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Oracle® Calendar Reference Manual
10g Release 1 (10.1.2)

Part Number B25486-03
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6 Calendar Server Utilities

This chapter contains full instructions on the usage and syntax of all utilities shipped with your Oracle Calendar server. Note that the Oracle Universal Installer does not install UNIX-only utilities on Windows platforms. All utilities are installed in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/bin directory.

The following table lists all utilities in alphabetical order.

Table 6-1 Oracle Calendar server utilities

Utility Function


Manage access rights between users.


Create a new Oracle Calendar server node or re-initialize an existing one


Manage the administration rights of users.


Create a tar archive of the Oracle Calendar server.


Convert an Oracle Calendar server node database from a format for big-endian processors to a format for little-endian processors.


Verify the Oracle Calendar server file system.


Generate a checksum for a file.


Clean up the Oracle Calendar server file system (remove transient files and set permissions).


Copy resource data from a file created by unicpoutr to an Oracle Calendar server node.


Copy the contents of a file of user data created by unicpoutu to an Oracle Calendar server node.


Copy resource data from an Oracle Calendar server node into a file.


Copy user data from an Oracle Calendar server node to a file.


Format of the file created by unicpoutr and read by unicpinr.


Format of the file created by unicpoutu and read by unicpinu.


Create an archive of the Oracle Calendar server.


Convert a version 2.62, or 6.00 node database to version 6.10.


Check, repair, defragment and maintain an Oracle Calendar server node database.


Restore the contents of an Oracle Calendar server from a backup created by unidbbackup.


Export an Oracle Calendar server node to LDIF


Set the access control information in the directory server for the Oracle Calendar server ADMIN group. (External directories only, not available for Oracle Internet Directory)


Find and delete differences between an Oracle Calendar server node and a directory server. (external directory only)


List all users in a directory server who are not Oracle Calendar server users (external directory only).


Synchronize the information in an Oracle Calendar server node with that in a directory server (external directory only).


Report the status of the directory server (external directory only).


Encrypt a password for inclusion in an Oracle Calendar server configuration file


Create, modify and delete administrative and public groups


Import iCAL VEVENTs into an agenda.


Convert an Oracle Calendar server node database from a format for little-endian processors to a format for big-endian processors.


Display Oracle Calendar server SIGNON/SIGNOFF statistics.


Display information on memory usage


Import data from MeetingMaker servers to Oracle Calendar server.


Move a user from one Oracle Calendar server node to another.


Administer an Oracle Calendar server node network.


Utility used by the installation process to configure Oracle Calendar server with Oracle internet Directory.


Change a user password on an Oracle Calendar server database. Internal directory servers only.


Ping an Oracle Calendar server node or nodes.


View, and optionally delete, requests in the queue of the Corporate-Wide Services (CWS) daemon.


Restore a user's calendar data from a backup


Remove old events and tasks from agendas in an Oracle Calendar server database.


Delete a remote node from a local Oracle Calendar server node database.


Propagate deletions in the local information of one node to another node in the network.


Compute the size of the Oracle Calendar server installation.


Extract information from Oracle Calendar server log files.


Compile Oracle Calendar server information for diagnostic purposes.


Retrieve statistics from the Oracle Calendar server's Synchronous Network Connection daemon/service.


Start up a node, the Oracle Calendar server or some components only.


Produce a report on an Oracle Calendar server node.


Display summary statistics of the data in an Oracle Calendar server statistics (stats.log) file.


Determine the status of the Oracle Calendar server.


Shut down a node, the Oracle Calendar server or some components only.


Convert a string to UTF-8


Refresh synchronization records.


Print information about an Oracle Calendar server time zone.


List, add, or delete calendar users, resources or event calendars; modify the information associated with them.


Verify the version of the Oracle Calendar server and its components.


Display information on signed-on calendar users.


uniaccessrights - Grant access rights to agendas of users, resources or event calendars.


uniaccessrights -ls -grantee <user> -grantor <filter> 
[-n <node-ID>] [-host <hostname:port>] [-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]
[-designate] [-eventview] [-taskview] [-scheduling]

uniaccessrights -mod -grantee <user>  -grantor <filter>  
[-n <node-ID>] [-host <hostname:port>] [-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]
[-designate <modifier>] [-taskview <modifier>] [-eventview <modifier>]  [-scheduling <modifier>]

uniaccessrights -reset -grantee <user>  -grantor <filter>  
[-n <node-ID>] [-host <hostname:port>] [-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]
[-designate] | [-taskview] | [-eventview] | [-scheduling]]

uniaccessrights -info [-n <node-ID>] [-host <hostname:port>] 
[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]
[[-designate] | [-taskview] | [-eventview] | [-scheduling]]

uniaccessrights -v 
uniaccessrights -h 


This utility allows the administrator to grant a user access rights to another user's, resource's or event calendar's calendar data, as well as to modify or revoke these rights. It can also be used to set access rights to users in bulk.

The access rights that can be granted from one user, resource or event calendar (grantor) to another (grantee) are:

Note that the -ls option is mutually exclusive with the -mod option, and with the -reset option.

The Oracle Calendar server must be up to run uniaccessrights.




Change the designate rights. A designate is a user who has been assigned the right to modify the agenda of another user or resource. Use this flag to give or remove designate access to the grantor's calendar data. See FORMAT OF THE <modifier> ARGUMENT for details on the <modifier> argument.



Change the calendar event viewing rights. Use this flag to set viewing rights to the grantor's agenda entries. See FORMAT OF THE <modifier> ARGUMENT for details on the <modifier> argument.


filter: <user> / [<resource>] / [<eventcal>]

Specify the entity that is granting the rights for access to its calendar. The grantor can be a user, resource or event calendar. If more than one match for the entity is found in the database, uniaccessrights fails. An action (-mod/-reset/-ls) must be specified along with this option. See FORMAT OF THE <user> ARGUMENT for syntax information.



Specify the user or users to whom the access rights are granted. If this is a multi-node network, specify the grantee's remote node-ID. If more than one match for the user is found in the database, you will be prompted to choose from three options: (Q)uit, (P)rompt or (A)pply to all. Enter Q if you do not want to grant access to all matching users. Enter P if you want to be prompted for each matching user. Enter A and the specified access rights will be granted to all matching users. An action (-mod/-reset/-ls) must be specified along with this option. See FORMAT OF THE <user> ARGUMENT for details on the <user> argument.



Specify the name and port number of the host on which the grantor's account exists. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.


Print the keys and values that can be used as valid arguments for specifying the <modifier> strings. The values listed in the <modifier> following tables will be displayed.


Use automatic Kerberos login with a valid Kerberos ticket. To use this option, the user running the utility must be an Oracle Calendar server user with administrative rights, and have a UID on the Kerberos server that matches the Oracle Calendar server UID. This option cannot be used with the -uid option.


List the rights that the grantor has currently granted to the grantee for the specified access type. Use one or more of the options -designate, -eventview, -taskview or -scheduling to specify which rights to display. If none are specified, all rights are displayed. A grantee must be specified. The default rights that the grantor has granted will be displayed with the heading "Grantee: Everyone".


Change the access rights to be granted by a user to another user. Used with the -grantor and -grantee options. Use the options -designate, -eventview, -taskview or -scheduling to specify which rights to modify.



Specify the node on which the grantor's account exists. Required if more than one node exists on the host.


Reset an access right to the grantor's default. Used with the -grantor and -grantee options. Use the -ls option to display a user's default rights.



Change the scheduling rights. Use this flag to grant a user (grantee) the right to invite another user (grantor). See FORMAT OF THE <modifier> ARGUMENT for details on the <modifier> argument.



Change the task viewing rights. Use this flag to set viewing rights to the grantor's tasks. See FORMAT OF THE <modifier> ARGUMENT for details on the <modifier> argument.



The administrator's user ID. If none is specified the SysOp is used.


Print the current version number of uniaccessrights.


Print a usage message explaining how to run uniaccessrights.



This argument can represent a user, a resource or an event calendar. The <user> argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. The "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "S=Hoopla/OU1=R\/D".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (for example, the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they may need to be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.


If the ID key-value pair is specified in the user argument, all other key-value pairs specified along with it are ignored.

Some example specifications are: "S=Kilpi/G=Eeva", "S=B*/G=Nicole/O=Acme", "O=Acme/ID=1111/OU1=authors"

Table 6-2 Accepted keys: UNIACCESSRIGHTS

Key X.400 Field




Given name






User unique identifier


Resource name


Resource number




Event calendar name


Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4






Administration domain


Private domain


Node ID




Display name


Home phone number


Alternate home phone number


Alternate business phone


Building name


Office street address






Postal Code




User's Alias




Assistant's name


Assistant's phone number


The <modifier> argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any of the possible values listed in the following table for each key. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive.

For the -designate option, use "NONE" if you wish to give no access to the type of calendar entries specified by the key. Use "REPLY" to give the right to reply to invitations for this type of calendar entries. Use "MODIFY" to give the right to modify any details of the specified calendar entries that the grantor owns (created). Use "VIEWTIMES" to give the designate user the right to see the start and end times of a given type of event. Use the key and value "ALL=true" to give the grantee designate rights to all calendar data. Use the key and value "ALL=false" to remove all designate rights. Granting designate rights to a user must include the right to modify at least one type of event.

For the -eventview and -taskview options, use "NONE" if you don't wish the grantee to view any calendar entries of the type specified by the key. Use "TIMES" to give the right to see the times of the events. Use "ALL" to give the right to see any details of the specified calendar entries that are in the grantor's agenda. Public entries in a user's agenda are always viewable by other users.

The only right that can be set for the -scheduling option is the right to invite a user. Use "CANBOOKME=true" to give the right to the grantee to invite the grantor.

Table 6-3 Accepted keys and values for UNIACCESSRIGHTS -designate option

Key Possible values


[true, false]

















Table 6-4 Accepted keys and values for UNIACCESSRIGHTS -eventview option

Key Values


[true, false]







Table 6-5 Accepted keys and values for UNIACCESSRIGHTS -taskview option

Key Values


[true, false]







Table 6-6 Accepted keys and values for UNIACCESSRIGHTS -scheduling options

Key Values


[true, false]



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error


uniaddnode - Create a new Oracle Calendar server node or re-initialize an existing one.


Internal Directory (no external directory)

uniaddnode -n <node-ID> [-t <timezone>] [-a <nodealias>] [-r] [-y]
uniaddnode -sn <startNode-ID> [-num <numberOfNodes>] [-y]
uniaddnode -v 
uniaddnode -h 

External Directory Server (Oracle Collaboration Suite)

uniaddnode [-n nodeId] [-t timezone] [-a alias] [-r] [-y]
uniaddnode -sn StartNode -num NumberOfNodes [-y]
uniaddnode -v
uniaddnode -h

External Directory Server (standalone)

uniaddnode -n <node-ID> [-t <timezone>] [-a <nodealias>] [-r] [-y]
uniaddnode -sn <startNode-ID> [-num <numberOfNodes>] [-y]
uniaddnode -v 
uniaddnode -h 


This utility creates and initializes a new Oracle Calendar server node.

It can also be used to re-initialize an existing node. Before re-initializing a node, the user accounts must be deleted from the node's calendar database. This will ensure a proper clean-up of the user accounts information in any connected nodes and in the LDAP directory if one exists.

The usage varies slightly when no external LDAP directory is used.

uniaddnode runs only when the Oracle Calendar server is down.




Specify an alias for the node. <nodealias> is a descriptive word which cannot contain spaces.



Specify the node-ID. The node-ID must be unique across all nodes in the network. The -n option is optional when connected to the Oracle Internet Directory where if no node-ID is specified, a random node-ID will be generated.


Re-initialize the node.


All existing calendar data of the node is lost.

Note that in the case of an external LDAP directory, all users and resources must first be removed from the node before it can be re-initialized.



Specify a time zone for the node. The default is the time zone set during installation of the Oracle Calendar server. Time zones can be obtained from the unitzinfo utility, the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/timezone.ini file, or in Chapter 7, "Calendar TimeZone Table".



Specify the node-ID of the first node to be initialized. The node-ID must be unique across all nodes in the network. Use -num to specify how many node-IDs to be initialized. The node-IDs will be generated automatically starting with the specified start node-ID.



Used with the -sn option to specify the number of node-IDs to be generated for the node initialization.


Used with the -r option to auto-confirm the re-initialization. Used with the -sn option to confirm the node range when nodes already exist in that range.


Print the current version number of uniaddnode.


Print a usage message explaining how to run uniaddnode.




This is the Oracle Calendar server configuration file. For each new node, a node entry is created in this file by the uniaddnode utility.


Exit values are:

0 Success

Any nonzero value signals an error.


uniadmrights - Manage the administration rights of users.


uniadmrights -info [-n <node-ID>] [-host <hostname:port>] [-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

uniadmrights -ls -u <user> [-n <node-ID>] [-host <hostname:port>] [-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

uniadmrights -scope <scope> -u <user> [-n <node-ID>] [-host <hostname:port>] 
[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

uniadmrights -u <user> [-n <node-ID>] [-host <hostname:port>] 
[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]
[-user <rightsFilter>] [-resource <rightsFilter>] [-eventcal <rightsFilter>] [-admgrp <rightsFilter>] [-pubgrp <rightsFilter>]  [-node <rightsFilter>] [-server <rightsFilter>] [-csm <rightsFilter>]

uniadmrights -v 
uniadmrights -h 


This utility allows the SYSOP, or a user with administration rights to grant certain administration rights to users as well as to revoke these rights. It can also be used to determine the rights held by each user.

The existing rights are granted on a per-node basis and apply to various groups of administration rights:

By default, uniadmrights option -ls lists all rights that have been granted by the SYSOP, or a user with administration rights to a user. Note that the -ls option is mutually exclusive with the other options.

The Oracle Calendar server must be up to run uniadmrights.


Use the ManageHolidays, ManageAdmGroups, and CreatePublicGroups keywords in the user.ini file to automatically grant one or more of these administration rights on user creation.




Specify the administrative groups management rights. Use this option to give rights to manage administrative groups. Cannot be used with -ls. See FORMAT OF THE <rightsFilter> ARGUMENT for details on the <rightsFilter> argument.



Give or revoke access to the CSM (Calendar Server Manager). Use this option to give the right to start and stop an Oracle Calendar server or to disable a node. Cannot be used with -ls.

These rights however will still require that the administrator user know the CSM uid and password. See uninode, unistart, unistop. See FORMAT OF THE <rightsFilter> ARGUMENT for details on the <rightsFilter> argument.



Specify the event calendar administration rights. Cannot be used with -ls. See FORMAT OF THE <rightsFilter> ARGUMENT for details on the <rightsFilter> argument.



Specify the name and port number of the host. Required if the host is remote. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.


Use automatic Kerberos login with a valid Kerberos ticket. To use this option, the user running the utility must be an Oracle Calendar server user with administrative rights, and have a UID on the Kerberos server that matches the Oracle Calendar server UID. This option cannot be used with the -uid option.


List all rights granted to the specified user.


Specify the node. Required if more than one node exists on the host.




Specify the node level administration rights. See FORMAT OF THE <rightsFilter> ARGUMENT for details on the <rightsFilter> argument.



Specify the public groups management rights. Cannot be used with -ls. See FORMAT OF THE <rightsFilter> ARGUMENT for details on the <rightsFilter> argument.



Specify the resource administration rights. Cannot be used with -ls. See FORMAT OF THE <rightsFilter> ARGUMENT for details on the <rightsFilter> argument.



Specify the scope of the administration rights. There are two possible values for <scope>: node or network. Use node if the rights are to be limited to the user's own node. Use network if the administrative rights can be applied to any node of the network (all nodes connected to the specified node). The scope will apply to all groups of rights granted to this user.



Specify the server administration rights. Cannot be used with -ls. See FORMAT OF THE <rightsFilter> ARGUMENT for details on the <rightsFilter> argument.



Specify the user whose administrative rights will be modified or simply listed (-ls). If more than one match for the user is found in the database, uniadmrights fails. The specified right(s) will be granted to the user. See FORMAT OF THE <user> ARGUMENT for details on the <user> argument.



The administrator's user ID. If none is specified the SysOp is used.



Specify the user administration rights. Cannot be used with -ls. See FORMAT OF THE <rightsFilter> ARGUMENT for details on the <rightsFilter> argument.


Print the current version number of uniadmrights.


Print a usage message explaining how to run uniadmrights.



The <user> argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. The "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "S=Hoopla/OU1=R\/D".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (for example, the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they may need to be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.


If the ID key-value pair is specified in the user argument, all other key-value pairs specified along with it are ignored.

Some example specifications are: "S=Kilpi/G=Eeva", "S=B*/G=Nicole/O=Acme", "O=Acme/ID=1111/OU1=authors"

Table 6-7 Accepted keys: UNIADMRIGHTS

Key X.400 Field




Given name






User unique identifier




Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4






Administration domain


Private domain




Display name


Home phone number


Alternate home phone number


Alternate business phone


Building name


Office street address






Postal Code




User's Alias




Assistant's name


Assistant's phone number


The <rightsFilter> argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any of the possible values listed in the following table for each key. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive.

Use the key and value "ALL=true" to give all the administrative rights of the specified group of administration rights to the specified user. Use the key and value "ALL=false" to remove all the rights.

Table 6-8 Accepted keys and values for UNIADMRIGHTS -user option

Key Possible values Description


[true, false]

All rights listed in this table


[true, false]

Create user accounts


[true, false]

Modify user account information


[true, false]

Delete user accounts


[true, false]

Enable or disable user accounts


[true, false]

Grant administration rights to a user


[true, false]

Set designate rights for users


[true, false]

Grant viewing rights to a user's calendar data


[true, false]

Change user passwords


[true, false]

Transfer event ownership from one user to another

Table 6-9 Accepted keys and values for UNIADMRIGHTS -resource option

Key Possible values Description


[true, false]

All rights listed in this table


[true, false]

Create resource accounts


[true, false]

Modify resource account information


[true, false]

Delete resource accounts


[true, false]

Enable or disable resource accounts


[true, false]

Set designate rights for resources


[true, false]

Grant viewing rights of a resource's calendar data


[true, false]

Change resource passwords


[true, false]

Transfer event ownership from one resource to another

Table 6-10 Accepted keys and values for UNIADMRIGHTS -eventcal option

Key Possible values Description


[true, false]

All rights listed in this table


[true, false]

Create event calendar accounts


[true, false]

Modify event calendar account information


[true, false]

Delete event calendar accounts


[true, false]

Enable or disable event calendar accounts


[true, false]

Set designate rights for event calendars


[true, false]

Grant viewing rights of an event calendar's calendar data


[true, false]

Change event calendar passwords


[true, false]

Manage event calendar's entries

Table 6-11 Accepted keys and values for UNIADMRIGHTS -admgrp option

Key Possible values Description


[true, false]

All rights listed in this table


[true, false]

Create administrative groups


[true, false]

Modify administrative groups


[true, false]

Delete administrative groups


[true, false]

Add a user to an administrative group


[true, false]

Remove a user from an administrative group

Table 6-12 Accepted keys and values for UNIADMRIGHTS -pubgrp option

Key Possible values Description


[true, false]

All rights listed in this table


[true, false]

Create public groups


[true, false]

Modify public groups


[true, false]

Delete public groups


[true, false]

Add a user to a public group


[true, false]

Remove a user from a group

Table 6-13 Accepted keys and values for UNIADMRIGHTS -node option

Key Possible values Description


[true, false]

All rights listed in this table


[true, false]

Using the Calendar Administrator WEB interface, Edit the user.ini, resource.ini or eventcal.ini files


[true, false]

Restore a user


[true, false]

Manage holidays


[true, false]

Change the node information in the unison.ini (alias, or time zone) using the Calendar Administrator WEB interface

Table 6-14 Accepted keys and values for UNIADMRIGHTS -server option

Key Possible values Description


[true, false]

All rights listed in this table


[true, false]

Update the unison.ini file

Table 6-15 Accepted keys and values for UNIADMRIGHTS -csm option

Key Possible values Description


[true, false]

All rights listed in this table


[true, false]

Access the CSM to start and stop servers and nodes.



Directory Server Warning

It is important to understand the implications of the directory server configuration for Oracle Calendar server utilities.

Supplier-Consumer Configurations

In a supplier-consumer configuration, the scheduling of updates between the consumer and supplier may result in temporary differences between the two. This may mean that an Oracle Calendar server utility is reading from a consumer directory server that has not yet been synchronized with its supplier.

Additional Steps for Third-Party Directory Servers

When the Oracle Calendar server is deployed in standalone mode with a supported directory server, additional steps may be necessary to grant users administrative rights. For more information about granting non SYSOP users access to the directory server, see "Granting Access to Other Directory Servers" in Chapter 6 of Oracle Calendar Reference Manual.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error


unicpinr - Copy resource data from a file created by unicpoutr to an Oracle Calendar server node.


unicpinr [-add] [-f <filename>] [-start <day> <month> <year>] 
[-end <day> <month> <year>] [-host <hostname:port>] -n <Node-ID>

unicpinr [-add] [-start <day> <month> <year>] [-end <day> <month> <year>] 
[-host <hostname:port>] -n <Node-ID>  < [<filename>]

unicpinr -ls [<filename(s)>]

unicpinr -v 
unicpinr -h 


Copies a file containing resource data (created with the unicpoutr utility) into an Oracle Calendar server node. The utility can be used in conjunction with unicpoutr to move a resource from one node to another, or to add the agenda of one resource to that of another (see EXAMPLES).

By default, the resource specified in the file must already exist in the destination Oracle Calendar server node. If this is not the case, the -add option is used to add it.

unicpinr can only be run if the Oracle Calendar server is up.

It is important to understand how unicpinr handles the information in the file during the copy into the destination node.



Add the resource to the database before copying in the file. It is an error to specify this option if the resource already exists in the node. In the case of a directory server, the resource is created under the baseDN.


<day> <month> <year>

Set the end dates of the events to be processed. By default, all events in the file are created; this option and the -start option allow you to exclude certain events. Dates must be expressed in the form "day month year". Years must be specified using four digits. Some legal dates are "12 mar 1995", "15 october 1994", "25 12 1995" (for December 25, 1995). Variations such as "mar 12 1995" or "12 dec" are illegal and produce an error message.



Specify the input file name. The file must have been created with the unicpoutr utility. By default, standard input is used.



Specify the name and port number of the host. Required if the host is remote. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.


List the file name followed by the name of the resource it contains for each specified file name. Files not created with the unicpoutr command are not listed. If no file names are specified, the files of the current directory (.) are examined.



Specify the node.


<day> <month> <year>

Set the start date of the events to be processed. By default, all events in the file are created; this option and the -end option allow you to exclude certain events. Dates must be expressed in the form "day month year". Years must be specified using four digits. Some legal dates are "12 mar 1995", "15 october 1994", "25 12 1995" (for December 25, 1995). Variations such as "mar 12 1995" or "12 dec" are illegal and produce an error message.


Print the current version number of unicpinr.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unicpinr.


Table 6-16 Accepted keys: UNICPINR

Key Description


Resource name


Resource number




Contact's surname


Contact's given name




Phone number


Fax phone number



unicpinr is used in conjunction with unicpoutr and uniuser to move a resource from one node to another. In the following example, the resource "betacam" will be moved from node 30 to 35.

  1. Verify that the resource to be moved exists in node 30:

    % uniuser -ls "R=Betacam" -n 30
  2. Copy out the resource data to a file:

    % unicpoutr "R=Betacam" -f betacam.dat -n 30
  3. Delete the resource from the node. This is normal practice as you do not usually want the same resource to exist in two different nodes.

    % uniuser -del "R=Betacam" -n 30 
  4. Add the resource to the destination node:

    % unicpinr -add -f betacam.dat -n 35


unicpinr can be used in conjunction with unicpoutr to add the agenda of one resource to that of another resource. This example adds the agenda for "PineNook" to the agenda for "OakCranny".

  1. Copy out the resource data for PineNook (from node 30) to a file:

    % unicpoutr "R=PineNook" -f pinenook.dat -n 30
  2. Edit the file and modify the resource identifier to match that for OakCranny

    % vi pinenook.dat
  3. Copy in the file to OakCranny in node 30. Since this resource exists, the password, and agenda-specific preferences are not overwritten.

    % unicpinr -f pinenook.dat -n 30

    The agenda information for PineNook has been added to the existing agenda information for OakCranny.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


Agenda size and processing time

Depending on the size of the agenda in the file, unicpinr may take some time to complete.

Limitations of this utility

The unicp family of utilities have the following limitations that must be considered.

Directory Server Warning

It is important to understand the implications of the directory server configuration for Oracle Calendar server utilities. In a supplier-consumer configuration, the scheduling of updates between the consumer and supplier may result in temporary differences between the two. This may mean that an Oracle Calendar server utility is reading from a consumer directory server that has not yet been synchronized with its supplier.


unicpoutr, unicpr


uniarch - Create a tar archive of the Oracle Calendar server.


uniarch [-d] [-y] [-t | -f <filename>] [-p <path>] [-u <user>] [-g <group>]

uniarch -v 
uniarch -h 


uniarch creates a backup of the Oracle Calendar server. By default, the entire $ORACLE_HOME/ocal directory is archived.

You must invoke uniarch from outside of the directory or directories it is backing up. For example, to back up the entire Oracle Calendar server, you invoke uniarch from outside of the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal directory.

uniarch can only be run if the Oracle Calendar server is down.


uniarch backs up the Oracle Calendar server internal database. If a directory server is being used, its database should also be backed up.



Back up only the contents of $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db/nodes, the Oracle Calendar server database.



Specify the name of the archive file. If this option is not used, prompting for the filename occurs.


Force the tar default device to be used for the archive destination file.


By default, uniarch asks for confirmation before proceeding with the creation of the archive. This option tells uniarch to automatically proceed, without prompting for confirmation. Default if there is no tty associated with the calling process.



Specify the unix group.



Specify the path to the server directory which contains the db directory (such as -p "$ORACLE_HOME/ocal").



Specify the unix user.


Print the current version number of uniarch.


Print a usage message explaining how to run uniarch.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unib2lendian - Convert an Oracle Calendar server node database from a format for big-endian UNIX processors to a format for little-endian Windows processors. For more details on this utility, contact Oracle support.


unib2lendian [-n <node-ID>]
unib2lendian -v 
unib2lendian -h 


unib2lendian is used when migrating a node database from an Oracle Calendar server running on a big-endian UNIX machine such as Solaris, HP-UX or AIX, to one running on a little-endian machine, such as Windows.

This utility converts the *.dat files of the node database from big-endian to little-endian format. The conversion is executed on a copy of the files, leaving the original database untouched. The *.dat files are the only ones necessary to convert; the remaining files are built on the destination machine.

unil2bendian is the complementary utility for converting files from little-endian to big-endian format.

unib2lendian can only be run when the Oracle Calendar server is down.




Specify a node to convert. Required if more than one node exists on the local host.


Print the current version number of unib2lendian


Print a usage message explaining how to run unib2lendian.



The following example converts node 45, and moves it from an Oracle Calendar server running on a big-endian source system to an Oracle Calendar server running on a little-endian destination system.

In this example, the Oracle Calendar server installed on the destination system is of the same version as the source system. Moreover, a new calendar node exists on the destination system, and contains no production data. The empty contents of the destination node will be overwriten with the data migrated from the source node.

  1. Stop the Oracle Calendar server on both machines. Do not restart either server until instructed, later in this procedure.

  2. Back up the Oracle Calendar server database on the source and destination systems using the unidbbackup utility.

  3. Run unib2lendian on the source node.

    unib2lendian -n 45

    The converted copy of the node can be found in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db/nodes/<N#>/perm_conv directory, where <N#> is the value of the name parameter in the unison.ini section corresponding to the source node.

  4. Copy the source node's section from the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini file to the unison.ini file on the destination host. For example:

    name = N1
    version = A.02.62
  5. Copy all *.dat files in the perm_conv directory of the source system to the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db/nodes/<N#>/perm directory on the destination system.

  6. Copy the contents of the source system's $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db/nodes/<N#>/streams directory to the destination system's $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db/nodes/<N#>/streams directory.

  7. On the destination system, copy $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db/nodes/Nempty/perm/unison.dbd and $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db/nodes/Nempty/perm/vista.ctb files into the new $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db/nodes/<N#>/perm directory.

  8. If the node is part of a node network, you MUST update the network information before restarting the Oracle Calendar server.


    Failure to carry out this step may result in data loss and/or database corruption.

    In order to update the node's network information follow these steps:

    • First, stop all Oracle Calendar servers in the node network.

    • Use unidbfix to export the information in the remotenode.dat file to EACH and EVERY node's remotenode.ini file. For example, if the network were to consist of nodes 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50:

      % unidbfix -export -n 30
      % unidbfix -export -n 35
      % unidbfix -export -n 40
      % unidbfix -export -n 45
      % unidbfix -export -n 50


      Remember that unidbfix must be run on each node's local host.

    • Edit the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db/nodes/<Nx>/perm/remotenode.ini file for each node in the network, and change the host name associated with node 45.

    • If moving to a little-endian Unix host, run uniclean on node 45 to ensure that file ownership and permissions for the copied files are set correctly.

    • Run unidbfix -k on node 45 to create key files.

    • Use unidbfix -import to update the remotenode.dat file with the new information in the remotenode.ini files.

      % unidbfix -import -n 30
      % unidbfix -import -n 35
      % unidbfix -import -n 40
      % unidbfix -import -n 45
      % unidbfix -import -n 50

      This also rebuilds the key files for each node.

    • Update the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/nodes.ini file to reflect the change in host names for node 45.

  9. Restart all Oracle Calendar servers.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failed to convert the database

2 Usage error


unidbfix, unistart, unistop, uninode


unicheck - Verify the Oracle Calendar server file system.


unicheck [-nowarn] [-nodb | -maxdb <n>] [-c]

unicheck -v 
unicheck -h 


unicheck verifies the Oracle Calendar server file system. The utility first checks that the version of the Oracle Calendar server is intended to run on the local operating system. If this is not the case, unicheck prompts the user to determine whether or not they wish to continue. If the version runs on the local operating system, unicheck then verifies:

  1. that all necessary files and directories are present

  2. that the permissions, and owner and group information are correctly set on the files and directories.

Any discrepancies are reported. Unless an entire file or directory is missing, any problems found are fixed by running uniclean.

unicheck should be run periodically to ensure that the file system is in good order.

unicheck can be run whether the Oracle Calendar server is up or down.




Specifies the maximum number of node databases unicheck should consider. For example, if <n>=30, unicheck checks the files of only the first 30 nodes databases.


Do not print warning messages (error messages are still printed).


Do not check database files.


Computes a system-independent checksum for each static file. If this option is used, output should be redirected to a file for future use.


Print the current version number of unicheck.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unicheck.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 Warning error

4 Severe error

5 Critical error

6 User interrupt


unicksum - Generate a checksum for a file.


unicksum <filename>

unicksum -v 
unicksum -h 


unicksum generates a checksum for a file that is used to determine whether or not differences exist between two instances of the same file.

unicksum can be run when the Oracle Calendar server is up or down.



Print the version number of unicksum.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unicksum.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


uniclean - Clean up the Oracle Calendar server file system.



uniclean -v 
uniclean -h 


uniclean cleans up the Oracle Calendar server file system by removing some transient files and ensuring file/directory and owner/group permissions are properly set.

uniclean can be run when the Oracle Calendar server is up or down.



Print the current version number of uniclean.


Print a usage message explaining how to run uniclean.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt




unicpinu - Copy the contents of a file of user data created by unicpoutu to an Oracle Calendar server node.


unicpinu [-add ] [-f <filename>] [-start <day> <month> <year>] [-end <day> <month> <year>] [-host <hostname:port>] -n <node-ID>

unicpinu [-add ] [-start <day> <month> <year>] [-end <day> <month> <year>] [-host <hostname:port>] -n <node-ID> < <filename> 

unicpinu -ls [<filename(s)>]

unicpinu -v 
unicpinu -h 


unicpinu copies a file containing user data (created by unicpoutu) into an Oracle Calendar server node. The utility can be used in conjunction with unicpoutu to add the agenda of one user to that of another user (see EXAMPLES). Although it can also be used, in conjunction with unicpoutu, to move a user from one node to another, unimvuser is the proper utility for moving users. unimvuser prevents the data loss that occurs when moving users with unicpoutu and unicpinu.

By default, the user specified in the file must already exist in the destination Oracle Calendar server node. If this is not the case, they can be added using the -add option.

unicpinu can only be run if the Oracle Calendar server is up.

It is important to understand how unicpinu handles the information in the input file during the copy into the destination node:



Add the user to the database and then copy in the user's agenda. It is an error to specify this option if the user already exists. Note that for directory servers, the user must already exist in the directory server (all of the X.400 key-value pairs specified in the input file must match), and must not already be a calendar user.


<day> <month> <year>

Set the end date for the events and tasks to be processed. By default, all events and tasks in the file are created; this option and the -start option allow you to exclude certain events and tasks. Dates must be expressed in the form "day month year". Years must be expressed using four digits. Some legal dates are "12 mar 1995", "15 october 1994", "25 12 1995" (for December 25, 1995). Variations such as "mar 12 1995" or "12 dec" are illegal and produce an error message.



Specify the input file name. The file must be created with the unicpoutu utility. If this option is not specified, standard input is used.



Specify the name and port number of the host. Required if the host is remote. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.



Print the filename followed by the X.400 name and address of the user contained in the file, for each specified file name. Files not created by the unicpoutu command are not listed. If no file names are specified, the files in the current directory (.) are examined.



Specify the node.


<day> <month> <year>

Set the start date for the events and tasks to be processed. By default, all events and tasks in the file are created; this option and the -end option allow you to exclude certain events and tasks. Dates must be expressed in the form "day month year". Years must be expressed using four digits. Some legal dates are "12 mar 1995", "15 october 1994", "25 12 1995" (for December 25, 1995). Variations such as "mar 12 1995" or "12 dec" are illegal and produce an error message.


Print the current version number of unicpinu.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unicpinu.


Table 6-17 Accepted keys: UNICPINU

Key Description




Given name






Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4






Administration domain


Private domain



unicpinu is used in conjunction with unicpoutu and uniuser to move a user from one node to another. In this example the user "Sarah Herman" will be moved from node 20 to 44, and one of her organizational units changed from "Sales" to "R&D".


Use this procedure ONLY if unimvuser cannot complete the move you need to make. See WARNINGS for information on the data that is lost during this procedure.

  1. Verify that the user to be moved exists in node 20:

    % uniuser -ls "S=Herman/G=S*" -n 20
  2. Copy the user's agenda and user information to a file:

    % unicpoutu "G=Sara*/S=Herman -f sherman.dat -n 20
  3. Delete the user from node 20. This is normal practice as the same user should not exist in two different nodes. In the case of a directory server, this step is required if the subsequent unicpinu -add command is to succeed.

    % uniuser -del "G=Sara*/S=Herman" -n 20
  4. Add the user to the destination node:

    % unicpinu -add -f sherman.dat -n 44


unicpinu can be used in conjunction with unicpoutu to add one user's agenda to that of another user. This example adds Sarah Herman's agenda to Yannick Olafsen's agenda.

  1. Copy Sarah Herman's user data (from node 20) to a file:

    % unicpoutu "G=Sara*/S=Herman" -f sherman.dat -n 20
  2. Edit the sherman.dat file to modify the X.400 name and address to match that contained in the database for Yannick Olafsen.

    % vi sherman.dat
  3. Copy the file to node 24. Since Yannick Olafsen already exists as a user in node 24, his personal information, password, and agenda preferences are not overwritten.

    % unicpinu -f sherman.dat -n 24 

    The agenda information for Sarah Herman is added to the existing agenda information for Yannick Olafsen.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


Agenda size and processing time

Depending on the size of the agenda in the file, unicpinu may take some time to complete.

Limitations of this utility

The unicp family of utilities have the following limitations that must be considered.

Directory Server Warning

It is important to understand the implications of the directory server configuration for Oracle Calendar server utilities. In a supplier-consumer configuration, the scheduling of updates between the consumer and supplier may result in temporary differences between the two. This may mean that an Oracle Calendar server utility is reading from a consumer directory server that has not yet been synchronized with its supplier.


unicpoutu, unicpu


unicpoutr - Copy resource data from an Oracle Calendar server node into a file.


unicpoutr -u resname [-f <filename>] [-host <hostname:port>] 
[-start <day> <month> <year>] [-end <day> <month> <year>] -n <node-ID> 

unicpoutr -v 
unicpoutr -h 


unicpoutr copies a resource's data from an Oracle Calendar server node to a file. It can be used in conjunction with the unicpinr utility to move a resource from one node to another as well as to copy the resource agenda from one resource to another.

unicpoutr can only be run if the Oracle Calendar server is up.

unicpoutr copies the following information to the file (see unicpr for more information concerning the format and content of the output file):

The following information is NOT copied to the file:



<day> <month> <year>

Set the end date of the events to be processed. By default, all events are output; this option and the -start option allow you to exclude certain events. Dates must be expressed in the form "day month year". Years must be specified using four digits. Some legal dates are "12 mar 1995", "15 october 1994", "25 12 1995" (for December 25, 1995). Variations such as "mar 12 1995" or "12 dec" are illegal and produce an error message.



Specify the output file name. The file must not exist. By default, the standard output is used.



Specify the name and port number of the host. Required if the host is remote. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.



Specify the node.


<day> <month> <year>

Set the start date of the events to be processed. By default, all events are output; this option and the -end option allow you to exclude certain events. Dates must be expressed in the form "day month year". Years must be specified using four digits. Some legal dates are "12 mar 1995", "15 october 1994", "25 12 1995" (for December 25, 1995). Variations such as "mar 12 1995" or "12 dec" are illegal and produce an error message.



Used to specify a resource. The res argument must match a single resource or an error is reported. See FORMAT OF THE res ARGUMENT for details on how to specify this argument.


Print the current version number of unicpoutr.


Print a message explaining how to run unicpoutr.



The res argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. The "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "R=betacam\/loaner/S=Khupfer".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (for example, the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they should be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.

Note that if the ID key-value pair is specified in the res argument, all other key-value pairs specified along with it are ignored.

Table 6-18 Accepted keys: UNICPOUTR

Key Field


Resource name


Resource number




Contact's surname


Contact's given name




Resource unique identifier




Phone number


Fax phone number



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


Agenda size and processing time

Depending on the size of the agenda, unicpoutr may take some time to complete.

Limitations of this utility

The unicp family of utilities have the following limitations that must be considered.

Directory Server Warning

It is important to understand the implications of the directory server configuration for Oracle Calendar server utilities. In a supplier-consumer configuration, the scheduling of updates between the consumer and supplier may result in temporary differences between the two. This may mean that an Oracle Calendar server utility is reading from a consumer directory server that has not yet been synchronized with its supplier.


unicpinr, unicpr


unicpoutu - Copy user data from an Oracle Calendar server node to a file.


unicpoutu -u username [-f <filename>] [-host <hostname:port>] 
[-start <day> <month> <year>] [-end <day> <month> <year>] [-holiday] 
-n <node-ID>

unicpoutu -v 
unicpoutu -h 


unicpoutu copies a user's data from an Oracle Calendar server node to a file. It can be used in conjunction with the unicpinu utility to copy an agenda from one user to another. Although it can also be used, in conjunction with unicpinu, to move a user from one node to another, unimvuser is the proper utility for moving users. unimvuser prevents the data loss that occurs when moving users with unicpoutu and unicpinu.

unicpoutu can only be run if the Oracle Calendar server is up.

unicpoutu copies the following information to the file (see unicpu for more information concerning the format and content of the output file):

Also included are all incomplete tasks and, by default, all completed tasks. The -start and -end options may be used to export completed tasks falling within a specified time period.

The following information is NOT copied to the file:



<day> <month> <year>

Set the end date of the events and tasks to be processed. By default, all events and tasks are output; this option and the -start option allow you to exclude certain events and tasks. Dates must be expressed in "day month year" form. Years must be specified using four digits. Some legal dates are "12 mar 1995", "15 october 1994", "25 12 1995" (for December 25, 1995). Variations such as "mar 12 1995" or "12 dec" are illegal and produce an error message.



Specify the output file name. The file must not exist. By default, standard output is used.


Include the holidays from the user's agenda in the output file. Holidays are output as meetings, with all users in the node included as attendees to the meeting. If the user's agenda is subsequently input into a new node using unicpinu, only the existing holidays in the new node appear as holidays in the user's agenda; the holidays from the old node appear as meetings.



Specify the name and port number of the host. Required if the host is remote. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.



Specify the node.


<day> <month> <year>

Set the start date of the events and tasks to be processed. By default, all events and tasks are output; this option and the -end option allow you to exclude certain events and tasks. Dates must be expressed in "day month year" form. Years must be specified using four digits. Some legal dates are "12 mar 1995", "15 october 1994", "25 12 1995" (for December 25, 1995). Variations such as "mar 12 1995" or "12 dec" are illegal and produce an error message.



Used to specify a user. The user argument must match a single user or an error is reported. See FORMAT OF THE user ARGUMENT for details on how to specify this argument.


Print the current version number of unicpoutu.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unicpoutu.



The user argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. The "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "S=Hoopla/OU1=R\/D".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (for example, the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they should be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.


If the ID key-value pair is specified in the user argument, all other key-value pairs specified along with it are ignored.

Table 6-19 Accepted keys: UNICPOUTU

Key X.400 Field




Given name






User unique identifier




Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4






Administration domain


Private domain



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


Agenda size and processing time

Depending on the size of the agenda, unicpoutu may take some time to complete.

Limitations of this utility

The unicp family of utilities have the following limitations that must be considered.

Directory Server Warning

It is important to understand the implications of the directory server configuration for Oracle Calendar server utilities. In a supplier-consumer configuration, the scheduling of updates between the consumer and supplier may result in temporary differences between the two. This may mean that an Oracle Calendar server utility is reading from a consumer directory server that has not yet been synchronized with its supplier.


unicpinu, unicpu


unicpr - Format of the file the unicpoutr utility creates, and the unicpinr utility reads.


The unicpoutr utility creates, and the unicpinr utility reads, an ASCII file with the following format.

<resource identification>
K Events:
<event descriptions>

Except for the open brace bracket and close brace bracket which respectively open and close the <resource identification> section of the file, each line of the file begins with a single character code which defines the data stored on that line. A space follows the single character code. The unicpinr utility ignores blank lines and lines beginning with unknown codes.

Codes in the <resource identification> section are not legal in the <event descriptions> section, and vice versa.

The following describes the lines that the <resource identification> section may contain.

Table 6-20 Accepted lines: UNICPR <resource identification>

Code and Arguments Data Type Description

E encrypt_flag


File encryption flag; currently only False is available

F file_type


File type; currently this is the string "Unison Export File"

I password


Resource's un-encrypted password

N number


Number of events in the file

P preferences


Resource's display and notification preferences; the 12 integers, from first to last, are:


StartDay (in minutes)

EndDay (in minutes)

StartWeek display

Display in time increments

Display days

Display time format

Periodic refresh

Refresh frequency

Mail notification


Lead time before reminders

R a name


Resource's name

R b number


Resource's number

R c capacity


Resource's capacity

R d phone_number


Resource's phone number

R e extension


Resource's extension number

R f fax_number


Resource's fax number

V version#


Version number; currently this is A.02.53

X contact_data


Contact's X.400 data

The following describes the lines that the <event descriptions> section may contain.

Table 6-21 Accepted lines: UNICPR <event descriptions>

Code and Arguments Data Type Description

S date


Event start time in (UNIAPI_TIME) or as a date specification

D duration


Event duration in minutes

T title


Event title

G location


Event location

I class


Event class (normal, holiday,...)

R type&priority


Event type (normal, public,...) followed by priority (1, 2,...)

M creator


Event creator

W owner


Event owner

A attending reminder leadtime


Indicates whether resource is attending (TRUE/FALSE); Visual Reminder (0, 1); Lead time (in minutes)

C description


Event description; this may span several lines and include a list of attendees. When it does span more than one line, each subsequent line must begin with "C" as well.


End of an event instance



unicpinr(8), unicpoutr(8).


unicpu - File format of the file the unicpoutu utility creates, and the unicpinu utility reads.


The unicpoutu utility creates, and the unicpinu utility reads, an ASCII file with the following format.

<user identification>
K Events:
<event descriptions>
K Tasks:
<task descriptions>

Except for the open brace bracket and close brace bracket which respectively open and close the <user identification> section of the file, each line of the file begins with a single character code which defines the data stored on that line. A space follows the single character code. The unicpinu utility ignores blank lines and lines beginning with unknown codes.

Codes in the <user identification> are not legal in either of the other two sections, and vice versa.

The following describes the lines that the <user identification> section may contain.

Table 6-22 Accepted lines: UNICPU <user identification>

Code and Arguments Data Type Description

E encrypt_flag


File encryption flag; currently only False is available

F file_type


File type; currently this is the string "Unison Export File"

I password


User's un-encrypted password

N events tasks


Number of events, tasks in the file; events is the number of events, tasks is the number of tasks

P preferences


User's display and notification preferences; the 12 integers, from first to last, are:


StartDay (in minutes)

EndDay (in minutes)

StartWeek display

Display in time increments

Display days

Display time format

Periodic refresh

Refresh frequency

Mail notification


Lead time before reminders

U a address


User's address. This can span multiple lines, and when it does, each additional line must also begin with "U a ".

U b empl_number


User's employee number

U c phone_number


User's phone number

U d fax_number


User's fax number

U e extension


User's extension number

U f job_title


User's job title

V version#


Version number; currently this is A.02.51

X user_data


User's X.400 data

The following describes the lines that the <event descriptions> section may contain.

Table 6-23 Accepted lines: UNICPU <event description>

Code and Arguments Data Type Description

S date


Event start time in (UNIAPI_TIME) or as a date specification

D duration


Event duration in minutes

T title


Event title

G location


Event location

I class


Event class (normal, holiday,...)

R type&priority


Event type (normal, public,...) followed by priority (1, 2,...)

M creator


Event creator

W owner


Event owner

A attending reminder leadtime


Indicates whether user is attending (TRUE/FALSE); Visual Reminder (0, 1); Lead time (in minutes)

C description


Event description; this may span several lines and include a list of attendees. When it does span more than one line, each subsequent line must begin with "C" as well.


End of an event instance

The following describes the lines that the <task descriptions> section may contain.

Table 6-24 Accepted lines: UNICPU <task description>

Code and Arguments Data Type Description

S starttime


Task start time in (UNIAPI_TIME) or as a date specification

D endtime


Task end time as a date specification

T title


Task title

R priority


Task priority

L compl_level


Completion level

M creator


Task creator

W owner


Task owner

C description


Task description; this may span several lines. When it does span more than one line, each subsequent line must begin with "C" as well.


End of a task instance



unicpinu(8), unicpoutu(8)


unidb2ldif - Export an Oracle Calendar server node to an LDIF file. This utility is not available with an Oracle Internet Directory Server installation. It is intended to be used with the Oracle Calendar server standalone installation.


unidb2ldif -n <node-ID> [-host <hostname:port>] 
[-u <user>]

unidb2ldif -v 
unidb2ldif -h 


unidb2ldif exports the database of a specific Oracle Calendar server node into an LDIF files: node<node-ID>.ldif. This file contains a series of modifications in the form of change records. The ldapmodify utility can use this file to populate a new directory server, and to add new entries to or modify existing entries in a pre-populated directory server.

Where a directory server is already in place, unidb2ldif checks the information in the directory server with what it finds in the Oracle Calendar server node to determine what to output to the LDIF files (i.e. whether an entry would need to be added to the directory server, or, if it already existed in the directory server, whether modifications to it would be required.

This utility is not available with Oracle Collaboration Suite installations. It is intended to be used with the standalone Oracle Calendar server installation.




Specify the node to be exported.



Specify the name and port number of the host. Required if the host is remote. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.



Specify the user, resource or event calendar account to export. See FORMAT OF THE <user> ARGUMENT for details on how to specify <user>.


Print the current version number of unidb2ldif.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unidb2ldif.



The user argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. The "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "S=Hoopla/OU1=R\/D".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (for example, the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they should be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.


If the ID key-value pair is specified for specifying a user in the <user> argument, all other key-value pairs specified along with it are ignored.

Table 6-25 Accepted keys for specifying event calendars: UNIDB2LDIF

Key X.400 Field


Event calendar name

Table 6-26 Accepted keys for specifying resources: UNIDB2LDIF

Key X.400 Field


Resource name


Resource number


Resource unique identifier

Table 6-27 Accepted keys for specifying users: UNIDB2LDIF

Key X.400 Field




Given name






User unique ID


E-mail address




Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4






Administration domain


Private domain


Phone number


Fax phone number


Employee number


% unidb2ldif -n 10 -host jupiter



The [UNIDB2LDIF] and [LDAP] sections of this file contain a number of parameters used by unidb2ldif.


ldifdir = <directory>

Specify the output directory for LDIF files. The default is <calendar_install_path>/tmp.

userfilterfmt = "(uid=%UID%)"

Specify the LDAP search filter format to be used to match existing entries. By default, the User ID is used. Supported format codes are:

Table 6-28 Accepted keys for userfilterfmt parameter

X.400 Field Format Parameter



Given name




User ID








Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4






Administration domain


Private domain


Phone number


Fax phone number


Employee number


Job title



host = <hostname:port>

Specify the name and port number of the host on which the directory server is running. Should be specified when migrating to an existing directory server installation. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.

port = <portnumber>

Specify an alternate TCP port on which the directory server is running. The default port is 389.

basedn = <dn>

Specify the starting point for search operations on the Directory Information Tree. This is also the base distinguished name used to create new directory entries, unless the -dnsuffix option is used.

binddn = <dn>

Specify the distinguished name used to bind to the directory server.

bindpwd = <password>

Specify the password used to bind to the directory server.

admin = <dncomponent>

Use in conjunction with baseDN to specify the location of the Oracle Calendar server administrators in the Directory Information Tree.

admingroup = <dncomponent>

Use in conjunction with baseDN to specify the location of the Oracle Calendar server administrators' group in the Directory Information Tree.

defaultpwd = <password>

Default user password to use for new Oracle Calendar server users and resources that are created. The default password is "sesame".


A log file of all related errors and warnings.


LDIF file describing a series of modifications in the form of change records.


Surname attribute

"Surname" is a required attribute for the inetOrgPerson object class. Items without an assigned value for "Surname" have "Surname" initialized to "CalUser:".


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unidbbackup - Create an archive of an Oracle Calendar server node and related configuration information.


unidbbackup -d <dst> [-n <nodes>] [-blocking] [-lockall]

unidbbackup -v 
unidbbackup -h 


unidbbackup creates a backup of an Oracle Calendar server's nodes and its related configuration information. More specifically, it creates a backup of the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc directory and the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db directory. As the information in these two directories is interrelated, it is important to ensure they are backed up at the same time.

unidbrestore is the complementary utility to unidbbackup. By default, these utilities perform a copy of the source to the destination. If behavior other than a straight copy is needed, an alternate backup/restore command can be specified using the [UTL] external_backup and external_restore parameters in the unison.ini file. See FILES for details on how to specify an alternate backup command.


The backup and restore commands are inverse operations so if alternate commands are used, it is of critical importance to ensure they do in fact perform the inverse operation of each other. The integrity of the database is at stake.

unidbbackup can be run when the Oracle Calendar server is either up or down.


unidbbackup backs up the Oracle Calendar server internal database. If a directory server is being used, its database should also be backed up.



Perform the backup in read locking mode. This lock will accept all consecutive read until it encounters the first write. Then it will queue all read and write afterward. Users will not be able to use their calendar while the backup is performed using this option. This option should be used for very fast backups only.



Specify the destination for the archive, where <dst> is a directory name.


Lock all the specified nodes at the same time instead of one by one. This will improve the data consistency for connected nodes.



Specify which nodes to backup. The format of <nodes> is a simple list of node numbers separated by commas: "-n 102,103,104" (no blanks between node numbers). If none are specified, all nodes will be backed up.


Print the current version number of unidbbackup.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unidbbackup.



Exit values are:

0 Success

Any nonzero value signals an error



The following keys in the [UTL] section of this file are of relevance to this utility:




unidbconv - Convert a version 2.62, or 6.00 node database to version 6.10.


unidbconv -n <node-ID> | all [-kp <numpages>] [-x] [-d <directory>] 

unidbconv -v 
unidbconv -h 


unidbconv converts a version 2.62, or 6.00 node database to version 6.10. In general you do not invoke this utility directly (a conversion is done automatically during the upgrade to a newer version of the Oracle Calendar server). The last two digits of the "version" parameter in the [<YOURNODEID>] section of the unison.ini file indicate the version of the node.


You should back up the Oracle Calendar server before invoking unidbconv as this utility overwrites the existing database.

The Oracle Calendar server must be down to run unidbconv.

In the database's Misc directory, you need to have a file named state.ini that contains a section named [SETUP] and at least one blank line. Data on the conversion process will be written to this file so that the conversion can be resumed in case of a failure.




Specify the temporary directory to be used for the conversion. The directory must exist. By default, a directory named New will be used; this directory is found at the same level as Misc.


<node-ID> | all

Perform the conversion on the specified node only (if <node-ID> is used) or on all nodes (if all is used).



Specify the number of cache pages to use for scanning and rebuilding key files. If this option is not used, the default value of 32000 is used instead.


Turn off progress indicator.


Print the version number of unidbconv.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unidbconv.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unidbfix - Check, repair, defragment and maintain an Oracle Calendar server node database.


unidbfix -c [-pix|-pi]   -n <node-ID> | all 
[-r] [-kp <numpage>] [-level [basic|full]]

unidbfix -f [-pix|-pi] -n   <node-ID> | all 
[-r] [-y] [-kp <numpage>] [-level [basic|full]]

unidbfix -d [-pix|-pi] -n <node-ID> | all 
[-r] [-y] [-kp <numpage>]  [-level [basic|full]]

unidbfix -export [-pix|-pi] -n <node-ID> | all [-r] [-kp <numpage>]

unidbfix -import [-pix|-pi] -n <node-ID> | all [-r] [-y] [-kp <numpage>]

unidbfix -ck -n <node-ID> | all [-r] [-y] [-kp <numpage>]

unidbfix -k -n <node-ID> | all [-r] [-y] [-kp <numpage>]

unidbfix -i [-pix|-pi] -n <node-ID> | all [-r] [-kp <numpage>]

unidbfix -v 
unidbfix -h 


unidbfix checks for and repairs database corruptions and/or inconsistencies, and/or defragments and compresses a node database. You should run unidbfix as part of a regular database maintenance program.


Database corruption may occur if you do not use the version of unidbfix that ships with, or is compatible with, the version of the Oracle Calendar server you are running. Consult Oracle Support if you have any questions on compatibility.


Before invoking this utility with one of the -f, -d, or -import options it is highly recommended that you make a backup of the database. You only need to back up the data (*.dat) files as unidbfix can reconstruct the key (*.key) files from the data files.

unidbfix carries out checks and repairs on the following parts of the database of the specified node:

unidbfix runs in one of eight different modes as listed. If, in any mode, unidbfix makes a fix, it reports that fix. The scan phases for each mode appear in the order in which they occur. See the NOTES section for additional information on the Remote Nodes, Bins, and File Fragmentation scan phases.

Table 6-29 unidbfix modes

Mode Option Scan Phases Changes Database



File Sizes


Remote Nodes Records


Bins (full level)


Key Check

Database Info (full level)




File Sizes


Remote Nodes Records


Bins (full level)


File Fragmentation (full level)

Key Build

Database Info (full level)




Files Sizes


Remote Nodes Records




File Fragmentation

Key Build





Key Build




Remote Nodes


check key


Key Build (in check mode)


fix key


Key Build (in fix mode)




Database Info


unidbfix can be run in check mode while the Oracle Calendar server is running. During a unidbfix -c, the server will only accept read requests (including users logging on and logging off).

For the check and fix modes there are two levels of operation: basic and full. The level is specified using the -level option. full is the default. The level controls which database checks are done. The basic level only checks for the most common errors, while the full level checks for more errors. As a result the basic mode is much faster than the full level.

You can run multiple instances of unidbfix -c, each instance must be run on a different node. You can run a full unidbfix on a stopped node while the rest of the nodes are active. See unistop to know how to stop a node.

Use uninode, not unidbfix -import, to administer the node network. Use unidbfix with the -import option only to fix corruptions in the remote node connection information in the database.

You can run unidbfix -export while the Oracle Calendar server is running.



Run in check mode. unidbfix reports all database corruptions and inconsistencies but takes no action to correct them (use fix mode to do this). If unidbfix detects an error, it stops the check after the scan phase in which it finds the errors. For instance, if it discovers an error during the File Sizes scan phase, it terminates on completion of this scan phase. It does not proceed to the Nodes scan phase.


Run in check key mode. Checks only the key files of the database.


Run in defragment mode. In this mode unidbfix frees space occupied by deleted records. To ensure database consistency, unidbfix checks the database for errors and fixes any it finds before it proceeds with defragmentation.


While it is possible to interrupt unidbfix during the defragmentation phase using a kill -9, this causes irreversible damage to the database.


Run in export mode. In export mode unidbfix writes remote node information from the database to the remotenode.ini file. Note that it writes only the non-null fields for each remote node to the file. See the REMOTE NODES SCAN PHASE note for an example of how to use the -export mode.


Run in fix mode. Fix and clean up the database. This fixes all errors detected in check mode. In some circumstances unidbfix may be forced to delete data (for example, where corruption to the data is such that unidbfix is unable to repair it, or where orphan data cannot be safely re-integrated).


Run in info mode. In this mode unidbfix outputs various database statistics to the dbfix.log file.


Run in import mode. In import mode unidbfix writes remote node information from the remotenode.ini file to the database. See the REMOTE NODES SCAN PHASE note for an example of how to use the -import mode as well as warnings on its use.


Run in fix key mode. Rebuilds only the key files of the database.



Specifies the number of cache pages to use for scanning and rebuilding key files. If this option is not used, the default value of 32000 is used instead. Larger values may significantly increase key scanning and rebuilding performance.


basic | full

Specify the level for check and fix modes. Full is the default level. The basic level is faster and checks for the most common errors. The full level is slower and checks for more errors.


<node-ID> | all

Specify the node to check/fix/defragment or on which to build/scan key files. Use -n all to scan all the nodes on a computer.


Turn on the progress indicator. By default, the progress indicator is off.


Turn off the progress indicator. By default, the progress indicator is off.


Overwrite the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/log/dbfix.log log file, rather than append output to it.


Turn fix and defragmentation confirmation message off.


Print the current version number of unidbfix.


Print a usage message, and a short description of each option.




The "x" in the file name will be replaced by the node number. If "unidbfix -n all" is used, the file name will be $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/log/dbfix-node-all.log. unidbfix writes any errors it finds and/or any fixes it makes, to this file. It lists each error as a DATABASE ERROR, and each repair as a Fix. unidbfix can repair any database error it finds. Totals of all errors found, fixes made, and records deleted during fixing, appear at the end of the file. Note that the total number of database errors need not equal the total number of fixes. You do not normally need to consult this file.


Consult this file for a listing of all local nodes, with their corresponding directory names and node-IDs.


unidbfix uses this file in import and export modes. It creates this file in a node's perm directory the first time it runs on the node. The file contains a listing of all the remote node records and their data fields. The information for each remote node is as follows:

RN_NUMCONNECT:    any number zero and above
RN_SERVICENAME:   must be "unieng"
RN_HOSTNAME:      name of the remote host

Node-ID is the remote node identification number. It must be enclosed in square brackets and it must start a line. A field can have a null value. If any field has an invalid value, unidbfix returns an error message, and does not make the change for the remote node with the error.

The following sample remotenode.ini file contains two remote nodes: the first has the node-ID 730 and the name "NewYork"; the second has the node-ID 631 and the name "LosAngeles".


RN_HOSTNAME = "LosAngeles"


This is a lock file which prevents multiple instances of unidbfix from running on the same node simultaneously. unidbfix creates this in the perm directory of the node on which it is running. In the event that a kill -9 or a system malfunction prevents unidbfix from running to completion, this file remains in place. It may be manually deleted.


Exit values are:

0 Success

No errors found (check mode)

Errors found but fixed (fix mode)

Successfully defragmented (defragment mode)

Successful import (import mode)

Successful export (export mode)

1 Errors Found

Errors were found (check mode)

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt

4 Aborted

Another instance of unidbfix was running on the node.

5 Stopped

unidbfix either found errors in the remote node records while in fix or check mode, or it could not find the remotenode.ini file. It needed more information to be able to continue checking or fixing.



Note that unidbfix rebuilds the key files of the database in fix, defragment, import, and fix key modes. If unidbfix is interrupted during any of these modes, the key files may have been deleted and not yet rebuilt. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you run unidbfix again after an interruption.


In the Bins, Key build and File Fragmentation scan phases, unidbfix rebuilds files without checking for, or reporting, previously existing errors. In all other scan phases all errors reported in check mode are reported in fix mode before being fixed.


For this scan phase to run, the node's remotenode.ini must exist, and its contents must agree with the list of remote nodes in the database. When one of these conditions is not met, you can use the -export and -import modes to rectify the situation. The explanations that follow use the node-ID "43".

  1. CONDITION: A remotenode.ini file does not exist for node 43. In this case, generate one from the remote node list in the database:

    % unidbfix -export -n 43
  2. CONDITION: The remote node list in the database does not agree with the information in the remotenode.ini file for node 43. In this case, rectify the discrepancy as follows.

    First write the remote node information from the database to the remotenode.ini file for node 43:

    % unidbfix -export -n 43

    Make any required edits to the resulting remotenode.ini file.


    Edit with care! Errors in this file may lead to unwanted deletion of records when the file is imported. For this reason it is highly recommended that you back up the database before running unidbfix in -import mode.

    Update the database with the modified file:

    % unidbfix -import -n 43


    Use uninode, not unidbfix -import, to administer the node network. Use unidbfix with the -import option only to fix corruptions in the remote node connection information in the database.


unistart, unistop, uninode, unirndel


unidbrestore - Restore an Oracle Calendar server node and configuration information from a backup created by unidbbackup.


unidbrestore -s <src> [-d <dst>] [-n <node-ID>] [-nomisc]

unidbrestore -v 
unidbrestore -h 


unidbrestore - restores the node and configuration information of an Oracle Calendar server from a backup created by unidbbackup.


By default, the destination directory for the restore is $ORACLE_HOME/ocal. This means that the restore overwrites the existing files of the Oracle Calendar server database. Thus, this utility should be used with extreme care to ensure the Oracle Calendar server database is not inadvertently corrupted. A more careful approach would be to use the -d option to specify a different directory for the restore and then copy the individual files from the restored directory into the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal directory.

unidbbackup is the complementary utility to unidbrestore. By default, these utilities perform a copy of the source to the destination. If behavior other than a straight copy is needed, an alternate backup/restore command can be specified using the [UTL] external_backup and external_restore parameters in the unison.ini file. See FILES for details on how to specify an alternate restore command.


The backup and restore commands are inverse operations so if alternate commands are used, it is of critical importance to ensure they do in fact perform the inverse operation of each other. The integrity of the database is at stake.

unidbrestore can only be run when the Oracle Calendar server is down.


unidbrestore restores the Oracle Calendar server's internal database. If a directory server is being used, its database is untouched by unidbrestore. Therefore, if you restore an Oracle Calendar server node after deleting users, you will have to add them back into the directory server. Similarly, if you restore a single node after changing node network information, you will encounter errors due to the conflict between the current network configuration and the restored node's old network information. Contact Oracle Support for more details if this occurs to you.




Specify the destination for the restore. By default this is the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal directory.



Specify a node to restore.


Do not restore the /misc directory.



Specify the backup source, where <src> is a directory name.


Print the current version number of unidbrestore.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unidbrestore.



Exit values are:

0 Success

Any nonzero value signals an error



The following parameters in the [UTL] section are of relevance to this utility:




unidsacisetup - Set the access control information in the directory server for the Oracle Calendar server ADMIN group. This utility is not available with Oracle Collaboration Suite. It is intended to be used with Oracle Calendar server standalone installations.


unidsacisetup -info 
unidsacisetup -v 
unidsacisetup -h 


unidsacisetup sets the directory server access control information (ACI) for the Oracle Calendar server ADMIN group. Although you can use directory server utilities to set ACIs, it is advisable to use unidsacisetup to ensure the ACI for the ADMIN group is properly set. Most Oracle Calendar server utilities do not run unless the ACI for the ADMIN group is set.

This utility should be run every time a new Oracle Calendar server ADMIN group is created, i.e. every time the [LDAP] admingroup parameter in the unison.ini file is changed.

unidsacisetup runs whether the Oracle Calendar server is up or down. The directory server, however, must be running.

This utility does not work with the Oracle Internet Directory Server which is part of the Oracle Collaboration Suite. It is intended to be used with a third party directory server in an Oracle Calendar server standalone installation.



Display the list of directory servers for which this utility can create access control information.


Print the version number of unidsacisetup.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unidsacisetup.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unidsdiff - Find and delete differences between an Oracle Calendar server node and a directory server.


unidsdiff [-n <node-ID>] [-host <hostname:port>] [-d] [-y] 

unidsdiff -v 
unidsdiff -h 


This utility finds all users, resources and event calendar accounts in an Oracle Calendar server node without a match in the directory server and vice versa. By default, it only reports discrepancies. Use the -d option to delete discrepancies.

The Oracle Calendar server assigns each account (user, resource or event calendar) a unique identifier called an xItemId. Unidsdiff first checks that each xItemId (for the specified node) in the directory server:

  1. is unique

  2. has a single user, resource or event calendar associated with it

  3. is expressed in a valid format

If unidsdiff detects an xItemId which does not pass one of these checks, it aborts; directory server utilities must be used to correct the problem. Otherwise unidsdiff proceeds to verify that:

  1. all accounts in the Oracle Calendar server node appear in the directory server (if the -d option was used, any users, resources or event calendars appearing only in the Oracle Calendar server node are removed)

  2. all calendar accounts in the directory server appear in the Oracle Calendar server node (if the -d option was used, any calendar users, resources or event calendars appearing only in the directory server are removed from the directory server, i.e. they no longer appear as calendar users, resources or event calendars in the directory server).

The Oracle Calendar server must be up to run unidsdiff.



Delete the differences found. The user is prompted to confirm each deletion. Without the -d option, unidsdiff simply lists the differences.



Specify the name and port number of the host to connect to. Required if the host is remote. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.



Specify a node. Required if more than one exists.


Auto-confirm the deletion of any calendar or directory entry when you use the -d option.


Display all Distinguished Names in the directory associated with the node.


Print the current version number of unidsdiff.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unidsdiff.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


Directory Server Warning

It is important to understand the implications of the directory server configuration for Oracle Calendar server utilities. In a supplier-consumer configuration, the scheduling of updates between the consumer and supplier may result in temporary differences between the two. This may mean that an Oracle Calendar server utility is reading from a consumer directory server that has not yet been synchronized with its supplier.

Directory Servers are often implemented with a size limit for search results. This limit can prevent entries from being retured from a search request. In such cases the output of a unidsseach may not contain all the non-calendar users. Use the -f option to supply an additional filter if the user you are looking for is not listed.


unidssearch - List all users in a directory server who are not calendar users.


unidssearch [-f <LDAPfilter>] [-c <numDN>] 

unidssearch -v 
unidssearch -h 


unidssearch lists all users in the directory server who are not calendar users. The output of this command may be redirected to a file, modified as needed, and subsequently used as input to uniuser (using the -ex option). See OUTPUT FORMAT for information on the format of the file output by unidssearch.

The Oracle Calendar server must be up to run unidssearch.




Specify a raw LDAP filter to combine ("AND") with the default filter to retrieve users from an LDAP directory. Refer to your directory server documentation for exact attributes that can be specified in the LDAP filter. The values specified in the filter must be in the configured character set of the directory server (for example, UTF-8, T.61). The default filter is:

[&(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(|(!(ctCalXItemId=*)) (!(ctCalXItemId=*:*)))]



Limit the number of results returned to this number.


Print the current version number of unidssearch.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unidssearch.



The content of the file output by unidssearch has the following format:

A did=cn=jdoe, o=Acme, c=US
A did=cn=confroom4, o=Acme, c=US

Each entry has an initial "A" character, followed by a "did". The "A" flags the user as one to add to the directory server as a calendar user. The "did" is the Directory ID or Distinguished Name of the user, uniquely identifying that user in the Directory Server.

The format of this file is the same as that required for the input file to the uniuser -ex command. If this is the intended use of the file, additional user data may be appended to the "did", in X.400 format. For example:

A did=cn=jdoe, o=Acme, c=US/G=John/OU=Sales



Directory server warning

It is important to understand the implications of the directory server configuration for Oracle Calendar server utilities. In a supplier-consumer configuration, the scheduling of updates between the consumer and supplier may result in temporary differences between the two. This may mean that an Oracle Calendar server utility is reading from a consumer directory server that has not yet been synchronized with its supplier.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt




unidssync - Synchronize the information in an Oracle Calendar server node with that in a directory server or refresh the Global Address List (GAL).


unidssync -u <user> [-remote] [-n <node-ID>] [-host <hostname:port>] 

unidssync -galrefresh [-n <node-ID>] [-host <hostname:port>] 

unidssync -absync [SCHEDULED | <user>] [-n <node-ID>]

unidssync -v 
unidssync -h 


unidssync is only used when connected to an external directory server. This utility synchronizes the information in an Oracle Calendar server node with that in the directory server. Use the -u option to synchronize a single user, resource or event calendar account.

unidssync should be run when other applications using the directory server have changed directory server entries without the knowledge of the Oracle Calendar server.

This condition might allow discrepancies to arise between the information in the internal store of the Oracle Calendar server node and that in the directory server. unidssync eliminates discrepancies, using the directory server as the authority. It should be run as part of a regular maintenance program.


The unidssync utility follows directory server syntax rules. The utility performs a comparison based on the attribute matching rule. If the matching rule is case insensitive, and only the case is changed, the Oracle Calendar server will not consider the change a difference. Therefore, the attribute value change will not be propagated to the Oracle Calendar server.

The Oracle Calendar server must be up to run unidssync.



Synchronize Common Address Book entries with the Directory Server. By default, Common Address Book synchronization is executed at a preset interval. Using the -absync option forces an immediate synchronization of the Common Address Book.


Refresh the Global Address List (GAL).



Specify the name and port number of the host. Required if connecting to a remote host. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.



Specify the node. Required if more than one node exists.


Synchronize the remote records also. By default, only records of local users, resources and event calendars are synchronized. This feature can be used in rare cases where a CWS replication request is lost or can't be serviced, resulting in un-synchronized remote records. Performing a synchronization with -remote will force a synchronization of remote records.



Used to specify a user, resource or event calendar to synchronize. See FORMAT OF THE <user> ARGUMENT for details on the <user> argument.


Print the current version number of unidssync.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unidssync.



The user argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. The "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "S=Hoopla/OU1=R\/D".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (for example, the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they should be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.


If the ID key-value pair is specified for specifying a user in the <user> argument, all other key-value pairs specified along with it are ignored.

Table 6-30 Accepted keys for specifying event calendars: UNIDSSYNC

Key X.400 Field


Event calendar name

Table 6-31 Accepted keys for specifying resources: UNIDSSYNC

Key X.400 Field


Resource name


Resource number


Resource unique identifier

Table 6-32 Accepted keys for specifying users: UNIDSSYNC

Key X.400 Field




Given name






User unique ID


E-mail address




Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4






Administration domain


Private domain


Phone number


Fax phone number


Employee number



Directory Server Warning

It is important to understand the implications of the directory server configuration for Oracle Calendar server utilities. In a supplier-consumer configuration, the scheduling of updates between the consumer and supplier may result in temporary differences between the two. This may mean that an Oracle Calendar server utility is reading from a consumer directory server that has not yet been synchronized with its supplier.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unidsup - Report the status of the directory server.


unidsup [-q] [-host <hostname:port>]

unidsup -v 
unidsup -h 


unidsup reports whether or not the directory server is running.

The Oracle Calendar server must be up to run unidsup.




Specify the name and DAS port number of the host. Required if the host is remote. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.


Operate in quiet mode (produces no output when the directory server is up).


Print the version number of unidsup.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unidsup.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


uniencrypt - Encrypt a password for inclusion in an Oracle Calendar server configuration file.


uniencrypt -m <method> -s <string> 

uniencrypt -v 
uniencrypt -h 


uniencrypt uses the encryption method specified by the -m option to encrypt the string (usually a password) specified by the -s option. Any password supplied in an Oracle Calendar server configuration file (such as those specified by the [LDAP] bindpwd and writednpassword parameters) must first be encrypted using this utility.

uniencrypt returns the encrypted password preceded by the encryption method used to generate it. For example, {std}ruyr84jf. Generally, this entire value, including the encryption method and curly braces, should be enclosed in double quotes and included as the value of the password specified in the Oracle Calendar server configuration file. For example:

bindpwd = "{std}ruyr84jf"

uniencrypt can be run when the Oracle Calendar server is up or down.




Specifies the encryption method to use. Accepted values currently include only std, a proprietary affine cipher encryption method, and base64. If this argument is not used, std will be used by default.



Specifies the string to encrypt. If this is option is not used, uniencrypt will prompt for the string to encrypt.


Print the current version number of uniencrypt.


Print a usage message explaining how to run uniencrypt.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unigroup - Manage public and administrative groups.


unigroup -info [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <node-ID>] [-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

unigroup -ls [<group>] [-members] [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <node-ID>] 
[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

unigroup -add <group> [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <nodeid>] 
[[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]  

unigroup -del <group> [-y] [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <nodeid>] 
[[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]  

unigroup -mod <group> -m <modifier> [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <nodeid>] 
[[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]  

unigroup -attach <group> -u <user> [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <nodeid>] 
[[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]  

unigroup -detach <group> -u <user> [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <nodeid>] 
[[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

unigroup -v 
unigroup -h 


Unigroup lets you manage public and administrative groups. You can create, modify and delete groups. You can list existing groups and their members.

Note that only administrative groups can be created.

Note that if a directory server is used, any groups created in the directory server are also included in the output of unigroup. If members are listed, only the members of the directory server group who are also calendar users are listed.

unigroup can only be run if the Oracle Calendar server is up.




Create an administrative group. See FORMAT OF THE <group> ARGUMENT for details on the <group> argument.



Add a user or resource to the specified group. See FORMAT OF THE <group> ARGUMENT for details on the <group> argument. Use -u to specify the user or resource to be added.



Delete the specified group. See FORMAT OF THE <group> ARGUMENT for details on the <group> argument.



Remove a user or resource from the specified group. See FORMAT OF THE <group> ARGUMENT for details on the <group> argument. Use -u to specify the user or resource to be removed.



Specify the name and port number of the host. Required if the host is remote. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.


Display information on the valid parameters for defining groups.


Use automatic Kerberos login with a valid Kerberos ticket. To use this option, the user running the utility must be an Oracle Calendar server user with administrative rights, and have a UID on the Kerberos server that matches the Oracle Calendar server UID. This option cannot be used with the -uid option.



List the groups matching the specified group filter <group>. See FORMAT OF THE <group> ARGUMENT for details on the <group> argument. If no <group> argument is passed, all groups will be listed. Unless "node-id=*" is used for the <group> argument, only the groups created on the local node (specified by the -n option) will be listed.



Specify the modification to be applied to a group using the <modifier> argument. This option is used with the -mod option. Use the same format as the <group> argument used with the -mod option. See FORMAT OF THE <group> ARGUMENT for details on the <modifier> argument.


Print the individual members of each group output. Use this option with the -ls option.



Modify a group's name or change it from public to administrative. You cannot change an admin group to public. Specify the group to be modified using the <group> parameter. See FORMAT OF THE <group> ARGUMENT for details on the <group> argument. Use -m to specify the changes to make.



Specify the node on which the group is located. Required if more than one node is configured.



Used with the -attach and -detach options to specify a user or resource. See FORMAT OF THE <user> ARGUMENT for details on the <user> argument.



The administrator's user ID. If none is specified the SysOp is used.


Used with the -del option to auto-confirm the deletion(s).


Print the current version number of unigroup.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unigroup.



The user argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. The "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "S=Hoopla/OU1=R\/D".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (for example, the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they should be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.


If the ID key-value pair is specified for specifying a user in the <user> argument, all other key-value pairs specified along with it are ignored.

Table 6-33 Accepted keys for specifying resources: UNIGROUP

Key X.400 Field


Resource name


Resource number


Resource unique identifier

Table 6-34 Accepted keys for specifying users: UNIGROUP

Key X.400 Field




Given name






User unique ID


E-mail address




Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4






Administration domain


Private domain


Phone number


Fax phone number


Employee number




Display name


Home phone number


Alternate home phone number


Alternate business phone


Building name


Office street address






Postal Code




User's Alias




Assistant's name


Assistant's phone number


The group argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is a string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. The "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "NAME=Marketing/TYPE=Admin".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (for example, the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they should be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.

Table 6-35 Accepted keys for specifying groups: UNIGROUP

Key X.400 Field


Group name


Group type: Admin or Public


Group ID number


Group's node ID



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


uniical - Import, export, process or delete calendar entries to or from a user's agenda using iCAL objects. The uniical utilility supports the iCalendar format as specified by Oracle Calendar SDK. For more information about this format see, "Calendar SDK Supported Data Components and Properties" in Chapter 3 of Oracle Calendar Application Developer's Guide.


uniical -import -u <user> [-f <filename>] [-charset <charset>] [-stoponerror]
[-organizer <email>][ [-neverresolvemail] | [-alwaysresolvemail] ]
-host <hostname:port> -n <node-ID> [[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

uniical -process -u <user> [-f <filename>] [-charset <charset>] [-stoponerror] 
[-organizer <email>][ [-neverresolvemail] | [-alwaysresolvemail] ]
-host <hostname:port> -n <node-ID> [[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

uniical -export -u <user> [-f <filename>] 
[ [-end <date>] [-start <date>] | [-eventuid <uid>] ]
-host <hostname:port> -n <node-ID> [[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

uniical -del -u <user> [-f <filename>] [-charset <charset>] [-stoponerror]
-host <hostname:port> -n <node-ID> [[-uid <uid>]| [-krb]]

uniical -v 
uniical -h 


The uniical utility is used with the -import option to update a calendar user's agenda with information from an input file containing one or more iCAL VEVENT objects. The -del option is used to delete entries from the user's agenda. The -process option is used to process iCAL methods contained in the input file. This option can be used to create, modify and delete calendar entries using the same input file. Oracle iCALmethods are used to specify the operation to be applied on the particular event.

Each of the iCAL VEVENT objects describes either a new meeting or an existing meeting to be modified. By default, the name of the input file is icalin.ics or icalin.txt. See FORMAT OF THE INPUT FILE for more information on the input file.

When uniical adds a new meeting to a user's agenda, it creates a UID for that meeting and maps the iCAL VEVENT attributes to Oracle Calendar server attributes as described in the FORMAT OF THE INPUT FILE. By default, uniical assumes that you intend to modify all existing meetings specified in the input file. If you specify the -del option, uniical deletes all of these existing meetings from the user's agenda. See FORMAT OF THE INPUT FILE for more information on the minimal VEVENT attributes required to add, modify or delete events.

By default, to update a user's agenda, uniical signs on to the specified Oracle Calendar server node as the SYSOP. To sign-on as a designate user use the -uid option to specify a designate user.

When you export a user's agenda with uniical, both meetings that the user organized and the meetings where the user is only an invited attendee are exported.


Events that are owned by the user, where the user is not an attendee will not be exported.

When an event is imported with uniical into a user's agenda, the event may be organized by the user (it's his meeting) or by someone else (he is only an attendee to that meeting). The event may also have other attendees beside the user.

Uniical by default passes the -alwaysresolveemail option to the server, so whether the user organizes the meeting or is simply an attendee, the other attendees are shown as internal.

An internal attendee is a user who also has a calendar account in the same calendar network. When a meeting is added with an internal attendee, a meeting will appear in that attendee's own agenda. The attendee's e-mail in the iCAL object is used to try to match the attendee to an existing calendar user. An external attendee is someone who is only listed as an attendee with no connection to the calendar network. Use the -alwaysresolvemail and-neverresolvemail options to change this behavior by either forcing to match to internal users or to set every attendee as external attendees.

Use the -organizer option to override the organizer e-mail in the iCAL object.

uniical outputs the UID attribute for each meeting it creates, modifies or deletes. It also logs any errors, along with the rest of its activity, in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/log/uniical.log file.

uniical runs on any machine running an Oracle Calendar server. The Oracle Calendar server must be up to run uniical.


This utility works properly only if the [ENG] standards parameter in the configuration file $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini is set to {CAPI,ICAL2.0}.



Always match the iCAL attendee email address to an existing calendar user when possible. With this option, the match will be attempted even when the organizer is someone else. When no existing Calendar users are found, the attendee is set as an external attendee.



Define the NLS character set of the iCalendar data in the input file. When not specified, the AL32UTF8 character set will be used. The value specified will not affect environment settings. Valid values for <charset> include:








Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Italian:












Simplified Chinese:




Traditional Chinese:





Delete from the user's agenda all existing events specified in the input file.



Specify the end date of the range of calendar data to be processed. Use the following date format: mm/dd/yyyy



Specifies the event UID of the event to export.


Export all existing events in the range specified by the -end and -start options from the user's agenda to the output file. To export one specific entry from the agenda, use the -eventuid option to specify the single entry. Events that are owned by the user, where the user is not an attendee will not be exported.



Specify the name of the input file containing the iCAL VEVENT objects. By default icalin.ics. For input, if icalin.ics is not found, icalin.txt is used. For output, icalin.ics is the default file name used.



Specify the name and port number of the specified user's node database. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.


Import all existing events specified in the input file into the user's agenda.


Use automatic Kerberos login with a valid Kerberos ticket. To use this option, the user running the utility must be an Oracle Calendar server user with administrative rights, and have a UID on the Kerberos server that matches the Oracle Calendar server UID. This option cannot be used with the -uid option.



Specify the user's node. Required if more than one node exists on the specified host.


Never match the iCAL attendee email address to an existing calandar user. All iCAL attendees will be considered 'external attendees'.



Specify the e-mail address of the event organizer which will override the one in the iCAL object.


Process all existing iCAL methods specified in the input file. Each iCAL object in the input file must contain a METHOD. Supported methods are the following:

X-ORACLE-IMPORT The iCAL event will be created if it does not exist in the agenda, otherwise it will be modified

X-ORACLE-CREATE The iCAL event must not exist in the agenda

X-ORACLE-MODIFY The iCAL event must exist in the agenda


Example of iCAL entry:




Specify the start date of the range of calendar data to be processed. Use the following date format: mm/dd/yyyy


Stop after encountering an error.



Specify the user, resource or event calendar in whose agenda to create, modify and delete events. See FORMAT OF THE user ARGUMENT for details on the <user> argument. When managing holidays using uniical, use the -u option with the holiday argument.



The user under whose authority the uniical is executed. It can be the same user as specified in the -u option, or a designate user. If none is specified the Calendar SysOp is used.


Print the current version number of uniical.


Print a usage message explaining how to run uniical.



The input file contains one or more iCAL VEVENT objects, where each object has the following format:

PRODID:Oracle/Oracle Calendar Server
<VEVENT attributes> 

The <VEVENT attributes> are some or all of the attributes listed. Also listed is how uniical maps these attributes to Oracle Calendar server data fields.

Commas in the values of the DESCRIPTION, LOCATION, SUMMARY and COMMENT attributes must be preceded with a backslash (\).

The minimal information required to create a new event is DTSTART along with either DTEND or DURATION.

The minimal information required to modify an existing meeting is the correct UID and start time of the meeting. uniical first looks for the specified start time in the iCAL RECURRENCE-ID attribute. If it does not find the value there, it uses the value of DTSTART. To modify the start time of a meeting, you must specify the original start time in the RECURRENCE-ID attribute, and the new start time in the DTSTART attribute.

The minimal information required to delete an existing meeting is the correct UID. This is also the only attribute uniical takes into account for deletions. Thus, if two events have the same UID, there is no way to use uniical to delete only one of them.

uniical creates repeating meetings if two or more new iCAL events have the same UID but different DTSTART values. However, if one of these events is later input for deletion, uniical deletes all instances of the recurring meeting.

If a new event appears twice in the input file, and the second instance does not have its own unique UID, the second event overwrites the first.

Sample input file The following input file contains two iCAL VEVENT objects. The first describes a new meeting to be created in the specified user's agenda at 4:00 PM on January 31, 2001; the second describes a modification to be made to an existing meeting. The modification to the existing meeting changes the start time from 4:30 PM to 4:45 PM. uniical uses the UID and the start time specified by the RECURRENCE-ID attribute to find the meeting in the specified user's agenda. It also updates the meeting information with the changes specified by other attributes.

PRODID:Oracle/Oracle Calendar Server 9.0.4
DESCRIPTION: NYPMRN: 99999990DXMRN:9999999990DX Comment: <appointment comments>
LOCATION: Type: <type> IDX# <IDX visit identifier>
COMMENT:IDX visit identifier
SUMMARY:Carter Dickson

PRODID:Oracle/Oracle Calendar Server 9.0.4
DESCRIPTION: NYPMRN: 99999990DXMRN:9999999990DX Comment: <appointment comments>
LOCATION: Type: <type> IDX# <IDX visit identifier>
SUMMARY:John Dickson Carr
COMMENT:IDX visit identifier


The <user> argument, which is used to represent a user, resource or event calendar, is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. For all keys except the ID key, the "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "S=Hoopla/OU1=R\/D".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (for example, the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they should be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.


If the ID key-value pair is specified in the user argument, all other key-value pairs specified along with it are ignored.

The format parameters listed in the third column are used with the -format option to configure the presentation of a listing (see EXAMPLES). For a more complete list of the keys and formats that can be used, use the -info option.

Table 6-36 Accepted event calendar keys for the -u option: UNIICAL

Key X.400 Field Format Parameter


Event calendar name


Table 6-37 Accepted resource keys for the -u option: UNIICAL

Key X.400 Field Format Parameter


Resource name



Resource number



Resource unique identifier


Table 6-38 Accepted user keys for the -u option: UNIICAL

Key X.400 Field Format Parameter





Given name












User unique identifier



Organizational Unit 1



Organizational Unit 2



Organizational Unit 3



Organizational Unit 4









Administration domain



Private domain



Phone number



Fax phone number



Employee number



Job title



Value of [ENG] usermailmap parameter






Display name



Home phone number



Alternate home phone number



Alternate business phone



Building name



Office street address









Postal Code






User's Alias






Assistant's name



Assistant's phone number





uniical logs its activity in this file.


The default input file for uniical.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


See IETF RFC 2445 for additional information on iCAL.


unil2bendian - Convert an Oracle Calendar server node database from a format for little-endian Windows processors to a format for big-endian processors. For more details on this utility, contact Oracle support.


unil2bendian [-n <node-ID>]
unil2bendian -v 
unil2bendian -h 


unil2bendian is used when migrating a node database from an Oracle Calendar server running on a little-endian Windows machine to one running on a big-endian UNIX machine (HP-UX, Solaris, or AIX).

This utility converts the *.dat files of the node database from little-endian to big-endian format. The conversion is executed on a copy of the files, leaving the original database untouched. The *.dat files are the only ones necessary to convert; the remaining files are built on the destination machine.

unib2lendian is the complementary utility for converting files from big-endian UNIX format to little-endian Windows format.

unil2bendian can only be run when the Oracle Calendar server is down.




Specify a node to convert. Required if more than one node exists on the local host.


Print the current version number of unil2bendian


Print a usage message explaining how to run unil2bendian.



The following example converts node 45, and moves it from an Oracle Calendar server running on a little-endian machine to an Oracle Calendar server running on a big-endian system.

  1. Stop the Oracle Calendar server on both machines. Do not restart either server until instructed to later in this procedure.

  2. Run unil2bendian on the target node.

    unil2bendian -n 45

    The converted copy of the node can be found in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db/nodes/<N#>/perm_conv directory, where <N#> is the value of the name parameter in the unison.ini section corresponding to the target node.

  3. Copy the section corresponding to the target node in the old host's $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini file to the unison.ini file on the new host. For example:

    name = N1
    version = A.02.50

    Delete this section from the unison.ini file on the old host.

  4. Copy all *.dat files in the perm_conv directory to the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db/nodes/<N#>/perm directory on the big-endian system. If the node same <N#> exists on the new host, rename the directory before moving the target directory to the new host.

  5. On the new host, copy the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db/nodes/Nempty/perm/unison.dbd and $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db/nodes/Nempty/perm/vista.ctb files into the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db/nodes/<N#>/perm directory.

  6. If the target node is part of a node network, you MUST update the network information before restarting the Oracle Calendar server.


    Failure to carry out this step may result in data loss and/or database corruption.

    First, stop all Oracle Calendar servers in the node network.

    Use unidbfix to export the information in the remotenode.dat file to EACH and EVERY node's remotenode.ini file. For example, if the network were to consist of nodes 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50:

    % unidbfix -export -n 30
    % unidbfix -export -n 35
    % unidbfix -export -n 40
    % unidbfix -export -n 45
    % unidbfix -export -n 50

    Remember that unidbfix must be run on each node's local host.

    Edit the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db/nodes/<Nx>/perm/remotenode.ini file for each node in the network, and change the host name associated with node 45.

    If moving to a big-endian UNIX host, run uniclean on node 45 to ensure that file ownership and permissions for the copied files are set correctly.

    Run unidbfix -k on node 45 to create key files.

    Use unidbfix -import to update the remotenode.dat file with the new information in the remotenode.ini files.
    % unidbfix -import -n 30
    % unidbfix -import -n 35
    % unidbfix -import -n 40
    % unidbfix -import -n 45
    % unidbfix -import -n 50

    This also rebuilds the key files for each node.

    Update the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/nodes.ini file to reflect the change in host names for node 45.

  7. Restart all Oracle Calendar servers.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failed to convert the database

2 Usage error


unidbfix, unistart, unistop, uninode


unilogons - Display Oracle Calendar server SIGNON/SIGNOFF statistics.


unilogons [-s <starttime>] [-e <endtime>] [-i <interval>] [-f <filename>]

unilogons -t -s <starttime> -e <endtime> -i <interval> [-f <filename>]

unilogons -t [<time>] [-f <filename>]

unilogons -v 
unilogons -h 


unilogons displays the signon and signoff activity of users on an Oracle Calendar server at a specific time or during a specific time period. By default it uses the information in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/log/act.log file. The -f option may be used to specify another input file.


This utility does not display signon and signoff activity that occurred using the Oracle Calendar Web Client

Use the -t option to display activity at a given time and date. The -s and -e options can be used to display activity during a specified period of time. The -i option specifies a regular time interval (for example, every 15 minutes) within the specified period.

By default, all activity between the default start-time (the first minute of the current day) and the default end-time (the current system time) is displayed.

The Oracle Calendar server must be up to run unilogons.




Specify an end time for the statistics. Without this option, the default end time is the current time of the current day. See FORMAT OF THE time ARGUMENTS for details on how to specify <endtime>.



Specify the name of the input file. By default the input file is $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/log/act.log. The input file specified with the -f option must be in the same format as the act.log file.



Specify a time interval. The default interval is <endtime> minus <starttime>. See FORMAT OF THE interval ARGUMENTS for details on how to specify interval.



Specify a start time for the statistics. Without this option, the default start time is the first minute of the current day. See FORMAT OF THE time ARGUMENTS for details on how to specify <starttime>.



If used without the -s, e, and -i options, this displays statistics for the current time (-t) or for a given time (-t <time>). When used together with all of the -s, -e, and -i options, the -t (without a time argument) restricts output to activity at only the precise times determined by the interval (-i) argument. See the last two EXAMPLES for sample output of the -s, -e, -i options both with and without the -t option. See FORMAT OF THE time ARGUMENTS for details on how to specify time.


Print the current version number of unilogons.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unilogons.



The <starttime>, <endtime>, and <time> arguments may each be expressed as either:


The order of the individual elements in the argument is unimportant. What is important is that either day and month be specified, or time be specified. For example, the following are all valid:

Feb 22 2003 10:00:00         
22 february 10:00:00         
10:00:00  february 22 2003   
2003 feb 22                  
feb 22                       

Default values for day, month, year and time are current day, current month, current year and current system time respectively.

Any missing field in time (HH, MM, or SS) is replaced with the current HH, MM, or SS value. Thus, if the current date and time is March 12 2003 10:12:34, and only HH:MM are specified in the argument, the SS becomes "34":

-e 12:41 -> March 12 2003 12:41:34 
-s 12:41 -> March 12 2003 12:41:34 

If none of the time fields are specified, starttime defaults to the first minute of the day, and endtime defaults to the last minute of the day:

-s feb 22 -> feb 22 2003 00:00:00
-e feb 22 -> feb 22 2003 23:59:59 


The interval argument must be an integer greater than zero and be input as minute, hour or day as follows:

minutes: 1m, 2m, etc. up to 999999999m  (9 digits)  
hours:   1h, 2h, etc. up to 9999999h    (7 digits)
days:    1d, 2d, etc. up to 99999d      (5 digits) 


Time Period 1: From Oct 6 2003 15:00:00  Till Oct 6 2003 15:15:00
Client                       Logons     Logoffs    Average Time    Median Time
Name & Version                                    Logged-On(hrs)  Logged-On(hrs)

Not Available                  0          2         20.71           23.98
unisncd                        2          0          9.83            9.83
Windows/32/OracleCalendar      4          4          0.02            0.02
Totals                         6          6



By default unilogons obtains its information from this file. Note that this file is only created if the [ENG] activity parameter in unison.ini is set to "TRUE".


Input file and processing time

unilogons may take some time to finish depending on the size of the input file.

Input file and disk space

The disk space requirement to run unilogons is one and a half times the input file. Thus, if the size of the input file is 8 Mb, approximately 12 Mb of free disk space is required to run unilogons. unilogons creates its temporary files in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/tmp directory so sufficient free space must exist in that directory.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure


unimem - Display information on memory usage.


unimem -p
unimem -pmap <pid>
unimem -system
unimem -v
unimem -h


The unimem utility provides information on memory usage. unimem can be used to obtain information on: system memory, detailed reports of the memory usage of all the daemons processes of Oracle Calendar server, and a summary of the memory usage of all the daemons with an average on a per calendar session basis. By default unimem displays the memory usage of all daemons in a table. Each daemon has its own column and the last column is the total of all daemons. It should be noted that some totals are not always the sum of the previous columns. For instance, the last column of the "Total shared" line in included examples, represents the biggest value of all shared memory used by the daemons, since all daemons are linking to the same shared libraries and using the same shared memory segments.



Display a summary of the memory usage of all the daemons of the Oracle Calendar server followed by a detailed address space map for each process of each daemon.



Display the address space map of the specified process.


Display system memory information.


Print the current version number of unimem.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unimem.


The methodology used to gather memory usage information on the different platforms is explained in this section.


The entry /proc/<pid>/maps of the process file system is used to obtain the address space allocation of each process. The actual memory utilization is computed from the address space allocation as follows:

The "free" utility is used to gather system memory information.


The utility /usr/proc/bin/pmap is used to gather the memory mapping of each process.

The "top" utility is used to gather system memory information.


The utility $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/bin/hppmap is used to gather both system information and per process memory segment information. The following functions are used to gather process memory segment information: pstat_getprocvm, sysfs, setmtent, and statvfs. The size of the memory segments with the PS_SHARED flag are added to the shared memory usage total, and the size of all the other memory segments is added to the private memory usage total.The following "pstat" functions are used to gather information about various system contexts: pstat_getstatic, pstat_getdynamic, and pstat_getvminfo.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure


unimmimpsrv - A utility to import data from MeetingMaker servers into Oracle Calendar server nodes.


unimmimpsrv -v 
unimmimpsrv -h 


The unimmimpsrv utility is used to migrate data from MeetingMaker servers to Oracle Calendar nodes. unimmimpsrv consults the unimmimpsrv.ini file to determine which MeetingMaker files to import, and which nodes receive the data. Note that unimmimpsrv does not work with Oracle Calendar servers using directory servers.


Only trained Oracle personnel should use this utility. Data loss or corruption resulting from the use of this utility by unauthorized persons is not the responsibility of Oracle, and is not covered under the standard support contract.

Be aware of the following before running unimmimpsrv:

To migrate data from MeetingMaker to Oracle Calendar, execute the following steps:

  1. Back up each MeetingMaker server.

  2. Purge all unnecessary data from each MeetingMaker server to be exported.

  3. Use the MeetingMaker Administrator utility to export each MeetingMaker server database to a *.dat file.

  4. If they do not already exist, create the Oracle Calendar node(s) which are to receive the MeetingMaker data.

  5. Ensure that the Oracle Calendar node network is properly configured and that all nodes are up.

  6. Run the unimmimpsrv utility to read the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unimmimpsrv.ini file and import the MeetingMaker *.dat files into the specified Oracle Calendar node(s).

  7. Finally, you may want to run the uniuser utility to apply the settings in the user.ini file to the newly imported users or to otherwise modify the information associated with these users.



Print the current version number of unimmimpsrv.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unimmimpsrv.



The following chart details the mapping between MeetingMaker and Oracle Calendar transferable data:

Type of Data MeetingMaker Oracle Calendar mapping
Administrative data Server Name X.400 OU4 field, or, if set, the value of the mapservername parameter in the unimmimpsrv.ini file
Administrative data MeetingMaker Holidays Oracle Calendar holidays
Administrative data MeetingMaker Public Groups & associated sub-groups Oracle Calendar public groups
Administrative data Time Zones Oracle Calendar node time zone (must be manually set during node creation)
User data Sign-in Name X.400 UID field, or, if set, the value of the mapsignin parameter in the unimmimpsrv.ini file
User data First Name X.400 Given Name field
User data Last Name X.400 Surname field
User data Password X.400 Password field, unless the unimmimpsrv.ini "importpassword" parameter is set to "FALSE". In this case, Password is set to NULL.
User data Company X.400 A field, or, if set, the value of the mapcompany parameter in the unimmimpsrv.ini file
User data Department X.400 OU1 field, or, if set, the value of the mapcompany parameter in the unimmimpsrv.ini file
User data Title X.400 Job-title field
User data Phone X.400 Phone field
User data Extension X.400 Ext field
User data Fax X.400 Fax field
User data Street Address (excluding City, State, Zip) Address
User data E-mail The value of the unison.ini [ENG] usermailmap parameter, or, if set, the value of the mapcompany parameter in the unimmimpsrv.ini file
User data Server Name X.400 OU4 field, or, if set, the value of the mapcompany parameter in the unimmimpsrv.ini file
User data User-defined Groups Private groups owned by the user. By default, all MeetingMaker users have a group named "Address Book", which is just another user group in Oracle Calendar
User data User Activities Oracle Calendar meetings with no attendees
User data User Meetings Oracle Calendar meetings with the same attendees
User data User Banners Oracle Calendar daily notes, one for each day covered by the banners
User data User ToDos Oracle Calendar tasks
User data User Proxies Oracle Calendar designates. All proxies regardless of read/write access are granted only viewing rights to the grantor's Oracle Calendar agenda
Resource Data First Name, Last Name Combined to form Oracle Calendar resource name; resource number assigned automatically by unimmimpsrv
Resource Data Password Oracle Calendar resource password, unless the unimmimpsrv.ini "importpassword" parameter is set to "FALSE". In this case, the resource password is set to NULL.
MeetingMaker Activity and Meeting data Private Personal access level
MeetingMaker Activity and Meeting data Title Title
MeetingMaker Activity and Meeting data Location Location
MeetingMaker Activity and Meeting data Time Time
MeetingMaker Activity and Meeting data Date Date
MeetingMaker Activity and Meeting data Duration Duration
MeetingMaker Activity and Meeting data Repetitions Recurrences
MeetingMaker Activity and Meeting data Information Attendees and their attendance status (local attendees only, remote attendees have attendance status set to "Will confirm later")
MeetingMaker Banners Title Daily note Title
MeetingMaker Banners Location Appended to daily note Title
MeetingMaker Banners Date Daily note Date
MeetingMaker Banners Repetition Daily note recurrences
MeetingMaker Banners Information Attendees and their attendance status (local attendees only, remote attendees have attendance status set to "Will confirm later")
MeetingMaker ToDos data Title Task Title
MeetingMaker ToDos data Date Task Date
MeetingMaker ToDos data Invitees Each invitee has a copy of this task created in their agenda
MeetingMaker ToDos data Priority Level Tasks are assigned a generic priority level from 1 to 7; only one priority level is imported for all invitees


The following data is lost during the migration to Oracle Calendar. Note: "(read)" indicates the unimmimpsrv utility supports the data but Oracle Calendar does not.

Lost Administrative Data

Lost User Data

Lost Resource Data

Lost MeetingMaker Activities, Banners & Meetings Data

Lost MeetingMaker Todos Data



This file records the start time, end time and duration as well as all importation steps and any errors.


This file contains the settings used for the importation process. See unimmimpsrv.ini for details.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unimmimpsrv.ini, uniuser 


unimvuser - Move a user from one Oracle Calendar server node to another.


unimvuser -u <user> -host1 <hostname1:port1> -host2 <hostname2:port2> 
-n1 <node-ID1> -n2 <node-ID2> [-up <userPsw>] [-UIDpreserve] [-verbose] 

unimvuser -v 
unimvuser -h 


unimvuser moves a user from one Oracle Calendar server node to another. Designate and remote designate rights are preserved.


unimvuser only works if all hosts in the network use a server greater than 4.0. Use unicpoutu and unicpinu to move users in a node network that includes nodes created by earlier versions of the Oracle Calendar server.

The move operation makes the following changes to the user information:

unimvuser logs these changes, along with the rest of its activity, in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/log/unimvuser.log file.

It is important to understand that the move operation may still be in progress even after unimvuser has successfully completed. In particular, work is being done by the destination node (the node to which the user has moved) and by remote nodes (where other users reside who may have invited the user). Until the work is complete, the moved user sees an incomplete agenda.

The time required to complete the move operation depends on the number of requests waiting in the request queue of the Corporate-Wide Services daemon/service. For this reason, it is advisable to run unimvuser during off-peak hours for the Oracle Calendar server.

In addition, the user being moved should not attempt to sign in to the Oracle Calendar server before unimvuser has completed, nor should any other user attempt to work as a designate for the user being moved. Any changes made under these circumstances will be lost.

Never run more than one unimvuser operation at the same time. Even if the users involved are on different nodes and you run unimvuser on different Oracle Calendar server hosts, the users may share some meetings or events; this scenario can cause database corruptions.

unimvuser can move a user from a node using an external directory server to a node using the Oracle Calendar server's internal directory, but cannot move a user from a node using the Oracle Calendar server's internal directory to a node using an external directory server.

Always use the most recent version of unimvuser, even when moving a user between nodes on Oracle Calendar server hosts of earlier versions. For example, if your node network has two Oracle Calendar server hosts of version 9.0.4 and one of version 10.1.2, you should use the unimvuser utility in the bin directory of the 10.1.2 server.

Be aware also that differences in the configurations between the source host and the destination host may cause problems or block the move entirely. For example, if the maximum number of instances of a recurring meeting (unison.ini [ENG] maxinstances parameter) on the source server is set higher than on the destination server, and the user to be moved owns a recurring meeting with more instances than the destination host allows, the move will fail.

The Oracle Calendar server must be up to run unimvuser with all connected nodes enabled.




Specify the host name and port number of the source node.



Specify the host name and port number of the destination node.



Specify the source node.



Specify the destination node.



Specify the user to be moved. See FORMAT OF THE user ARGUMENT for details on the proper specification of the user argument. For directory servers, the user must already exist in the directory server used by the destination node.


Preserve original Calendar SDK event UIDs. This option is required if the Calendar SDK is used on both the source and the destination node.



To be used for internal directory only. Specifies a new password for the user. If this option is not used, the user will be able to login to the Oracle Calendar server without a password. In the case of a directory server, this option has no effect since the password is stored in the directory server and thus remains unchanged.


Use verbose mode.


Print the current version number of unimvuser.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unimvuser.



The user argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. For all keys except the ID key, the "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "S=Hoopla/OU1=R\/D".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (for example, the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they should be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.


If the ID key-value pair is specified in the user argument, all other key-value pairs specified along with it are ignored. Further note that the ID key-value pair may be specified without using the ID key, i.e. "-u 256" is a valid specification and is equivalent to "-u ID=256".

Table 6-39 Accepted keys: UNIMVUSER

Key X.400 Field




Given name






Unique User Identifier




Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4






Administration domain


Private domain


Phone number


Fax phone number


Employee number


Job title




unimvuser logs its activity in this file.


Directory Server Warning

It is important to understand the implications of the directory server configuration for Oracle Calendar server utilities. In a supplier-consumer configuration, the scheduling of updates between the consumer and supplier may result in temporary differences between the two. This may mean that an Oracle Calendar server utility is reading from a consumer directory server that has not yet been synchronized with its supplier.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt




uninode - Administer an Oracle Calendar server node network.


uninode -add [-nologinfo] -host <hostname:port>

uninode -apply [-y | -n] [-nologinfo] 

uninode -cws [-nologinfo] [-compact] 
[-n <node-ID> | -host <hostname:port> | -group <group>]

uninode -edit [-e <editor>]

uninode -import [-nologinfo] 

uninode -init [-nologinfo]

uninode -reset [-nologinfo][-n <node-ID> | -host <hostname:port> | -group <group>] 

uninode -retry [-nologinfo][-n <node-ID> | -host <hostname:port> | -group <group>] 

uninode -snc [-nologinfo] [-compact] 
[-n <node-ID> | -host <hostname:port> | -group <group>]

uninode -test -n <node-ID> | -host <hostname:port> | -group <group>

uninode -v 
uninode -h 


uninode is a centralized tool for setting up and administering an Oracle Calendar server node network. See EXAMPLES for an example of setting up a node network. Use uninode to add and remove nodes from the node network, as well as to add and remove connections between nodes. Also use uninode to make queries about the node network configuration and about the status of remote connections.

uninode uses the node network configuration information in the nodes.ini file to configure the node network. Only one nodes.ini file should exist for a node network, regardless of how many Oracle Calendar servers are linked. Furthermore, you manage the Oracle Calendar server node network, that is you run uninode, from the machine on which this file exists. When your node network includes coexistence of multiple Oracle Calendar server versions, always make sure that the host of the nodes.ini file is of the most recent version.

Use the -n, -host or -group to restrict uninode's actions to certain nodes in the nodes.ini file. -n <node-ID> restricts uninode to the specified node, -host <hostname:port> to the nodes on the specified host, and -group <group> to the nodes in the specified grouping of nodes. <group> may be one of the following:

For information on on the meaning of each of these values, see "Connecting Nodes" in Chapter 12 of Oracle Calendar Administrator's Guide. If none of these values are specified, uninode will assume the value all.

If you are using a directory server, you may want to run unidssync on each node before running uninode to ensure that the local information in each node is synchronized with what is in the directory server. Note that all nodes in an Oracle Calendar server node network must use the same directory server.

uninode only runs if the Oracle Calendar server is up.



Add all nodes found on the specified host to the nodes.ini file. This option first determines which nodes exist on the specified host. It then removes all lines for that host in the nodes.ini file, and finally adds a line for each node found on the host. Nodes are added as excluded nodes. You must edit the nodes.ini file to include them in the network.


Apply the configuration in the nodes.ini file.

uninode first verifies that:

If any of these verifications fails, uninode terminates.

Otherwise, it proceeds to check the remote node information in each of the nodes involved, and if it finds there are entries missing, it prompts the user to confirm the addition of the missing entries. Use the -y or -n option to automatically provide a response. Note that uninode does not delete any surplus entries from any of the nodes.


Truncate the host name if longer than 28 characters in order to output 80 character lines.


Print the following information for each connection between two nodes. This includes information from the CWS daemon/service.



Safely edit a COPY of the nodes.ini file using the specified text editor. uninode first performs the verifications described in the -apply option and terminates if any of the verifications fails. If all verifications succeed, it invokes the editor. On exit from the editor uninode parses the edited file, and, if it does not find any errors, updates the original nodes.ini file. If uninode finds errors in the edited file, it prompts the user to either re-edit the file or terminate the operation.



Restrict the nodes to those of the group specified by <group>. <group> can be all, included or excluded.



Specify the name and port number of the host on which the nodes reside. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.


Same as -apply with the -y option.


Construct a nodes.ini file from the currently running node network configuration. The node with the lowest node-ID on the machine hosting the nodes.ini file is the one from which uninode begins construction of the file. If a nodes.ini file already exists, uninode prompts for confirmation to overwrite it.


When used with the -apply option, prevent any correction of node information inconsistency.



Specify the node.


Do not write to the log file. By default, uninode logs any errors, as well as any output it sends to the screen, to the uninode.log file.


Reset the statistics of a Synchronous Network Connection (SNC) daemon. It is recommended that you reset all nodes at the same time by running uninode -reset all. Resetting the statistics allows the administrator to compare the statistics for different nodes at a later time.


Restart the retry mechanism of an SNC daemon. When there are fewer connections available than are configured, the SNC daemon attempts to acquire new connections at specific time intervals. It retries at intervals of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and finally every 64 minutes. This option resets the interval to 1 minute. One use of this option might be to run uninode -retry all after a network-related problem is solved.


Print the following information on the TCP/IP connections for the specified node, or for each node in the specified group or on the specified host.


Verify that it is possible to connect to a node or group of nodes. See the -apply option for a list of the items uninode -test verifies.


Auto-confirm the correction of any node information inconsistency when you use the -apply option.


Print the current version number of uninode.


Print a usage message explaining how to run uninode.



You have a company with offices in three different countries. Each office runs its own Oracle Calendar server. You want to set up a node network and manage it from the Oracle Calendar server running on "gravlax" in Sweden.

  1. Log on to "gravlax" and create a nodes.ini file.

    % uninode -init

    Since no node network currently exists, uninode creates an empty nodes.ini file with sample lines included as comments.

  2. Add the nodes from each of the three Oracle Calendar servers.

    % uninode -add -host gravlax
    % uninode -add -host gnocchi
    % uninode -add -host biryani
  3. Examine the contents of the nodes.ini file.

    % cat nodes.ini
    - H=biryani/N=32
    - H=biryani/N=31
    - H=gnocchi/N=25
    - H=gnocchi/N=24
    - H=gnocchi/N=23
    - H=gnocchi/N=22
    - H=gnocchi/N=21
    - H=gravlax/N=13
    - H=gravlax/N=12
    - H=gravlax/N=11
  4. Edit the file to configure the node network.

    % vi $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/nodes.ini

    The nodes.ini file now contains the following lines.

    % cat $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/nodes.ini
    + H=biryani/N=32/ALIAS=salesIndia
    + H=biryani/N=31/ALIAS=adminIndia
    - H=gnocchi/N=26/ALIAS=tempItaly
    + H=gnocchi/N=25/ALIAS=supportItaly
    + H=gnocchi/N=24/ALIAS=financeItaly
    + H=gnocchi/N=23/ALIAS=r&dItaly
    + H=gnocchi/N=22/ALIAS=salesItaly
    + H=gnocchi/N=21/ALIAS=adminItaly
    - H=gravlax/N=16/ALIAS=tempSweden
    + H=gravlax/N=13/ALIAS=r&dSweden
    + H=gravlax/N=12/ALIAS=salesSweden
    + H=gravlax/N=11/ALIAS=adminSweden

The node network has the following characteristics:

For information on configuring connections between nodes, see "Connecting Nodes" in Chapter 12 of Oracle Calendar Administrator's Guide.

Next, apply the configuration. Since this is the first time that nodes "see" other nodes, you expect inconsistencies in their remote node directories. For this reason you use the -y option.

% uninode -apply -y

During execution of this command, uninode prints out information on the work it is performing. For example:

Processing node 11
connected to gravlax, node 11
connected to gravlax, node 12
added 11->12, TCP/IP connection
placed a request in the CWS queue to get node 12 user directory



Contains the list of nodes and the rules that describe the Oracle Calendar server's node network configuration.


By default, uninode logs any errors, as well as any output it sends to the screen, to this file.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unioidconf - Configure the Oracle Internet Directory for calendar.


unioidconf -upgrade [-f <filename>]

unioidconf -grantproxyprivilege <dn> [-f <filename>] [-D <bindDN>] 

unioidconf -listproxyprivilege [-f <filename>] [-D <bindDN>]

unioidconf -revokeproxyprivilege <dn> [-f <filename>] [-D <bindDN>]

unioidconf -resetacl -D <bindDN>

unioidconf -setsysoppassword -D <bindDN>

unioidconf -resetentityentry -D <bindDN>

unioidconf -resetdeployment [-master] -D <bindDN>

unioidconf -setdatabase <dbglobalname> -D <bindDN>

unioidconf -setschemapassword <dbglobalname> -D <bindDN>

unioidconf -registercontainers [-f <filename>] -D <bindDN>

unioidconf -registernodes -D <bindDN>

unioidconf -setserviceurl <url> -subtype <subtype> -urllabel <urllablel> 
-D <bindDN>

unioidconf -registerprovattributes -D <bindDN>

unioidconf -registerprovplugins -D <bindDN>

unioidconf -createprovprofile [-master] -D <bindDNJ>

unioidconf -deleteprovprofile -D <bindDN>

unioidconf -enableprovprofile -D <bindDN>

unioidconf -disableprovprofile -D <bindDN>

unioidconf -displaydiscovery

unioidconf -deletenode -n <node-ID> -D <bindDN>

unioidconf -clean -D <bindDN>

unioidconf -v 
unioidconf -h 


unioidconf utility is used to modify various calendar specific entries in the Oracle Internet Directory. It is also used by the installation process of the Oracle Calendar server.

The -grantproxyprivilege and -revokeproxyprivilege keywords are used to grant or revoke proxy privilege to a user. The proxy privileges can be listed using -listproxyprivilege.




Specify the bind DN.



Specify the calendar configuration file. By default, the file $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini is used.


Delete all calendar-related data associated with the Calendar instance from the Oracle Internet Directory. The Oracle Calendar server instance will not be usable after running the utility with this option. This option should only be used with with the assistance of Oracle Support.


Create the Calendar provisioning profile. The provisioning profile contains various component specific details, including host information, needed to interact with the Directory Integration Platform Provisioning Framework. This option is used by the installation process.


Delete the Calendar provisioning profile.


Delete all calendar-related data associated with the node from the Oracle Internet Directory. Running the utility will make the Oracle Calendar server node unusable.


Disable the Calendar provisioning profile.


Display information about other components from the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry.


Enable the Calendar provisioning profile.



Grant proxy privilege to user specified by <dn>.


List the proxy privilege.


Use this option after the -createprovprofile option to indicate that the new profile will be the Calendar master provisioning profile. Also, use this option after the -resetdeployment option to recreate any directory entries that are usually associated with the Calendar master instance -- for example, the service registry.


Register or recreate the containers required for Calendar on the Oracle Internet Directory.


Register calendar nodes in the Oracle Internet Directory.


Register calendar provisioning attributes. These attributes will be displayed upon user creation in the Oracle Internet Directory DAS provisioning console.


Register calendar provisioning plugins.


Reset the Oracle Calendar server's access control settings on the Oracle Internet Directory. Using this option will grant the Oracle Calendar server the same access control settings as those assigned at the time of installation.


Reset the calendar deployment in the Oracle Internet Directory. Using this option will reset various entries to their values after installation.


Reset the calendar application entity credentials. This option should be used if the application entity entry is erroneously modifed or removed from the Oracle Internet Directory, resulting in corruption.



Revoke proxy privileges from user specified by <dn>.



Associate this calendar installation to a specific database entry.



Reset the stored calendar schema password.



Register the Calendar service URL to the Oracle Internet Directory with a subtype and labels. This option should only be used with with the assistance of Oracle Support.


Set the Oracle Calendar server SYSOP password.



Service sub type. Use OCAL for Oracle Calendar server related information, OCAD for Calendar administrator and OCAS for Oracle Calendar Application System.


Upgrade or migrate CorporateTime 5.5 directory entries to the Oracle Calendar server format. This mode is invoked automatically by the upgrade procedure. It is not recommended to invoke this option manually.



Service URL label.


Print the current version number of unioidconf.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unioidconf.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unipasswd - Change a user's password or the Oracle Calendar server SYSOP password.


unipasswd [-u <user> | -sysop] [-n <node-ID>] [-host <hostname:port>] 

unipasswd -v 
unipasswd -h 


unipasswd changes the password of the SYSOP of a given node. unipasswd can also be used to change a user's password.

In an Oracle Internet Directory installation, after changing the SYSOP password via a node, the SYSOP password on all the other nodes of the same server will also be changed.

Note that the -sysop and -u options are mutually exclusive. unipasswd cannot be used to change a resource or an event calendar's password. But this can be done using uniuser.

unipasswd only runs if the Oracle Calendar server is up.




Change a user's password. Use the <user> argument to specify which user. See FORMAT OF THE <user> ARGUMENT for details on how to specify a user.



Specify the name and port number of the host on which the operation is to be performed. The default is the local host. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.



Specify the node on which the password is to be changed. Required if more than one node exists.


Change the password of the SYSOP.


Print the current version number of unipasswd.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unipasswd.



The <user> argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. The "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "S=Hoopla/OU1=R\/D".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (for example, the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they should be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.


If the ID key-value pair is specified in the user argument, all other key-value pairs specified along with it are ignored.

Table 6-40 Accepted keys: UNIPASSWD

Key X.400 Field




Given name






User unique identifier




Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4






Administration domain


Private Domain


Phone number


Fax phone number


Employee number


Job title



Modification of Password

This utility uses the [ENG]allowpasswordchange_user parameter in unison.ini to determine whether or not it can modify a user password. If this value is set to "FALSE", then the user password cannot be modified by this utility. The parameter [ENG]allowpasswordchange_reserved [sysop] is used to determine whether or not it can modify the SysOp password.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


uniping - Ping another Oracle Calendar server.


uniping [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <node-ID>] [-u <user>] [-i <numsec>] [-allnodes] [-s <size>] [-stats] [-log] [-time]

uniping -v 
uniping -h 


uniping sends echo messages to a node or a node network. Receiving nodes reply to the message, and uniping prints the elapsed time between sending the original message and receiving the replies. Use this utility to verify that a node is up, or to measure server response time under various load conditions.

Before sending any messages, uniping first authenticates the specified user on the specified node. uniping only sends messages if this authentication is successful.

uniping runs whether the Oracle Calendar server is up or down.



Send the echo message to all nodes connected to the node network containing the specified node.



Specify the name and port number of an Oracle Calendar server host. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.



Repeat the echo message with intervals in seconds specified by <numsec>. If this option is not used, uniping sends only one echo message to each specified node.


Print errors to a log file ($ORACLE_HOME/ocal/log/uniping.log).



Specify a node to connect to. Required if more than one node exists on the Oracle Calendar server specified by the -host option.



Specify the size of the echo message in bytes. The default is 64 bytes.


Display statistics on startup.


Display the time at which each message is sent.



Specify a user name to use for authentication. If this option is not used, SYSOP is used by default. See FORMAT OF THE <user> ARGUMENT for details on how to specify a user.


Print the version number of uniping.


Print a usage message explaining how to run uniping.



The user argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. For all keys except the ID key, the "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "S=Hoopla/OU1=R\/D".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (for example, the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they should be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.


If the ID key-value pair is specified in the user argument, all other key-value pairs specified along with it are ignored. Further note that the ID key-value pair may be specified without using the ID key, i.e. "-u 256" is a valid specification and is equivalent to "-u ID=256".

Table 6-41 Accepted keys: UNIPING

Key X.400 Field




Given name






User unique identifier




Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4






Administration domain


Private domain


Phone number


Fax phone number


Employee number


Job title



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error


unireqdump - View, and optionally delete, requests in the queue of the Corporate-Wide Services (CWS) daemon.


New options have been added to the unireqdump utility in Oracle Calendar For more information about the new options, see New UNIREQDUMP Options in Oracle Calendar


unireqdump [-delete] [-excl <filter>] [-incl <filter>] [-u <itemnum>] 
[-rn <node-ID>] [-y] [-reqid <ID>] [-reqtype <code>] [-reqgroup ID]
[-n <node-ID>] [nolist] [-nototal] 

unireqdump -v 
unireqdump -h 


unireqdump outputs the set of requests currently in the queue of the Corporate-Wide Services daemon/service, unicwsd. The utility is also used to delete requests from the queue (using the -delete option).

By default, all requests in the queue are output. The -excl, -incl, -u, -rn, -reqid, and -reqtype options allow you to select requests satisfying specific criteria. These options are applied successively so each of the requests in the output must meet the combined criteria for all of the options specified. Use -reqid if you want to select a specific request from the queue.

Numeric arguments can be either decimal or hexadecimal values (where hexadecimal values are prefixed by "0x"). The single exception is the ID argument to the -reqid option, where a hexadecimal value is always assumed, even if the "0x" prefix is not present.

unireqdump can only be run if the Oracle Calendar server is up.



Delete from the queue the requests that match the filters. After each request is output, the user is prompted to confirm whether or not they wish to delete it. The -y option may be used along with this option to tell unireqdump to automatically delete ALL of the requests in the output, without prompting for confirmation.



Set an exclusion filter. Requests matching this filter are excluded from the output. The possible filters are:



Set an inclusion filter. Requests matching this filter are included in the output. The possible filters are listed under the -excl option.



Specify a node to connect to. Also used to select the requests which originated from this node. Required if more than one node exists on the server running unireqdump.


Do not list the requests that are in the queue.


Do not display the summary (totals at the end of the output).



Select only requests matching the specified calendar account (user, resource or event calendar) number. itemnum is the numeric ID of the user, resource or event calendar.


Used with the -delete option to tell unireqdump to automatically delete all of the requests in the output, without prompting for confirmation. Use this option with care!



Select only requests destined for the specified remote node.



Select the request of the group specified by <group>. Valid values for <group> are: "replication", "SMS" or "mail".



Select the request with the specified ID. ID is a hexadecimal value (it is not necessary to prefix the value with "0x", though doing so causes no harm).



Select the request of type <code>. The type can be expressed numerically by its transaction code (the numeric values are available in the documentation for the calendar programming interface), or as one of the following strings:


These strings also appear in the output in the "TrCode" field for each request listed.


Print the current version number of unireqdump.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unireqdump.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt

New UNIREQDUMP Options in Oracle Calendar


The options described in this section were added to Oracle Calendar Cumulative Patch If you are using a previous version of Oracle Calendar, the options described are not available.

To help manage Corporate-Wide Service daemon requests, the following new options have been added for use with the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/bin/unireqdump utility:


Push a request to the end of the queue.


Set a request to the "can't service" state.


Set a request to the "not serviced" state.


  • Push the request with ID 300, originating from node 10, to the end of the queue:

    unireqdump -requeue -reqid 300 -n 10
  • Set the request with ID 400, originating from node 10, to the "can't service" state:

    unireqdump -setcantservice -reqid 400 -n 10
  • Set the request with ID 500, originating from node 10, to the "not serviced" state:

    unireqdump -setnotserviced -reqid 500 -n 10


unirestore - Restore a user's agenda from a backup.


unirestore -u <uid> -path <bkpPath>
[-futureReplies] [-noAddAttendee] [-logAll]
-n <node-ID> [-host <hostname:port>] 

unirestore -ls <user> -path <bkpPath>
-n <node-ID> [-host <hostname:port>] 

unirestore -v 
unirestore -h 


unirestore restores a user's calendar data from a backup file. A user calendar account can be restored even if it has been deleted completely, in which case a calendar account is created for the user. If there is a directory server, the user must be in the directory.

The -u option is used to specify the UID of the user you wish to restore. The -path option indicates the path to the backup files. This is the path to the directory which includes a db directory. For example: "-path /backups/cserver/jan0799".

The -ls option to list users contained in a backup. The <user> argument restricts unirestore to list only the users that match the <user> filter. See FORMAT OF THE <user> ARGUMENT for details on how to specify <user>.

By default, for agenda entries scheduled in the future and created by other users, any changes the user has made to his attendance status are not restored. For meetings that the user does own, the attendance status of all attendees are reset to "to be confirmed" as if the meetings were newly created.

Use the -futureReplies option if you want to force the restoration of the users' replies to invitations from the backup. With this option, any changes the user has made to his attendance status for agenda entries in the future (after the restoration date) which were created by others will be restored. Also, for meetings that the user created, the attendees' attendance status will be restored from the backup.

By default, if the user was invited to a meeting in the backup and he is no longer invited to that meeting in the current database (this can happen if for example, the user was accidently deleted from the database), he will be added back as an attendee. But in cases where for example the meeting organizer deleted the user from the attendee list after the backup was made, you may want to use the -noAddAttendee option to avoid re-adding the user to the attendee list of meetings that other users created and own and intentionally removed the user.

unirestore only runs if the Oracle Calendar server is up. There is no need to restart the server after running unirestore.


unirestore restores deleted events. If an event exists in a user's agenda at the time of a restore, and that same event exists in the backup source for restore, the event that is already in the agenda will take precedence. The event is not synchronized for the most current changes.



Restore the user's attendance status for future agenda entries.



Specify the name and port number of the host. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.


Print out error messages for errors with agenda entries in the past. By default, only errors found with entries in the future are reported.



List users found in the backup file. Use the <user> option to restrict the list to certain users only. Specify users by providing the <user> argument. See FORMAT OF THE <user> ARGUMENT for details.



Specify the node. Always required.


Do not update other users' agendas with changes to meetings that the user does not own but was invited to.



Specify the path to the backup database files directory.



Specify the user's UID.


Print the current version number of unirestore.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unirestore.





Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unirmold - Remove old events and tasks from agendas in an Oracle Calendar server database.


unirmold [-u <user>] [-d <numOfDays>] [-y] [-event] [-task] [-attachment] [-include <types>] [-sync] -n <node-ID>  

unirmold -resource [<resource>] [-d <numOfDays>] [-y] [-attachment] 
-n <node-ID> 

unirmold -v 
unirmold -h 


unirmold removes events and/or tasks older than a specified number of days from user or resource agendas in an Oracle Calendar server database.

To remove an event from a user's agenda, unirmold "un-invites" the user to the event. This has two consequences: the event no longer appears in that agenda AND the user no longer appears on the list of users invited to the event. The update to the list of invitees propagates as necessary to the other nodes in the node network.

By default, unirmold removes all events and tasks older than 90 days from all user agendas in the node and all events older than 90 days from all resource agendas in the specified node. The -resource option restricts unirmold to events in resource agendas. The <user> argument restricts unirmold to the agendas of the specified users. See FORMAT OF THE <user> ARGUMENT for details on how to specify <user>.

When using unirmold in -resource mode, you may specify a resource filter using the <resource> argument to restrict the deletion to certain resources only. See FORMAT OF THE <resource> ARGUMENT for details on how to specify <resource>.


unirmold only removes tasks if the start date, the due date, and the completion date are all older than the specified number of days.

unirmold only runs if the Oracle Calendar server is up.



Delete event attachments only. Use this option to remove the event attachments only and leave the rest of the events intact.


Delete events only. By default unirmold deletes both events and tasks from the user agenda. Use the -attachment to only remove event attachments.



Delete events which are special types of agenda entries. Currently this option applies only to events which are either Outlook journal entries or sticky notes. The <types> argument is one or more of the following: journal, sticky. For example, to delete both types which are journal entries and sticky notes, use -include journal sticky. To delete only events which are sticky notes, use -include sticky.



Delete events and tasks that are more than <numOfDays> days old from the agenda. If you do not use this option, the default value is 90 days. The minimum value is 30 days.



Specify the node. Required if more than one node exists on the host.



Remove all events in resource agendas only. You may specify a filter to select specific resources by providing the <resource> argument. See FORMAT OF THE <resource> ARGUMENT for details.


Removes all synchronization records from the user agenda.


Delete only tasks from the user agenda. By default unirmold deletes both events and tasks from the user agenda.



Remove entries from the specified user agendas only. Specify users by providing the <user> argument. See FORMAT OF THE <user> ARGUMENT for details.


Used to auto-confirm the deletions.


Print the current version number of unirmold.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unirmold.



The user argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. The "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "S=Hoopla/OU1=R\/D".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (for example, the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they should be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.


If the ID key-value pair is specified in the user argument, all other key-value pairs specified along with it are ignored.

Table 6-42 Accepted keys: UNIRMOLD

Key X.400 Field




Given name






Unique Identifier




Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4






Administration domain


Private domain


The <resource> is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. For all keys except the ID key, the "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "S=Hoopla/G=James\/Jim".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (for example, the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they should be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.

Note that if the ID key-value pair is specified in the <resource> argument, all other key-value pairs specified along with it are ignored.

Table 6-43 Accepted keys: UNIRMOLD

Key Field


Resource name


Resource number





Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unirndel - Delete a remote node from a local Oracle Calendar server node database.


unirndel -rn <node-ID> [-n <node-ID>]

unirndel -v 
unirndel -h 


unirndel deletes all references to a remote node from the database of a local node. By default the local node is the one with the name "N1". unirndel should only be used to delete a remote node created for test purposes. You should consult Oracle Support before using unirndel.

It is recommended that you back up the local $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/db directory before running unirndel.

unirndel runs only if the Oracle Calendar server is up.




Specifies the node-ID of the local node database from which the remote node should be deleted.



Specifies the node-ID of the remote node.


Print the current version number of unirndel.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unirndel.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unirnsynch - Propagate deletions in the local information of one node to another node in the network.


unirnsynch -rn <node-ID> [-rhost <hostname:port>] -n <node-ID> [-host <hostname:port>] 

unirnsynch -v 
unirnsynch -h 


unirnsynch is used to propagate deletions in the local information of one node to another node in the network. Each node in a node network contains both local information and remote node information, where:

The remote node information of a given node is constructed from the local information of each of the other nodes in the node network.

Changes to the local information of a node are normally automatically propagated to all remote nodes in the network. However, if for any reason discrepancies do occur, the remote node information can be updated using unirnsynch and/or uninode. uninode (using the -apply option) may be used to add missing entries while unirnsynch is used to delete entries which no longer exist in the local information.

uninode -cws -group all may be used to determine whether or not discrepancies exist (see the IMPORT-DIR field of the output).

The Oracle Calendar server must be up to run unirnsynch.




Specify the name and port number of the host where the node that has had deletions to local information resides. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.



Specify the node-ID of the node that has had deletions to its local information.



Specify the name and port number of the host where the node that is to have its remote node information updated resides. Default is the local host. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.



Specify the node-ID of the node that is to have its remote node information updated.


Print the current version number of unirnsynch.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unirnsynch.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Usage error

2 System error




unisizeof - Compute the size of the Oracle Calendar server installation.


unisizeof [-db | -n <node-ID>]

unisizeof -v 
unisizeof -h 


unisizeof computes the size of an Oracle Calendar server installation. By default, it determines the size of the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal directory, including all database nodes and the Oracle Calendar server (executables and *.ini files). Use the -db option to determine the size of the entire database and the -n option to determine the size of a single database node.

unisizeof runs whether the Oracle Calendar server is up or down.



Compute the size of the entire database. The entire database is made up of all nodes on the server.



Compute the database size of the specified node.


Print the version number of unisizeof.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unisizeof.




Used to determine the default node (i.e. the node for which "name = N1" in this file) when unisizeof is used with the -db option.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unislice - Extract information from the Oracle Calendar server's log files.


unislice <logFile(s)> [-s <starttime>] [-e <endtime>]

unislice -v 
unislice -h 


unislice extracts information from the specified log file(s) and sends it to standard output. The unisnapshot utility uses unislice to gather information contained in log files. The <logFile(s)> argument is a list of one or more log files; each must be a fully-specified path name separated from the others by a space. unislice can run on most of the log files in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/log directory.

unislice runs whether the Oracle Calendar server is up or down.




Set an end time. Only log file information with time stamps prior to this time are included in the output. Thus, if an end time of January 1 is set, no information from the 1st of January is included. See FORMAT OF starttime, endtime ARGUMENTS for details on how to specify these arguments.



Set a start time. Only log file information with time stamps on or after this time are included in the output. See FORMAT OF starttime, endtime ARGUMENTS for details on how to specify these arguments.


Print the current version number of unislice.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unislice.



Each of these arguments can take one of the forms:




Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt




unisnapshot - Compile Oracle Calendar server information for diagnostic purposes.


unisnapshot [<date>] [-nolog]

unisnapshot [-s <starttime>] [-e <endtime>] [-nolog] 

unisnapshot -v 
unisnapshot -h 


unisnapshot assembles information used by support staff to diagnose most Oracle Calendar server problems. Should a problem ever arise, only this file need be supplied to support staff.

Output is written to the unisnapshot.log file in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/log directory. unisnapshot can be restricted to include log file information logged during a single day, or during a specified time period. This reduces the amount of irrelevant information in the output.

See FORMAT OF THE date ARGUMENT for details on how to specify <date>.

unisnapshot can be run whether the Oracle Calendar server is up or down.




Set an end time. Only log file information with time stamps prior to this time are included in the output of unisnapshot. Thus, if an end time of January 1 is set, no information from the 1st of January is included. <endtime> is a string of the same format as <date>.


Prevent unisnapshot from including log file information in its output.



Sets a start time. Only log file information with time stamps on or after this time are included in the output of unisnapshot. <starttime> is a string of the same format as date.


Print the current version number of unisnapshot.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unisnapshot.



The date argument takes one of the forms:


If no year is specified, the default is the current year.




This is the file where unisnapshot writes its output. If a previous file exists at the time unisnapshot is invoked, it is overwritten.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unisnapshot may take some time to complete.


unisncdump - Retrieve statistics from the Oracle Calendar server's Synchronous Network Connection daemon/service.


unisncdump [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <node-ID>] [-screen]

unisncdump -v 
unisncdump -h 


unisncdump retrieves statistics from the unisncd daemon and writes them to the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/log/unisncdump.log file. Included are the number of configured and available connections for each service.




Specify the name and port number of the host on which the unisncd is located. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.



Specify the Oracle Calendar server node. Required if more than one node exists.


Display the output on the screen instead of writing it to the log file.


Print the version number of unisncdump.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unisncdump.




unisncdump writes to this file by default.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unistart - Start up the Oracle Calendar server or start a node.


unistart [-bypass] [-nocws] [-nosnc] [-nocsm] [-nodas] [-r]

unistart -standby [-bypass] [-r] 

unistart -csmhost <hostname:csmport> [-bypass] [-nocws] [-nosnc] [-nodas] [-r]

unistart -n <node-Id> -csmhost <hostname:csmport>

unistart -n <node-Id> 

unistart -v 
unistart -h 


unistart is used to start a single node or to start the Oracle Calendar server. The default action is to start all Oracle Calendar server daemons or services that are not already started, these include: unilckd, uniengd, unidasd (if a directory server is being used), unisncd, unicwsd and unicsmd. To erase the contents of an old log file before a newly started daemon writes to it, use the -r option.

To start a single node, use the -n option. A node can be started only if the Oracle Calendar server is already running.

A server (or a node) can be started remotely if the Calendar Server Manager daemon (unicsmd) is running for that server. To only start the unicsmd daemon, use the -standby option. To remotely start an Oracle Calendar server or a node, use the -csmhost option.

The server can be started with some of the components left disabled using the options -nocws, -nosnc, -nocsm and -nodas.

By default, unistart calls unicheck to check the file system. You can skip this step by using the -bypass option.


-bypass is a UNIX-only option.



By default, unicheck is run before the daemons and services are started. This option causes unistart to execute without running unicheck.



Specify the name and port number of the host on which the remote unicsmd is located. Use the following format: "hostname:csmport".



Specify the Oracle Calendar server node to start.


By default, unicsmd is started (unless a [CSM] enable parameter exists in unison.ini and is set to "FALSE".) This option overrides this and prevents unicsmd from being started. unicsmd can be brought up later by simply running unistart again without this option. This option is only available in Oracle Calendar standalone deployments.


By default, unicwsd is started (unless a [CWS] enable parameter exists in unison.ini and is set to "FALSE".) This option overrides this and prevents unicwsd from being started. unicwsd can be brought up later by simply running unistart again without this option. This option is only available in Oracle Calendar standalone deployments.


By default, unidasd is started if the [DAS] enable parameter in unison.ini is set to "TRUE". This option overrides this setting and prevents unidasd from being started. unidasd can be brought up later by simply running unistart again without this option. This option is only available in Oracle Calendar standalone deployments.


By default, unisncd is started (unless a [SNC] enable parameter exists in unison.ini and is set to "FALSE".) This option overrides this and prevents unisncd from being started. unisncd can be brought up later by simply running unistart again without this option. This option is only available in Oracle Calendar standalone deployments.


Removes any existing log files that will be used by the newly started components. The following table shows which log file is deleted when the component is started. Logs file are located in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/log directory.

Table 6-44 Deleted log files

Component Log files








eng.log, lck.log, dbv.log, act.log, utl.log, script.log, notify.log, utility.log






Start the unicsmd daemon/service only.


Print the current version number of unistart.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unistart.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unistat - Produce a content report on an Oracle Calendar server node.


unistat [-l] [-s | -g] [-m] -n <node-ID> 

unistat -v 
unistat -h 


unistat produces a report for the specified node and sends it to standard output. unistat prompts the user for the SYSOP password for the node. In order to use this utility, the [ENG] stats parameter must be enabled in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/unison.ini file. For more information about the [ENG] stats parameter, see Chapter 3, "Calendar Server Parameters".

The following information is included in the report:

The Oracle Calendar server must be up for unistat to run.


The -g and -s options are mutually exclusive



Only print the list of public and administrative groups.


Print the report in 128 characters per line mode. If this option is not used, the default is 80 characters per line.


Print the members of the groups.



Specify the node.


Only print the user, resource and event calendar database statistics.


Print the current version number of unistat.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unistat.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unistats - Display summary statistics of the data from an Oracle Calendar server stats file.


unistats [-s <starttime>] [-e <endtime>] [-f <filename>] [-server <version>] [-client <entry>] [-n <node-ID>] [-user <user> | -res <resource> | -reserved] [-all]

unistats -v 
unistats -h 


Displays summary statistics of the data found in an Oracle Calendar server stats file. By default, the input file is $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/log/stats.log. The -server, -client, -n, -user, -res, -reserved filter options may be used to compile statistics from a subset of the information found in the stats file.

The default output is a summary for each unique calendar client. Different versions of the same client are treated as separate clients, and a summary is output for each.

The -all option displays a summary incorporating all clients. All output is displayed in 122-character-wide format. A complete list of all output fields is given in the OUTPUT section.



Display summary incorporating all interface clients.



Display summary statistics on a specific calendar client. <entry> is the name and version of that client. See FORMAT OF THE entry, name, AND resource ARGUMENTS for details on how to specify <entry>.



Specify end time for statistics. If this option is not used, the default is the current time of the current day of the current month of the current year. See FORMAT OF THE time ARGUMENT for details on how to specify <endtime>.



Specify the file to be used as input. This file must be in the same format as the default input file $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/log/stats.log. This option is commonly used where a file has been created from an existing stats.log file and is supplied as input to unistats.



Display summary statistics on a specific node. <node-ID> is an Oracle Calendar server node-ID.



Display summary statistics on a specific resource. <resource> is the name and/or identification number of the resource. See FORMAT OF THE entry, name, AND resource ARGUMENTS for details on how to specify <resource>.


Display summary statistics on all reserved users (for example, SYSOP).



Specify a start time for the statistics. If this option is not used, the default start time is "Jan 1 1991 00:00:00". See FORMAT OF THE time ARGUMENT for details on how to specify <starttime>.



Display summary statistics on a specific Oracle Calendar server. <version> is the version number of that server (for example, A.02.90).



Display summary statistics on a specific user. <name> is some combination of the surname, given name, and organizational units of the user. See FORMAT OF THE entry, name, AND resource ARGUMENTS for details on how to specify <name>.


Print the current version number of unistats.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unistats.


FORMAT OF THE entry, name, AND resource ARGUMENTS

Each of the arguments <entry>, <name>, and <resource> is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. The "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "S=Hoopla/OU1=R\/D".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (for example, the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they should be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.

Note that if the ID key-value pair is specified in the -res argument, all other key-value pairs specified along with it are ignored.

Table 6-45 Accepted keys: UNISTATS




Client Name



Client Version






Given name



Organizational Unit 1



Organizational Unit 2



Organizational Unit 3



Organizational Unit 4



Resource Name



Resource ID

Some example specifications are:

-client "N=Windows Oracle Calendar - 32 Bit/V=version 4.1"
-user "S=Carter/G=Angela"
-res "R=laptop"
-res "ID=328"


The <starttime> and <endtime> arguments may be expressed as either:


The order of the individual elements in the argument is unimportant. What is important is that either day and month be specified, or time be specified. The following are all valid examples:

Feb 22 1996 10:00:00 
22 february 10:00:00
10:00:00 february 22 1996 
1996 feb 22 
feb 22 

Default values for <day>, <month>, <year>, and <time> are the current day, current month, current year and current system time respectively.

Any missing field in <time> (HH, MM, or SS) is replaced with the current HH, MM, or SS value. For example, if the current date and time is March 12 1998 10:41:34, and only HH:MM are specified in the argument, the SS becomes "34":

-e 12:41 -> March 12 1998 12:41:34 
-s 12:41 -> March 12 1998 12:41:34 

If none of the time fields are specified, <starttime> defaults to the first minute of the day, and <endtime> defaults to the last minute of the day:

-s feb 22 -> feb 22 1998 00:00:00
-e feb 22 -> feb 22 1998 23:59:59 


All output fields displayed by unistats are explained here, in the order in which they will be seen:

Table 6-46 unistats CLIENT output fields

CLIENT fields Description


Name and Version of the calendar client


Name of the host operating system of the Oracle Calendar server


The Oracle Calendar server version


Number of records used for the summary statistics of this client


Average session time


Total cpu time for all SIGNONS


Median cpu time


Average cpu time; "usr" stands for user and "sys" stands for system


Total number of bytes exchanged between the client and Oracle Calendar server host




Average of NETWORK TOTAL; "snd" stands for send and "rcv" stands for receive


Total number of function calls

Table 6-47 unistats FUNCTION NAME output fields

FUNCTION NAME fields: Description

CALL (%)

Percentage of all calls for this function


Greatest user response time for function to process one call


Average user response time for processing this function

CPU (%)

Percentage of all cpu time taken by this function

CPU (%U)

Percentage (of CPU(%) above) taken by the user

CPU (%S)

Percentage (of CPU(%) above), taken by the system


Greatest cpu time taken by this function to process one call


Average cpu time taken by this function to process one call

NET (%)

Percentage of all network i/o used by this function

NET (%S)

Percentage (of NET(%) above) of data sent

NET (%R)

Percentage (of NET(%) above) of data received




By default, unistats obtains its information from this file. The [ENG] stats parameter in unison.ini must be set to "TRUE" to enable uniengd to log information to this file.


unistats logs any errors in this file.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 usage error

2 system error


unistatus - Determine the status of the Oracle Calendar server and nodes.


unistatus [-f] [-d] [-s] [-cws] [-lck] [-reset] [-q] [-w] [-e] 

unistatus -csmhost <hostname:csmport> [-f] [-d] [-s] [-cws] [-lck] [-reset] [-q] [-w] [-e]

unistatus -n [<node-Id>]

unistatus -csmhost <hostname:csmport> -n [<node-ID>]

unistatus -v 
unistatus -h 


By default unistatus determines which of the Oracle Calendar server daemons/services are running and prints their current status to standard output. unistatus can also be used to display the status of the nodes.

The unistatus utility will report the state of the Oracle Calendar server as being up, partially up, down, in stand-by mode (the Oracle Calendar server manager is running) or inconsistent and it will list any daemon or service that should normally be enabled but is not.

Many options are available for selecting various types of information to display. The -d, -f and -s options will display controllers, listeners, tasks and/or session information. See OUTPUT for the values and their meanings.

The quiet output (using -q) is useful when used in combination with the -e option, which returns a value that represents the state of the Oracle Calendar server. This can be used by scripts to test whether the Oracle Calendar server is up or not.

The -cws and -lck options will display extended statistical information on the unicwsd or unilckd daemons/services respectively. unistatus will display the number of opened or closed database sessions, the number of database locks and the number of database commits. By default these counters will be reset to 0 once a day (this is configurable). The counters can also be reset manually using the -lck or -cws option in conjunction with the -reset option.

To run unistatus remotely, use the -csmhost option. If connected to an Oracle Internet Directory, supply the SYSOP password, otherwise use the CSM password which is defined by the [CSM] password parameter in unison.ini of the remote server.

unistatus runs whether the Oracle Calendar server is up or down. To run unistatus remotely, the Calendar Server Manager (unicsmd) must be running on the remote server.




Specify the name and port number of the host on which the remote Oracle Calendar server is located. Use the following format: "hostname:csmport".


Display statistics for the corporate wide daemon/service (unicwsd).


Produce a report for task, listener and controller processes only.


Alter the default exit status values to provide information about the Oracle Calendar server daemons/services. See EXIT STATUS for the values and their meanings.


Produce an extensive ps-like report, taking into account the distinction between listeners, sessions and controllers. The Oracle Calendar server may have the following daemons and servers running:


Display statistics for the lock manager.



Display statistics on a specific node.


Force the quiet version of the command which does not produce any output but returns the proper error.


Produce a report for sessions only.


Do not display messages for processes that are down or disabled, such as "CORPORATE-WIDE SERVICES are down" or "REMOTE-NODE SERVICES are down" when the unilckd and uniengd daemons/services are running but the unicwsd or unisncd daemons/services are not.


Print the current version number of unistatus.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unistatus.


For some platforms, certain values cannot be displayed. For instance, under Windows there are no sessions and no controllers—only listeners will be shown. For Solaris, only controllers and listeners will be displayed. For AIX, the 3 classes will be shown. Output fields displayed by unistatus:

Table 6-48 unistatus output fields

Column Description


UserID under which the server is running


ProcessID for this process


Parent ProcessID


Elapsed time. Under Unix the format is dd-HH:MM:SS. Under Windows the format is HH:MM:SS where HH can be bigger than 24.


CPU Time. Same format as ETIME


Name of the daemon/service


Function of the daemon. Under Windows: listener, task. Under UNIX: controller, listener, session, task


Additional information for the daemon/service operations



The default exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt

Use of the -e option alters the default exit values to encode the status of the various Oracle Calendar server daemons/services. These values are as follows:


unistop - Shut down the Oracle Calendar server or a node.


unistop [-bypass] [-standby] [-cws] [-snc] [-das] [-csm] [-y] 

unistop -csmhost <hostname:csmport> [-bypass>]
[-cws] [-snc] [-das] [-nostandby] [-y]

unistop -n <node-Id> [-y]

unistop -n <node-Id> -csmhost <hostname:csmport> [-y]

unistop -clean [-force]

unistop -v 
unistop -h 


unistop shuts down all or part of a running Oracle Calendar server. By default, all daemons and services are shut down: unicwsd, unisncd, unidasd (if a directory server is being used), uniengd, unilckd and unicsmd. unistop can also be used to stop a node or to clean up the system resources allocated by the server.

If any users are currently signed-on, unistop prompts for confirmation before proceeding with the shutdown. Use the -y option to auto-confirm this confirmation.

To stop a single node, use the -n option. A server (or a node) can be stopped remotely if the Calendar Server Manager daemon (unicsmd) is running for that remote server. By default, on a local server, all components of the server are stopped. To leave the unicsmd daemon running, use the -standby option, this will allow you to restart the server remotely.

To remotely stop an Oracle Calendar server or a node, use the -csmhost option. If you have an installation with an Oracle Internet Directory, supply the SYSOP password, otherwise use the CSM password which is defined by the [CSM] password parameter in the remote server's unison.ini. When stopping a server remotely, the remote unicsmd daemon is not stopped by default. You can force it to be stopped using the -nostandby option.

Specific components of the server can be stopped using the options -cws, -snc, -csm and -das.

Once the server is stopped, resources, possible leaks and any temporary files are removed. unistop can be executed with the -clean option when the server is completely down to perform this cleanup. However, if for some reason unistop thinks that the server is still up (for example when IPC or other resources are still lingering), you can force a clean operation using the -force option.

unistop can only be run if the Oracle Calendar server is at least partially up (i.e. one or more daemons are running).

unistop cannot run at the same time as unistart or another unistop unless you use the -bypass option. This option might be useful if unistart was abruptly terminated but is still detected as running.



Allow unistop to execute even if another unistart or unistop process is running. Use this option with care, and always verify that unistart is indeed not running before specifying this option.


Clean the system resources allocated by the server. The server must be shut down completely to use this option. If the Oracle Calendar server is down, but unistop still considers it running for an unknown reason, try unistop -y -bypass, or use the -force option.


Shut down only the Calendar Server Manager daemon/service (unicsmd).



Specify the name and port number of the host on which the remote unicsmd is running to stop the daemon. Use the following format: "hostname:csmport".


Shut down only the Corporate-Wide Services (unicwsd). The unilckd and uniengd daemons/services must be running for this option to succeed. To avoid problems, you should also be certain that unisncd and unidasd (if you are running a Directory Server) are both running.


Stop only the unidasd daemons and servers. These are used only with a directory server. The unilckd and uniengd daemons/services must be running for this option to succeed. To avoid problems, you should also be certain that unicwsd and unisncd are both running.


Use in conjunction with the -clean option to force a clean up of the system resources allocated by the server, even if the server is up. This is normally not necessary and should only be used as a last resort.



Specify the Oracle Calendar server node to stop.


Stop the daemons on the remote server, including unicsmd daemon. This option is used, when stopping a remote server, to force the remote unicsmd to stop as well. The remote server will no longer be accessible remotely.


Shut down only the unisncd daemon. The unilckd and uniengd daemons must be running for this option to succeed. To avoid problems, you should also be certain that unidasd (if you are running a Directory Server) is running and unicwsd is not running. This will also shut down unicwsd.


Stop the Oracle Calendar server, but leave the unicsmd daemon running. Use this option so that after stopping a local server, you can restart it remotely.


By default, if there are any users signed on to the Oracle Calendar server, a prompt is issued to confirm that a shutdown is desired. This option causes unistop to automatically proceed with the shutdown even if there are users signed on. The shutdown of each of the active uniengd servers proceeds in such a way as to ensure the integrity of the database.


Print the current version number of unistop.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unistop.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unistrconv - Convert text to UTF-8 or to another character set.


unistrconv [-from <charset>] [-to <charset>] -s <string>

unistrconv [-from <charset>] [-to <charset>]
[-y] -if <inputFile> -of <outputFile>

unistrconv -v 
unistrconv -h 


Converts text from one character set to another. By default, the string is converted to UTF-8. The text can be read from a file and output to another file.

Use this utility to convert text to be used as the banner for e-mail messages which must be provided in UTF-8 format.




Specify the character set to convert from. By default, the current character set is used. Valid values for <charset> include:








Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Italian:












Simplified Chinese:




Traditional Chinese:





Specifies the path name of the file containing the text to be converted.


Specifies the path name of a file which will contain the converted text.



Specify the string to be converted.



Specify the character set to convert to. By default, the UTF-8 character set is used. See the -from option for valid values for <charset>.


Used with the -of option to auto-confirm the overwriting of the output file.


Print the current version number of unistrconv.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unistrconv.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unisyncrefresh - Refresh Oracle Calendar server sync records.


unisyncrefresh [-n <node-ID>] [-host <hostname:port>] [-fr <date>] 

unisyncrefresh -v 
unisyncrefresh -h 


unisyncrefresh refreshes the Oracle Calendar server synchronization records.

With the new version of the Oracle Calendar server, it is no longer necessary to run unisyncrefresh periodically, as the CWS now ensures that the sync information stays up to date.

unisyncrefresh can only be run if the Oracle Calendar server is up.




Force a rebuild of all sync information newer than the given date. Should be used only in cases of corruption of the synchronization records, not during normal maintenance. Some end users may need to recreate their sync contexts to see any benefits. Consult Oracle support for instructions on using this option in specific circumstances. The format of the date is mm/dd/yyyy.



Specifies a host which contains the node specified by the -n option. Required if connecting to a remote host. If -host is not present, unisyncrefresh will assume the local host. If -host is specified and -n is not, unisyncrefresh will search for a master node on the specified host. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.



Specify a node. If -n is not used, unisyncrefresh will search for a master node located on the host specified by the -host option. If no master node exists, -n is required.


Print the current version number of unisyncrefresh.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unisyncrefresh.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


unitzinfo - Print time zone information.


unitzinfo [-c] [-l] [-t <timezone>] [-node <node-ID>] [-y <year>]

unitzinfo -v 
unitzinfo -h 


Extracts information from the Oracle Calendar server time zone table found in the $ORACLE_HOME/ocal/misc/timezone.ini file. By default, the information for the configured time zone, for the current year, used by the Oracle Calendar server is printed in an 80-character-wide format.

The Oracle Calendar server table contains time zone information from the year 1991 to 2074 inclusive.

unitzinfo can be run whether the Oracle Calendar server is up or down.



List the time zone information by country. Time zones within a country are listed in sequence. The printed fields are:

Table 6-49 Time zone fields

Field Description


Country name


Time zone name


The difference (in hours) from GMT


The difference (in hours) from GMT during Daylight Savings Time (DST)


The period when DST is in effect


Print the information in 132-character-wide ("large") output format.



Specify the node. This option causes the information for the time zone configured for the node to be output.



Specify the name of the time zone to print. If timezone has the value "all", the complete list of time zones is printed.



Specify the year for which the time zone information will be output (for example, to view the DST period for that year). <year> must be specified using four digits. The default is the current year.


Print the current version number of unitzinfo.


Print a usage message explaining how to run unitzinfo.




This file contains the time zone descriptions used by the Oracle Calendar server.


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


uniuser - List, add, or delete calendar users, resources or event calendars, modify the information associated with them or transfer data from one user to another.



uniuser -ls [<user>] [-format <format>] [-host <hostname:port>] -n <node-ID> 
[-user | -resource | -eventcal] [[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]] [-ext] [-showdefault]

uniuser -defaultls [-s <section>] [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <node-ID>] 
[-user | -resource | -eventcal] [[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

uniuser -inactivels <date> [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <node-ID>] 
[-user | -resource | -eventcal] [ [-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]
[-ext] [-showdefault]

uniuser -newls <date> [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <node-ID>] 
[-user | -resource | -eventcal] [[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]
[-ext] [-showdefault]


uniuser -add <filter> [-s <section>] [-host <hostname:port>] [-attach <filter>] -n <node-ID> 
[-user | -resource | -eventcal] [[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]


uniuser -del <filter> [-y] [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <node-ID>] 
[-user | -resource | -eventcal] [[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

uniuser -desdel -u <filter> [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <node-ID>] 
[-user | -resource | -eventcal] [[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

uniuser -grpdel -u <filter> [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <node-ID>] 
[-user | -resource | -eventcal] [[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]


uniuser -mod <filter> -s <section> | -m <modifier> [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <node-ID>] [-user | -resource | -eventcal] [[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

Multiple additions, deletions, modifications

uniuser -ex <filename> [-s <section>] [-y] [-k] 
[-user | -resource | -eventcal] [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <node-ID>] 
[[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

uniuser -edit <filter> [-host <hostname:port>] [-n <node-ID>] 
[-user | -resource | -eventcal] [[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]


uniuser -transfer <filter> -u <targetfilter> [-host <hostname:port>] 
[-n <node-ID>] 
[[-event <filter>] | [-group <filter>]| [-task <filter>]| [-folder <filter>]] [-user | -resource] [[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

uniuser -info [<attribute>][-host <hostname:port>] [-n <node-ID>] 
[-user | -resource | -eventcal] [[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

uniuser -user -deprovision <filter> [-host <hostname:port>] -n <node-ID>

uniuser -dsinfo [-host <hostname:port>] -n <node-ID> [[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

uniuser -galinfo [-host <hostname:port>] -n <node-ID> [[-uid <uid>] | [-krb]]

uniuser -v 
uniuser -h [command]


uniuser can list, add, or delete calendar users, resources or event calendar accounts, or modify the information associated with them. You must specify the type of account (user, resource or event calendar) by choosing one of the three options: -user, -resource or -eventcal. These options determine which configuration (user.ini, resource.ini or eventcal.ini) file will be used when needed. Before modifying an account with the -mod option, the -info <attribute> can be used to verify which attributes can be modified and what are the valid values for one attribute in particular.

Uniuser can also be used to transfer calendar data from one user or resource to another using the -transfer option.

The information associated with a calendar user is a combination of the key-value pairs described in the FORMAT OF THE <user> ARGUMENT, and the information contained in the user.ini file. This includes user preferences, security, administrative rights, X.400 information, personal group, admin group membership and the list of persons permitted to work as a designate for the user.

Resources are identified by their names so each must be unique. The information associated with a resource is a combination of the key-value pairs described in the FORMAT OF THE <resource> ARGUMENT and the information contained in the resource.ini file (which includes the resource preferences, security, personal group, admin group membership, and the list of users permitted to work as a designate for the resource).

Event calendars are also identified by their names. See how to specify an event calendar in the table FORMAT OF THE <eventcal> ARGUMENT.

Note that the -ls, -add, -del, -grpdel, -desdel, and -mod options are all mutually exclusive.

It is recommended that you use uniuser to modify only user attributes that are specific to the Oracle Calendar server. Any attributes that can be modified using the Oracle Internet Directory administration tools directly should not be modified through uniuser.

The Oracle Calendar server must be up to run uniuser.



filter: <user> / <resource> / <eventcal>

Use this command to create a new calendar user, resource or event calendar. The information associated with the new account is a combination of what is specified in the <user> argument and the default values in the configuration file (user.ini, resource.ini or eventcal.ini files). By default, when uniuser reads the configuration file, it considers only the values in the [GEN] section. Use the -s option to apply values from other sections of the configuration ini file. Use the -ex option to add multiple users, resources or event calendars.

Mandatory attributes must be provided otherwise the attempt to add a new account will fail. For example, when adding an event calendar or a resource, the name and password must be supplied with the "N" and the "PSW" keys. When using the Oracle Calendar server's internal directory (no external directory), the "S" key is mandatory for the -add option for adding a user.

For external directories, users must already exist in the directory server. The DID (Directory ID) for the user must be specified, and it must be in DN (Distinguished Name) format. This can be followed by data in X.400 format. See EXAMPLES.


Use this option in conjunction with the -user and -add options to re-provision a currently deprovisioned user.


Use this command to list the default attribute values for the specified user, resource or event calendar. The values will be taken from the configuration file section defined by the -s option.


filter: <user> / <resource> / <eventcal>

Use this command to delete the calendar user, resource or event calendar specified by <user>. uniuser prompts for confirmation before performing the deletion unless the -y option is used. If more than one account is to be deleted, the -ex option must used.

This operation can take a long time for very large agendas, and may have an impact on the performance of the Oracle Calendar server for other users. After running the uniuser utility with this option, background processing to remove data related to the deleted entries will still be in progress. It is recommended that you only delete users in off-peak hours.


Use this option with the -user option to deprovision a calendar user account


Use this command to delete all designate rights that the user specified by the -u option has. If more than one match for the user is found in the database, uniuser fails. A node must be specified using the -n option. Only the designate rights to agendas residing on the specified node will be revoked. To delete all designate rights of the user, you must run this command on all connected nodes. For example: Bob Smith is on node 1, Mary is on node 2 and Jack is on node 3. Mary gives designate access to her agenda to Bob and Jack gives designate rights to his agenda to Bob. The command "uniuser -desdel -u "S=Smith/G=Bob" -n 2" will revoke the designate access that Bob has to Mary's agenda but not to Jack's.


Use this command to display the X400 attribute list and directory server attribute list mapping information. This option is not available on Oracle Calendar server standalone deployments with an internal directory.


filter: <user> / <resource> / <eventcal>

Allows you to first output the list of existing calendar users to a file, then edit the file to make desired modifications, and finally to input the changes back into the node.

The uniuser -edit command will open a file editor command (notepad on Windows, vi on Unix). When the editor opens, you will see that the file will be populated with all the accounts that match the user filter defined by <user>. You can then edit the file, adding delete or modify symbols, as described for the -ex option. When you will save and close the file, uniuser will process the file as if the -ex option had been specified.

The following sequence of commands is automatically performed:

% uniuser -ls <filter> -n node-ID > file
% vi file
% uniuser -ex file -n node-ID
% rm file



Use with the -transfer option to transfer agenda entries such as meetings, notes, daily events and journals from one calendar account to another. Use the <filter> argument to specify the type of agenda entries that will be transferred. Limit the number of entries to be transferred by using the key "TIMEINTERVAL". Only entries within the specified time range will be transferred. If no time interval is specified, all entries will be transferred.

The <filter> argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is "true" or "false" for all of the keys except the TIMEINTERVAL value which must have the following format: "YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM],YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM]". Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive.

Key Values Definition
PUBLIC true, false Public entries
PERSONAL true, false Personal entries
CONFIDENTIAL true, false Confidential entries
NORMAL true, false Normal entries
STICKYNOTE true, false Sticky notes
JOURNAL true, false Journals
DAYEVENT true, false Day events
NOTE true, false Notes
NORMALEVENT true, false Meetings and appointments
ALL true, false All types



Use this command to perform the additions, deletions, and/or modifications specified in the file <filename>. Each line of the file must begin with one of the characters '.', '#', 'A', 'a', 'D', 'd', 'M', 'm', 'S', 's', '+'or '-'. This initial character specifies the action to take, as follows:

Character Action
'.' or '#' Ignore the line
'A' or 'a' Add the user
'D' or 'd' Delete the user
'M' or 'm' Modify the user. This line identifies the user. The actual modifications must be defined in the next line which must start with a '-' (minus sign)
'S' or 's' Update the user with the settings from the user.ini file
Treat the line as the continuation of the previous line; note that key-value pairs cannot break over lines
'-' This line specifies the modifications. The previous line must start with 'M' or 'm' to specify the user.

The initial character must be followed by a space and a user specification. In the case of a modification, the user must be specified in a first line starting with the letter 'M' or 'm'. This line is used to identify the user. The following line which starts with a '-' (minus sign) contains key-value pairs which will be applied as the modifications. See EXAMPLES.

For each deletion specified in the file, uniuser prompts for confirmation before performing the deletion. The -y option is used to automatically provide confirmation.

One way to create this file is to save the output of uniuser -ls to a file. This can then be edited and input to uniuser -ex.

The -s sections option may be used with -ex to define which section of the configuration file is to be used when defining default values for the user information when modifying or adding users, resources or event calendars.

For directory servers, the most common way of adding many calendar users is to first use unidssearch to output the list of all non-calendar users to a file. This file can then be modified (if necessary), and input to uniuser using the -ex option. unidssearch outputs in the same "key=value/key=value/..." format that uniuser requires for input. See EXAMPLES.


Used with the -ls, -newls or -inactivels options, -ext will display the extended list of attributes. By default, only a subset of the user attributes are listed.



Use with the -transfer option to transfer address books (contacts) from one user or resource to another. Address books cannot be transferred from event calendar accounts.

The <filter> argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is "true" or "false". Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. For now, ALL is the only possible option which means that all the address book data will be transferred.

Key Values Definition
ALL true, false All types



This option is used to select user information fields and to customize the format of the output. The -info option lists the parameters that can be used to specify the customized format. Some of these are also listed in the FORMAT OF THE <user> ARGUMENT section. If this option is not used, all user information fields are output, and a default presentation format is used. See EXAMPLES.


Use this option to display the Global Address List attributes based on the current Oracle Calendar server GAL view.



Use with the -transfer option to transfer groups owned by one user to another.

The <filter> argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is "true" or "false". Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. For now, ALL is the only possible option which means that all groups will be transferred.

Key Values Definition
ALL true, false All types


Use this command to delete the specified user, resource or event calendar from all admin groups on the specified node. The user, resource or event calendar must be specified by the -u option. A single user, resource or event calendar must match <user> or the command fails. This command will only apply to the admin groups on the node specified by the -n option.



Use this connection option to specify the name and port number of the host which contains the node specified by the -n option. Required for remote hosts. If -host is not present, uniuser will assume the local host. For modification or deletion, if -host is specified and -n is not, uniuser will search for a master node on the specified host. If a master node is found, uniuser will use it to locate the selected users. The port is optional and if omitted, the default port is used.



Use this command to list the inactive accounts (users, resources or event calendars) since the specified date. The date format is "YYYY-MM-DD".



Use this command to list the attributes and format parameters used with the -format option. The list is generated dynamically by the server and may vary from one server to another depending on the server's configuration. If a value for the <attribute> parameter is supplied, then only information on that attribute is displayed. The <attribute> value can be any attribute listed when the -info option is used alone (see EXAMPLES).


Used with the -ex option to force uniuser to continue processing all lines in the file even if it encounters an error. Errors are sent to standard error; file redirection may be used to capture these to a file.


Use automatic Kerberos login with a valid Kerberos ticket. To use this option, the user running the utility must be an Oracle Calendar server user with administrative rights, and have a UID on the Kerberos server that matches the Oracle Calendar server UID. This option cannot be used with the -uid option.



If a user, resource or event calendar is specified, the -ls command lists that user, resource or event calendar in the specified node. If no user, resource or event calendar is specified, all users or resources or event calendars in the node are listed. The -format option can be used with -ls to configure the presentation of the output (see EXAMPLES).



Specify a modification to be made to the information of a particular user, resource or event calendar account. The modifier is a string of the same format as the <user> argument with the following exceptions for users: the ID key may not be specified. The PSW, PUBLISHEDTYPE and GLOBALREADONLY keys may be specified. Any attempt to modify read-only attributes will fail. For a more complete list of the keys and formats that can be used, use the -info option.



Use this command to modify the information associated with the specified user resource or event calendar. This option is used with either the -s or the -m options. Use the -m option to specify directly which modifications to make to the user's information. When used with the -s option, the modifications are specified in a section of the configuration file (user.ini, resource.ini or eventcal.ini).


It is recommended that you use uniuser to modify only user attributes that are specific to the Oracle Calendar server. Any attributes that can be modified using the Oracle Internet Directory administration tools directly should not be modified through uniuser.



Use this connection option to specify a node. If -n is not used, uniuser will search for a master node located on the host specified by the -host option. If a master node is found, uniuser will use it to locate or distribute the specified users (except when a node must be specified using the -n option). If no master node exists, -n is required.



Use this command to list accounts (users, resources or event calendars) created since the specified date. The date format is "YYY-MM-DD".



Specify which section of the configuration file to use for determining the default values to be used for editing or adding calendar accounts. Which configuration file (user.ini, resource.ini or eventcal.ini) will be used depends on the account type (-user, -resource, or -eventcal) specified.

See the -add and -mod options for information on using -s <section> to apply values from the configuration file.

After the -s option, specify a section name (for example, "GEN" specifies the section GEN). Only one section can be specified at a time. To apply mulitple sections, the uniuser utility must be run multiple times.


Used with the -ls, -newls or -inactivels options, -showdefault will display all attributes which are currently set to 0, FALSE or an empty string.



Use with the -transfer option to transfer tasks from one user to another.

The <filter> argument is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is "true" or "false". Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. For now, ALL is the only possible option which means that all tasks will be transferred.

Key Values Definition
ALL true, false All types



Use this command to transfer calendar data ownership from one user or resource account to another. The calendar entries that the user (or resource) owns and the calendar entries to which the user (or resource) has been invited will be transferred to the target user (or resource). Use the <user> argument to specify the user or resource whose data will be transferred. Use the -u option to define the target calendar account of the same type, and on the same node, as the <user> account (i.e. user or resource). See FORMAT OF THE <user> ARGUMENT for details on the <user> argument. Use the -event, -task, -group and -folder options to define which type of calendar data to transfer. Use the -y option to auto-confirm the transfer.



Used with the -target, -desdel and -grpdel options to specify a user, resource or event calendar. See FORMAT OF THE <user> ARGUMENT for details on the <user> argument.



Specify the administrator's user ID with this authentication option. If no user ID is specified, the SysOp's is used.


Used with the -del and -ex options to auto-confirm the deletion(s). Used with the -transfer option to auto-confirm the transfer.


Print the current version number of uniuser.



Print a usage message explaining how to run uniuser. The <command> argument can be used to get help on one of the following commands: -ls, -info, -defaultls, -inactivels, -newls, -add, -del, -grpdel, -desdel, -mod, -transfer, -ex and -edit.



The <user> argument, which is used to represent a user, resource or event calendar, is a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where "key" is one of those listed in the following table, and "value" is any string. Both "key" and "value" are case insensitive. For all keys except the ID key, the "value" string may be terminated by a wild card symbol (*). If a forward slash "/" is to be included in a string, it should be escaped with the character "\" to prevent it from being interpreted as a key-value pair delimiter - i.e. "S=Hoopla/OU1=R\/D".

If, in a UNIX environment, a shell will be processing the string (for example, the string is provided on the command line or is passed as an argument to the utility), the string should be enclosed in quotation marks. Furthermore, if characters meaningful to the shell are included in the string, they should be escaped (i.e. preceded by the escape character "\") to prevent the shell from interpreting them.


If the ID key-value pair is specified in the user argument, all other key-value pairs specified along with it are ignored.

The format parameters listed in the third column in the following table are used with the -format option to configure the presentation of a listing (see EXAMPLES). For a more complete list of the keys and formats that can be used, use the -info option.

Table 6-50 Accepted keys for UNIUSER -eventcal option

Key X.400 Field Format Parameter


Event calendar name



Event calendar account password


Table 6-51 Accepted keys for UNIUSER -resource option

Key X.400 Field Format Parameter


Resource name



Resource number



Resource unique identifier


Table 6-52 Accepted keys for UNIUSER -user option

Key X.400 Field Format Parameter





Given name









User unique identifier






Organizational Unit 1



Organizational Unit 2



Organizational Unit 3



Organizational Unit 4









Administration domain



Private domain



Phone number



Fax phone number



Employee number



Job title



Value of [ENG] usermailmap parameter






Display name



Home phone number



Alternate home phone number



Alternate business phone



Building name



Office street address









Postal Code






User's Alias






Assistant's name



Assistant's phone number








  1. Modify Milan Kundera's entry to reflect recent changes to the [GEN] section of the user.ini file (Milan Kundera exists in node 23). Look at the values in the GEN section of the user.ini file and ensure they are all valid:

    % uniuser -user -defaultls -s "GEN" -n 23
    StartDay = 08h00
    EndDay = 18h00
    TimeInc = 30
    ShowSunday = FALSE
    ShowSaturday = FALSE
    TimeFormat = 2
    RefreshFrequency = 60
    DefaultReminder = 0
    TimeBeforeReminder = 10
    MailNotification = TRUE
    OU1 = 
    OU2 = 
    OU3 = 
    OU4 = 
    O = 
    C = 
    A = 
    P = 
    TimeZone = 
    ViewNormalEvent = TIME
    ViewPersonalEvent = TIME
    ViewConfidentialEvent = TIME
    ViewNormalTask = NO
    ViewPersonalTask = NO
    ViewConfidentialTask = NO
    CanBookMe = TRUE
  2. Proceed with the modification:

    % uniuser -user -mod "S=Kundera/G=Milan" -s "GEN" -n 23
  3. Modify Milan Kundera's OU1 value to "authors":

    % uniuser -user -mod "S=Kundera/G=Milan" -m "ou1=authors" -n 23


Multiple additions, deletions, and modifications are done using the -ex option. In this example, four new calendar users are added, one modified, and one deleted. A directory server is being used.

  1. Output all users in the directory server who are not currently calendar users:

    % unidssearch > multiple.dat 
    % cat multiple.dat
    A DID=cn=Italo Calvino,o=Acme, c=US
    A DID=cn=Herman Hesse,o=Acme, c=US
    A DID=cn=Doris Lessing,o=Acme, c=US
    A DID=cn=Anja Kauranen,o=Acme, c=US
  2. Modify the data in the file: change the OU2 value for Calvino to R&D; add the modification to Walt Whitman's first name; add the deletion of Nicole Brossard.

    % vi multiple.dat
    % cat multiple.dat
    A DID=cn=Italo Calvino,o=Acme, c=US/OU2=R&D
    A DID=cn=Herman Hesse,o=Acme, c=US
    A DID=cn=Doris Lessing,o=Acme, c=US
    A DID=Anja Kauranen,o=Acme, c=US
    M ID=154
    - G=Walter
    D G=Nicole/S=Brossard

    In the case of the modification, the ID is used to find the user, and the given name is modified to Walter.

  3. Input the file to uniuser:

    % uniuser -user -ex multiple.dat -n 23
    Enter SYSOP password:
    uniuser: added "cn=Italo Calvino,o=Acme, c=US"
    uniuser: added "cn=Herman Hesse,o=Acme, c=US"
    uniuser: added "cn=Doris Lessing,o=Acme, c=US"
    uniuser: added "cn=Anja Kauranen,o=Acme, c=US"
    uniuser: modified "Whitman,Walt"
    uniuser: deleted "Brossard,Nicole"

Note that if this example did not use a directory server, the input file would contain the following:

% cat multiple.dat
A S=Calvino/G=Italo/OU2=Sales/PSW=<userpassword>
A S=Hesse/G=Herman/PSW=<userpassword>
A S=Lessing/G=Doris/PSW=<userpassword>
A S=Kauranen/G=Anja/PSW=<userpassword>
M ID=154
- G=Walter
D G=Nicole/S=Brossard






This file specifies possible calendar user configurations. See also the Oracle Calendar server Reference Manual, Chapter 1, "Calendar User and Resource Parameters".


Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt


Directory Server Warning

It is important to understand the implications of the directory server configuration for Oracle Calendar server utilities. In a supplier-consumer configuration, the scheduling of updates between the consumer and supplier may result in temporary differences between the two. This may mean that an Oracle Calendar server utility is reading from a consumer directory server that has not yet been synchronized with its supplier.

Deleting users with large agendas

Deleting users with a large numbers of meetings and events can take a long time and cause a decrease in performance for other calendar users. It is recommended that you delete such users outside of normal hours, or at least not at times of peak calendar usage.


universion - Display and verify the version of the Oracle Calendar server.


universion [-all] [-nowarn] 

universion -v 
universion -h 


universion displays the version number of the Oracle Calendar server and checks all scripts and binaries to see if their versions are up to date.

universion runs whether the Oracle Calendar server is up or down.



Display version number for each component of the Oracle Calendar server.


Suppress warning messages.


Print the current version number of universion.


Print a usage message explaining how to run universion.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 Warning error

4 Severe error

5 Critical error

6 User interrupt


uniwho - Display information on signed-on calendar users.


uniwho [-a] [-t] [-j] [-x] [-f] [-n node-Id] 
[-pattern <pattern>] [-nolist] [-nototal]

uniwho -v 
uniwho -h 


This utility allows the system manager to determine who is using the Oracle Calendar server, where they are signed-on from, and the process-ID associated with their session. The options allow the display of various combinations of process-id, network address, node-ID, and user information. A connection summary will also be displayed indicating the total number of connections for standard (users, resources and event calendars), shared (Web client applications) and reserved (sysop, cwsop) connections. Use the -nototal option if you don't want to display the connection summary.

This information is essential in certain situations. For example, when a user has done an abnormal shutdown of a client (say a power down while their client is active) the associated server process for that client continues to remain active for a fixed period of time. If the Oracle Calendar server is configured (via the [ENG] max_userlogons parameter in unison.ini) to limit the number of sessions per user to 1, this user will not be able to log on again until their server process had terminated. uniwho allows the system manager to find the process-ID of the session and terminate it.


Terminating sessions should be done with caution. On some platforms one Calendar process will serve several users. Terminating the prosses will therefore affect all users served by this process.

uniwho can only be run if the Oracle Calendar server is up.



Display the alias associated with the default network address.


Display telephone, job-title and X.400-address when available.


Display job-title when available.



Restrict to users and resources on specified a node.


Do not display the list of users.


Do not display the connection summary.



Display information for sessions which contain <pattern> in their information. For example, the pattern "" would result in the display of session information for those logged on from this IP address. Matching is performed on all fields (network address/alias, telephone number, job-title, X.400 address), regardless of which of these may have been specified on the command line.


Display telephone number when available.


Display X.400 address when available.


Print the current version number of uniwho.


Print a usage message explaining how to run uniwho.



Exit values are:

0 Success

1 Failure

2 Usage error

3 User interrupt



uniwho starts an Oracle Calendar server process. If activity logging has been enabled (via the [ENG] activity parameter in unison.ini), the start-up and shutdown of this process is logged.