The image bfile.gif shows the Storage Management page in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control. The following text appears at the top of the page: "You can use BFILEs to provide off-line and near-line storage capabilities. A BFILE is a read-only Oracle data type consisting of a directory object and a filename. Specify the BFILE location and policy for BFILE storage." The page is divided into two sections: one for BFILE Location and one for BFILE Policy.

A required field called BFILE Base Path is located in the BFILE Location section. This section contains the following text: "Enter the base path where you want to store BFILE data (the operating system files). The directory or drive you specify must be both readable and writeable by the database processes." Below the BFILE Base Path field, tip text reads as follows: "Specify an absolute path that starts with '/' on UNIX, or a drive letter on Windows. To specify a path relative to the database's Oracle home, use './'.

The BFILE Policy location contains the following text: "The BFILE Policy determines whether the BFILE data (the operating system files) should be deleted when BFILE references are deleted from the database." Below this text, a label reads "Delete BFILE References?" This text is followed by two options: "Yes, Delete The Operating System Files" and "No, Retain The Operating System Files."