This figure is a diagram of the Oracle Calendar server CWS alert process. At the top of the diagram there is a box, representing the unicwsd daemon. A line extends from the bottom of the box, splitting into to arrows, representing two different alert flows.

The alert flow on the left, represents E-mail alerts. An arrow points downward, to a box representing the SMTP Sender. From the SMTP sender an arrow points downward to a circle representing the mail server. Finally, the arrow points downward from the mail server to an image representing a workstation.

The alert flow on the right, represents Wireless alerts. An arrow points downward, to a box representing the sendalert utility. From the sendalert utility an arrow points downward to a box representing Oracle Mobile Collaboration PIM Notification Dispatcher. From the Oracle Mobile Collaboration PIM Notification dispatcher, an arrow points downward to a circle, representing Oracle Mobile Collaboration. Finally, the arrow points downward from Oracle Mobile Collaboration to an image representing a mobile phone.