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Oracle® Content Services Administrator's Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.2)

Part Number B25275-04
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A Troubleshooting Oracle Content Services

Use this appendix to troubleshoot problems in your Oracle Content Services installation.

This appendix provides information about the following topics:

Solving General Administration Problems

Table A-1 provides information about how to troubleshoot general Oracle Content Services administration problems.

Table A-1 General Administration Issues

Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action

An out-of-memory exception occurs when running Oracle Content Services.

The maximum Java heap size is too low.

Increase the heap size by modifying the -Xmx setting for that node configuration. See "Modifying Node Configurations" for more information.

Content queries through the Web and Windows return no rows.

Oracle Text indexing of the documents has not occurred.

See "Maintaining the IFS_TEXT Index by Using the Oracle Text PL/SQL Packages" for more information.

The administrator has uploaded files and removed them, and does not see the space retrieved in the tablespace.

The Initial Time of Day and Activation Period has been set incorrectly for the Content GarbageCollectionAgent.

Use the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control to view the Initial Time of Day and Activation Period entries for the Content Garbage Collection Agent.

Also check the node log and see if the Content Garbage Collection Agent is being activated at periodic intervals.

Users fail to be provisioned, or newly provisioned users cannot be added to Libraries.

Required user attributes were not set in Oracle Internet Directory.

The following Oracle Internet Directory user attributes must be nonnull for all users: sn, givenName, mail. In addition, all users must have a nonnull user name.

The user name is specified by the orclCommonNickname Attribute in the OracleContext of the realm. See Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide for more information about viewing the orclCommonNicknameAttribute.

Cannot connect to Oracle Content Services.

The Oracle Content Services server may be using DHCP.

If Oracle Content Services is using DHCP, use the current IP address of the server to connect, rather than the host name. All Oracle Content Services protocols are affected, including HTTP.

On UNIX systems, the regular node does not respond to opmnctl stop or opmnctl restart commands.

The node is hanging and must be stopped manually by the root user.

Because regular nodes run as root, nodes that are hanging must be shut down manually by the root user:

kill -9 process-id

To find out whether a node is hanging, use the opmnctl status command. Nodes that are hanging will show a status of "Stop."

Nodes sometimes hang when the Applications tier computer is low on resources, causing the node startup time to exceed 5 minutes.

Cannot log in to a new Site that was added using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control.

OC4J_Content was not restarted after the Site was added.

You must restart OC4J_Content after you add a new Site. Restart OC4J_Content from the Content Services Home page in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control, or use the following opmnctl command:

opmnctl restartproc process-type=OC4J_Content

In the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control, the following error message appears for a particular server on the Node page:

"This server is configured but not loaded now."

The server may not have been configured correctly, or the server may have an initialization or loading problem.

This message also appears when the server has been deleted from the node at run time, but still exists in the node configuration.

Check the node log for information about possible initialization and loading errors for this server.

Users cannot access Properties dialog boxes or other dialog boxes in the Oracle Content Services or Oracle Records Management Web clients.

Pop-up blockers are blocking these application dialog boxes.

Users must disable pop-up blockers to access some features of the Oracle Content Services and Oracle Records Management Web clients.

Users should hold down the Ctrl key while clicking Launch to bypass most pop-up blockers. In addition, users can refer to the Help for the browser for more information about pop-up settings.

Solving Problems with Oracle Content Services Protocols

Table A-2 provides information about how to troubleshoot problems with Oracle Content Services protocols.

Table A-2 Protocol Issues

Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action

Problems with outbound FTP on UNIX.

You are using /usr/bin/ftp on UNIX and the default port number in /etc/services is a port other than 21, such as 2100.

Specify the port number explicitly, for example, ftp 21, where 21 is the port assigned.

Cannot log in to FTP.

The FTP password has not been set.

Log in to Oracle Content Services with the user account that cannot access FTP and set an FTP password. You can then log in to FTP using the FTP password.

Multibyte file names for files that were uploaded over FTP appear garbled in the Web client.

Protocol command character set was not specified for the FTP client.

When uploading files with multibyte file names over FTP, you must specify a protocol command character set to ensure the file names are properly encoded. This step is only required when the installation locale has a different default character set than the file name you are specifying over FTP.

For example, if you want to upload a file with a Japanese file name over FTP, but the installation locale is Spanish, explicitly set the protocol command character set to shift_jis, as follows:

FTP> quote setcommandcharacterset shift_jis

See "Globalization and the Oracle Content Services Protocols" for more information about protocol command character sets.

Solving Performance Problems

Table A-3 provides information about how to troubleshoot problems with Oracle Content Services performance.

Table A-3 Performance Issues

Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action

Server is generally slow for read and write activity (case #1).

Server memory is overcommitted. The server is excessively swapping memory blocks to disk.

Run system monitoring tools, such as vmstat (UNIX) and look for excessive page swapping to verify the problem.

Adjust the following parameters in the init.ora file for the database:

  • Reduce processes.

  • Reduce open_cursors.

  • Reduce db_block_buffers.

Stop unneeded Java VMs or other unneeded processes.

You may also need to add memory to your server or, if you are running a single-tier configuration, reconfigure your Oracle Content Services server into a two-tier configuration.

For more information about adjusting the parameters in the init.ora file, see Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation Guide for Solaris Operating System.

Server is generally slow for read and write activity (case #2).

CTXHX is using 100 percent of your CPU.

See Appendix C, "Managing the Oracle Text Index".

Server is slow only on read or search activity.

Large volumes of data have been loaded but the CBO statistics were not updated.

If the Cost-Based Optimizer is using out-of-date statistics data, performance suffers. Run the analyze.sql script located in the ORACLE_HOME/content/admin/sql directory to refresh the statistics.

Server is slow only on content-based search activity (case #1).

Oracle Text tablespaces are on the same disk as other database files.

Move the Oracle Text tablespaces to other disks. See Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation Guide and Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information about moving tablespaces.

Server is slow only on content-based search activity (case #2).

Oracle Text indexes have become fragmented.

Regularly optimize the Oracle Text Oracle index IFS_TEXT. See "Maintaining the IFS_TEXT Index by Using the Oracle Text PL/SQL Packages" for more information.

Server is slow only on write activity (case #1).

Large amounts of documents are being loaded and the Redo logs are too small.

Add two or more 100 MB or larger Redo logs. See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information. In general, Redo logs should be switching every hour or less frequently. See the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/sid/bdump directory for the latest logs which indicate the frequency of Redo log switching.

Server is slow only on write activity (case #2).

Large amounts of documents are being loaded and the Redo logs are on the same disk as the database files.

Place the Redo logs on a separate disk from the database files. See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide and Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide for more information.

For optimal performance, dedicate one or more disks (and, if possible, a disk controller) exclusively to the Redo logs, and optimize the disks for sequential write activity. For example, on Solaris Operating System (SPARC), you may choose raw partitions or UNIX file systems for the disks. If you choose UNIX file systems on Solaris 2.6 or later, use the "forcedirection" option when mounting the file systems. These options should only be used if the file systems are dedicated exclusively to the Redo logs.

Solving Oracle Workflow Problems

Table A-4 provides information about how to troubleshoot problems with Oracle Workflow.

Table A-4 Oracle Workflow Issues

Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action

Users cannot log in to Oracle Workflow.

Users do not understand how Oracle Workflow functions with Oracle Content Services 10g.

Ensure that users are aware that Oracle Content Services workflow features are significantly different from workflow features in Oracle Files. In Oracle Content Services, all workflow operations are performed from the Oracle Content Services Web client. Users cannot access the Oracle Workflow interface to perform workflow-related tasks.

Users are not receiving Oracle Workflow e-mail notifications.

E-mail notifications have not been configured.

Oracle Workflow is not configured to send e-mail notifications by default. You must configure the Oracle Workflow notification mailer. See "Setting Up E-mail Notifications in Oracle Workflow" for more information.