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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Upgrade Guide
10g Release 1 ( for Microsoft Windows

Part Number B31282-03
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10 Upgrading Oracle Application Server Portal

This chapter explains how to upgrade Oracle9iAS Portal 9.0.2 to Oracle9iAS Portal These steps are applicable your configuration meets the following criteria:

10.1 Preparing to Upgrade

Perform the steps in the following section before starting the upgrade:

10.1.1 Update your Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On Server

To upgrade your Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On Server from release 9.0.2 to

  1. Locate patch 2995671 on the Supplemental DVD under Patches/Portal/2995671.

  2. Follow the instructions in the Readme file and in the Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On Migration Guide (doc/sso_patch_902.html file). These two documents are both contained with the patch. The patch is applied to the Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On Server schema in your Oracle9iAS Infrastructure Release 9.0.2.

10.2 Upgrading Oracle9iAS Portal

To upgrade Oracle9iAS Portal, perform the steps in the following sections:

10.2.1 Back up the Middle Tier Oracle Home

Before proceeding to the next steps, back up the middle tier Oracle home.

10.2.2 Run the Oracle Universal Installer

To run the Oracle Universal Installer:

  1. Verify you are logged in to the machine where your middle tier Oracle home is located. The installer cannot be run from any other machine since it needs access to the middle tier processes.

  2. Set your ORACLE_HOME environment variable to point to your Oracle9iAS 9.0.2 middle tier Oracle home.

  3. On UNIX, verify that your DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly. The Oracle Universal Installer brings up the user interface that requires this setting.

  4. Verify the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure processes:

    • If installing the patch on an Oracle9iAS middle tier, verify the Infrastructure processes are up and running. This is required by the OC4J Configuration Assistant to deploy the Oracle9iAS Portal applications in the Oracle9iAS middle tier.

  5. Shut down the active Oracle Enterprise Manager services of the machine.

  6. Shut down the Oracle9iAS middle tier services.

  7. Mount the Supplemental DVD and go to directory Patches/Portal/2974042.

  8. Run the following command from that directory to extract the Oracle9iAS Portal upgrade scripts and the new middle tier files:

  9. Click Next on the Welcome screen to proceed to the File Locations screen.

  10. In the source path field on the File Locations screen, specify the products.jar file that was included in the download. For example, if you unzipped the downloaded file into your /tmp directory, you would specify /tmp/Disk1/stage/products.jar as the file.

  11. Verify the destination Oracle home name and path.

  12. Click Next to proceed to the Summary screen.

  13. Verify that, under the New Installations heading, there are several Oracle9iAS Portal products listed.

  14. Click Install. It generally takes from 15 to 30 minutes to distribute the files to the appropriate locations under your Oracle home and to start up the necessary processes. For the first few minutes, the user interface may seem frozen. However, the progress bar will soon become active.

  15. Check the Configuration Tools page. It now shows the status of the Oracle9iAS Portal Application deployment.

  16. Click Exit on the End of Installation screen.

10.2.3 Download the Latest Oracle9iAS Portal Repository Upgrade Patch

To download the Oracle9iAS Portal repository upgrade patch:

  1. Log into Oracle MetaLink (

  2. Locate patch 2981297 for your operating system.

  3. Download the ZIP file onto a temporary directory in your machine. This is a generic download that contains scripts that will run on all supported platforms.

  4. Change directories to the root of the Oracle9iAS Portal source code. This is under the middle tier Oracle home under portal/admin/plsql.

  5. Extract the contents of the downloaded ZIP file into the current directory. When unzipping, choose to overwrite all existing files.

10.2.4 Copy the Latest Oracle9iAS Portal Repository Upgrade Patch

To copy the Latest Oracle9iAS Portal repository upgrade patch:

  1. Mount the Supplemental DVD.

  2. Change directories to the root of the Oracle9iAS Portal source code. This is under the middle tier Oracle home under portal/admin/plsql.

  3. Copy all the directories under Patches/Portal/2981297 to the current directory, overwriting all the existing files:

    cp -rf Supplemental_DVD/Patches/Portal/2981297/*

10.2.5 Check the Log

Once the upgrade has completed, it is imperative to check the log for any errors.

  1. Locate the log file. The default name for the log is upgrade.log. It is located in the same directory as the main upgrade script: upgrade_directory.

    Unless the upgrade terminates abruptly before finishing, the errors in the log are sent to standard output and are also included in a separate section at the end of the log file. Use the line numbers in the section at the end of the log file to search for the errors when they occurred earlier in the file. Any errors are also summarized in a file named upgrade_tmp_dir/upgrade.err. Any warnings are also summarized in a file named upgrade_tmp_dir/upgrade.wrn.

  2. Open the log file with a text editor.

  3. Research all errors and warnings using Chapter 4, "Troubleshooting" from the Oracle9iAS Portal Upgrade Guide Release 9.0.2 to for UNIX and Windows.

  4. Resolve any errors and warnings that have documented actions. Most errors require the repository to be restored from backup, the problem resolved, and another upgrade run.


    Any Oracle9iAS Portal running after an upgrade that was not clean is not supported by Oracle. A clean upgrade has either zero errors or only benign errors. Benign errors are documented as such in Chapter 4, "Troubleshooting" of Oracle9iAS Portal Upgrade Guide.

  5. Contact Oracle Support for any errors that are not documented.

  6. Continue this process until all errors are resolved.

The following example displays messages from the end of the log file in the case of a successful upgrade. Notice the Upgrade completed successfully message and the lack of error messages:

### PHASE III STEP 18: Show Errors and Warnings
Upgrade step started at Thu Jun 26 09:05:36 PDT 200
### Upgrade completed with the following warnings
### Upgrade completed successfully
Upgrade Ended at Thu Jun 26 09:05:36 PDT 2003

The following examples display messages from log files where the upgrades were unsuccessful:

Example 1: Premature termination and no error or warning sections:

### ERROR: Patch Failed with status code: 1.
### Upgrade aborted at Tue Jul 15 15:09:33 EDT 2003.

Example 2: Normal termination, but at least one error found (notice the line numbers preceding each error line):

### PHASE III STEP 18: Show errors and warnings
Upgrade step started at Fri June 6 20:32:02 2003
### WARNING: ### Upgrade completed with the following warnings
### ERROR: ### Upgrade completed with the following errors
### 2803:ERROR at line 1:
### 2804:ORA-01418: specified index does not exist

Table 10-1 summarizes the locations and contents of the different log files.

Table 10-1 Generated Log Files

File Name File Location Contents and Purpose



Contains all the logged information including errors, warnings, and details. Errors are summarized at the end of the log file.



Contains the summary of the error messages from the end of the upgrade_log file.



Contains the summary of the warning messages from the end of the upgrade_log file.

10.2.6 Access Your Upgraded Oracle9iAS Portal

If there were no errors, you are ready to access your upgraded Oracle9iAS Portal.

  1. Start the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier.

  2. Point your browser to:



    • host is the system where the Oracle9iAS Release 2 HTTP Server is running.

    • port is the port where the Oracle9iAS Release 2 HTTP Server is listening

    • dad is the Oracle9iAS DAD name of your upgraded OracleAS Portal. This is the same DAD name you used before the upgrade.