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Oracle® Discussions Application Developer's Guide
10g Release 1(10.1.2)
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8 Understanding the Category Service

The Category Service provides the following category-related operations:

Apart from the preceding operations, it also provides bulk operations to create and delete multiple categories in a single invocation. This chapter addresses the task of Creating a Category.

Creating a Category

The following is an example for creating a category:

Example 8-1 Creating a Category

import java.util.Date;import*;import java.util.*;import javax.mail.*;import javax.mail.internet.*;

import org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPConstants;import;import*;import;import;import;import;import;import;

public class WSClient{  private static AuthenticationService as = null;    public static String getCookie() throws Exception  {      //STEP - 0: User Login      //Create the service locator for authentication service. The locator
      //contains information about the Web Services endpoint.             AuthenticationServiceServiceLocator assl = new
                              AuthenticationServiceServiceLocator();            //Get the handle to the actual webservices interface.             as = assl.getAuthenticationService();            //Indicate to the server that the client is interested in maintaining
            //session.            //HTTP is stateless and the user state is maintained in the session.            //Unless the user is willing to participate in a session, user state
            //cannot be preserved.             ((AuthenticationServiceSoapBindingStub)as).setMaintainSession(true);            //Invoke the actual login webservices call.              as.login("td_superuser","welcome1");            //Retrieve the cookie. The cookie is set on successful authentication
             String cookie = (String)((AuthenticationServiceSoapBindingStub)as)
             System.out.println("Cookie : " + cookie);
             return cookie;
        public static void main(String args[]) 
             //STEP - 0: User Login
              String cookie = getCookie();    
             //STEP - 1: Locate the web services end point.
             //The web services locator contains the webservices end point
             //Hence instantiate the service locator.
              CategoryServiceServiceLocator fssl = new
             //Get a handle to the actual web service.
              CategoryService fs = fssl.getCategoryService();
             //Indicate to the server that the user is willing to participate in
             //the session.             //Since HTTP is stateless, all the client data is maintained in the
             //session.              ((CategoryServiceSoapBindingStub)fs).setMaintainSession(true);             //Set the cookie retrieved in the call to login webservice.             //The cookie asserts user's identity to the server.              ((javax.xml.rpc.Stub)fs)._setProperty(HTTPConstants.HEADER_
                                                    COOKIE,cookie);             //Invoke the actual web services call.              CategoryDefinition cDefn = new CategoryDefinition();              cDefn.setName("My Category");              cDefn.setDisplayName("My Category");              cDefn.setDescription("My Category");              cDefn.setWithAnnouncementBoard(true);
             //- 1 indicates that a root level category is created
              Category aContainer = fs.create(-1,cDefn);              if(aContainer != null)             {               System.out.println("Container Type :" +
                                      aContainer.getContainerType());                 System.out.println("Creation Date :" +
                                        aContainer.getCreationDate().getTime());          System.out.println("Creator :" + aContainer.getCreator());          System.out.println("Description :" + aContainer.getDescription());          System.out.println("Display Path :" + aContainer.getDisplayPath());          System.out.println("Display Name :" + aContainer.getDisplayName());
          LastPost lp = aContainer.getLastPost();          if(lp != null)          {              System.out.println("Author :" + lp.getLastpostAuthor());              System.out.println("Date :" + lp.getLastpostDate());              System.out.println("Forum ID :" + lp.getLastpostForumId());              System.out.println("Topic id :" + lp.getLastpostTopicId());              System.out.println("Message Id :" + lp.getLastpostMessageId());          }          System.out.println("Is Favorite :" + aContainer.isFavorite());          System.out.println("Is New :" + aContainer.isNewFolder());          System.out.println("Is New Since Last Visit :" +
                                  aContainer.isNewSinceLastVisit());          System.out.println("Is New Since Session :" +
                                   aContainer.isNewSinceSession());          System.out.println("Name :" + aContainer.getName());          System.out.println("Id :" + aContainer.getId());          System.out.println("is category type :" + aContainer.isCategoryType());          System.out.println("Web ui URL :" + aContainer.getWebuiURL());          System.out.println("Rss URL :" + aContainer.getRssURL());          System.out.println("Has ann forum :" +
                                  aContainer.isAnnouncementsBoardPresent());          System.out.println("Parent id :" + aContainer.getParentId());       }      //STEP - 2: User Logout       logout();
     }     catch(TdWSException ex)     {         System.out.println("Error Code :" + ex.getErrorCode());         System.out.println("Error Message :" + ex.getErrorMessage());         String[] trace = ex.getServerStackTrace();         if(trace != null)         {             for(int i = 0 ; i < trace.length ; i++)                 System.out.println("trace[" + i + "]" + trace[i]);         }     }     catch(Exception ex)     {         System.out.println("Never went into tdex :" + ex.getMessage());           ex.printStackTrace();     }
   public static void logout() throws Exception   {        System.out.println("User logout.");       //Once all the webservices operations are done, invoke logout        //operation.       //On logout, user state is destroyed and the cookie is invalidated.        as.logout();        System.out.println("Done");    }

The create() method of the categoryService interface creates a new category in the repository. If the value of lParentId is -1 then a root-level category is created. Otherwise, a category is created under the container represented by lParentId. An exception is raised if lParentId does not pertain to a valid category.

The properties of the category to be created are specified in the category definition bean (cDefn in this example).


The category name and the category display name are mandatory. They are unique arguments in the category definition bean and hence they cannot be null.

The sample output for Example 8-1 is as follows:

Cookie : JSESSIONID=8c57046a22b8a4e4d7408338486da27bb6988d0322f2Container Type :1Creation Date :Sun Feb 26 20:44:53 PST 2006Creator :td_superuserDescription :My CategoryDisplay Path :/My CategoryDisplay Name :My CategoryIs Favorite :falseIs New :falseIs New Since Last Visit :falseIs New Since Session :falseName :My categoryId :85770is category type :trueWeb ui URL :http://stacx01:8888/discussions/app/ URL :http://stacx01:8888/discussions/rss/facility?fid=85770Has ann forum :trueParent id :-1User logout.Done