector Type with active Collectors
Cause: One or more Collectors for this Collector Type were active.
Action: Drop all active Collectors for this Collector Type.
46542, attempting to drop an Agent with active Collectors
Cause: One or more Collectors for this Agent were active.
Action: Drop all active Collectors for this Agent.
46543, attempting to drop a Collector before disabling the collection
Cause: The collection for the Collector specified was not disabled.
Action: Disable the collection before dropping the Collector.
46544, attempting to drop an Agent before disabling it
Cause: The Agent specified was not disabled.
Action: Disable the Agent before dropping it.

E.1.4 Attribute Definition Error Codes

This section describes the attribute definition error codes.

46551, attempting to change the type of an attribute currently in use
Cause: Attribute specified was in use.
Action: Provide an attribute that is not being used.
46552, attempting to drop an attribute currently in use
Cause: Attribute specified was in use.
Action: Provide an attribute that is not being used.
46553, attempting to change the type of an attribute without providing a new default value
Cause: Current type of the default value did not match with the new type specified.
Action: Provide a new default value for the attribute.

E.1.5 Alert Error Codes

This section describes the alert error codes.

46561, no Format defined for the Source Type and Category
Cause: Format for the specified Source Type and Category pair was not present in the system.
Action: Provide Source Type and Category pair which already has a Format defined.
46562, error in Alert condition
Cause: Invalid Alert condition was specified.
Action: Correct the Alert condition.
46563, attempting to drop a nonuser-defined Alert
Cause: Nonuser-defined Alert was specified.
Action: Provide a user-defined Alert.
46599, Internal error %s
Cause: Internal error occurred in Audit Vault.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

E.1.6 Server-Side Audit Service Error Messages

This section describes the server-side audit service error codes.

46601, The authenticated user is not authorized with audit source
Cause: User is not authorized to send audit data on behalf of this audit source.
Action: Connect as the user who is associated with the source. Or grant this user appropriate authorization by changing the source's properties.
46602, Error on audit record insert as RADS partition full
Cause: RADS partition table is full.
Action: Purge the RADS partition table through archive.
46603, Error on audit record insert as RADS_INVALID table full
Cause: RADS_INVALID table is full.
Action: Need to purge RADS_INVALID table or make its size larger.
46604, Error on insert as Error table full
Cause: Error table is full.
Action: Need to purge the error table.
46605, There are more recovery entries than the maximum member can be returned
Cause: There are more recovery entries for this collector.
Action: Need to purge the old entries from the recovery table.
46606, There is no recovery entry for the given name
Cause: There was no recovery context matching to the given name.
Action: Need to check if the name was correct or if the recovery context was saved for this name.
46607, There are more configuration entries than the maximum member can be returned
Cause: There were more configuration entries for this collector.
Action: Need to reduce the configuration entries for this collector.

E.1.7 Data Warehouse Error Messages

This section describes messages from the data warehouse.

46620, invalid interval %s for data warehouse duration; must be positive
Cause: Invalid interval was specified for data warehouse duration.
Action: Specify valid interval, the interval should be positive.
46621, invalid start date %s for data warehouse operation; must be less than %s
Cause: Invalid start date was specified for data warehouse load/purge operation.
Action: Specify valid start date, the start date must be less than current date - warehouse duration.
46622, invalid number of days %s for data warehouse operation; must be greater than 0
Cause: Invalid number of days was specified for data warehouse load/purge operation.
Action: Specify valid number of days, the number of days must be positive
46623, cannot execute warehouse operation; another operation is currently running
Cause: A warehouse operation was executed while another operation is currently running.
Action: Wait for the operation to complete before reissuing the command.
46624, invalid schedule %s for data warehouse refresh schedule
Cause: Invalid schedule was specified for data warehouse refresh.
Action: Specify valid non-null schedule.
46625, invalid repeat interval %s for data warehouse refresh schedule
Cause: Invalid schedule was specified for data warehouse refresh.
Action: Specify valid non-null repeat interval.
46640, specified source name %s was not found
Cause: Invalid source name was specified.
Action: Specify a valid source name.
46641, archive does not exist
Cause: Invalid archive id was specified.
Action: Specify valid archive ID.
46642, database audit type invalid
Cause: Invalid database audit type specified.
Action: Database audit type must be S for standard or F for FGA.
46643, audit frequency invalid
Cause: Invalid audit frequency specified.
Action: Audit frequency must be A for "by access" or S for "by session".
46644, return type invalid
Cause: Return type was invalid.
Action: Return type must be S for "success", F for "failure", or B for "both".
46645, privilege flag invalid
Cause: Privilege flag is invalid.
Action: The privilege flag must be Y or N.
46646, specified Agent name %s was not found
Cause: Invalid Agent name was specified.
Action: Specify a valid Agent name.

E.2 Audit Vault Client Error Messages

This section describes the Oracle Audit Vault client error messages.

E.2.1 General Error Messages

This section describes the general error messages.

46800, Normal, successful completion
Cause: Normal exit.
Action: None.
46801, Out of memory
Cause: The process ran out of memory.
Action: Increase the amount of memory on the system.

E.2.2 CSDK Error Messages

This section describes the CSDK error messages.

46821, generic CSDK error (line %d)
Cause: There was a generic error in CSDK.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
46822, no collector details for collector %s
Cause: Collector is not properly set up in AV tables.
Action: Configure collector.
46823, attribute %s is not valid for category
Cause: Collector attempted to set invalid attribute.
Action: Contact collector owner.
46824, type is not valid for attribute %s
Cause: Collector attempted to set value of wrong type to attribute.
Action: Contact collector owner.
46825, invalid record
Cause: Collector attempted to pass invalid record.
Action: Contact collector owner.
46826, invalid parameter %s (line %d)
Cause: Collector attempted to pass invalid parameter.
Action: Contact collector owner.
46827, invalid context
Cause: Collector attempted to pass invalid context.
Action: Contact collector owner.
46828, OCI layer error %d
Cause: OCI layer returned error.
Action: Contact collector owner.
46829, category %s unknown
Cause: Collector attempted to pass category not configured in AV.
Action: Contact collector owner.
46830, null pointer (line %d)
Cause: Collector attempted to pass null pointer.
Action: Contact collector owner.
46831, invalid source event id (%s)
Cause: Collector passed source event id not suitable for category.
Action: Contact collector owner.
46832, internal error (line %d)
Cause: Internal error occurred in CSDK.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
46833, invalid error record
Cause: Collector attempted to pass invalid error record.
Action: Contact collector owner.
46834, missing attribute in error record
Cause: One or more attributes of error record is missing.
Action: Contact collector owner.
46835, duplicate error attribute
Cause: Collector attempted to set already set attribute.
Action: Contact collector owner.
46836, error record in use
Cause: Attempt to create a new error record before sending or dropping the previous one.
Action: Contact collector owner.
46837, missing eventid attribute in audit record
Cause: Eventid attributes of audit record is missing.
Action: Contact collector owner.

E.2.3 OSAUD Collector Error Messages

This section describes the OSAUD collector error messages.

46901, internal error, %s
Cause: There was a generic internal exception for OS Audit Collector.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
46902, process could not be started, incorrect arguments
Cause: Wrong number of arguments or invalid syntax used.
Action: Please verify that all the required arguments are provided. The required arguments are Host name, Source name, Collector name, and the Command.
46903, process could not be started, operating system error
Cause: The process could not be spawned because of an operating system error.
Action: Please consult the log file for detailed operating system error.
46904, collector %s already running for source %s
Cause: Collector specified was already running.
Action: Provide a different collector or source name.
46905, collector %s for source %s does not exist
Cause: Collector specified was not running.
Action: Provide a different collector or source name.
46906, could not start collector %s for source %s, reached maximum limit
Cause: No more collectors could be started for the given source.
Action: None.
46907, could not start collector %s for source %s, configuration error
Cause: Some collector parameters were not configured correctly.
Action: Check the configuration parameters added during ADD_COLLECTOR.
46908, could not start collector %s for source %s, directory access error for %s
Cause: Access to specified directory was denied.
Action: Verify the path is correct and the collector has read permissions on the specified directory.
46909, could not start collector %s for source %s, internal error: [%s], [%d]
Cause: An internal error occurred while starting the collector.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
46910, error processing collector %s for source %s, directory access error for %s
Cause: Access to specified directory was denied.
Action: Verify the path is correct and the collector has read permissions on the specified directory.
46911, error processing collector %s for source %s, internal error: [%s], [%d]
Cause: An internal error occurred while processing the collector.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
46912, could not stop collector %s for source %s
Cause: An error occurred while closing the collector.
Action: None.
46913, error in recovery of collector %s for source %s: %s
Cause: An error occurred while accessing the file.
Action: Verify the path is correct and the collector has read permissions on the specified directory.
46914, error in recovery of collector %s for source %s, internal error: [%s], [%d]
Cause: An internal error occurred while getting recovery information for collector.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
46915, error in parsing of collector %s for source %s: %s
Cause: An error occurred while accessing the file.
Action: Verify the path is correct and the collector has read permissions on the specified directory.
46916, error in parsing of collector %s for source %s, internal error [%s], [%d]
Cause: An internal error occurred while parsing data for collector.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
46917, error processing request, collector not running
Cause: OS Audit Collector was not running and a command was issued.
Action: Start the collector using command START.
46918, could not process the command; invalid command
Cause: An invalid value was passed to the command argument.
Action: Please verify that a valid value is passed to command argument. The valid values are START, STOP and METRIC.
46919, error processing METRIC command; command is not in the required format
Cause: METRIC command was not in the required METRIC:XYZ format.
Action: Please verify that the metric passed is in METRIC:XYZ format where XYZ is the type of metric (Example: METRIC:ISALIVE).
46920, could not start collector %s for source %s, directory or file name %s is too long
Cause: The name of directory or file was too long.
Action: Verify the length of the path is less than the system-allowed limit.
46921, error processing collector %s for source %s, directory or file name %s is too long
Cause: The name of directory or file was too long.
Action: Verify the length of the path is less than the system-allowed limit.
46922, could not start collector %s for source %s, cannot open Windows event log
Cause: Windows event log could not be opened.
Action: Verify event log exists.

E.2.4 DBAUD Collector Error Messages

This section describes the DBAUD collector error messages.

46941, internal error, %d
Cause: There was a generic internal exception for AUD$ Audit Collector.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
46942, invalid AUD Collector context
Cause: The AUD Collector context passed to collector was invalid.
Action: Be sure that the context that is passed is the context returned by zaac_start.
46943, NULL AUD Collector context
Cause: The pointer to AUD Collector context passed to Collector was NULL.
Action: Make sure that context passed is the context returned by zaac_start.
46944, conversion error
Cause: The VARCHAR retrieved from AUD$ or FGA_LOG$ table cannot be converted to ub4.
Action: Correct value in source database.
46945, bad recovery record
Cause: The recovery record retrieved from Audit Vault was damaged.
Action: None. The record will be corrected automatically.
46946, too many active sessions
Cause: The number of active sessions exceeds the specified number in the GV$PARAMETER table.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
46947, CSDK layer error
Cause: CSDK layer returned error indication.
Action: Action should be specified in CSDK error report.
46948, already stopped
Cause: AUD collector already stopped because of previous fatal error.
Action: Restart the Collector.
46949, log level
Cause: Specified log level was invalid.
Action: Use a legal log level (1,2,3).
46950, log file
Cause: Error during opening of log file.
Action: Make sure that the log directory exists, and that the directory and log file are writable.
46951, bad value for AUD collector attribute
Cause: Specified collector attribute was invalid.
Action: Correct the attribute value in the Audit Vault table AV$ATTRVALUE.
46952, bad name for AUD collector metric
Cause: The specified metric name was undefined.
Action: Use a correct metric name.
46953, unsupported version
Cause: The specified version of the Source database is not supported.
Action: Update to supported version.
46954, recovery context of 10.x
Cause: Source database (9.x) was incompatible with 10.x recovery context.
Action: Clean up AUD$ and FGA_LOG$ tables and recovery context.
46955, recovery context of 9.x
Cause: Source database (10.x) was incompatible with 9.x recovery context.
Action: Clean up AUD$ and FGA_LOG$ tables and recovery context.
46956, FGA_LOG$ table of 9.x
Cause: Source database (10.x) was incompatible with 9.x rows of FGA_LOG$.
Action: Clean up FGA_LOG$ table.
46957, RAC recovery context
Cause: Non-RAC source database was incompatible with RAC recovery context.
Action: Clean up AUD$ and FGA_LOG$ tables and recovery context.
46958, Non-RAC recovery context
Cause: RAC source database was incompatible with Non RAC recovery context
Action: Clean up AUD$ and FGA_LOG$ tables and recovery context.
46959, bad authentication information
Cause: Incorrect format of authentication information in the column COMMENT$TEXT.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.