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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Configuration for Oracle Collaboration Suite
10g Release 2 (10.2)

Part Number B16224-03
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2 Managing Oracle Collaboration Suite

This chapter provides information that will help you manage Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1 (10.1) using Grid Control 10g Release 2 (10.2).

The sections in this chapter describe these steps:

2.1 Editing and Deleting Collaboration Suite Services and Component Services

This section includes the following section:

Chapter 1, "Introduction to Managing Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1" described how to create Collaboration Suite services, systems, component services, and component systems. At some time during the life cycle of your Collaboration Suite deployment, you may need to edit, delete, or recreate some components. For example, you may decide to use additional Collaboration Suite components or move a middle tier to another host.

To make modifications to Collaboration Suite services and component services, follow these steps:

  1. On the Collaboration Suites tab, select the Collaboration Suite service or component service that you want to modify or delete.

  2. Click Configure to modify the service or component service. Or, click Remove to delete the service or component service.


    Oracle Collaboration Suite services and component services should only be edited and deleted using the interface on the Collaboration Suites tab, as described in the steps above in this section.

    Do not modify or delete Oracle Collaboration Suite services or component services from the generic Services tab or by clicking the Edit Service link on an Oracle Collaboration Suite Service Home page. Unexpected problems can occur (such as error messages or a blank page) when you try to save your changes if you edit an Oracle Collaboration Suite service without using the interface on the Collaboration Suites tab.

2.1.1 Preserving Changes to Collaboration Suite Service Web Application Transactions

Although it is not recommended, it is possible to use the generic Web Applications tab to modify the transactions for the default web applications created to test an Oracle Collaboration Suite component service (see the Caution note in Section 2.1 about editing Oracle Collaboration Suite services and component services using only the Collaboration Suites tab interface).

If you modify the transactions for a Collaboration Suite component service using the generic Web Applications tab, if that service is edited later using the Collaboration Suites tab, Grid Control by default will recreate the web application transactions using the default transactions. To preserve your custom transactions, make sure that the Reconfigure Using Default Test? options are not enabled on the General or All Test Properties page for the component service.

2.2 Additional Configuration Steps for Collaboration Suite

This section describes these additional configuration steps for Oracle Collaboration Suite:

2.2.1 Setting Up the Client System Analyzer to Collect Collaboration Suite Client Configuration Data

To set up the Client System Analyzer for Oracle Collaboration Suite so that it can collect Collaboration Suite client information, follow these steps:

  1. In Grid Control, click the Deployments tab.

  2. In the Client Configurations section of the Deployments page, click Client System Analyzer in Grid Control.

  3. Follow the instructions on the Client System Analyzer in Grid Control page to set up and start the Client System Analyzer for Oracle Collaboration Suite.

  4. Request users whose Oracle Collaboration Suite client configurations you want to collect to access the URL for the Client System Analyzer for Oracle Collaboration Suite that is specified in the Example URL for Client System Analysis for Oracle Collaboration Suite pre-requisite checks field on the Client System Analyzer in Grid Control page.

    See Also:

    For more information about the Oracle Collaboration Suite data collected from client machines, see "About Custom Configuration Data Collected for Collaboration Suite Clients" in the Grid Control help.

2.2.2 Changing the Mail Listener's Status to Up

In Grid Control, listeners for IMAP and POP servers have a status of Down after they are discovered.

Use these sections to change the Mail listener's status to Up on UNIX and Windows operating systems: Changing the Status of a Mail Listener on UNIX to Up

To change the status for Mail listeners on the UNIX operating system to Up in Grid Control, follow these steps:

  1. Use the Net Merge utility to modify the listener.ora file to create one or more TCP addresses for the same listener without the presentation, that is, add the following to the end of the description list:


    Note that the port can be any port above 1024 that is available on the system for the listener, such as 1522 or 1526, but it has to be different than the one with presentation. Make sure that the port you choose is not being used by any other listener running on the system, otherwise the tnslsnr command described later in this section will fail.

  2. Restart the Mail listener by performing the following steps:

    1. Log in as root.

    2. Check if sendmail is running by using this command:

      ps -ef | grep sendmail

      If it is running, kill the process.

    3. Execute the following command, where userid is the UNIX account that owns the Oracle software:

      id userid
    4. After changing your default directory to the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory, issue the following command, where listener_es is the name of the Mail listener:

      tnslsnr listener_es <uid_value> -group <gid_value>


      The Mail listener cannot be started using lsnrctl from a user shell. Since it has to listen on ports below 1024, it has to be started by the superuser on UNIX operating systems. When restarting the Mail listener following the listener.ora change, you should use the same command, with the same command line arguments, as was used to start it up initially.

  3. In Grid Control, navigate to the All Targets page and select the listener_es target that shows a status of Down.

  4. Click Configure. On the Monitoring Configuration page, change the Machine name property to and change the Port number property to the port number used in the new TCP address without presentation. Changing the Status of the Mail Listener on Windows to Up

To change the status for Mail listeners on the Windows operating system to Up in Grid Control, follow these steps:

  1. In Grid Control, navigate to the All Targets page and select the listener_es target that shows a status of Down.

  2. Click Configure. On the Monitoring Configuration page, make sure that the Port number property is set to the port number corresponding to the port number used in the new TCP address without presentation (that is, the port number corresponding to the entry in listener.ora which has HOST=

2.2.3 Additional Configuration Steps for a Content Services Service

The Content Services service includes these services:

  • Content Services Read Web Application

  • Content Services Send Web Application

  • Content Services FTP Service

  • Content Services Records Management Web Application

Additional steps may be required to configure these Content Services services, as described in these sections: Configuration Steps for Content Services Read and Send Web Application Services

For the Content Services Read Web Application and Content Services Send Web Application services to work, the Content Services Web UI must be enabled for the Content Services instance for which you created the Content Services service. Enable the Content Services Web UI to get these Content Services services to work. If you do not want to enable the Content Services Web UI, delete the Read and Send Web Application services. See "Editing and Deleting Collaboration Suite Services and Component Services" for information on deleting services. Configuration Steps for a Content Services FTP Service

When a Content Services service is created, a Content Services FTP service is also created. For the Content Services FTP service to work, the FTP service must be enabled for the Content Services instance for which you created the Content Services service. Enable the FTP service for the Content Services instance to get the Content Services FTP service to work.

If you do not want to enable the FTP service for the Content Services instance, follow these steps, otherwise the status of the parent Oracle Collaboration Suite service will always be Down:

  1. On the Collaboration Suites tab, select the Content Services FTP service, then click Configure.

  2. On the Monitoring Configuration page, click Availability Definition.

  3. On the Availability Definition page:

    1. Choose System in the Define availability based on: field.

    2. Select the At least one key component is up option.

    3. In the System table, enter a check mark in the Key Component column for every component in the table.

    4. Click OK.

For more information on enabling FTP access for a Content Services instance, see Oracle Content Services Administrator's Guide for Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1 at: Configuration Steps for a Content Services Records Management Service

When a Content Services service is created, a Content Services Records Management Web Application service is also created. For the Content Services Records Management Web Application service to work, the Content Services Records Management UI must be enabled for the Content Services instance for which you created the Content Services service. Enable the Records Management UI to get the Content Services Records Management service to work.

If you do not want to enable the Records Management UI for the Content Services instance, follow these steps, otherwise the status of the parent Oracle Collaboration Suite service will always be Down:

  1. On the Collaboration Suites tab, select the Content Services Records Management service, then click Configure.

  2. On the Monitoring Configuration page, click Availability Definition.

  3. On the Availability Definition page:

    1. Choose System in the Define availability based on: field.

    2. Select the At least one key component is up option.

    3. In the System table, enter a check mark in the Key Component column for every component in the table.

    4. Click OK. Deleting Test Files for the Content Services Test User

In the Content Services application, you should regularly delete the test files created bythe Content Services FTP service in the Trash folder for the Content Services test user. Otherwise, the value of the Number of Documents metric (which is collected by Grid Control) will increase over time, because the metric includes all documents for the test user (including those in a user's Trash folder).

2.2.4 Setting the Management Agent Classpath for Oracle Content Services

To manage Oracle Content Services with Grid Control, you must run a script that is installed with the Management Agent. This script configures the Management Agent classpath so it can monitor the Oracle Content Services component.

To modify the Management Agent classpath:

  1. Stop the Management Agent, if it has been started:

    • UNIX: AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl stop agent

    • Windows: AGENT_HOME\bin\emctl stop agent

  2. Run the following command:

    • UNIX: AGENT_HOME/files/emagent/bin/ifsemchgtarget

    • Windows: AGENT_HOME\files\emagent\bin\ifsemchgtarget

  3. When prompted, choose 4. Oracle Content Services Release 10.1.2.

  4. Start the Management Agent:

    • UNIX: AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl start agent

    • Windows: AGENT_HOME\bin\emctl start agent

2.2.5 Additional Configuration Steps for Voicemail & Fax Components

Additional configuration steps may be required for Voicemail & Fax components managed by Grid Control, as described in these sections: Updating the Voicemail & Fax Service when the SMDI Status is Changed

When you create a Voicemail & Fax service, you need to enter the SMDI status (enabled or disabled) of the Voicemail & Fax instance on the Create Voicemail & Fax General page. The SMDI status information is used to compute the status of the Voicemail & Fax services.

If the SMDI status of a Voicemail & Fax instance is changed after the Voicemail & Fax service for that instance has been created, then the SMDI status of the Voicemail & Fax service has to be updated to match the SMDI status of the instance.

For example, when the Voicemail & Fax service for a Voicemail & Fax instance was created, the SMDI status of the instance may have been disabled. In this case, the person creating the Voicemail & Fax service would have specified that SMDI was disabled for the service. Later, if SMDI is enabled for the instance, then the SMDI status needs to be changed to enabled on the Edit Voicemail & Fax General page for the Voicemail & Fax service. Process Control for Voicemail & Fax Systems and PBX-Application Clusters

If you attempt to stop, start, restart, or reload an Oracle Voicemail & Fax system or PBX-Application Cluster on a Voicemail & Fax Group Home page or a PBX-Application Cluster Home page, you receive this error message:

The version of the Agent on the host: host-name does not support this operation.
Upgrade to a newer version of the Agent.

Upgrading to a newer version of the Agent will not fix this problem.

The way to work around this is to stop, start, restart, or reload each of the Voicemail & Fax middle tier and Agent-monitored targets individually.

2.2.6 Specifying the Build Number for a Web Access Client Service

If you are using Grid Control to monitor a Web Access Client service, make sure that the correct value is specified for the Build Number property for the Web Access Client service. If an incorrect value is specified for this property, when you clickVerify All Tests on the Configure Web Access Client Service General page, the verification attempt always fails.

To check the Build Number test property for a Web Access Client service, follow these steps:

  1. On the Collaboration Suites tab, select the Web Access Client service and click Configure.

  2. On the All Test Properties page, check the value of the Build Number property.

The correct build number value for the Build Number property is the build number that appears beneath the copyright at the bottom of the Web Access Client launch page (http://hostname/ocsclient) for the Oracle Collaboration Suite instance. Make sure that this value is specified for the Build Number property on the Configure Web Access Client Service All Test Properties page.

2.2.7 Understanding Failure Messages for the Ultra Search Crawler Web Application

When you create the Collaboration Suite Search service, the Ultra Search Crawler service and Web application are also created.

If you see a failure message for the Ultra Search Crawler service Web application, it is probably because two beacons are trying to create the source at the same time. Because the beacons operate independently of each other, this problem should resolve itself in time.

2.2.8 Deleting Test Messages for the Mail Test User

In Collaboration Suite, you should regularly delete the test messages that are uploaded for the Mail test user. Otherwise, the value of various Mail service metrics collected by Grid Control will increase over time.

2.2.9 Fixing the Error Message on a Web Application Page Performance Page

After you create an Oracle Collaboration Suite component service target (for example, the Calendar Service), if you view the Page Performance page for that Web application, you will see the "Error loading End-User Page Response Time Data: Error" message.

To fix this problem for any Oracle Collaboration Suite component service, follow these steps:

  1. In Grid Control, navigate to the Targets tab.

  2. Click Web Applications.

  3. Click in the Select column of the component service's Web application, then click Configure.

  4. Click the Monitoring Configuration link.

  5. In the Homepage URL field, enter the URL for the Home page for the component service or the URL for the Home page of the Oracle Collaboration Suite service that the component service is associated with, then click OK.

2.2.10 Modifying an Identity Management Service or Subservice

If you make changes to an Identity Management service or subservice (for example, an Internet Directory service), make them by selecting the Identity Management service on the Collaboration Suites tab and clicking Configure.

Do not make changes to an Identity Management service or subservice by selecting the service on the Services tab and clicking Configure. If you edit an Identity Management service or subservice from the Services tab, you may notice unexpected results after modifying the service. For example, multiple LDAP Host Address properties may be displayed in the Internet Directory Test Properties table on the Configure Identity Management Service General page.

2.2.11 Changing the Title of a Collaboration Suite Service Dashboard

The title of the service dashboard for an Oracle Collaboration Suite service is not the same as the name of the service.

To change the title of a Collaboration Suite service dashboard to match the name of the associated Collaboration Suite service, follow these steps:

  1. In Grid Control, click the Reports tab.

  2. In the Report Definitions table, select the Collaboration Suite service dashboard for which you want to change the title.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. In the Title field, enter the name of the Collaboration Suite service, then click OK.