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Oracle® Mail Administrator's Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.2)

Part Number B25499-04
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F Oracle Mail Server Parameters and Log Files

This appendix provides server and debug level parameter definitions for the Oracle Mail servers, in addition to log file locations.

The Oracle Mail servers can be accessed through the Application Server Control Console for Collaboration Suite.

See Also:

Chapter 1, "Introduction to Oracle Mail Administration" for information about accessing the Application Server Control Console for Collaboration Suite

Oracle Mail Server Parameter Definitions

The parameters listed in this section can be displayed by clicking either the instance in the Instance column on a particular server home page, or the Default Settings link in the Target section on the same page.

In most cases, set parameters at the target level on the Default Settings page. Because the use of multiple server instances, each configured in different ways, can be confusing to manage (and separate instances configured differently can directly contradict each other), managing server parameter settings at the target level maintains one source of truth for the various server instances.

In the case of the Housekeeper and SMTP outbound servers, however, managing server instance parameters at the instance level is required when using multiple instances of these servers.

See Also:

Clicking the instance displays the settings for that particular process instance of the server. Clicking Default Settings displays the default values for the settings. The default settings apply to any newly created server process instance and can be changed, as necessary, by the administrator. After editing the default settings, click Apply to apply the changes or Revert to reset the default settings to the factory defaults.

Table F-1 and Table F-2 list LDAP connection pool and LDAP connection retry parameters, respectively, that are common to all servers except for Housekeeper and Virus Scrubber.

Table F-1 LDAP Connection Pool Parameters

Parameter Option Description


Enter a nonnegative number

Number of Oracle Internet Directory connections to be added to the pool when the existing connections in the pool are exhausted, to the limit of the Maximum parameter value. The default value is 1.


Enter a nonnegative number

Number of Oracle Internet Directory connections in the pool at startup. The default value is 1.


Enter a nonnegative number

Maximum number of Oracle Internet Directory connections in the pool not to be exceeded. The default value is 20.

LDAP Time Lag (centiseconds)Foot 1 

Enter a nonnegative number

Number of 1/100ths of a second before increasing the pool. If more than one connection request arrives within the allotted time, the server must wait. The default value is 500.

Footnote 1 This parameter does not apply to NNTP inbound or outbound processes.

Table F-2 LDAP Connection Retry Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Maximum Connection Retry Interval (microseconds)

Enter a nonnegative number

If all LDAP connections are busy, the server waits this number of microseconds before retrying. The default value is 100000.

Reconnection Timeout (seconds)

Enter a nonnegative number

Number of seconds between the server's attempts to connect to Oracle Internet Directory. The default value is 1.

Maximum Retry Count

Enter a nonnegative number

Maximum number of times the server attempts to connect to Oracle Internet Directory when attempting to add a connection to the pool. The default value is 100.

This section lists and discusses parameter settings for the following Oracle Mail servers:

Oracle Mail Housekeeper

This section lists the instance setting and debug parameter definitions for the Oracle Mail Housekeeper process. It contains the following topics:

Oracle Mail Housekeeper Instance Setting Parameters

In the Mail Collaboration Suite Database section, the Collaboration Suite Database list displays available Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases.

In the Thread Parameters section, the number in the Concurrency Level field sets the degree of parallelism that a process should use when running the configured tasks. For example, if this number is set to 10, the process runs 10 threads of the task, concurrently, increasing throughput. The default value is 10.

Table F-3 lists descriptions of the parameters in the Housekeeping Operations section.

Table F-3 Housekeeping Operations

Parameter Option Description

Operation Mode

None, Statistics Cleanup, Process Control Message Cleanup, or Tertiary Store

This parameter determines for what the individual process instance is configured.


Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, runs the expiration task, which expires or deletes messages set to expire on or before the current time according to a timer. It moves such messages to the system trash folder. The expiration timer is a folder attribute that administrators can set. Oracle recommends running this task only once a day. The default value is Disabled.

Note: Oracle recommends that one Housekeeper process instance be dedicated to this parameter.


Enabled or Disabled

Controls running the pruning task, which clears up message queues and the system trash folder, and marks unreferenced messages for collection. Oracle recommends scheduling this task to run continuously, to keep up with user message deletion activity. The default value is Enabled.


Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, runs the collection task, which collects or reclaims space taken up by messages no longer in use by removing the message data. Oracle recommends scheduling this task to run continuously, to keep up with the rate of messages coming in from outside the server. The default value is Disabled.

Statistics Cleanup

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, Housekeeper can delete process statistics data. The number of days set in Time Interval establishes the frequency of such deletion. The default value is Disabled.

Process Control Message Cleanup

Enabled or Disabled

Informs the Housekeeper process to clean up expired process control data from the system. The default value is Disabled.

Tertiary Store

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, runs the tertiary store task, which archives old messages by moving them to another tablespace, presumably cheaper and larger. Oracle recommends running this task monthly. The default value is Disabled.

Text Synchronization

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, performs text index synchronization, a process that enables text-based searches of incoming messages. The default value is Disabled.

Text Optimization

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, performs the Oracle Text optimization task, which improves index synchronization performance. Otherwise, performance degrades over time. Oracle recommends running this task hourly, with a sleep time of 60 minutes. The default value is Disabled.

Table F-4 lists descriptions for the parameters in the General Parameters section.

Table F-4 Housekeeper General Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Frequency of Execution of Housekeeper Process

Enter a nonnegative number

Number of minutes between two consecutive starts of the Housekeeper process. If the task finishes before the time allotted, the Housekeeper process sleeps for the duration. If the task takes more than the allotted time, the process does not sleep but instead runs continuously. The default value is 60.

Age Threshold

Enter a nonnegative number

Number of days, minimum, before messages are archived. If the Tertiary Store task is enabled, the Housekeeper tries to archive messages older than this parameter. Oracle recommends setting at least 30. The default value is 30.

Run Task

On Demand or At Periodic Intervals

  • On Demand: The server will start in an idle mode and wait for task commands from the opmn console. No tasks will be performed until a command is received.

  • At Periodic Intervals: The server will start processing the configured tasks immediately upon startup and subsequently perform the tasks at periodic intervals.

Index Optimization Level

Fast, Full, or Rebuild

  • Fast: Fastest option to optimize text search performance. It does not remove data no longer needed in the index.

  • Full: The same optimization method used in Fast mode plus deleting of obsolete data in the index. It is the default and recommended option in most cases.

  • Rebuild:

Index Optimization Max Time (hours)

Enter a nonnegative number

Determines how long the index optimization task runs continuously. Optimization requires CPU resources and may be scheduled during off hours. If the task does not finish by the end of the allotted time, the task stops until the next period. The default value is 1.

Support Log Miner Recovery

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, keeps the deleted message in redo logs, so that the LogMiner-based recovery feature can be enabled. It can also slow down the Housekeeper process Collection task. The default value is Disabled.

Process Log Level

Internal Error, Error, Warning, Notification, Trace, Dump

Determines the level of detail the server writes to the log file, as follows:

  • Internal Error: internal errors only: Administrator should file a bug with Oracle Support.

  • Error: all information included in Internal Error plus regular errors: Error condition exists and must be corrected by administrator.

  • Warning: everything up to Error plus warnings: Conditions exist that may require attention.

  • Notification: everything up to Warning plus Notification: An informational message only, no additional action needed

Levels beyond Notification are intended for Oracle Support to analyze a defect situation.

  • Trace: everything up to Notification plus trace logs: Program traces that aid support debugging

  • Dump: everything up to Trace, in addition to printing information from the program to aid in analyzing a problem. Extended debugging information that can aid debugging

The default value is Error.

Maximum Log Size (MB)

Enter a nonnegative number

Determines how big a log file can grow before the server writes to a new log file. The default value is 5.

See Also: "Log Files" for more information about log files

Maximum Number of Log Files

Enter a nonnegative number

If the number of log files for an IMAP server instance reaches this limit, no new log files will be generated. The existing log files will be written to in rotation. The default value is 10.

See Also: "Log Files" for more information about log files

Oracle Mail Housekeeper Debug Parameters

When debug parameters are enabled, more analysis data is included in the log file, depending upon the level set in the Process Log Level parameter of the General Parameters section. The Housekeeper process log file is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/log/um_system/gc directory.

Table F-5 lists the descriptions of the Housekeeper debug parameters.

Table F-5 Housekeeper Debug Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Advanced Queue Cleanup

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, cleans up accumulated data generated from process control consoles. Administrators control the startup, shutdown, or statistics inquiry of server processes by using administration consoles, such as Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Console, that interact with server processes by sending and receiving notification messages against the server process. Oracle recommends that at least one instance of Housekeeper is configured with this parameter enabled for each Oracle Collaboration Suite Database. The default value is Disabled.

Statistics Logging

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, process statistics are logged to the level set in the Process Log Level parameter (subject to a minimum level of 25). The default value is Disabled.

LDAP (DS) Call Tracing/Logging

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for any calls made to Oracle Internet Directory. The default value is Disabled.

Oracle Mail IMAP Server

This section lists the instance setting, debug parameter, and Oracle Collaboration Suite Database connection parameter definitions for the Oracle Mail IMAP server process. It contains the following topics:

Oracle Mail IMAP Server Instance Setting Parameters

In the Mail Collaboration Suite Database section are two lists showing available Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases and Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases currently being serviced.

Available Collaboration Suite Database(s) is the list of all the mail-enabled Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases in the system to which servers can potentially connect.

Collaboration Suite Database(s) currently being serviced lists Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases to which the IMAP server will connect, and serve requests from e-mail users who have mailboxes on any of the nodes in the list. Additionally, access to shared and public folders is limited to these Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases through this IMAP instance.

The LDAP connection pool is a pool of open connections to Oracle Internet Directory.

Table F-1 lists the descriptions of the parameters in the LDAP Connection Pool Parameters section.

Table F-2 lists the descriptions of the parameters in the LDAP Connection Retry Parameters section.

Thread parameters control the behavior of the worker thread pool in protocol servers. Each request from a client is serviced by one of the threads form the worker pool. While a thread is servicing a request, it is considered busy and cannot service any more requests until the current one is complete.

Table F-6 lists descriptions of the parameters in the Thread Parameters section.

Table F-6 IMAP Thread Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Timeout (seconds)


Number of seconds a thread is idle before it is removed from the pool. The default is 1860.



Number of Oracle Internet Directory connections to be added to the pool when the existing connections in the pool are exhausted, to the limit of the Maximum parameter value. The default value is 1.


Enter a nonnegative number

Number of Oracle Internet Directory connections in the pool at startup. The default value is 1.


Enter a nonnegative number

Maximum number of Oracle Internet Directory connections in the pool not to be exceeded. The default value is 20.

Table F-7 lists descriptions for the parameters in the Shared Message Flags section.

See Also:

RFC3501 and RFC3503 on the Internet for further information about the flags listed in the following table

Table F-7 IMAP Shared Message Flags

Parameter Option Description

Seen Messages

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, shows that messages have been read.

Flagged Messages

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, shows that messages have been flagged for urgent or special attention.

Answered Messages

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, shows that messages have been answered.

Deleted Messages

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, shows that messages have been deleted for removal by a later expunge operation.

Draft Messages

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, shows that messages have not completed composition and will be marked as a draft.

Message Delivery Notification Sent Flag

Enabled or Disabled

Delivery Status Notification Requested

Enabled or Disabled

Message Delivery Notification Requested

Enabled or Disabled

Delete After Submit Messages

Enabled or Disabled

Filtered Messages

Enabled or Disabled

Table F-8 lists descriptions for parameters in the Rules and Routing Control Parameters section.

Table F-8 IMAP Rules and Routing Control Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Spam Flood Interval (Minutes)

Enter a nonnegative number

Number of minutes used to detect spam flooding. The default value is 10.

Spam Maximum Flood Count

Enter a nonnegative number

SMTP server signals flooding if the number of messages and connections from a single host exceeds the value of this parameter within the Spam Flood Interval. The default value is 40.

Table F-9 lists descriptions for the parameters in the General Parameters section.

Table F-9 IMAP General Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Presentation Name

Custom, IMAP, or IMAPSSL

The name of the IMAP service in the listener configuration file. Selecting Custom enables you to specify the presentation name. The default is IMAP.

IMAPSSL is for encrypted connections over SSL.

Note: When this parameter's default value is changed, you must change the listener configuration to the same value.

Custom Name


Enables you to choose a custom name for the IMAP service. Applies only if the Presentation Name is set to Custom.

If nothing is entered in this field, the default is Custom.

SSL Enabled

True or False

Applies only if Presentation Name is set to Custom.

Debug User

User ID without domain

Name of a user about whom more debug information will be put in the log files by the server.

Maximum size of shell

Enter a nonnegative number

The shell comprises all the headers of the MIME parts in the message.

Maximum size of shell, in bytes, for a message allowed to be saved on the server. The default value is 1000000.

Maximum Number of Headers Allowed in a Message

Enter a nonnegative number

The maximum number of headers allowed in a single message that can be saved on the server. The default value is 1000.

Default Domain


Domain used if a user logging in does not provide a domain.

The default is set during installation and can be changed any time thereafter.

Maximum Number of Clients


Maximum number of clients allowed to connect to each server instance simultaneously. The default value is 1000.


Enter a nonnegative, nonzero number

The port on which the listener listens for the IMAP service. The default value is 143.

Note: When the port value in the listener configuration for this server is changed, it is recommended that this parameter's value be set to the same value.

Allow Admin to Access Any Account

True or False

If True, this feature enables administrators to access any user account using IMAP in the same manner as an actual user. To use this feature, administrators must change their user ID in the IMAP client to include the user ID of the user they want to proxy in as, beginning with #SU.

For example, an administrator with user ID can proxy in as by changing the user ID to

Allow Clear Text Login

True or False

If True, enables the LOGIN command and insecure SASL authentication mechanisms, PLAIN and LOGIN, that transmit the password in plain text. If False, the SASL Authentication parameter must be enabled or the Support STARTTLS Command parameter must be set to True in order to log in to the IMAP server and prevent password snooping.

Cache Size

Small or Medium

Caching level. When Small, no mail information is cached in the IMAP server. When Medium, certain parts of mail are cached. Increasing the cache size increases the memory requirements on the Applications tier. The default value is Small.

Protocol Banner


This parameter determines the message that the server sends when accepting new incoming client requests. The text of this parameter must be encoded in US-ASCII.

The following macros are also permitted and will be applied to all IMAP servers on the particular Applications tier:

  • %s (server type)

  • %h (host name)

  • %v (version information)

The default value is Server Ready.

Note: Any value entered in this field is also entered in the Protocol Banner parameter of all protocol servers.

Maximum Message Size (KB)

Enter a nonnegative number

Maximum message size allowed to be saved to the server. The default value of 0 denotes unlimited size.

New Mail Poll Interval (seconds)


Number of seconds the IMAP server waits before checking for new mail. Large numbers of check new mail requests from clients affect performance. The default value is 120.

Session Timeout (seconds)


Number of seconds for the auto-logout timeout interval. If no client operations occur in this time, the client is disconnected. The default value is 1800.

Public Folder Caching

Disabled, Cache Once, and Enabled

Defines the frequency at which the IMAP server caches the public folder list and refreshes it from Oracle Internet Directory. Alternatively, enter one of the following values:

  • Disabled to disable caching and get a current listing from Oracle Internet Directory for every client request. Use this if your public folder hierarchy is dynamic and it is critical for users to see the changes immediately. The Oracle Internet Directory server must have spare cycles.

  • Cache Once to cache once on first request and never refresh. This list is used for the lifetime of the server. Use this setting if your public folder hierarchy is mostly static and it is not critical for users to see the changes, immediately. You must bounce the IMAP server for IMAP users to see any changes in the public folder hierarchy.

  • Enabled: After selecting this option, enter a positive number in the Public Folder Cache Refresh Interval (minutes) parameter if the public folder hierarchy does not change frequently, and it is acceptable for users to wait for this number of minutes to see new changes to the public folder hierarchy and permissions.

The default value is Enabled.

Public Folder Cache Refresh Interval (minutes)

Enter a nonnegative number, -1 or 0

Enter the refresh interval in minutes if you enabled Public Folder Caching.

The default value is 30.

Note: Setting this parameter to -1 places a larger load on the Oracle Internet Directory server, which can affect performance.

Password Change Allowed

False, True, or Using SSL only

If False, users cannot change passwords using IMAP. If True, all users can change passwords using IMAP. If Using SSL only, users can change passwords only when connected to IMAP using SSL.

The default value is Using SSL only.

SASL Protection

None, Integrity, or Confidentiality

Applicable only to server-to-server communication within local servers (using the XAUTH command).

  • None: Password authentication only is protected during communication

  • Integrity: Adds integrity checking (to detect tampering of the communication)

  • Confidentiality: The communication is encrypted (and also implies Integrity)

The default value is None.

SASL Authentication

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, SASL authentication is permitted. The default value is Disabled.

Support STARTTLS Command

True or False

For this parameter to be enabled, a wallet location must be specified in the Wallet Location for TLS Support parameter. The default value is True.

Wallet Location for TLS Support

Directory path

Enter file: followed by the absolute path to the directory in which the SSL wallet is located. It is only relevant if the Support STARTTLS Command is True.

for example file:/directory_path

Process Log Level

Internal Error, Error, Warning, Notification, Trace, Dump

Determines the level of detail the server writes to the log file, as follows:

  • Internal Error: internal errors only: Administrator should file a bug with Oracle Support

  • Error: all information included in Internal Error plus regular errors: Error condition exists and must be corrected by administrator

  • Warning: everything up to Error plus warnings: Conditions exist that may require attention

  • Notification: everything up to Warning plus Notification: An informational message only, no additional action needed

Levels beyond Notification are intended for Oracle Support to analyze a defect situation.

  • Trace: everything up to Notification plus trace logs: Program traces that aid support debugging

  • Dump: everything up to Trace, in addition to printing information from the program to aid in analyzing a problem. Extended debugging information that can aid debugging

The default value is Warning.

Maximum Log Size (MB)

Enter a nonnegative number

Determines how big a log file can grow before the server writes to a new log file. The default value is 5.

See Also: "Log Files" for more information about log files

Maximum Number of Log Files

Enter a nonnegative number

Maximum number of log files for an IMAP server instance. The default value is 10.

See Also: "Log Files" for more information about log files

Process Flags

-wb, -fsf, -uato=120, or -cbl=12

These are special flags that can be passed to the IMAP server to change the behavior. Each flag must be on its own line.

-wb: Enables wastebasket functionality so that all deleted mails are moved to a folder called WasteBasket. Mails in WasteBasket still count toward user quota.

-fsf: Speeds shared folder access by not searching for folders shared with distribution lists.

-uato=120: Defines the time (in seconds) before an unauthenticated IMAP connection should be dropped and closed. As each connection counts toward the maximum limit of connections and consumes resources on the server side, this flag, in conjunction with -cbl, removes suspicious connections from the server as quickly as possible.

-cbl=12: Defines how many commands the server will accept before the user is authenticated.

Oracle Mail IMAP Server Debug Parameters

When debug parameters are enabled, more analysis data is included in the log file, depending upon the level set in the Process Log Level parameter of the General Parameters section.


Enable these parameters as directed by Oracle Support. Information generated by enabling in these parameters is for use by Oracle Support only.

The IMAP process log file is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/log/um_system/imap directory.

Table F-10 lists the descriptions of the IMAP debug parameters.

Table F-10 IMAP Debug Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Database Connections

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for database connections. The default value is Disabled.

Folder Open

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for the folder open function. The default value is Disabled.

Start/End of Client Requests

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for client requests. The default value is Disabled.

I/O Between IMAP Server and Clients

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for I/O between the IMAP server and clients. The default value is Disabled.

Client Logins

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for client logins. The default value is Disabled.

Memory Management

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for memory management. The default value is Disabled.

Folder Synchronization

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for folder synchronization. The default value is Disabled.

LDAP (DS) Call Tracing/Logging

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for any calls made to Oracle Internet Directory. The default value is Disabled.

Oracle Mail IMAP Oracle Collaboration Suite Database Connection Parameters

Table 3-1 lists descriptions of parameters for open connections to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database.

Oracle Mail NNTP Inbound Server

This section lists the instance setting, debug parameter, and Oracle Collaboration Suite Database connection parameter definitions for the Oracle Mail NNTP inbound server process. It contains the following topics:

Oracle Mail NNTP Inbound Server Instance Setting Parameters

In the News Collaboration Suite Database section are two lists showing available news Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases and news Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases currently being serviced.

Available Collaboration Suite Database(s) is the list of all the news-enabled Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases in the system to which servers can potentially connect.

Collaboration Suite Database(s) currently being serviced lists Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases to which the NNTP server will connect.

The LDAP connection pool is a pool of open connections to Oracle Internet Directory.

Table F-1 lists descriptions for parameters in the LDAP Connection Pool Parameters section.

Table F-2 lists descriptions for the parameters in the LDAP Connection Retry Parameters section.

Table F-11 lists descriptions for parameters in the Thread Parameters section.

Table F-11 NNTP Inbound Thread Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Timeout (seconds)


Number of seconds before an idle thread is cleaned up. The default value is 300.



Number of threads added to the client connection pool. The default value is 5.



Minimum number of threads available for client connection handling. The default value is 1.



Maximum number of threads available for client connection handling. The default value is 500.

Table F-12 lists descriptions for parameters in the Access and Routing Control Management section.

Table F-12 NNTP Inbound Access and Routing Control Management Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Routing Control

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, turns on routing control checks.

If Disabled, all routing control checks are turned off, including Reject and Trusted lists (domains, senders, recipients, and IPs).

If Oracle Internet Directory does not have this value set to default, NNTP enables routing control.

The default value is Disabled.

Allow Peer Feed

True or False

If True, this instance permits incoming feed from peers. The default value is False.

Allow Streaming Feed

True or False

If True, streaming is permitted, such as MODE STREAM in NNTP is enabled. The default value is False.

DNS Check on Client Domains

True or False

If True, checks whether the client domain name exists in the DNS server. If False, the connection is rejected. The default value is False.

Allow Client Posting

True or False

Specifies whether clients can post messages to the server. If False all newsgroups on the server will be read-only. The default value is True.

DNS Check on Sender Domain

True or False

If True, checks whether the domain in the sender's address exists in the DNS server. The default value is False.

Maximum Number of Cross Posts Allowed

Enter a nonnegative number

Specifies an upper limit for the number of newsgroups to which any one message can be posted at a time. The default value is 3.

Spam Flood Interval (Minutes)

Enter a nonnegative number

Number of minutes used to detect spam flooding. The default value is 10.

Spam Maximum Flood Count

Enter a nonnegative number

NNTP server signals flooding if the number of messages and connections from a single host exceeds the value of this parameter within the Spam Flood Interval. The default value is 10000.

Trusted Domains

Multivalue string of trusted domains, wildcards allowed

List of allowed domains or subdomains from which news is received, if Routing Control is Enabled, regardless of any further routing control checks.

Trusted IPs

Multivalue string of trusted IP addresses, wildcards allowed

List of IP addresses from which connections are permitted, if Routing Control is Enabled, regardless of any further routing control checks.

Trusted Senders

Multivalue string of trusted senders

List of sender addresses against which the sender address is checked, if Routing Control is Enabled.

Trusted Sender Domains

Multivalue string of trusted sender domains

List of allowed domains against which the domain part of the sender's e-mail address is checked, if Routing Control is Enabled.

Disallowed Domains

Multivalue string of disallowed domains, wildcards allowed

If Routing Control is Enabled, this parameter rejects connections from specified domains.

Disallowed Senders

Multivalue string of disallowed senders

Identifies senders to reject, if Routing Control is Enabled.

Disallowed IP Addresses

Multivalue string of disallowed IP addresses, wildcards allowed

Identifies IP addresses to disallow connections from, if Routing Control is Enabled.

Reject Distributions

In the General Parameters section are two lists displaying available and current peer servers.

Table F-13 lists descriptions for the parameters in the General Parameters section.

Table F-13 NNTP Inbound General Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Routing Control

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, turns on routing control checks.

If Disabled, all routing control checks are turned off, including Reject and Trusted lists (domains, senders, recipients, and IPs).

If Oracle Internet Directory does not have this value set to default, NNTP enables routing control.

The default value is Disabled.

Allow Peer Feed

True or False

If True, this instance permits incoming feed from peers. The default value is False.

Allow Streaming Feed

True or False

If True, streaming is permitted, such as MODE STREAM in NNTP is enabled. The default value is False.

DNS Check on Client Domains

True or False

If True, checks whether the client domain name exists in the DNS server. If False, the connection is rejected. The default value is False.

Allow Client Posting

True or False

Specifies whether clients can post messages to the server. If False all newsgroups on the server will be read-only. The default value is True.

DNS Check on Sender Domain

True or False

If True, checks whether the domain in the sender's address exists in the DNS server. The default value is False.

Maximum Number of Cross Posts Allowed

Enter a nonnegative number

Specifies an upper limit for the number of newsgroups to which any one message can be posted at a time. The default value is 3.

Spam Flood Interval (Minutes)

Enter a nonnegative number

Number of minutes used to detect spam flooding. The default value is 10.

Spam Maximum Flood Count

Enter a nonnegative number

NNTP server signals flooding if the number of messages and connections from a single host exceeds the value of this parameter within the Spam Flood Interval. The default value is 10000.

Trusted Domains

Multivalue string of trusted domains, wildcards allowed

List of allowed domains or subdomains from which news is received, if Routing Control is Enabled, regardless of any further routing control checks.

Trusted IPs

Multivalue string of trusted IP addresses, wildcards allowed

List of IP addresses from which connections are permitted, if Routing Control is Enabled, regardless of any further routing control checks.

Trusted Senders

Multivalue string of trusted senders

List of sender addresses against which the sender address is checked, if Routing Control is Enabled.

Trusted Sender Domains

Multivalue string of trusted sender domains

List of allowed domains against which the domain part of the sender's e-mail address is checked, if Routing Control is Enabled.

Disallowed Domains

Multivalue string of disallowed domains, wildcards allowed

If Routing Control is Enabled, this parameter rejects connections from specified domains.

Disallowed Senders

Multivalue string of disallowed senders

Identifies senders to reject, if Routing Control is Enabled.

Disallowed IP Addresses

Multivalue string of disallowed IP addresses, wildcards allowed

Identifies IP addresses to disallow connections from, if Routing Control is Enabled.

Reject Distributions

Oracle Mail NNTP Inbound Server Debug Parameters

When debug parameters are enabled, more analysis data is included in the log file, depending upon the level set in the Process Log Level parameter of the General Parameters section. The NNTP inbound process log file is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/log/um_system/nntp_in directory.

Table F-14 lists the descriptions of the NNTP inbound server debug parameters.

Table F-14 NNTP Inbound Debug Parameters

Parameter Option Description

LDAP (DS) Call Tracing/Logging

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for any calls made to Oracle Internet Directory. The default value is Disabled.

Oracle Mail NNTP Inbound Oracle Collaboration Suite Database Connection Parameters

Table 3-1 lists descriptions of parameters for open connections to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database.

Oracle Mail NNTP Outbound Server

This section lists the instance setting, debug parameter, and Oracle Collaboration Suite Database connection parameter definitions for the Oracle Mail NNTP outbound server process. It contains the following topics:

Oracle Mail NNTP Outbound Server Instance Setting Parameters

In the News Collaboration Suite Database section, the News Collaboration Suite Database list displays available Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases.

Table F-1 lists descriptions for parameters in the LDAP Connection Pool Parameters section.

Table F-2 lists descriptions for the parameters in the LDAP Connection Retry Parameters section.

Table F-15 lists descriptions for parameters in the Thread Parameters section.

Table F-15 NNTP Outbound Thread Parameters

Parameter Option Description



Maximum number of threads available for peer connection handling. The default value is 50.

Table F-16 lists descriptions of parameters in the General Parameters section.

Table F-16 NNTP Outbound General Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Socket Timeout (minutes)


Number of minutes before a cached connection times out. The default value is 30.

Feed Retry Interval (minutes)


Number of minutes before trying a message feed again. The default value is 60.

Feed Recovery Interval (minutes)


Number of minutes before a queued message marked as in process is moved back to pending, which aids in failure recovery for the NNTP outbound server. The default value is 90.

Number of Cache Connections

Enter a nonnegative number

Maximum Feed Retrials

Enter a nonnegative number

Number of attempts the NNTP outbound server makes to relay an article to another NNTP server. The NNTP outbound server tries to transmit a message up to the allotted number of times and then ceases. The default value is 3.

Process Log Level

Internal Error, Error, Warning, Notification, Trace, Dump

Determines the level of detail the server writes to the log file, as follows:

  • Internal Error: internal errors only: Administrator should file a bug with Oracle Support

  • Error: all information included in Internal Error plus regular errors: Error condition exists and must be corrected by administrator

  • Warning: everything up to Error plus warnings: Conditions exist that may require attention

  • Notification: everything up to Warning plus Notification: An informational message only, no additional action needed

Levels beyond Notification are intended for Oracle Support to analyze a defect situation.

  • Trace: everything up to Notification plus trace logs: Program traces that aid support debugging

  • Dump: everything up to Trace, in addition to printing information from the program to aid in analyzing a problem. Extended debugging information that can aid debugging

The default value is Warning.

Maximum Log Size (MB)

Enter a nonnegative number

Determines how big a log file can grow before the server writes to a new log file. The default value is 5.

See Also: "Log Files" for more information about log files

Maximum Number of Log Files

Enter a nonnegative number

If the number of log files for an NNTP server instance reaches this limit, no new log files will be generated. The existing log files will be written to in rotation. The default value is 10.

See Also: "Log Files" for more information about log files

Oracle Mail NNTP Outbound Server Debug Parameters

When debug parameters are enabled, more analysis data is included in the log file, depending upon the level set in the Process Log Level parameter of the General Parameters section. The NNTP outbound process log file is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/log/um_system/nntp_out directory.

Table F-17 lists the descriptions of the NNTP outbound server debug parameters.

Table F-17 NNTP Outbound Debug Parameters

Parameter Option Description

LDAP (DS) Call Tracing/Logging

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for any calls made to Oracle Internet Directory. The default value is Disabled.

Oracle Mail NNTP Outbound Oracle Collaboration Suite Database Connection Parameters

Table 3-1 lists descriptions of parameters for open connections to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database.

Oracle Mail POP Server

This section lists the instance setting, debug parameter, and Oracle Collaboration Suite Database connection parameter definitions for the Oracle Mail POP server process. It contains the following topics:

Oracle Mail POP Server Instance Setting Parameters

In the Mail Collaboration Suite Database section are two lists showing available Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases and Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases currently being serviced. Use the buttons between the two lists to shuttle Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases from one list to the other.

Available Collaboration Suite Database(s) is the list of all the mail-enabled Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases in the system to which servers can potentially connect.

Collaboration Suite Database(s) currently being serviced lists Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases to which the POP server will connect, and serve requests from e-mail users who have mailboxes on any of the nodes in the list. Additionally, access to shared and public folders is limited to these Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases through this POP instance.

The LDAP connection pool is a pool of open connections to Oracle Internet Directory.

Table F-1 lists descriptions for parameters in the LDAP Connection Pool Parameters section.

Table F-2 lists descriptions for the parameters in the LDAP Connection Retry Parameters section.

Table F-18 lists descriptions for parameters in the General Parameters section.

Table F-18 POP General Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Presentation Name

Custom, POP, or POPSSL

The name of the POP service in the listener configuration file. Selecting Custom enables you to specify the presentation name. The default is POP.

POPPSSL is for encrypted connections over SSL.

Note: When this parameter's default value is changed, you must change the listener configuration to the same value.

Custom Name


Enables you to choose a custom name for the IMAP service. Applies only if the Presentation Name is set to Custom.

If nothing is entered in this field, the default is Custom.

SSL Enabled

True or False

Applies only if Presentation Name is set to Custom.

Default Domain


Domain used if a user logging in does not provide a domain.

The default is set during installation and can be changed any time thereafter.

Allow Admin to Access Any Account

True or False

If True, this feature enables administrators to access any user account using POP in the same manner as an actual user. To use this feature, administrators must change their user ID in the POP client to include the userID of the user they want to proxy in as, beginning with #SU.

For example, an administrator with user ID can proxy in as by changing the user ID to

Maximum Number of Clients


Maximum number of clients allowed to connect to each server instance simultaneously. The default value is 1000.

POP3 Delete Allowed

Yes or No

If Yes, enables server to delete read messages. If No, the server does not delete messages from the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database. The default value is No.

POP3 Retrieval


ALL means all mails are to be retrieved from the server; for UNREAD, only unread messages are retrieved. The default value is UNREAD.

Wallet Location for TLS Support

Directory path

Enter file: followed by the absolute path to the directory in which the SSL wallet is located. It is only relevant if the Support STARTTLS Command is True.

For example, enter file:/directory_path

SASL Protection

None, Integrity, or Confidentiality

Applicable only to server-to-server communication within local servers (using the XAUTH command).

  • None: Password authentication only is protected during communication

  • Integrity: Adds integrity checking (to detect tampering of the communication)

  • Confidentiality: The communication is encrypted (and also implies Integrity)

The default value is None.

Support STARTTLS Command

True or False

For this parameter to be enabled, a wallet location must be specified in the Wallet Location for TLS Support parameter. The default value is True.

Allow Clear Text Login

True or False

If True, enables the LOGIN command and insecure SASL authentication mechanisms, PLAIN and LOGIN, that transmit the password in plain text, whether SASL authentication is enabled or not. If False, the SASL Authentication parameter must be enabled or the Support STARTTLS Command parameter must be set to True in order to log in to the POP server and prevent password snooping.

Protocol Banner


This parameter determines the message that the server sends when accepting new incoming client requests. The text of this parameter must be encoded in US-ASCII.

The following macros are also permitted and will be applied to all POP servers on the particular Applications tier:

  • %s (server type)

  • %h (host name)

  • %v (version information)

The default value is Server Ready.

Note: Any value entered in this field is also entered in the Protocol Banner parameter of all protocol servers.

Process Log Level

Internal Error, Error, Warning, Notification, Trace, Dump

Determines the level of detail the server writes to the log file, as follows:

  • Internal Error: internal errors only: Administrator should file a bug with Oracle Support

  • Error: all information included in Internal Error plus regular errors: Error condition exists and must be corrected by administrator

  • Warning: everything up to Error plus warnings: Conditions exist that may require attention

  • Notification: everything up to Warning plus Notification: An informational message only, no additional action needed

Levels beyond Notification are intended for Oracle Support to analyze a defect situation.

  • Trace: everything up to Notification plus trace logs: Program traces that aid support debugging

  • Dump: everything up to Trace, in addition to printing information from the program to aid in analyzing a problem. Extended debugging information that can aid debugging

The default value is Warning.

Maximum Log Size (MB)

Enter a nonnegative number

Determines how big a log file can grow before the server writes to a new log file. The default value is 5.

See Also: "Log Files" for more information about log files

Maximum Number of Log Files

Enter a nonnegative number

If the number of log files for a POP server instance reaches this limit, no new log files will be generated. The existing log files will be written to in rotation. The default value is 10.

See Also: "Log Files" for more information about log files

Process Flags

-uato=120 or -cbl=12

These are special flags that can be passed to the POP server to change the behavior. Each flag must be on its own line.

-uato=120: Defines the time (in seconds) before an unauthenticated POP connection should be dropped and closed. As each connection counts toward the maximum limit of connections and consumes resources on the server side, this flag, in conjunction with -cbl removes suspicious connections from the server as quickly as possible.

-cbl=12: Defines how many commands the server will accept before the user is authenticated.

Oracle Mail POP Server Debug Parameters

When debug parameters are enabled, more analysis data is included in the log file, depending upon the level set in the Process Log Level parameter of the General Parameters section. The POP process log file is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/log/um_system/pop directory.

Table F-19 lists the descriptions of the POP server debug parameters.

Table F-19 POP Debug Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Database Connections

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for database connections. The default value is Disabled.

Folder Open

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for the folder open function. The default value is Disabled.

Start/End of Client Requests

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for client requests. The default value is Disabled.

I/O Between POP Server and Clients

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for I/O between the POP server and clients. The default value is Disabled.

Client Logins

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for client logins. The default value is Disabled.

Memory Management

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for memory management. The default value is Disabled.

LDAP (DS) Call Tracing/Logging

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for any calls made to Oracle Internet Directory. The default value is Disabled.

Oracle Mail POP Server Oracle Collaboration Suite Database Connection Parameters

Table 3-1 lists descriptions of parameters for open connections to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database.

Oracle Mail Virus Scrubber

This section lists the instance setting, debug parameter, and Oracle Collaboration Suite Database connection parameter definitions for the Oracle Mail Virus Scrubber server. It contains the following topics:

Oracle Mail Virus Scrubber Instance Settings

In the Mail Collaboration Suite Database section, the Collaboration Suite Database list displays available Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases.

In the Thread Parameters section, the number in the Number of Threads field establishes the number of Virus Scrubber connections to the database. The number chosen is dependent upon such factors as how much memory each thread uses and how many connection each thread makes, and whether a connection pool is being used. A large number of threads can affect resource performance.

Table F-20 lists descriptions for parameters in the General Parameters section.

Table F-20 Virus Scrubber General Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Pre-Scan Mode

Disabled, Enabled, or Pre-scan Only

  • Disabled: Only those messages that have been isolated by a previous prescan operation are sent through the filters for scrubbing.

  • Enabled: First, all messages are prescanned and messages that match the prescan criteria are isolated. Then, only those isolated messages are sent through the filters for scrubbing.

  • Pre-scan Only: All messages are prescanned only. Messages that match the prescan criteria are isolated.

Pre-Scan Criteria

The IMAP SEARCH command style conditions that are executed to identify the list of messages to pass through the third-party scanner. Messages matching this criteria are removed from the mailbox of the respective users until the third-party scanner verdict is harmless/not-affected.

All IMAP search commands except new, old, and recent can be used in the filter.

Scan Interval (Minutes)

Enter a nonnegative number

Time interval between two successive scans.

Repair Mode

Purge or Quarantine

Determines what action to perform to messages identified as infected. Select Purge to delete the infected messages immediately; Quarantine to save it to a special folder specified in following parameters.

Quarantine Destination E-mail Address


If the repair mode is set to Quarantine, this parameter, in conjunction with Quarantine Destination Folder, uniquely identifies an IMAP folder where the message will be quarantined.

Quarantine Destination Folder


If the repair mode is Quarantine, this parameter, in conjunction with Quarantine Destination E-mail Address, uniquely identifies an IMAP folder where the message will be quarantined.

Notification Message to Virus Sender


If a message is infected, the sender will be notified. The text entered in this parameter will be sent embedded in a standard mail.

When composing notification message templates to virus senders (or recipients), you can use macros that can be substituted with actual message-specific values when the Virus Scrubber generates and sends the notifications. Supported macros include:

%internaldate%: Received date of the message
%messagesize%: Message size in bytes
%rfc822date%: The Date header value of the message
%rfc822from%: The From header value of the message
%rfc822subject%: The Subject header value of the message
%rfc822to%: The To header value of the message
%rfc822cc%: The CC header value of the message
%rfc822sender%: The Sender header value of the message
%rfc822replyto%: The Reply-To header value of the message
%rfc822msgid%: The Message-ID header value of the message
%xpriority%: The X-Priority header value of the message

For example, consider the following notification text:

A message you sent on %internaldate% to %rfc822to% with subject %rfc822subject% has been identified as virus-infected. Please run a virus scan on your computer immediately.

The actual notification message received by the recipient will have the preceding text with the macros substituted by the actual values from the virus-infected message.

Notification Message to Virus Recipient


If a message is infected, the recipient will be notified. The text entered in this parameter will be sent embedded in a standard mail.

See Notification Message to Virus Sender for a list of supported macros.

Process Log Level

Internal Error, Error, Warning, Notification, Trace, Dump

Determines the level of detail the server writes to the log file, as follows:

  • Internal Error: internal errors only: Administrator should file a bug with Oracle Support.

  • Error: all information included in Internal Error plus regular errors: Error condition exists and must be corrected by administrator.

  • Warning: everything up to Error plus warnings: Conditions exist that may require attention.

  • Notification: everything up to Warning plus Notification: An informational message only, no additional action needed.

Levels beyond Notification are intended for Oracle Support to analyze a defect situation.

  • Trace: everything up to Notification plus trace logs: Program traces that aid support debugging.

  • Dump: everything up to Trace, in addition to printing information from the program to aid in analyzing a problem. Extended debugging information that can aid debugging.

The default value is Error.

Maximum Log Size (MB)

Enter a nonnegative number

Determines how big a log file can grow before the server writes to a new log file. The default value is 5.

See Also: "Log Files" for more information about log files

Maximum Number of Log Files

Enter a nonnegative number

If the number of log files for an IMAP server instance reaches this limit, no new log files will be generated. The existing log files will be written to in rotation. The default value is 10.

See Also: "Log Files" for more information about log files

Oracle Mail Virus Scrubber Debug Parameters

When debug parameters are enabled, more analysis data is included in the log file, depending upon the level set in the Process Log Level parameter of the General Parameters section. The Virus Scrubber server log file is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/log/um_system/vs directory.

Table F-21 lists the descriptions of the Virus Scrubber debug parameters.

Table F-21 Virus Scrubber Debug Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Statistics Logging

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, process statistics are logged to the level set in the Process Log Level parameter (subject to a minimum level of 25). The default value is Disabled.

LDAP (DS) Call Tracing/Logging

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes internal debug log for any calls made to Oracle Internet Directory. The default value is Disabled.

Oracle Mail Virus Scrubber Oracle Collaboration Suite Database Connection Parameters

Table 3-1 lists descriptions of parameters for open connections to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database.

Oracle Mail List Server

This section lists the instance setting, debug parameter, and Oracle Collaboration Suite Database connection parameter definitions for the List Server.

Oracle Mail List Server Target-Level Settings

In the Mail Collaboration Suite Database section, choose an Oracle Collaboration Suite Database from the Queue Processing and Reconfirm Subscription Collaboration Suite Database lists.

In the Delivery Collaboration Suite Database section are two lists showing available Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases and Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases currently being serviced. Use the buttons between the two lists to shuttle Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases from one list to the other.

Available Collaboration Suite Database(s) is the list of all the mail-enabled Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases in the system to which servers can potentially connect.

Collaboration Suite Database(s) currently being serviced lists Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases to which the List Server will connect.

The List Server performs many operations with the LDAP server in multiple threads. To improve performance, a pool of connections to the database and the LDAP server is maintained to ensure that no thread must wait for a connection to access database or LDAP services.

Table F-1 lists descriptions for parameters in the LDAP Connection Pool Parameters section.

Table F-2 lists descriptions of parameters in the LDAP Connection Retry Parameters section.

Table F-22 lists descriptions of parameters in the SMTP Protocol Timeouts section.

Table F-22 List Server SMTP Protocol Timeouts

Parameter Option Description

Initial ready response timeout

Enter a nonnegative number

Amount of time in minutes that SMTP outbound server waits for a 220 greeting reply from a remote MTA after sending a connect request. The default value is 5.

EHLO/HELO response timeout

Enter a nonnegative number

Amount of time in minutes that the SMTP outbound server waits for a reply from a remote MTA to an ehlo or helo command. The default value is 5.

MAIL FROM response timeout

Enter a nonnegative number

Amount of time in minutes that the SMTP outbound server waits for a reply from a remote MTA to a mail from command. The default value is 10.

RCPT TO response timeout

Enter a nonnegative number

Amount of time in minutes that the SMTP outbound server waits for a reply from a remote MTA to a rcpt to command. The default value is 10.

DATA response timeout

Enter a nonnegative number

Amount of time in minutes that the SMTP outbound server waits for a reply from a remote MTA to a data command. The default value is 5.

Timeout for writing a block

Enter a nonnegative number

Amount of wait time in minutes that the SMTP outbound server waits to send a block of mail messages.The default value is 5.

Message accepted response after sending the message body

Enter a nonnegative number

Amount of time in minutes that the SMTP outbound server waits for a reply from a remote MTA after a complete mail message is sent to a remote MTA. The default value is 30.

RSET response timeout

Enter a nonnegative number

Amount of time in seconds that the SMTP outbound server waits for a reply from a remote MTA to a rset command. The default value is 30.

QUIT response timeout

Enter a nonnegative number

Amount of time in seconds that the SMTP outbound server waits for a reply from a remote MTA to a quit command. The default value is 30.

Table F-23 lists descriptions of parameters in the DSN Parameters section.

Table F-23 List Server DSN Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Postmaster DSNs

All, None, Failures, or Undeliverables

Type of delivery status notifications (DSNs) the postmaster wants to receive. The default value is All.

Postmaster E-mail Address

Valid e-mail address

Enter the e-mail address of the postmaster.

Temporary DSN Interval (hours)

Enter a nonnegative number

Determines how often a DSN must be sent for temporary errors. The default value is 24.

DSN Language

Default or User Preferred

Determines whether DSNs are sent in the default or user-preferred language.

  • Default: DSNs are sent in the language selected from the Default DSN Language list

  • User Preferred: DSNs appear in the user-preferred language according to the language header in the original message

The default value is User Preferred.

Default DSN Language


The following languages are available for DSNs:

Latin American Spanish
Canadian French
Brazilian Portuguese
Simplified Chinese_China
Traditional Chinese

Include Complete Error Message in DSN

True or False

If True, any error message is included with the DSN. The default value is True.

Success DSN Preamble


Enter text to be displayed upon successful delivery of a message into a user's inbox. This text will display to a user who chooses to receive delivery receipts.

The text of this parameter must be encoded in UTF-8.

Failure DSN Preamble


Enter text to be displayed upon failure of delivery of a message into a user's inbox. This text will display to a user in a return message announcing delivery failure.

The text of this parameter must be encoded in UTF-8.

Delay DSN Preamble


Enter text to be displayed upon delay of delivery of a message into a user's inbox. This text will display to a user in a return message announcing a delay in the delivery of the message.

The text of this parameter must be encoded in UTF-8.

Table F-24 lists descriptions of parameters in the Rules and Routing Control Parameters section.

Table F-24 List Server Rules and Routing Control Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Address Rewriting Rules Separators


Defines the list of characters that should be treated as separators in address rewriting rules. The default value is .:%@!^=/[]<>.

Sender Rewriting Rules


Rewrite rules for senders; used only by the SMTP outbound server.

See Also: "SMTP Address Rewriting Rules" for information about rewriting rules

Recipient Rewriting Rules


Rewrite rules for recipients.

See Also: "SMTP Address Rewriting Rules" for information about rewriting rules

External Filter

ocsv2, True or False

If True, enables external filter processing. The default value is False.

External Filter Process


Note: Effective only if the External Filter parameter is set to ocsv2, and will be used for Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 9.0.4 filters only.

Specifies the path for the executable of the external process in four parts:


In this path, the parts are as follows:

name: The name of the external filter

path_to_external_process: The complete path of the process to be called

when_to_call: The time to call the external filter: ENV, DATA, RELAY, or NEVER, as follows:

  • ENV: After receiving the message envelope

  • DATA: After receiving the complete message and before local delivery

  • RELAY: Just before relaying a message

  • NEVER: Essentially disables the callout

system_flags: No value should be entered unless Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 9.0.3 filters are being used, in which case set this option to version=ocsv1

Scanner Interfaces

init, register_callback, scan_msg, send_msg, receive_msg, close

1 or 0

1 or 0

Specifies C callouts for virus scanning. The form is:

name:shared_library_path, when_to_call,host_&_port,(function_set), repairmsg scanner_flags, system_flags

Iin this form, the parts are as follows:

name: The name of the external filter

shared_library_path: The full path of the C shared library loaded by the server at startup

when_to_call, such as the time to call the external filter: ENV, DATA, RELAY, or NEVER, as follows:

  • ENV: After receiving the message envelope

  • DATA: After receiving the complete message and before local delivery

  • RELAY: Just before relaying a message

  • NEVER: Essentially disables the callout

host_&_port, as follows:

  • If the scanner needs a host and port, enter them as host:port_number, such as SMTP machine:3602

  • If host and port are not needed, use INTERNAL


(The functions each filter callout should implement, which are called by the server to pass data to the scanner and to receive back the status and repaired messages)


If set to 1, callout can send the repaired message back to the server.

If set to 0, server does not read any repaired message back from the callout and rejects the mail if the scanner returns failure.


Should be set to 0.

Table F-25 lists descriptions of parameters in the General Parameters section.

Table F-25 List Server General Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Archive Processing

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, incoming messages are checked for archive eligibility. A message is eligible for archiving if any of the senders or recipients is a local user with an archive policy set. The default value is Enabled.

Note: Whatever value is chosen for this parameter, is also applied to the List Server and SMTP inbound processes.

Number of Mails Processed Concurrently

Enter a nonnegative number

Number of messages to be processed simultaneously by the List Server. The server will use one thread for each message for processing. A very high value produces too many threads in the process. The default value is 50.

Note: Ensure that the maximum of number of database connections in the database connection pool parameters matches or exceeds this value.

Number of Recipients Per Batch

Enter a nonnegative number

Number of users to which each user thread delivers messages. The default value is 1000.

Number of Threads Per Mail

Enter a nonnegative number

Specifies the maximum number of threads that can be spawned at a time to distribute a message to the members of a distribution list. Because each thread uses database and Oracle Internet Directory connections, this value should be increased with caution. The default value is 10.

Recovery Interval (minutes)

Enter a nonnegative number

Number of minutes before messages marked as being processed are picked up for retrial by the server. The default value is 90.

Allow only SMTP-authenticated user to post

Yes or No

If Yes, the List Server processes only those messages whose senders have been authenticated by the SMTP inbound server. If No, authentication is not required. The default value is No.

Checkpoint Interval

Enter a nonnegative, number

Number of recipients processed in a single relay delivery attempt. The default value is 20.

Fallback MX Host


Maximum Hop Count

Enter a nonnegative, number

Maximum number of hops a message can go through. The default value is 25.

Use Errors-To Header to Specify the Mail Address for DSNs

True or False

The default value is False.

Maximum Number of Connections in the Connection Pool

Enter a nonnegative, number

The default value is 10.

PLSQL Timeout (minutes)

Enter a nonnegative number

Number of minutes before a List Server's PL/SQL call will be canceled if the call is not returned. Used during PL/SQL mail-merge and external list processing. The default value is 10.

Allow List Owners to Enable Archive

Yes or No

The default value is No.

Bounce Threshold

Enter a nonnegative number

Specifies the number of times a message is bounced by a member before the member is unsubscribed from the list.

Indicates the number of DSNs processed for a particular recipient before the list owner is notified about the recurring DSNs. Once this number of DSNs is received for a recipient on a list, a mail is sent to the list owner notifying the owner about recurring DSNs for the user. The owner can then take further action to remove the user from the list.

Maintain Bounce History for (days)

Enter a nonnegative number

Specifies the number of days for which the List Server maintains the number of DSNs for a recipient before it is purged. If the bounce threshold number of DSNs is not reached for a recipient in this period, the count is reset to 0 at the end of this period. The default value is 30.

Queue Polling Interval (seconds)

Enter a nonnegative number

Specifies the number of seconds between the List Server's polling the queue to check for new messages to be processed. The default value is 30.

IP Address of Network Interface to Use


If the host running the SMTP server has multiple network cards with individual IP addresses, enter the IP address that is used to make outgoing connections.

SASL Protection

None, Integrity, or Confidentiality

Applicable only to server-to-server communication within local servers (using the XAUTH command).

  • None: Password authentication only is protected during communication

  • Integrity: Adds integrity checking (to detect tampering of the communication)

  • Confidentiality: The communication is encrypted (and also implies Integrity)

The default value is None.

Enable server to server authentication and security

True or False

Set to True so that the SMTP inbound server authenticates itself to other inbound servers, when there are multiple Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases and separate SMTP servers serving each database.

When the SMTP inbound server mandates authentication, all clients send their e-mail user ID and password as credentials. In the present scenario, this will pose a problem for all other outbound servers that are trying to relay messages to this inbound server. Because the protocol servers do not have passwords of their own, the relay fails. To overcome this, outbound server instances use the umadmin user name and password as credentials.

The default value is False.

Relay Hosts

Fully qualified host names

Contains the host names of the MTAs to which all relay messages sent out of the List Server should be routed. Messages addressed to local users are not affected. If this parameter is not filled, then an MX record lookup is performed while relaying messages.

Disclaimer Message


Enter disclaimer text that will display in messages sent outside the domain, that is relayed to an external domain.

The disclaimer message displays inline beneath the body of the message.

The text of this parameter must be encoded in UTF-8.

Process Log Level

Internal Error, Error, Warning, Notification, Trace, Dump

Determines the level of detail the server writes to the log file, as follows:

  • Internal Error: internal errors only: Administrator should file a bug with Oracle Support

  • Error: all information included in Internal Error plus regular errors: Error condition exists and must be corrected by administrator

  • Warning: everything up to Error plus warnings: Conditions exist that may require attention

  • Notification: everything up to Warning plus Notification: An informational message only, no additional action needed

Levels beyond Notification are intended for Oracle Support to analyze a defect situation.

  • Trace: everything up to Notification plus trace logs: Program traces that aid support debugging

  • Dump: everything up to Trace, in addition to printing information from the program to aid in analyzing a problem. Extended debugging information that can aid debugging

The default value is Error.

Maximum Log Size (MB)

Enter a nonnegative number

Determines how big a log file can grow before the server writes to a new log file. The default value is 5.

See Also: "Log Files" for more information about log files

Maximum Number of Log Files

Enter a nonnegative number

If the number of log files for a List Server instance reaches this limit, no new log files will be generated. The existing log files will be written to in rotation. The default value is 10.

See Also: "Log Files" for more information about log files

Process Flags

-l, -cp=value

Sets the local mailer flag and check point value. The values are:

-l (local mailer flag): Messages to unknown local users are relayed to the next node instead of being rejected.

-cp=value (check point value): Messages are delivered to local recipients in one transaction. 0 delivers to all recipients in one transaction.

The default values are no local mailer flag and check point value is 0.

Oracle Mail List Server Instance Debug Parameters

When debug parameters are enabled, more analysis data is included in the log file, depending upon the level set in the Process Log Level parameter of the General Parameters section of the Default Settings page. The List Server process log file is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/log/um_system/ls directory.

Table F-26 lists the descriptions of the List Server debug parameters.

Table F-26 List Server Debug Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Directory Operations

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, debugs all directory-related operations performed by the List Server. The default value is Disabled.

Database Operations

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, debugs all information store-related operations performed by the List Server. The default value is Disabled.

Mail Processing

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, debugs all operations performed by the List Server while processing a mail message. The default value is Disabled.

Command Processing

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, debugs all command processing operations done by the List Server. The default value is Disabled.

User Threads

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, debugs all operations performed by the mail delivery threads of the List Server. The default value is Disabled.

Mail Parsing

Enabled or Disabled

Mail Merge

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, debugs all mail-merge operations performed by the List Server. The default value is Disabled.

Bounce Processing

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, debugs all bounce processing-related operations performed by the List Server. The default value is Disabled.

Mail Delivery

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, debugs all mail delivery operations within the List Server. The default value is Disabled.

Digest Delivery

Enabled or Disabled


Enabled or Disabled

When Enabled, messages to this list are archived as a newsgroup in the NNTP server. The default value is Disabled.

Memory Management

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, debugs all memory management operations performed by the List Server. The default value is Disabled.

Oracle Mail List Server Oracle Collaboration Suite Database Connection Parameters

Table 3-1 lists descriptions of parameters for open connections to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database.

Oracle Mail SMTP Inbound Server

This section lists the instance setting, debug parameter, and Oracle Collaboration Suite Database connection parameter definitions for the Oracle Mail SMTP inbound server process. It contains the following topics:

Oracle Mail SMTP-Inbound Instance Settings

In the Collaboration Suite Database section, the Message Insertion Mode list contains the following selections:

  • RoundRobin:

  • Failover:

  • Auto:

There are two lists showing available Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases and Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases currently being serviced.

Available Collaboration Suite Database(s) is the list of all the mail-enabled Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases in the system to which servers can potentially connect.

Selected Collaboration Suite Database(s) lists Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases to which the SMTP server will connect, and service requests from e-mail users who have mailboxes on any of the nodes in the list.

In the Collaboration Suite Database for Direct Delivery section are two lists showing available Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases and Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases currently being serviced.

Available Collaboration Suite Database(s) is the list of all the mail-enabled Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases in the system to which servers can potentially connect.

Selected Collaboration Suite Database(s) lists Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases to which the List Server will connect.

The LDAP connection pool is a pool of open connections to Oracle Internet Directory.

Table F-1 lists the descriptions of the parameters in the LDAP Connection Pool Parameters section.

Table F-2 lists descriptions of parameters in the LDAP Connection Retry Parameters section.

Table F-27 lists descriptions of parameters in the Thread Parameters section.

Table F-27 SMTP Inbound Thread Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Timeout (seconds)


Number of seconds a thread is idle before it is removed from the pool. The default is 1860.



Number of Oracle Internet Directory connections to be added to the pool when the existing connections in the pool are exhausted, to the limit of the Maximum parameter value. The default value is 1.


Enter a nonnegative number

Number of Oracle Internet Directory connections in the pool at startup. The default value is 1.


Enter a nonnegative number

Maximum number of Oracle Internet Directory connections in the pool not to be exceeded. The default value is 20.

Table F-28 lists descriptions of parameters in the DSN Parameters section.

Table F-28 SMTP Inbound DSN Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Postmaster DSNs

All, None, Failures, or Undeliverables

Type of delivery status notifications (DSNs) the postmaster wants to receive. The default value is Failures.

Postmaster E-mail Address

Valid e-mail address

Enter the e-mail address of the postmaster.

Temporary DSN Interval (hours)

Enter a nonnegative number

If a message cannot be delivered in the specified interval, a delay DSN is sent. The default value is 24.

DSN Language

Default or User Preferred

Determines whether DSNs are sent in the default or user-preferred language.

  • Default: DSNs are sent in the language selected from the Default DSN Language list

  • User Preferred: DSNs appear in the user-preferred language according to the language header in the original message

The default value is User Preferred.

Default DSN Language


The following languages are available for DSNs:

Latin American Spanish
Canadian French
Brazilian Portuguese
Simplified Chinese_China
Traditional Chinese

Include Complete Error Message in DSN

True or False

If True, the reason for delivery failure is included with the DSN. The default value is True.

Success DSN Preamble


Enter text to be displayed upon successful delivery of a message into a user's inbox. This text will display to a user if they choose to receive delivery receipts.

The text of this parameter must be encoded in UTF-8.

Failure DSN Preamble


Enter text to be displayed upon failure of delivery of a message into a user's inbox. This text will display to a user in a return message announcing delivery failure.

The text of this parameter must be encoded in UTF-8.

Delay DSN Preamble


Enter text to be displayed upon delay of delivery of a message into a user's inbox. This text will display to a user in a return message announcing a delay in the delivery of the message.

The text of this parameter must be encoded in UTF-8.

Table F-29 lists description of parameters in the Rules and Routing Control Parameters section.

Table F-29 SMTP Inbound Rules and Routing Control Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Routing Control

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, turns on routing control checks.

If Disabled, all routing control checks are turned off, including Reject and Trusted lists (domains, senders, recipients, and IPs).

The default value is Enabled.

Spam Flood Interval (Minutes)

Enter a nonnegative number

Number of minutes used to detect spam flooding. The default value is 10.

Spam Maximum Flood Count

Enter a nonnegative number

SMTP server signals flooding if the number of messages and connections from a single host exceeds the value of this parameter within the Spam Flood Interval. The default value is 10000.

Maximum Number of Recipients Allowed in an Envelope

Enter a nonnegative number

The maximum number of recipients allowed for an e-mail message. In the case of distribution lists, a public distribution list constitutes a single envelope address passed from a client to a message transfer agent (MTA). The default value is 100.

These are recipients in the message envelope.

Envelope and Message Header Checking

Disable checks or Match RFC 822 Sender with From header

If Match RFC 822 Sender with From header, rejects a mail if the envelope sender does not match the From header, with the exception of mails with a NULL reverse path (envelope sender is empty). The default value is Disable checks.

Reject Messages with Different Auth Id and Envelope Sender

True or False

If True, rejects the mail if the authenticated ID is different from the envelope sender, with the exception of mails with a NULL reverse path. The default value is False.

Enforce Reverse DNS Lookup on Client IP

True or False

The default value is False.

DNS Check on HELO/EHLO Domains

True or False

If True, checks whether the domain name in the HELO/EHLO command exists in the DNS server. If False, the connection is rejected. The default value is False.

DNS Check on Sender Domain

True or False

If True, checks whether the domain in the sender's address exists in the DNS server. The default value is False.

Relay Allowed

True, False, or Authenticated

If True, enables relay to domains listed under the Trusted Relay Domains parameter.

If False, relay is not allowed.

If Authenticated, the server processes only the messages whose senders have been authenticated by the SMTP inbound server. The default is False.

Trusted Relay Domains


List of domains on which relay is allowed when the Relay Allowed parameter is enabled.

Address Rewriting Rule Separators


Defines the list of characters that should be treated as separators in address rewriting rules. The default value is .:%@!^=/[]<>.

Recipient Rewriting Rules


Rewrite rules for recipients.

See Also: "SMTP Address Rewriting Rules" for information about rewriting rules

Scanner Interfaces

init, register_callback, scan_msg, send_msg, receive_msg, close

1 or 0

1 or 0

Note: Effective only if the External Filter parameter is set to ocsv2, and will be used for Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 9.0.4 filters only.

Specifies C callouts for virus scanning. The form is:

name:shared_library_path, when_to_call,host_&_port,(function_set), repairmsg scanner_flags, system_flags

In this form, the parts are as follows:

name: The name of the external filter

shared_library_path: The full path of the C shared library loaded by the server at startup

when_to_call, such as the time to call the external filter: ENV, DATA, RELAY, or NEVER, as follows:

  • ENV: After receiving the message envelope

  • DATA: After receiving the complete message and before local delivery

  • RELAY: Just before relaying a message

  • NEVER: Essentially disables the callout

host_&_port, as follows:

  • If the scanner needs a host and port, enter them as host:port_number, such as SMTP machine:3602

  • If host and port are not needed, use INTERNAL


(The functions each filter callout should implement, which are called by the server to pass data to the scanner and to receive back the status and repaired messages)


If set to 1, callout can send the repaired message back to the server.

If set to 0, server does not read any repaired message back from the callout and rejects the mail if the scanner returns failure.


Should be set to 0.

External Filter

ocsv2, True, or False

Enables or disables external filter processing. When set to ocsv2, only Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 9.0.4 filters are applied. The Scanner Interfaces and External Filter Process parameters are effective only when External Filter is set to ocsv2. The default value is False.

Filters are defined through Policy pages.

See Also: "Managing Oracle Mail Filters" for more information about defining filters

External Filter Process


Note: Effective only if the External Filter parameter is set to ocsv2, and will be used for Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 9.0.4 filters only.

Specifies the path for the executable of the external process in four parts:


In this form, the parts are as follows:

name: The name of the external filter

path_to_external_process: The complete path of the process to be called

when_to_call: The time to call the external filter: ENV, DATA, RELAY, or NEVER, as follows:

  • ENV: After receiving the message envelope

  • DATA: After receiving the complete message and before local delivery

  • RELAY: Just before relaying a message

  • NEVER: Essentially disables the callout

system_flags: No value should be entered unless Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 9.0.3 filters are being used, in which case set this option to version=ocsv1

Trusted IPs

Multivalue string of trusted IP addresses, wildcards allowed

List of IP addresses from which all messages are permitted, regardless of any routing control checks. These entries are assumed to have full access and do not require authentication for access.

Trusted Domains

Multivalue string of trusted domains, wildcards allowed

List of allowed domains or sub-domains from which mail is received, if Routing Control is Enabled, regardless of any further routing control checks. These entries are assumed to have full access and do not require authentication for access.

Trusted Sender Domains

Multivalue string of trusted sender domains

List of allowed domains against which the domain part of the sender's e-mail address is checked, if Routing Control is Enabled.

The format of the string is as follows:

domain authflag

In the preceding example, domain is the name of the domain and authflag is either auth or no-auth.

When the no-auth option is set, authentication is required. The end user is not prompted to authenticate using a password before access is allowed. However, the auth option does require password authentication before access is allowed.

Trusted Senders

Multivalue string of trusted senders

List of sender addresses against which the sender address is checked, if Routing Control is Enabled.

The format of the string is as follows:

domain authflag

In the preceding example, domain is the name of the domain and authflag is either auth or no-auth.

When the no-auth option is set, authentication is required. The end user is not prompted to authenticate using a password before access is allowed. However, the auth option does require password authentication before access is allowed.

Trusted Sender, Recipient Pairs

Multivalue string of trusted senders and recipients

List of sender, recipient pairs to be accepted if Routing Control is Enabled.

Reject Domains

Multivalue string of rejected sender domains

List of domains and sub-domains to reject, and close connection, but only if Routing Control is Enabled.

Reject Senders

Multivalue string of rejected senders

List of senders to be rejected, but only if Routing Control is Enabled.

Reject Recipients

Multivalue string of rejected recipients

List of local recipients to reject, but only if Routing Control is Enabled.

Reject IPs

Multivalue string of rejected IP addresses, wildcards allowed

List of IP addresses to reject, and close connection, but only if Routing Control is Enabled.

Sender, Recipient Pairs to Reject

Multivalue string of rejected senders and recipients

List of sender, recipient pairs to be rejected if Routing Control is Enabled.

Reject Headers

Messages to be rejected based upon standard or extended header fields if Routing Control is Enabled.

Attachment Names to Reject

Messages to be rejected containing any attachments listed here if Routing Control is Enabled.

In the General Parameters section, local domains to which local mail user addresses belong are listed in the Available Domain(s) list and can be moved to the Selected Domain(s) list.

Table F-30 lists descriptions of parameters in the General Parameters section.

Table F-30 SMTP Inbound General Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Archive Processing

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, incoming messages are checked for archive eligibility. A message is eligible for archiving if any of the senders or recipients is a local user with an archive policy set. The default value is Enabled.

Note: Whatever value is chosen for this parameter is also applied to the List Server and SMTP inbound processes.

Presentation Name


Display name for the SMTP server instances. When the default value for this parameter has been changed, you must change the listener configuration to the same value. The default value is ESSMI.

Custom Name


Applies only if the presentation name is set to custom.

Maximum Size of Shell (in Bytes)

Enter a nonnegative number

Maximum size of database shell, in bytes, for a message. IMAP uses this parameter to perform a spam check on messages during an APPEND operation. The shell comprises all the headers of the message plus the placeholders for mime body parts. The default value is 1000000.

Maximum Number of Headers Allowed in a Message

Enter a nonnegative number

The maximum number of RFC822 headers allowed in a single message. IMAP uses this parameter to perform a spam check on messages during an APPEND operation. The default value is 1000.

Maximum Number of Clients


Maximum number of clients allowed to connect to the server instance. The default value is 1000.


Enter a nonnegative, nonzero number

The port on which the listener listens for the SMTP service. The default value is 25.

Note: When the port value in the listener configuration for this server is changed, it is recommended that this parameter's value be set to the same value.

Checkpoint Interval

Enter a nonnegative, number

Number of recipients processed in a single relay delivery attempt. The default value is 20.

Maximum Hop Count

Enter a nonnegative, number

Maximum number of hops a message can go through. The default value is 25.

Maximum Message Size (KB)

Enter a nonnegative number

Maximum allowed incoming message size. The default value is 10.

Message Timeout (minutes)

Enter a nonnegative, number

Number of minutes after an SMTP server restart, after which messages that remain in the being processed state will be processed again. The default value is 30.

(If an SMTP server is restarted after a shutdown, it looks for messages being processed. If they stay in the same state for this long, it reprocesses them.)

SMTP Queue Timeout (days)

Enter a nonnegative, number

Maximum number of days a message can be in the queue. The default value is 5.

Use Errors-To Header to Specify the Mail Address for DSNs

True or False

The default value is False.


Mandatory, Optional, or None

Determines if SMTP authentication is enabled.

Mandatory: Users must authenticate themselves before sending any messages.

Optional: Users may authenticate themselves, but the SMTP server accepts the message even if authentication fails.

None: Authentication is not required

The default value is None.

Submit Only

True or False

If TRUE, submits inbound messages without resolving recipient. The default value is FALSE.

Process IMIP Messages

True or False

If True, IMIP messages will be sent to the IMIP queue. The default value is False.

Wallet Location for TLS Support

Directory path

Enter file: followed by the absolute path to the directory in which the SSL wallet is located. It is only relevant if the Support STARTTLS Command is True.

For example, file:/directory_path

Add Custom Headers

List of standard or extended (user-defined) headers added to each message at the time of message reception.

SASL Protection

None, Integrity, or Confidentiality

Applicable only to server-to-server communication within local servers (using the XAUTH command).

  • None: Password authentication only is protected during communication

  • Integrity: Adds integrity checking (to detect tampering of the communication)

  • Confidentiality: The communication is encrypted (and also implies Integrity)

The default value is None.

SASL Authentication

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, SASL authentication is permitted. The default value is Disabled.

Support STARTTLS Command

True or False

For this parameter to be enabled, a wallet location must be specified in the Wallet Location for TLS Support parameter. The default value is True.

Allow Clear Text Login

True or False

If True, enables the LOGIN command and insecure SASL authentication mechanisms, PLAIN and LOGIN, that transmit the password in plain text. If False, the SASL Authentication parameter must be enabled or the Support STARTTLS Command parameter must be set to True in order to log in to the SMTP inbound server and prevent password snooping.

Default Domain


Default domain used as user login if the user logging in does not provide one.

Add Domain to EMail Addresses with Missing Domain in Envelope

True or False

If enabled, a default domain will be added to the envelope sender or recipient if the domain is missing from the address. The default value is False.

Disclaimer Message


Enter disclaimer text that will display in messages sent outside the domain, that is relayed to an external domain.

The disclaimer message displays inline beneath the body of the message.

The text of this parameter must be encoded in UTF-8.

Protocol Banner


This parameter determines the message that the server sends when accepting new incoming client requests. The text of this parameter must be encoded in US-ASCII.

The following macros are also permitted and will be to all SMTP inbound servers on the particular Applications tier:

  • %s (server type)

  • %h (host name)

  • %v (version information)

The default value is Server Ready.

Note: Any value entered in this field is also entered in the Protocol Banner parameter of all protocol servers.

Process Log Level

Internal Error, Error, Warning, Notification, Trace, Dump

Determines the level of detail the server writes to the log file, as follows:

  • Internal Error: internal errors only: Administrator should file a bug with Oracle Support

  • Error: all information included in Internal Error plus regular errors: Error condition exists and must be corrected by administrator

  • Warning: everything up to Error plus warnings: Conditions exist that may require attention

  • Notification: everything up to Warning plus Notification: An informational message only, no additional action needed

Levels beyond Notification are intended for Oracle Support to analyze a defect situation.

  • Trace: everything up to Notification plus trace logs: Program traces that aid support debugging

  • Dump: everything up to Trace, in addition to printing information from the program to aid in analyzing a problem. Extended debugging information that can aid debugging

The default value is Error.

Maximum Log Size (MB)

Enter a nonnegative number

Determines how big a log file can grow before the server writes to a new log file. The default value is 5.

See Also: "Log Files" for more information about log files

Maximum Number of Log Files

Enter a nonnegative number

If the number of log files for an IMAP server instance reaches this limit, no new log files will be generated. The existing log files will be written to in rotation. The default value is 10.

See Also: "Log Files" for more information about log files

Process Flags

-l, -cp=value, or -rac=value

Sets the local mailer flag, check point value, and enables Oracle Real Application Clusters. Each flag must be on its own line.

-l (local mailer flag): Messages to unknown local users are relayed to the next node, instead of being rejected.

-cp=value (check point value): Messages are delivered to at most value local recipients in one transaction. 0 means delivering to all recipients in one transaction.

-rac=value (enable optimization for Oracle Real Application Clusters): Set -rac=1 to enable. Message insertion and local delivery uses the same OCI service handle. If no value is set, the process will be less efficient.

Oracle Mail SMTP-Inbound Instance Debug Parameters

When debug parameters are enabled, more analysis data is included in the log file, depending upon the level set in the Process Log Level parameter of the General Parameters section. The SMTP inbound process log file is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/log/um_system/smtp_in directory.

Table F-31 lists the descriptions of the SMTP inbound debug parameters.

Table F-31 SMTP Inbound Debug Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Entire Inbound Module

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for the entire SMTP inbound module. The default value is Disabled.

Server Response

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, performs debugging for the SMTP server responses. The default value is Disabled.

OCI Calls

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for OCI calls. The default value is Disabled.

Address Rewriting Rules

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for address rewriting rule processing. The default is Disabled.

Log Message Body

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for the message body. The default is Disabled.

Local Delivery

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for SMTP inbound. The default value is Disabled.

Routing Control

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for routing control. The default value is Disabled.

LDAP Resolution

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for LDAP resolution. The default value is Disabled.

Recovery Module

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, performs recovery module debugging. The default value is Disabled.

DSN Module

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for the DSN module. The default value is Disabled.

External Filter

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for the external filter process. The default value is Disabled.

LDAP (DS) Call Tracing/Logging

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for any calls made to Oracle Internet Directory. The default value is Disabled.

Oracle Mail SMTP-Inbound Oracle Collaboration Suite Database Connection Parameters

Table 3-1 lists descriptions of parameters for open connections to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database.

Oracle Mail SMTP Outbound Server

This section lists the instance setting, debug parameter, and Oracle Collaboration Suite Database connection parameter definitions for the Oracle Mail SMTP Outbound server process. It contains the following topics:

Oracle Mail SMTP Outbound Instance Settings

In the Mail Collaboration Suite Database section, the Collaboration Suite Database list displays Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases.

In the Collaboration Suite Database for Direct Delivery section are two lists showing available Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases and Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases currently being serviced.

Available Collaboration Suite Database(s) is the list of all the mail-enabled Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases in the system to which servers can potentially connect.

Selected Collaboration Suite Database(s) lists Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases to which the List Server will connect.

The LDAP connection pool is a pool of open connections to Oracle Internet Directory.

Table F-1 lists descriptions of parameters in the LDAP Connection Pool section.

Table F-2 lists descriptions of parameters in the LDAP Connection Retry Parameters section.

Table F-32 lists descriptions of parameters in the Thread Parameters section.

Table F-32 SMTP Outbound Thread Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Timeout (seconds)


Number of seconds before an idle thread is cleaned up. The default is 1860.



Number of threads added to the client connection pool. The default is 1.



Minimum number of threads available for client connection handling. The default is 1.



Maximum number of threads available for client connection handling. The default is 50.

Table F-22 lists descriptions of parameters in the SMTP Protocol Timeouts section.

Table F-23 lists descriptions of parameters in the DSN Parameters section.

Table F-24 lists descriptions of parameters in the Rules and Routing Control Parameters section.

In the General Parameters section, local domains to which local mail user addresses belong are listed in the Available Domain(s) list and can be moved to the Selected Domain(s) list.

Table F-33 lists descriptions of parameters in the General Parameters section.

Table F-33 SMTP Outbound General Parameters

Parameter Option Description

Archive Processing

Enabled or Disabled

When enabled, incoming messages are checked for archive eligibility. A message is eligible for archiving if any of the senders or recipients is a local user with an archive policy set. The default value is Enabled.

Note: Whatever value is chosen for this parameter, is also applied to the List Server and SMTP inbound processes.

Archive Queue Processing

Enabled, Archiving Only, or Disabled

When enabled, archived messages are sent to a specified e-mail address. The address is specified in the administration pages of the Oracle WebMail client. The default value is Disabled.

Checkpoint Interval

Enter a nonnegative, number

Number of recipients processed in a single relay delivery attempt. The default value is 20.

Fallback MX Host


Maximum Hop Count

Enter a nonnegative, number

Maximum number of hops a message can go through. The default value is 25.

Maximum Message Size (KB)

Enter a nonnegative number

Maximum allowed incoming message size. The default value is 10.

SMTP Minimum Queue Age (minutes)

Enter a nonnegative number

Number of minutes a message stays in the queue before being delivered. The default value is 30.

Message Timeout (minutes)

Enter a nonnegative, number

Number of minutes after an SMTP server restart, after which messages that remain in the being processed state will be processed again. The default value is 30.

(If an SMTP server is restarted after a shutdown, it looks for messages being processed. If they stay in the same state for this long, it reprocesses them.)

SMTP Queue Timeout (days)

Enter a nonnegative, number

Maximum number of days a message can be in the queue. The default value is 5.

SMTP Relay


Enter the name of the relay host.

Use Errors-To Header to Specify the Mail Address for DSNs

True or False

Maximum Number of Connections in the Connection Pool

Enter a nonnegative, number

The default value is 10.

IP Address of Network Interface to Use


SASL Protection

None, Integrity, or Confidentiality

Applicable only to server-to-server communication within local servers (using the XAUTH command).

  • None: Password authentication only is protected during communication

  • Integrity: Adds integrity checking (to detect tampering of the communication)

  • Confidentiality: The communication is encrypted (and also implies Integrity)

The default value is None.

Enable server to server authentication and security

True or False

The default value is False.

Disclaimer Message


Enter disclaimer text that will display in messages sent outside the domain, that is relayed to an external domain.

The disclaimer message displays inline beneath the body of the message.

The text of this parameter must be encoded in UTF-8.

Process Log Level

Internal Error, Error, Warning, Notification, Trace, Dump

Determines the level of detail the server writes to the log file, as follows:

  • Internal Error: internal errors only: Administrator should file a bug with Oracle Support

  • Error: all information included in Internal Error plus regular errors: Error condition exists and must be corrected by administrator

  • Warning: everything up to Error plus warnings: Conditions exist that may require attention

  • Notification: everything up to Warning plus Notification: An informational message only, no additional action needed

Levels beyond Notification are intended for Oracle Support to analyze a defect situation.

  • Trace: everything up to Notification plus trace logs: Program traces that aid support debugging

  • Dump: everything up to Trace, in addition to printing information from the program to aid in analyzing a problem. Extended debugging information that can aid debugging

The default value is Error.

Maximum Log Size (MB)

Enter a nonnegative number

Determines how big a log file can grow before the server writes to a new log file. The default value is 5.

See Also: "Log Files" for more information about log files

Maximum Number of Log Files

Enter a nonnegative number

If the number of log files for an IMAP server instance reaches this limit, no new log files will be generated. The existing log files will be written to in rotation. The default value is 10.

See Also: "Log Files" for more information about log files

Process Flags

-l, -cp=value, or -rac=value

Sets the local mailer flag, check point value, and enables Oracle Real Application Clusters. Each flag must be on its own line.

-l (local mailer flag): Messages to unknown local users are relayed to the next node, instead of being rejected.

-cp=value (check point value): Messages are delivered to at most value local recipients in one transaction. 0 means delivering to all recipients in one transaction.

-rac=value (enable optimization for Oracle Real Application Clusters): Set -rac=1 to enable. Message insertion and local delivery uses the same OCI service handle. If no value is set, the process will be less efficient.

Oracle Mail SMTP Outbound Instance Debug Parameters

When debug parameters are enabled, more analysis data is included in the log file, depending upon the level set in the Process Log Level parameter of the General Parameters section. The SMTP outbound process log file is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/log/um_system/smtp_out directory.

Table F-34 lists the descriptions of the SMTP outbound debug parameters.

Table F-34 SMTP Outbound Debug Parameters

Parameter Option Description

OCI Calls

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for OCI calls. The default value is Disabled.

Address Rewriting Rules

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for address rewriting rule processing. The default is Disabled.

Submit Module

Enabled or Disabled

The default value is Disabled.

Local Delivery

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for SMTP outbound. The default value is Disabled.

Queue Processor

Enabled or Disabled

The default value is Disabled.

LDAP Resolution

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for LDAP resolution. The default value is Disabled.

Outbound Main Module

Enabled or Disabled

The default value is Disabled.

Recovery Module

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, performs recovery module debugging. The default value is Disabled.

Relay Module

Enabled or Disabled

The default value is Disabled.

DNS Module

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, enables DNS module debugging. The default value is Disabled.

List Server Interface

Enabled or Disabled

The default value is Disabled.

DSN Module

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for the DSN module. The default value is Disabled.

External Filter

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for the external filter process. The default value is Disabled.

LDAP (DS) Call Tracing/Logging

Enabled or Disabled

If Enabled, writes an internal debug log for any calls made to Oracle Internet Directory. The default value is Disabled.

Oracle Mail SMTP Outbound Oracle Collaboration Suite Database Connection Parameters

Table 3-1 lists descriptions of parameters for open connections to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database.