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Oracle® Content Services Administrator's Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.2)

Part Number B25275-04
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7 Monitoring Domain, Node, Service, and Server Performance

Use the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control to monitor Oracle Content Services domain, node, service, and server performance. You can use this information to get an overall picture of the performance of the domain, or to determine whether the configuration of the domain needs to be changed.

This chapter provides information about the following topics:

Monitoring Domain Performance

You can use the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control to view different types of performance information for the Oracle Content Services domain. This section contains the following topics:

About Oracle Content Services Performance Metrics

There are three types of Oracle Content Services performance metrics: repository metrics, Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) metrics, and other metrics. See "Monitoring Server Performance" for information about DMS metrics.

Repository metrics are metrics that apply to the entire Oracle Content Services domain. These metrics include:

  • Domain Response

  • Documents

  • Documents By MIME Type

  • Users

  • Users By Site

  • Libraries By Site

  • Nodes

  • Sessions By Server (Node)

  • Sessions By Server (Domain)

  • All Sessions

Other Oracle Content Services performance metrics include:

  • Response

  • Resource Usage

  • Processes

  • Web Application URL Timing

  • RM Application URL Timing

  • Load Balanced Web Application URL Timing

  • Load Balanced RM Application URL Timing

Some metrics must be configured for particular Applications tiers. See "Configuring Performance Metrics" for more information.

Viewing Performance Information

You can view Oracle Content Services performance metrics in two ways:

  • All Oracle Content Services metrics can be viewed from the All Metrics pages, as long as they are being collected on that Applications tier.

  • Repository metrics can also be viewed from the Domain Performance & Statistics pages, which provide information in a more graphical format than the All Metrics pages. These pages are not available on Applications tiers where repository metrics are not being collected.

Using the All Metrics Link

All Oracle Content Services performance metrics that are being collected on an Applications tier can be accessed from the All Metrics pages in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control. To access these pages, from the Performance section of the Content Services Home page, click All Metrics.

To view information about a particular metric, click the metric name, then click Help on the resulting Metric Detail page.

Using the Domain Performance & Statistics Pages

The Domain Performance & Statistics pages in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control provide tables and charts that present information about Oracle Content Services users, Libraries, documents, sessions, and overall usage patterns. This information can help you evaluate system performance and guide you in making changes to your configuration.

The Domain Performance & Statistics pages are only available on Applications tiers that have been configured for repository metrics. See "Configuring Performance Metrics" for more information.

To view domain performance information:

  1. On the Content Services Home page, click Domain Performance & Statistics.

    Figure 7-1 shows the Domain Performance & Statistics page.

    Figure 7-1 Domain Performance & Statistics Page

    Description of Figure 7-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 7-1 Domain Performance & Statistics Page"

  2. Select one of the four subtabs:

    • The Users and Libraries subtab provides information about the total number of users and the number of users for each Site, and provides information about Personal and Shared Libraries for each Site.

    • The Documents subtab provides systemwide information about documents.

    • The Sessions subtab lets you view the connected sessions by server type.

    • The Node Usage subtab lets you monitor sessions, threads, and memory by node and host.

  3. To refresh the information for the Sessions or Node Usage subtabs, refresh your browser, or click the Refresh Data icon in the upper right portion of the page.

    Because data for the Users and Libraries and Documents subtabs is only collected at preset intervals, refreshing the page will not cause the data to be collected again. To see the last time the data was collected on these tabs, look at the Data Collection Time displayed in the upper left corner of the page.

  4. To move between the table view and the chart view, make a selection from the Select a View list.

Table 7-1 lists the various charts, graphs, and tables, and shows you which subtab and view names you need to select to access the information.

Table 7-1 Reference to Statistical Information About the Domain and Nodes

Chart, Graph, or Table Name Statistics or Information Displayed Subtab Select a View Item


  • Total Number of Users

  • Total Number of Users by Site

Users and Libraries

Not applicable


Tabular display showing:

  • Total number of Libraries for each Site

  • Total allocated quota for each Site

  • Total consumed quota for each Site

  • Percentage of quota consumed for each Site

These statistics are also available for Personal and Shared Libraries for each Site; click Show in the Details column to access this information.

Users and Libraries

Not applicable

Document Table

Document distribution and space consumption by MIME type.



Document Distribution Chart

Space consumed, displayed by MIME type (displays a bar chart comparing quantities of the different types of documents stored in the system).


Distribution Chart

Document Consumption Chart

Space consumed, displayed by MIME type.


Consumption Chart

Sessions Table

Tabular display of the total number of connected sessions for each protocol server or agent.



Sessions Chart

Pie chart of total number of connected sessions for each protocol server or agent. The sessions for all the agents are displayed as a combined result.



Node Usage Table

Tabular display of node name, host name and IP address, number of sessions, number of threads, and JVM total/free/used memory for each node.

Node Usage


Node Usage Chart

Bar charts showing the same information as the Overall Usage Table.

Node Usage


Configuring Performance Metrics

You can use the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control to select which Oracle Content Services performance metrics to configure on the current Applications tier. For example, you can collect metrics related to Oracle Content Services Web application response time.

To configure performance metrics:

  1. On the Content Services Home page, in the Performance section, click Metric Configuration.

  2. You can collect repository metrics on this Applications tier. To do this, select Run Repository Metric?, and provide the Oracle Content Services schema password and the database connect descriptor. If you do not know the database connect descriptor, you can copy it from the Content Services Home page.

    To avoid the potential performance impact of duplicate metric collection, only run repository metrics on one Applications tier. Be aware that the Domain Performance & Statistics pages are only available from Applications tiers on which repository metrics are collected.

  3. You can collect metrics related to Oracle Content Services Web application response time on this Applications tier.

    • To collect metrics related to the Oracle Content Services Web application URL for this Applications tier, select Run Web Application Response Time Metric?, and provide the correct Oracle Content Services Web application URL for this Applications tier.

    • To collect metrics related to the load-balanced URL for the Oracle Content Services Web application, select Run Load Balanced Web Application Response Time Metric?, and provide the correct Oracle Content Services load-balanced Web application URL.

  4. You can collect metrics related to Oracle Records Management Web application response time on this Applications tier.

    • To collect metrics related to the Oracle Records Management Web application URL for this Applications tier, select Run RM Application Response Time Metric?, and provide the correct Oracle Records Management Web application URL for this Applications tier.

    • To collect metrics related to the load-balanced URL for the Oracle Records Management Web application, select Run Load Balanced RM Application Response Time Metric?, and provide the correct Oracle Records Management load-balanced Web application URL.

    If Oracle Records Management was not enabled, these metrics will report that the Oracle Records Management Web application URLs are not available.

  5. Click OK.

Monitoring Node Performance

You can use the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control to view performance information about both regular nodes and HTTP nodes, including JVM total, used, and free memory, JVM thread count, and default time zone and locale.

To view node performance information:

  1. On the Content Services Home page, click the name of the node for which you want to view performance information.

  2. On the Node page, click the Details link to display operating system and JVM information about that node.

    Figure 7-2 shows the Details page.

    Figure 7-2 Details Page for Selected Node

    Description of Figure 7-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 7-2 Details Page for Selected Node"

Monitoring Service Performance

You can view real-time statistics for the Committed Data Cache, the Read-Only Connection Pool, and the Writable Connection Pool for each service. You can also reset the statistics.

  1. On the Content Services Home page, click the node whose service you want to monitor.

  2. On the Node page, click the service (for example, IfsDefaultService).

  3. On the Service page, scroll to the Performance section.

  4. Click the link to the statistics you want to view: Committed Data Cache Statistics or Connection Pool Statistics.

    Figure 7-3 shows the Committed Data Cache Statistics page.

    Figure 7-3 Committed Data Cache Statistics Page

    Description of Figure 7-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 7-3 Committed Data Cache Statistics Page"

    Figure 7-4 shows the Connection Pool Statistics page.

    Figure 7-4 Connection Pool Statistics Page

    Description of Figure 7-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 7-4 Connection Pool Statistics Page"

  5. Click Reset Statistics in the Committed Data Cache, Read-Only Connection Pool, or Writeable Connection Pool areas to reset cache or connection pool statistics.


    The Attempted Purges and Purge Count statistics for the statement cache that appear on the Connection Pool Statistics page were added in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patchset If you are using a previous version or patchset of Oracle Collaboration Suite, these statistics do not appear on the Connection Pool Statistics page.

Logging Service Performance Information

The Statistics Agent captures the statistics for the Committed Data Cache, as well as the Read-Only and Writeable Connection Pools, and writes them to the node log and the application log. You can also configure this agent to write statistics to a document stored in the Oracle Content Services repository.

See "Viewing Logs" for information about the node log and application log. See "Statistics Agent" for information about the Statistics Agent.

Monitoring Server Performance

You can monitor server performance by viewing Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) metrics that were defined for some servers. DMS metrics are a special type of performance metric that can be defined in Oracle Application Server. DMS metrics for Oracle Content Services include:

Some DMS metric information can be viewed on the Node page, and on the Server page for some servers. For example, the Servers section of the Node page shows the Last Start Time and Last Stop Time for each server, while the FTP Server page displays Requests Completed, Average Request Processing Time (seconds), Downloaded Content Size (MB), and Uploaded Content Size (MB).

DMS metrics can also be viewed using the dmstool utility and AggreSpy. For more information about DMS metrics and how to view them, see Oracle Application Server Performance Guide.

Viewing Logs

The following sections provide a list of Oracle Content Services logs, and information about how to view logs in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control.

Oracle Content Services Logs

Logs are generated by each node. Because some logs can get very large, manage your log files to ensure that you do not run out of disk space.

You can set the level of logging for various loggers, such as the FTP server, repository, or Web application, from the Configure Loggers page in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control. See "Configuring Node Loggers" for more information.

The Node Log

The node log records major state transitions (such as started, failed, or restarted) and provides centralized data on overall node health. This log is useful for troubleshooting protocol servers and agents. All errors are logged with stack traces. Log properties, such as Log Level and Rotation Interval, are specified in the node configuration of the node being monitored. The location of the node log cannot be changed. The node log is located in:


You can also refer to the OPMN log for the regular node:


The Application Log

The application log records additional information for HTTP nodes. This log is useful for troubleshooting the Oracle Content Services and Oracle Records Management applications and the WebDAV server. All errors are logged with stack traces. By default, application logs are located in:





Viewing Oracle Content Services Logs from the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control

You can view a variety of logs from the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control. This feature lets you view the logs without having to remember the individual log location.

To view log, click the Logs link in the upper-right corner of any Oracle Collaboration Suite Control page.

  • The View Logs page provides a custom list of logs relevant to the component from where the link was clicked. For example, if you click Logs from any Oracle Content Services page, the View Logs page will display relevant Oracle Content Services logs, such as the node logs.

  • You can also use Simple Search to locate logs. To do this, select the target that corresponds to the type of log you want to see from the Available Components list, and move it to the Selected Components list:

    • Select the Oracle Content Services instance (for example, Content) if you want to see the node log.

    • Select OC4J_Content or OC4J_RM to see the application log for Oracle Content Services or Oracle Records Management.

    • Select Enterprise Manager to see Oracle Collaboration Suite Control logs.

    Click Search to see the log names in the Results table.

Click the name of a log to see the log data. By default, the last 500 lines in the log appear in the log viewer. You can view up to 2000 lines. To download the contents of the entire log, click the log name at the top of the screen. If the log is large, the download may take several minutes.

Accessing Metrics and Monitoring Metric Alerts

You can access Oracle Content Services metrics from the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control. The following sections provide information about how to access the metrics and how to set up metric collection:

For more information about the metrics available for Oracle Content Services, click Help on any Grid Control Metrics page. For more information about the Grid Control, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts.

Installing the Grid Control Management Agent

Before you can use the Grid Control to view Oracle Content Services metrics, you must install a separate Oracle Management Agent in its own Oracle home, and configure it to connect to the Grid Control. To do this, choose the "Additional Management Agent" option in the Oracle Universal Installer for Grid Control. The metrics collected by the Grid Control Management Agent are uploaded to the Oracle Management Service (OMS).

The Management Agent that was installed in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Oracle home cannot be used by the Grid Control; instead, it is used by the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control in that Oracle home. The metrics collected by the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Management Agent are used by the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control and are not uploaded to the OMS.

Setting the Management Agent Classpath

To manage Oracle Content Services with Grid Control, you must run a script that is installed with the Management Agent. This script configures the Management Agent classpath so that the Management Agent can monitor the Oracle Content Services component.

To modify the Management Agent classpath:

  1. Stop the Management Agent, if it has been started:

    • UNIX: AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl stop agent

    • Windows: AGENT_HOME\bin\emctl stop agent

  2. Run the following command:

    • UNIX: AGENT_HOME/files/emagent/bin/ifsemchgtarget

    • Windows: AGENT_HOME\files\emagent\bin\ifsemchgtarget

  3. When prompted, choose 4. Oracle Content Services Release 10.1.2.

  4. Start the Management Agent:

    • UNIX: AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl start agent

    • Windows: AGENT_HOME\bin\emctl start agent

Managing Oracle Content Services with the Grid Control

See Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration for Oracle Collaboration Suite for information about configuring Grid Control for Oracle Content Services. You can find Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration for Oracle Collaboration Suite on the Oracle Technology Network at:

Accessing the Grid Control

To access the Grid Control, perform the following steps:

  1. Use the following URL to access the Grid Control from a Web browser:





    If you are uncertain about the port number, you can refer to one of the following files:
    • ORACLE_HOME/install/setupinfo.txt as displayed by the Oracle Universal Installer at the end of the installation

    • ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini on the Management Service computer

  2. Log in as sysman, using the password you created during Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g installation. Or, log in as another Grid Control user with administrator privileges.

Changing the Default Metric Collection Behavior

You may want to enable or disable an Oracle Content Services metric for an Applications tier host after initial configuration. For example, you may want to enable the Load Balanced Application URL Timing metric on an Applications tier because a load balancer has been recently added to the system, or you may want to disable the Application URL Timing metric on an Applications tier because the HTTP node has been removed from that Applications tier.

To change the default metric collection behavior, reconfigure the Oracle Content Services (oracle_files) targets for the given Oracle Content Services domain in the Grid Control.

Reconfiguring Oracle Content Services (oracle_files) Targets in the Grid Control

Follow these steps to change the default metric collection behavior of Oracle Content Services targets:

  1. From the Grid Control Home page, click the Targets tab, then click the All Targets subtab. A list of all the discovered targets across the network appears.

  2. Locate the Oracle Content Services target for the given Applications tier. You can perform a quick search by entering the schema name in the Search field and clicking Go.

  3. Select the Oracle Content Services target and click Configure.

  4. Set the following values to TRUE or FALSE to enable or disable metric collection. The values must be in upper case.

    • Run Repository Metric?

      The default is TRUE for the first Applications tier to be configured. For any additional Oracle Content Services Applications tiers, the default is FALSE.

    • Run Web Application Response Time Metric?

      The default is TRUE. If you set this parameter to TRUE, specify a valid value for Web Application URL. If you sent this parameter to FALSE, enter NULL for Web Application URL.

    • Run Load Balanced Web Application Response Time Metric?

      The default is FALSE. If you set this parameter to TRUE, specify a valid value for Load Balanced Web Application URL. If you sent this parameter to FALSE, enter NULL for Load Balanced Web Application URL.

    • Run RM Application Response Time Metric?

      The default is TRUE. If you set this parameter to TRUE, specify a valid value for RM Application URL. If you sent this parameter to FALSE, enter NULL for RM Application URL.

    • Run Load Balanced RM Application Response Time Metric?

      The default is FALSE. If you set this parameter to TRUE, specify a valid value for Load Balanced RM Application URL. If you sent this parameter to FALSE, enter NULL for Load Balanced RM Application URL.

    For more information about these parameters, click the Help link.

  5. Click OK.

Viewing Oracle Content Services Metrics in the Grid Control

After you have logged in to the Grid Control, there are several ways to navigate to the pages that show Oracle Content Services metrics. Two methods are described in the following sections.

Using the Collaboration Suites Subtab

To access Oracle Content Services metrics using the Collaboration Suites subtab, follow these steps:

  1. On the Grid Control Home page, click the Targets tab.

  2. Click the Collaboration Suites subtab.

  3. In the System:Name column, click the name of the Content Services System.

  4. On the Content Services System Home page, click Components.

  5. Click the name of your Oracle Content Services Applications Tier instance from the list. The name appears in the following format:


    The Oracle Content Services Grid Control Home page appears.

  6. Click All Metrics to see a list of Oracle Content Services metrics.

Using the Search Function

To access Oracle Content Services metrics using the search function, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Targets tab.

  2. Click the All Targets subtab. A list of targets appears.

  3. Type the name of your Oracle Content Services host in the Search field and click Go.

  4. Click the name of your Oracle Content Services instance.

  5. Click All Metrics to see a list of Oracle Content Services metrics.

Metric Thresholds and Metric Collection Intervals

You can use the Grid Control to edit the thresholds for Grid Control metrics. When you edit the thresholds, a customized collection file will be created in the following directory:


For more information, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts.

Metric Collection Intervals

You cannot use the Grid Control to update the metric collection intervals. If you must change the default intervals, you can manually edit the customized collection file described in the previous section. Do not specify a collection rate higher than once every minute, or it will have a negative impact on the performance of your entire system.