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Oracle® Application Server Installation Guide
10g ( for Solaris Operating System (x86) and Solaris Operating System (x86-64)
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2 Requirements

Before installing Oracle Application Server, ensure that your computer meets the requirements described in this chapter.

Table 2-1 Sections in This Chapter

Section Highlights

Section 2.1, "Using OracleMetaLink to Obtain the Latest Oracle Application Server Hardware and Software Requirements"

Describes how to find the most current requirements for Oracle Application Server 10g (

Section 2.2, "System Requirements"

Lists requirements such as supported operating systems, processor speed, memory, disk space, and swap space.

Section 2.3, "Operating System Patches"

Lists the required patches.

Section 2.4, "Operating System Packages"

Lists the required packages.

Section 2.5, "Kernel Parameters"

Lists required values for kernel parameters.

Section 2.6, "Resource Controls in Solaris 10"

Lists the resource controls in Solaris 10

Section 2.7, "Ports"

Describes how to configure components to use ports other than the default ports.

Section 2.8, "Operating System Groups"

Describes why the operating system user who installs Oracle Application Server should belong to certain operating system groups.

Section 2.9, "Operating System User"

Describes why you should create an operating system user to install Oracle Application Server.

Section 2.10, "Environment Variables"

Describes how to set or unset environment variables required for installation.

Section 2.11, "The /etc/hosts File"

Describes how the installer uses the information in the hosts file. This section also describes how to specify the same information without editing the file.

Section 2.12, "Network Topics"

Describes network issues such as installing Oracle Application Server on a remote computer, using a remote CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive, or installing from a hard disk.

Section 2.13, "Font Packages for Java"

Describes the font packages required if you want to run using different character sets.

Section 2.14, "Prerequisite Checks Performed by the Installer"

Lists the items checked by the installer, such as length of the Oracle home name and whether or not the Oracle home directory already contains another Oracle product.

2.1 Using OracleMetaLink to Obtain the Latest Oracle Application Server Hardware and Software Requirements

The Oracle Application Server 10g ( hardware and software requirements included in this guide were accurate at the time this manual was released to manufacturing. For the most up-to-date information about hardware and software requirements, refer to OracleMetaLink:

After logging into OracleMetaLink, click Certify. From the resulting Web page, you can view the latest certifications by product, platform, and product availability.

2.2 System Requirements

Table 2-2 lists the system requirements for running Oracle Application Server. The installer checks many of these requirements at the start of the installation process and warns you if any of them is not met. To save time, you can manually check only the ones that are not checked by the installer. Refer to Table 2-2 to see which requirements are not checked by the installer.

You can also run the system checks performed by the installer without doing an installation, by running the runInstaller command as shown. The runInstaller command is on the Oracle Application Server CD-ROM (Disk 1) or DVD-ROM (in the application_server directory).


prompt> mount_point/1014disk1/runInstaller -executeSysPrereqs


prompt> mount_point/application_server/runInstaller -executeSysPrereqs

The results are displayed on the screen as well as written to a log file. For more information on the types of checks performed, see Section 2.14, "Prerequisite Checks Performed by the Installer".

Table 2-2 System Requirements

Item Requirement

Operating system

Solaris x86: Solaris 9 or Solaris 10

Solaris x86-64: Solaris 10

Checked by Installer: Yes


You can install Oracle Application Server on a computer that is connected to a network.

Checked by Installer: No


The computer's IP address must be static.

Checked by Installer: No


Ensure that your hostnames are not longer than 255 characters.

Checked by Installer: No

Support for 32-bit and 64-bit applications

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 runs as a 32-bit application. Therefore, the operating system must be configured to support 32-bit applications. To check if this requirement is met, run the isainfo command with the -v option as follows:

On a 32-bit operating system:

prompt> /usr/bin/isainfo -v

32-bit i386 applications

On a 64-bit operating system:

prompt> /usr/bin/isainfo -v

64-bit amd64 applications

32-bit i386 applications

If the output does not show both lines, you need to reconfigure your computer. Check with your system administrator.

Checked by Installer: No

Processor Type

i386 Compatible

To determine the processor type, run the psrinfo command with the -v option.

prompt>/usr/sbin/psrinfo -v 

Status of virtual processor 0 as of: 07/03/2006 05:45:42

on-line since 04/18/2006 15:31:30.

The i386 processor operates at 2393 MHz,

and has an i387 compatible floating point processor

Checked by Installer: No

Processor Speed

450 MHz or greater recommended.

To determine the processor speed, run the psrinfo command with the -v option:

prompt>/usr/sbin/psrinfo -v

Status of virtual processor 0 as of: 07/03/2006 05:45:42

on-line since 04/18/2006 15:31:30.

The i386 processor operates at 2393 MHz,

and has an i387 compatible floating point processor

Checked by Installer: Yes


OracleAS Infrastructure:

  • OracleAS Metadata Repository and Oracle Identity Management: 1 GB

  • Oracle Identity Management only: 1 GB

  • OracleAS Metadata Repository only: 1 GB

Oracle Identity Federation: 512 MB


  • The installer checks the amount of memory on your computer and will warn you if your computer does not meet the minimum memory requirements.

  • These are minimum values that are enough to install and run Oracle Application Server. For most production sites, you should configure at least 1 GB of physical memory. For sites with substantial traffic, increasing the amount of memory further may improve performance. For Java applications, you should either increase the maximum heap allocated to the OC4J processes or configure additional OC4J processes to utilize this memory. See the Oracle Application Server Performance Guide for details.

  • To determine the optimal amount of memory for your installation, the best practice is to load test your site. Resource requirements can vary substantially for different applications and different usage patterns. In addition, some operating system utilities for monitoring memory can overstate memory usage, partially due to the representation of shared memory. The preferred method for determining memory requirements is to monitor the improvement in performance resulting from the addition of physical memory in your load test. Refer to your platform vendor documentation for information on how to configure memory and processor resources for testing purposes.

To determine the amount of memory, use the prtconf command:

prompt> /usr/sbin/prtconf | grep Memory

Checked by Installer: Yes

Disk space

OracleAS Infrastructure:

  • OracleAS Metadata Repository and Oracle Identity Management: 4.2 GB

    You can install the data files for the OracleAS Metadata Repository database on a disk that is different from the disk where you are installing OracleAS Infrastructure. If you do this, make sure the disk for the Oracle Home has at least 1.2 GB of free space and the disk for the data files has at least 3.0 GB of free space.

  • Oracle Identity Management only: 1.6 GB

  • OracleAS Metadata Repository only: 4.2 GB

Oracle Identity Federation: 700 MB

The installer may display inaccurate disk space requirement figures. Refer to the figures listed above for disk space requirements.

To determine the amount of free disk space, use the df command:

prompt> df -k dir

Replace dir with the Oracle home directory or with the parent directory if the Oracle home directory does not exist yet. For example, if you plan to install Oracle Application Server in /opt/oracle/infra, you can replace dir with /opt/oracle or /opt/oracle/infra.

Checked by Installer: No

Space in /tmp directory

400 MB

To determine the amount of free space in the /tmp directory, use the df command:

prompt> df -k /tmp

If the /tmp directory does not have enough free space, you can specify a different directory by setting the TMP environment variable. See Section 2.10.6, "TMP and TMPDIR" for details.

Checked by Installer: Yes

Swap space

1.5 GB or greater of available swap space

To determine the amount of available swap space, use the swap command:

prompt> /usr/sbin/swap -l

The value in the "free" column indicates the number of free blocks, where a block is 512 bytes. To convert blocks to KB, divide the number by 2. For example, 2,000,000 free blocks is equivalent to 1,000,000 KB.

If you do not have enough swap space, perform the following tasks:

  1. Log in as the root user, and create an empty swap file:

    prompt> su
    Password: root_user_password
    # mkfile sizem swap_file_name

    Append an "m" to the size to specify the size in megabytes (example: 900m). The minimum size of this file must be greater than the difference between the currently available swap space and required swap space. For example, if you have 100 MB of free swap space, then this swap file must be at least 1400 MB.

  2. Add the file to the swap space using the following command:

    # /usr/sbin/swap -a swap_file_name
  3. Add a line to /etc/vfstab file. If you do not add the line, the new swap space will not persist when you restart the computer.

    /path/to/swap/file   -   -   swap   -   no   -

    Replace /path/to/swap/file with the location of the swap file.

  4. Verify the new swap space size:

    prompt> /usr/sbin/swap -l

Checked by Installer: Yes


256 color display

To determine your monitor's display capabilities:

  1. Check that the DISPLAY environment variable is set properly. See Section 2.10.4, "DISPLAY" for details. To test, see if you are able to run /usr/openwin/bin/xclock.

  2. Run the xwininfo command.

    prompt> /usr/openwin/bin/xwininfo

    Look for the "Depth" line. You need a depth of at least 8 (bits per pixel).

Checked by Installer: Yes

Supported browsers

Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g is supported on the following browsers:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2 (supported on Microsoft Windows only)

  • Netscape 7.2

  • Mozilla 1.7. You can download Mozilla from

  • Firefox 1.0.4. You can download Firefox from

  • Safari 1.2, 2.0 (on Apple Macintosh computers)

For the most current list of supported browsers, check the OracleMetaLink site (

Checked by Installer: No. However, if you access Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g using a non-supported browser, you will get a warning message.

2.2.1 Tips for Reducing Memory Usage

If you need to reduce memory consumption:

  • Configure only the components that you need.

  • After installation, start up only the components that you need. See the Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide for details.

  • Run Application Server Control only when you need to administer an instance. In most cases, you do not need Application Server Control running all the time.

    If you are running multiple Oracle Application Server instances on one computer, each Application Server Control can consume a lot of memory. Running Application Server Control only when you need it can free up memory for other components.

  • Configure Application Server Control so that it can manage multiple instances. See the Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide for details.

2.3 Operating System Patches

Table 2-3 lists the Solaris operating system patches that you must install before installing. These are patches that make up the "J2SE patch cluster". You can download the patches from:

Refer to the README file included with the patch for instructions on installing it.


Although the patches listed in Table 2-3 are current at the time of publication, Sun Microsystems, Inc. often updates the list of required patches for J2SE. Click the "Readme" link on the following URL for the most current list of patches:

Table 2-3 Required Patches for Solaris Operating Systems

Operating System Patches Required

Patches required for Solaris 9 on Solaris x86 operating system

Follwing patches are required for Solaris 9 for all installations:

  • 111713-06, SunOS 5.9_x86: Shared library patch for C++

  • 111728-03, SunOS 5.9_x86: Math Library (lib

    m) patch

  • 112234-12, SunOS 5.9_x86: Kernel Patch

  • 113986-10, SunOS 5.9_x86: linker Patch

  • 115114-02, SunOS 5.9_x86: Patch for assembler

  • 116013-02, SunOS 5.9_x86: ps utility patch (Available only from your local Sun solution center)

Patches required for Solaris 10 on Solaris x86 and Solaris x86-64 operating systems

Follwing patches are required for Solaris 10 for all installations:

  • 118345-03 SunOS 5.10_x86: ld & Patch

  • 119961-02 SunOS 5.10_x86, x64, Patch for assembler

How to Get a List of Operating System Patches Installed on Your Computer

To determine which patches are installed on your computer:

  1. Run the showrev command with the -p option. The following command saves the sorted output to a file called patchList.

    prompt> showrev -p | sort > patchList
  2. Open the file in a text editor, such as vi or emacs, and search for patch numbers.

To check if a particular patch is installed on your computer, use the following command:

 # /usr/sbin/patchadd -p | grep patch_number

If an operating system patch is not installed, then download it from the following Web site and install it:

How the Installer Checks for Operating System Patches

The installer searches for the required patch versions on your computer. If it does not find an exact match, it displays a warning message in the shell where you started the installer.

CD-ROM:  prompt> mount_point/10.1.4disk1/runInstaller

DVD-ROM: prompt> mount_point/application_server/runInstaller


... installer performs prerequisite checks here ...


Some optional pre-requisite checks have failed. Continue? (y/n) [n] n

The installer gives you a choice to exit or continue.

Type n to exit the installer if you do not have all the patches. You should download and install the patches.

Type y to continue only if you are sure all the required patches are installed.

2.4 Operating System Packages

Check that your computer contains the following operating system packages. If the packages are not present, the installer cannot continue.

You may also require additional font packages for Java, depending on your locale. For more information, refer to:

To ensure that the system meets all the requirements, follow these steps:

  1. To determine which version of Solaris is installed, enter the following command:

     # uname -r

    On Solaris 9 machine the output is 5.9, whereas in Solaris 10 machine the output is 5.10. If necessary, refer to your operating system documentation for information about upgrading the operating system.

  2. To determine whether the required packages are installed, enter a command similar to the following:

    # pkginfo -i SUNWarc SUNWbtool SUNWhea SUNWlibm SUNWlibms SUNWsprot 
    SUNWtoo SUNWi1of SUNWi1cs SUNWi15cs

If a package is not installed, then install it. Refer to your operating system or software documentation for information about installing packages.

2.5 Kernel Parameters

The computers on which you plan to install OracleAS Metadata Repository require their kernel parameters to be set to the minimum values shown in Table 2-4.

Kernel parameter values are stored in the /etc/system file. If your /etc/system file does not specify the parameters, you have to add lines to the file to specify them. In Solaris 10, all System V interprocess communication (IPC) facilities are either automatically configured or controlled by resource controls. For more information on this, refer to Section 2.6, "Resource Controls in Solaris 10".


  • The values for kernel parameters are required only for computers that will be running the OracleAS Metadata Repository. The installer checks the kernel parameter values only if you are installing these components.

  • If any kernel parameter values do not meet the requirements, the installer displays an error message. You will not be able to continue the installation until you update the kernel parameters to the required values.

  • If you update kernel parameter values, you need to restart your computer for the new values to take effect.

Table 2-4 Kernel Parameters Required by OracleAS Metadata Repository

Parameter Line in /etc/system Showing the Minimum Value Description


set semsys:seminfo_semmni=100

Defines the maximum number of semaphore sets in the entire system.


set semsys:seminfo_semmns=1024

Defines the maximum semaphores on the system. The 256 is only a minimum value for computers that will be running a single database (the OracleAS Metadata Repository that you are installing).

If you are already running a database on the computer, see "To determine the minimum value for the semmns parameter".


set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=256

Defines the minimum recommended value, for initial installation only.


set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4294967295

Defines the maximum allowable size of one shared memory segment (4 GB = 4294967295).


set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=100

Defines the maximum number of shared memory segments in the entire system.

To determine the minimum value for the semmns parameter

If you are installing the OracleAS Metadata Repository on a computer that is not already running an Oracle database (that is, the OracleAS Metadata Repository will be the only Oracle database running on the computer), set the semmns parameter to a minimum of 256.

If you are installing the OracleAS Metadata Repository on a computer that is already running an Oracle database, set the semmns parameter to the sum of the processes initialization parameter for each Oracle database (including the OracleAS Metadata Repository), adding the largest one twice, and then adding an additional 10 for each database.

The default value of the processes parameter for the OracleAS Metadata Repository database is 150.

Example: The computer is already running an Oracle database, and its processes parameter is set at 200. In this case, you must set the semmns parameter to at least 770:

To determine the value of the processes parameter for an Oracle database, run the following command in SQL*Plus:

prompt> sqlplus "sys/password as sysdba"

SQL> show parameters processes

password specifies the password for the SYS user.

To add or update kernel parameter values:

  1. Become root user on the computer where you need to change the values.

  2. Make a backup copy of the /etc/system file. For example, the following command makes a backup copy called system.back.

    # cp /etc/system /etc/system.back
  3. Using a text editor such as vi or emacs, update the values or add new lines in the /etc/system file as necessary. For example, the following lines show sample values for the parameters:

    set semsys:seminfo_semmni=300
    set semsys:seminfo_semmns=1024
    set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=256
    set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4294967295
    set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1
    set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=512
    set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=150


    The comment character for the /etc/system file is the asterisk (*), not #.

  4. Restart the computer for the new values to take effect.

2.6 Resource Controls in Solaris 10

In Solaris 10, all System V interprocess communication (IPC) facilities are configured automatically or handled by resource controls. Many applications that previously required system tuning may now run automatically because of increased defaults and the automatic allocation of resources. This is due to the reason that the default values for Solaris 10 are higher than those recommended by Oracle. The Solaris 9 default value recommendations by Oracle apply to the corresponding Solaris 10 Resource Control as shown in Table 2-5:

Table 2-5 Solaris 9 Kernel with Corresponding Solaris 10 Resource Control and Default Value

Solaris 9 Kernel Solaris 10 Resource Control Applicable Default Value (for Solaris 9)













Configuring Resource Controls

Perform the following steps to view the current value specified for resource controls, and to change the value if necessary:

  1. To view the current values of the resource control, enter the following commands:

    # id -p
    project id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) projid=1 (user.root)

    The id -p command will verify the project id.

    # prctl -n project.max-shm-memory -i project user.root
    # prctl -n project.max-sem-ids -i project user.root
  2. To modify the existing resource control values, enter the following commands:

    1. To modify the value of max-shm-memory to 6 GB:

      # prctl -n project.max-shm-memory -v 6gb -r -i project user.root
    2. To modify the value of max-sem-ids to 256:

      # prctl -n project.max-sem-ids -v 256 -r -i project user.root

For more information on Solaris 10 tuning, refer to:

2.7 Ports

Many Oracle Application Server components, such as Oracle HTTP Server, OracleAS Web Cache, and Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g, use ports. You can have the installer assign default port numbers, or use port numbers that you specify.

Why the Default Port for Oracle HTTP Server Is Port 7777 and Not Port 80

By default, the installer configures Oracle HTTP Server to use port 7777, not port 80. Port 7777 is the default port because on UNIX, components that use port numbers lower than 1024 require additional steps to be done as the root user before the components can run. Because the installer does not have root access, it has to use a port greater than 1024.

If you want Oracle HTTP Server to use a different port, such as port 80, use the "static ports" feature, which enables you to specify port numbers for components. Although you can change the port number after installation, it is easier to set the port number during installation.

2.7.1 Checking If a Port Is in Use

To check if a port is being used, you can run the netstat command as follows:

prompt> netstat -an | grep portnum

2.7.2 Using Default Port Numbers

If you want to use the default port numbers for components, you do not have to do anything. See Appendix C, "Default Port Numbers" for a list of the default port numbers and ranges. Make sure that at least one port is available in the port range for each component. If the installer is unable to find a free port in the range, the installation will fail.


The installer will not assign port numbers that are specified in the /etc/services file. If you do not want the installer to assign a specific port number, add the port number to the /etc/services file. For example, if you want to reserve port 7777 for an application, you can add something like the following line to /etc/services:

myApplication      7777/tcp

The installer will not assign port 7777 to any component if this line exists in the /etc/services file.


In the default configuration of the Solaris operating system, the /etc/services file includes ports 389 and 636 (for LDAP and LDAP/SSL). These happen to be the default ports for Oracle Internet Directory. This means that if you want to use these port numbers for Oracle Internet Directory, you must either delete or comment out these lines in the /etc/services file. To comment out a line, add a # at the beginning of the line, as shown:

# ldap   389/tcp   # Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

# ldap   389/udp   # Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

# ldaps  636/tcp   # LDAP protocol over TLS/SSL (was sldap)

# ldaps  636/udp   # LDAP protocol over TLS/SSL (was sldap)

If you do not comment out or remove the lines from /etc/services, then the installer will not assign ports 389 and 636. It assigns a number from the port number range for Oracle Internet Directory. See Appendix C, "Default Port Numbers" for a list of default port numbers.

2.7.3 Using Custom Port Numbers (the "Static Ports" Feature)

To instruct the installer to assign custom port numbers for components:

  1. Create a file containing the component names and port numbers. Section, "Format of the staticports.ini File" describes the file format. This file is typically called the staticports.ini file, but you can name it anything you want.

  2. In the installer, on the Specify Port Configuration Options screen, select Manual and enter the full path to the staticports.ini file.

    If you do not specify the full path to the file, the installer will not be able to find the file. The installer will then assign default ports for all the components, and it will do this without displaying any warning.

Difference from Previous Release:

In 10g (9.0.4), you used command-line options to specify the staticports.ini file. In this release, you specify the file in the new Specify Port Configuration Options screen. Format of the staticports.ini File

The staticports.ini file has the following format. Replace port_num with the port number that you want to use for the component.

# J2EE and HTTP Server

Oracle HTTP Server port = port_num

Oracle HTTP Server Listen port = port_num

Oracle HTTP Server SSL port = port_num

Oracle HTTP Server Listen (SSL) port = port_num

Oracle HTTP Server Diagnostic port = port_num

Java Object Cache port = port_num

DCM Discovery port = port_num

Oracle Notification Server Request port = port_num

Oracle Notification Server Local port = port_num

Oracle Notification Server Remote port = port_num

Application Server Control port = port_num

Application Server Control RMI port = port_num

Oracle Management Agent port = port_num

Log Loader port = port_num

ASG port = port_num

# Infrastructure

Oracle Internet Directory port = port_num

Oracle Internet Directory (SSL) port = port_num

Oracle Certificate Authority SSL Server Authentication port = port_num

Oracle Certificate Authority SSL Mutual Authentication port = port_num

The easiest way to create the file is to use the staticports.ini file on the CD-ROM (Disk 1) or DVD-ROM as a template:

  1. Copy the staticports.ini file from the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM to your hard disk.

    Table 2-6 Location of the staticports.ini File on CD-ROM and DVD-ROM

    Media Location of staticports.ini File


    Disk 1: mount_point/1014disk1/stage/Response/staticports.ini



  2. Edit the local copy (the file on the hard disk) to include the desired port numbers.

    You do not need to specify port numbers for all components in the staticports.ini file. If a component is not listed in the file, the installer uses the default port number for that component.

    Note that the staticports.ini may contain ports for components that are not included in 10g (

    You cannot change the port used by the OracleAS Metadata Repository (port 1521) during installation, but you can do so after installation. See the Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide for details.

    The following example sets the Application Server Control port and some OracleAS Web Cache ports. For components not specified, the installer will assign the default port numbers.

    Application Server Control port = 2000
    Oracle Internet Directory port = 2001
    Oracle Internet Directory (SSL) port = 2002

    When installation is complete, you can check the ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini file to see the assigned ports.

Notes on Choosing Port Numbers:

  • Port numbers cannot be greater than 65535.

  • If you use a port number less than 1024 for a component, you must run the component as the root user.

  • If you use a port number less than 1024 for a component, the installer will not be able to start up the component at the end of installation. You may need to configure the component first before you can start it up. See the appropriate component documentation for details.

  • You still have to comment out ports 389 and 636 in the /etc/services file if you want to use these port numbers for Oracle Internet Directory. See the Note for details.

The installer verifies that the ports specified in the file are available by checking memory. This means that it can only detect ports that are being used by running processes. It does not look in configuration files to determine which ports an application is using.

If the installer detects that a specified port is not available, it displays an alert. The installer will not assign a port that is not available. To fix this:

  1. Edit the staticports.ini file to specify a different port, or shut down the application that is using the port.

  2. Click Retry. The installer re-reads the staticports.ini file and verifies the entries in the file again.

Using portlist.ini as the staticports.ini File

The staticports.ini file uses the same format as the ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini file, which is created after an Oracle Application Server installation. If you have installed Oracle Application Server and you want to use the same port numbers in another installation, you can use the portlist.ini file from the first installation as the staticports.ini file for subsequent installations.

However, note this difference: in staticports.ini, the line "Oracle Management Agent port" corresponds to "Enterprise Manager Agent port" in portlist.ini. Error Conditions that Will Cause the Installer to Use Default Ports Instead of Specified Ports

Check your staticports.ini file carefully because a mistake can cause the installer to use default ports without displaying any warning. Here are some things that you should check:

  • If you specify the same port for more than one component, the installer will use the specified port for the first component, but for the other components, it will use the components' default ports. The installer does not warn you if you have specified the same port for multiple components.

  • If you specify different ports for one component on multiple lines, the installer assigns the default port for the component. The installer does not warn you if you have specified different ports for one component.

  • If you specify the same port for one component on multiple lines, the installer assigns the default port for the component. The installer does not warn you if you have specified the same port on multiple lines.

  • If you have syntax errors in the staticports.ini file (for example, if you omitted the = character for a line), the installer ignores the line. For the components specified on such lines, the installer assigns the default ports. The installer does not display a warning for lines with syntax errors.

  • If you misspell a component name, the installer assigns the default port for the component. Names of components in the file are case sensitive. The installer does not display a warning for lines with unrecognized names.

  • If you specify a non-numeric value for the port number, the installer ignores the line and assigns the default port number for the component. It does this without displaying any warning.

  • If you specify a relative path to the staticports.ini file (for example, "./staticports.ini" or just "staticports.ini"), the installer will not find the file. The installer continues without displaying a warning and it will assign default ports to all components. You must specify a full path to the staticports.ini file. Example

This example configures Oracle HTTP Server to use ports 80 and 443. Create a staticports.ini file that includes the following lines:

Oracle HTTP Server port = 80

Oracle HTTP Server Listen port = 80

Oracle HTTP Server SSL port = 443

Oracle HTTP Server Listen (SSL) port = 443

2.7.4 If Port 1521 Is in Use

The installer configures port 1521 for the OracleAS Metadata Repository listener (version This port cannot be changed through the staticports.ini file.


If your computer has a listener that uses the IPC protocol with the EXTPROC key, you should change the key to have some other value. This is because the OracleAS Metadata Repository listener requires access to the EXTPROC key.

If port 1521 on your computer is already in use by an existing application, such as Oracle database listener or some other application, you might have to take some action before running the installer. See the following sections for details. If Port 1521 Is In Use by an Existing Oracle Database

If you are installing a new database for the OracleAS Metadata Repository on a computer that is already running an Oracle database, ensure that the listeners for both databases do not conflict.

You might be able to use the same listener for both the existing database and the OracleAS Metadata Repository database. You have to consider the version of the existing listener as well as the port number. Table 2-7 shows scenarios and outcomes.

You can change the OracleAS Metadata Repository listener to use a different port after installation. See the Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide for details.

Table 2-7 Scenarios and Outcomes if You Have an Existing Database on the Computer Where You Want to Install the OracleAS Metadata Repository

Version of the Existing Listener Existing Listener Uses Port 1521 Existing Listener Uses a Port Other Than 1521

Earlier than

You need two listeners: one for the existing database and one for the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

See Section, "Scenario 1: Existing Listener Uses Port 1521 and Listener Version Is Earlier Than".

You need two listeners: one for the existing database and one for the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

See Section, "Scenario 3: Existing Listener Uses a Port Other Than 1521". or later

The existing listener supports both the existing database and the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

See Section, "Scenario 2: Existing Listener Uses Port 1521 and Listener Version Is or Later"

You need two listeners: one for the existing database and one for the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

See Section, "Scenario 3: Existing Listener Uses a Port Other Than 1521".

To check the listener version, run the following command:

prompt> $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl VERSION

where ORACLE_HOME is the home directory for your database.

You can also use the same command to check the listener port.

Here is an example of the command's output:

prompt> lsnrctl VERSION

LSNRCTL for Solaris: Version - Production on 12-JUL-2005 16:08:16

Copyright (c) 1991, 2004, Oracle.  All rights reserved. 


TNSLSNR for Solaris: Version - Production

        TNS for Solaris: Version - Production

        Unix Domain Socket IPC NT Protocol Adaptor for Solaris: Version - Production

        Oracle Bequeath NT Protocol Adapter for Solaris: Version - Production

The command completed successfully Scenario 1: Existing Listener Uses Port 1521 and Listener Version Is Earlier Than

Listeners earlier than version are not compatible with the OracleAS Metadata Repository from this Oracle Application Server release. What you need to do is to install the OracleAS Metadata Repository, which installs a version listener. You can then use this new listener to service your existing database and the OracleAS Metadata Repository database.

  1. Stop the existing listener before you install the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

    prompt> $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stop

    ORACLE_HOME is the home directory for your existing database.

    If you do not stop the existing listener, the installation will fail.

  2. Install the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

    See any of the procedures that install an OracleAS Metadata Repository in Chapter 4, "Installing OracleAS Infrastructure" (for example, Section 4.20, "Installing OracleAS Infrastructure" or Section 4.21, "Installing OracleAS Infrastructure Against an Existing Oracle Internet Directory").

  3. Update the configuration file of the new listener, as necessary. The name of the listener configuration file is listener.ora, located in the ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory.

    1. Check network address entries in the existing listener's configuration file.

      If the existing listener's configuration file contains only the following network addresses:

      • TCP Port 1521

      • IPC key EXTPROC

      you do not have to edit the OracleAS Metadata Repository listener's configuration file for network addresses.

      If the configuration file contains other network addresses, you need to add them to the OracleAS Metadata Repository listener's configuration file.

    2. Check SID_DESC entries in the existing listener's configuration file.

      If the existing listener's configuration file contains SID_DESC entries for the existing database, you need to add these entries to the OracleAS Metadata Repository listener's configuration file.

    3. Do not start the existing listener (version earlier than Now that the new listener supports both databases, you do not need to run the existing listener any more.


Step c above is very important. You only need to run one listener (the new listener) to support both databases. Scenario 2: Existing Listener Uses Port 1521 and Listener Version Is or Later

The existing listener will support both the existing database and the OracleAS Metadata Repository. The installer will perform this configuration automatically.

The listener can be running during installation. Scenario 3: Existing Listener Uses a Port Other Than 1521

You will end up running two listeners: one for the existing database and one for the OracleAS Metadata Repository, regardless of the version of the existing listener.

The existing listener can be running during installation, because it is not using port 1521. If Port 1521 Is In Use by Some Other Application

If you have some other application listening on port 1521, you need to reconfigure it to listen on a different port. If that is not possible, shut it down while you install the OracleAS Metadata Repository. After installation, you can reconfigure the OracleAS Metadata Repository to use a port other than 1521. See the Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide for instructions on how to do this.

2.8 Operating System Groups

You need to create operating system groups in these situations:

To create a local operating system group, use the Solaris Management Console:

  1. Set the DISPLAY environment variable to point to the monitor where you want the Solaris Management Console window to appear. See Section 2.10.4, "DISPLAY" if you need help setting the environment variable.

  2. Start up the Solaris Management Console.

    prompt> /usr/sadm/bin/smc
  3. In the left frame, expand This Computer, then expand System Configuration.

  4. Click Users. This displays the Log In window.

  5. In the Log In window, log in as the root user.

  6. In the left frame, expand Users and select Groups.

  7. Select Action > Add Group.

  8. In Group Name, enter the name of the group.

  9. (optional) In Group ID Number, enter an ID number for the group.

  10. Click OK.

For more information about operating system users and groups, see your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator.

2.8.1 Create a Group for the Inventory Directory

If you plan to install Oracle Application Server on a computer that does not have Oracle products, create a group to own the inventory directory. The installer writes its files in the inventory directory to keep track of the Oracle products installed on the computer.

This guide uses the name oinstall for this operating system group.

By having a separate group for the inventory directory, you allow different users to install Oracle products on the computer. Users need write permission for the inventory directory. They can achieve this by belonging to the oinstall group.

For the first time installation of any Oracle product on a computer, the installer displays a screen where you enter a group name for the inventory directory, and a screen where you enter the location of the inventory directory.

The default name of the inventory directory is oraInventory.

If you are unsure if there is already an inventory directory on the computer, look in the /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc file. This file lists the location of the inventory directory and the group who owns it. If the file does not exist, the computer does not have Oracle products installed on it.

2.8.2 Create Groups for Database Administrators

This section applies only if you plan to install the OracleAS Metadata Repository in a new database created by the installer.

When the database is not mounted and database authentication is unavailable, the database uses operating system groups to determine user privileges. The database recognizes these groups and privileges:

Table 2-8 Privileges for the OSDBA and OSOPER Groups

Group Description


This is the database administrator group. Users in this group are granted SYSDBA privileges.


Users in this group are granted SYSOPER privileges, which comprise privileges required for basic maintenance. These include database startup and shutdown, and other privileges required for database operation. SYSOPER privileges are a subset of SYSDBA privileges.

You need to create operating system groups for these groups.

If you want an operating system group called dba to have SYSDBA privileges:

  1. Create the dba group.

  2. Ensure that the user running the installer is a member of the dba group.

If you want a different operating system group to have SYSDBA privileges, or if you want to associate SYSDBA and SYSOPER privileges with different groups, ensure the user running the installer does not belong to the dba group.

If the user running the installer does not belong to the dba group, the installer displays a screen where you can enter the names of groups to have the database administrator privileges. The screen has two fields: one for the OSDBA group and one for the OSOPER group (see Table 2-8). You can enter the same operating system group for both fields.

2.9 Operating System User

Create an operating system user to install and upgrade Oracle products. This guide refers to this user as the oracle user. The oracle user running the installer must have write permission for these directories:

If the computer contains other Oracle products, you might already have a user for this purpose. Look in the /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc file. This file lists the location of the inventory directory and the group who owns it. If the file does not exist, the computer does not have Oracle products installed on it.

If you do not already have a user for installing Oracle products, create a user with the following properties:

Table 2-9 Properties of the Operating System User Who Runs the Installer

Item Description

Login name

You can use any name for the user. This guide refers to the user as the oracle user.

Group identifier

The primary group of the oracle user must have write permission for the oraInventory directory. See Section 2.8.1, "Create a Group for the Inventory Directory" for more information about this group.

You can use any name for the group. This guide uses the name oinstall.

Home directory

The home directory for the oracle user can be consistent with the home directories of other users.

Login shell

The default login shell can be the C, Bourne, or Korn shell.


Use the oracle user only for installing and running Oracle products. Do not use root as the oracle user.

To create a local operating system user, use the Solaris Management Console:

  1. Set the DISPLAY environment variable to point to the monitor where you want the Solaris Management Console window to appear. See Section 2.10.4, "DISPLAY" if you need help setting the environment variable.

  2. Start up the Solaris Management Console.

    prompt> /usr/sadm/bin/smc
  3. In the left frame, expand This Computer, then expand System Configuration.

  4. Click Users. This displays the Log In window.

  5. In the Log In window, in User Name, enter root. In Password, enter the root password.

  6. In the left frame, expand Users and select User Accounts.

  7. Select Action > Add User > With Wizard.

  8. In User Name, enter the name of the user (oracle). The Full Name and Description fields are optional. Click Next.

  9. In User ID Number, accept the default value. Click Next.

  10. Select User Must Use This Password At First Login, and enter a password for the user. Click Next.

  11. In Primary Group, select the primary group for the user. This is the group you created earlier to own the inventory directory. See Section 2.8.1, "Create a Group for the Inventory Directory". Click Next.

  12. In Path, enter a home directory for the user. Click Next.

  13. Review the mail server information for the user and click Next.

  14. Review the user information and click Finish to create the user.

To check which groups an operating system user belongs to, run the groups command with the name of the user. For example:

prompt> groups oracle

For more information about operating system users and groups, see your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator.

2.10 Environment Variables

The operating system user who will be installing Oracle Application Server needs to set (or unset) the following environment variables.

Table 2-10 summarizes whether you set or unset an environment variable.

Table 2-10 Environment Variable Summary

Environment variable Set or Unset


Must not be set.


Must not contain references to directories in any Oracle home directories


Set it to the monitor where you want to the installer window to appear.


Optional. If unset, defaults to /tmp.


Must not be set.

2.10.1 Environment Variable Tips

Here are some tips when working with environment variables:

  • If you set environment variables in the .profile file, they might not be read. To ensure environment variables are set to the correct values, check their values in the shell where you will be running the installer.

  • To check the value of environment variables, use the env command. This displays all the currently defined environment variables and their values.

    % env
  • If you use the su command to switch users (for example, switching from the root user to the oracle user), check the environment variables when you are the new user because the environment variables might not be passed to the new user. This can happen even if you run su with the - parameter (su - user).

    # /* root user */
    # su - oracle
    % env


These environment variables must not be set.


Edit your PATH, CLASSPATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables so that they do not reference any Oracle home directories.

2.10.4 DISPLAY

Set the DISPLAY environment variable to point to the X server that will display the installer. The format of the DISPLAY environment variable is:


Example (C shell):

% setenv DISPLAY

Example (Bourne or Korn shell):

$; export DISPLAY

You can test the display by running the xclock program:

$ /usr/openwin/bin/xclock &

Oracle Application Server requires a running X server during installation only. The frame buffer X server installed with your operating system requires that you remain logged in and have the frame buffer running during installation. If you do not wish to do this, then you must use a virtual frame buffer, such as X Virtual Frame Buffer (XVFB) or Virtual Network Computing (VNC).

Visit Oracle Technology Network ( for information about obtaining and installing XVFB or other virtual frame buffer solutions. Search OTN for "frame buffer".

2.10.5 TNS_ADMIN

This section describes two requirements:

These requirements are necessary to prevent conflicts between the Net configuration files for different Oracle products.

If you need to set TNS_ADMIN or if you have the tnsnames.ora file in /etc or /var/opt/oracle, do the following steps before installing Oracle Application Server.

  1. If you have the tnsnames.ora file in /etc or /var/opt/oracle, move the file from these directories to a different directory. Alternatively, you can rename the file.

  2. Make sure the TNS_ADMIN environment variable is not set.

    Example (C shell):

    % unsetenv TNS_ADMIN

    Example (Bourne or Korn shell):

    $ unset TNS_ADMIN

After installation, you can merge the contents of the newly created tnsnames.ora file with your existing tnsnames.ora file.

2.10.6 TMP and TMPDIR

During installation, the installer needs to write temporary files to a "temporary" directory. By default, the "temporary" directory is /tmp

If you want the installer to use a directory other than /tmp, set the TMP environment variable to the full path of an alternate directory. This directory must meet the requirements listed in Table 2-2.

Example (C shell):

% setenv TMP /tmp2

Example (Bourne or Korn shell):

$ TMP=/tmp2; export TMP

If you do not set this environment variable, and the default directory does not have enough space, then the installer displays an error message that says the environment variable is not set. You can either set the environment variable to point to a different directory or free up enough space in the default directory. In either case, you have to restart the installation.

2.11 The /etc/hosts File

Although the contents of the /etc/hosts file affect these items:

the installer provides alternative methods for you to enter the values that you want without editing the hosts file. See the following subsections for details.

2.11.1 Location of the Default Oracle Identity Management Realm

The installer reads the hosts file to construct the location of the default Oracle Identity Management realm. It displays this location in the "Specify Namespace in Internet Directory" screen.

The hosts file should use the following format:

ip_address   fully_qualified_hostname   short_hostname

Example:   primaryHost

In the preceding example, the location of the default Oracle Identity Management realm would look like "dc=mydomain,dc=com".

If the file uses a different format, the installer displays an incorrect value in the screen. For example, if the hosts file contains:   primaryHost  <--- incorrect format

the installer would display "dc=primaryHost,dc=com" as the default Oracle Identity Management realm. This is probably not the value that you want for the default Oracle Identity Management realm.


If you need the hosts file to use a different format, you can edit the file to use the required format, perform the installation, then revert the file back to its original format after installation.

If you are unable, or unwilling, to edit the hosts file, you can enter the desired value for the default Oracle Identity Management realm in the Custom Namespace field on the "Specify Namespace in Internet Directory" screen.

2.11.2 Hostname for OracleAS Single Sign-On

If you are installing OracleAS Single Sign-On, and your hosts file contains only the hostname of your computer, without the domain name, then you will only be able to sign on to the Single Sign-On server using the hostname by itself (without the domain name).

If you want to require a domain name when connecting to the Single Sign-On server, you can edit the hosts file to include the domain name. If you do not want to edit the file, you can use the OUI_HOSTNAME command-line parameter to the installer to override the value in hosts. For example:

prompt> mount_point/1014disk1/runInstaller

2.12 Network Topics

Typically, the computer on which you want to install Oracle Application Server is connected to the network, has local storage to contain the Oracle Application Server installation, has a display monitor, and has a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.

This section describes how to install Oracle Application Server on computers that do not meet the typical scenario. It covers the following cases:

2.12.1 Installing on Multihomed (Multi-IP) Computers

You can install Oracle Application Server on a multihomed computer. A multihomed computer is associated with multiple IP addresses. This is typically achieved by having multiple network cards on the computer. Each IP address is associated with a hostname; additionally, you can set up aliases for the hostname. By default, Oracle Universal Installer uses the OUI_HOSTNAME environment variable setting to find the hostname. If OUI_HOSTNAME is not set and you are installing on a computer that has multiple network cards, Oracle Universal Installer determines the hostname by using the first name in the /etc/hosts file.

Clients must be able to access the computer using this hostname (or using aliases for this hostname). To check, ping the hostname from the client computers using the short name (hostname only) and the full name (hostname and domain name). Both must work.

2.12.2 Copying CD-ROMs or DVD-ROM to Hard Drive, and Installing from the Hard Drive

Instead of installing from the Oracle Application Server CD-ROMs or DVD-ROM, you can copy the contents of the CD-ROMs or DVD-ROM to a hard drive and install from there. This might be easier if you plan to install many instances of Oracle Application Server on your network, or if the computers where you want to install Oracle Application Server do not have CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drives.

(You can install from remote CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drives; see Section 2.12.3, "Installing from a Remote CD-ROM or DVD-ROM Drive".)

When you install from the hard drive, the installer does not prompt you to swap CD-ROMs. It can find all the files if they are in the proper locations (see Figure 2-1).

Space Requirement

Ensure that the hard drive contains enough space to hold the contents of the CD-ROMs or the application_server directory on the DVD-ROM. Each CD-ROM contains approximately 650 MB. This means that if you are copying three CD-ROMs, you need approximately 1.9 GB of disk space.

On the DVD-ROM, the application_server directory is approximately 1.6 GB.

This space is in addition to the space required for installing Oracle Application Server (listed in Table 2-2).

To Copy the CD-ROMs:

  1. Create a directory structure on your hard drive as shown in Figure 2-1.

    You need to create a parent directory (called OracleAS_10g in the example, but you can name it anything you like), and, under the parent directory, create subdirectories called Disk1, Disk2, and so on. The names of the subdirectories must be DiskN, where N is the CD-ROM number.

    Figure 2-1 Directory Structure for Copying CD-ROMs to Disk

    Description of Figure 2-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-1 Directory Structure for Copying CD-ROMs to Disk"

  2. Copy the contents of each CD-ROM into the corresponding directory.

    prompt> cp -pr /cdrom_mount_point/10.1.4disk1/* /path/to/hard/drive/Disk1/
    prompt> cp -pr /cdrom_mount_point/10.1.4disk2/* /path/to/hard/drive/Disk2/
    ... Repeat for each CD-ROM.

To run the installer from the copied files, invoke the runInstaller executable from the Disk1 directory. Run it from the computer that will be running Oracle Application Server.

prompt> /path/to/hard/drive/Disk1/runInstaller

To Copy the application_server Directory from the DVD-ROM

  1. (optional) Create a directory to contain the application_server directory.

  2. Copy the application_server directory from the DVD-ROM to your hard disk.

    prompt> cp -pr /dvd_mount_point/application_server /path/to/hard/drive

To run the installer from the copied files, invoke the runInstaller executable from the computer that will be running Oracle Application Server:

prompt> /path/to/hard/drive/application_server/runInstaller

2.12.3 Installing from a Remote CD-ROM or DVD-ROM Drive

If the computer where you want to install Oracle Application Server does not have a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, you can perform the installation from a remote CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive. Check that you have performed these steps:

  • You need to share the remote CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive through NFS.

    On the remote computer, which has the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive:

    1. CD-ROM: Insert Oracle Application Server Disk 1 into the CD-ROM drive.

      DVD-ROM: Insert the Oracle Application Server DVD-ROM into the DVD-ROM drive.

    2. Share the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.


      prompt> su
      Password: root_password
      # share -F nfs -o ro /cdrom/1012disk1

      The path /cdrom/10.1.4disk1 specifies the path to the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. You can use any path you like.


      prompt> su
      Password: root_password
      # share -F nfs -o ro /cdrom

      The path /cdrom specifies the path to the DVD-ROM in the DVD-ROM drive. You can use any path you like.

    On the local computer, access the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM and run the installer as follows:


    prompt> /net/remote_computer_hostname/cdrom/10.1.4disk1/runInstaller


    prompt> /net/remote_computer_hostname/cdrom/application_server/runInstaller

    Replace remote_computer_hostname with the name of the remote computer.

  • This bullet point, switching CD-ROMs, does not apply to DVDs.

    When the installer prompts you to switch CD-ROMs, you need to unshare the CD-ROM drive, eject the CD-ROM, insert the requested CD-ROM, and share the CD-ROM drive again. If you do not unshare, you will not be able to eject the CD-ROM.


    The installer must be running when you are switching CD-ROMs. Do not exit the installer when switching CD-ROMs. If you exit the installer, it is unable to continue from where it left off. In addition, the partial installation that it created is not usable, and may need to be removed manually.

    On the remote computer (which has the CD-ROM drive):

    prompt> su
    Password: root_password
    # unshare /cdrom/10.1.4disk1
    # eject cdrom
    ... Remove the CD-ROM, and insert the CD-ROM requested by the installer (for
    ... example, Disk 2).
    ... Share the CD-ROM.
    # share -F nfs -o ro /cdrom/10.1.4disk2

2.12.4 Installing on Remote Computers

You can run the installer on a remote computer ("remote_computer"), but have the installer screens display on your local computer ("local_computer"). The installer will install Oracle Application Server on the remote computer.

  1. Allow remote_computer to display on local_computer. You need to run this command on the local computer's console.

    local_computer> xhost +remote_computer

    If you do not run xhost, you might get an Xlib error similar to "Failed to connect to server", "Connection refused by server," or "Can't open display" when starting the installer.

  2. On local_computer, perform a remote login (using telnet or rlogin) to remote_computer. Log in as the oracle user, as described in Section 2.9, "Operating System User". Ensure that the user has set the environment variables correctly, as described in Section 2.10, "Environment Variables".

    local_computer> rlogin -l oracle
    - OR -
    local_computer> telnet
  3. Set the DISPLAY environment variable on remote_computer to point to local_computer.

    Example (C shell):

    remote_computer> setenv DISPLAY

    Example (Bourne or Korn shell):

    remote_computer>; export DISPLAY
  4. Run the installer. See Section 3.15, "Starting theOracle Universal Installer".


You can use a PC X emulator to run the installer if it supports a PseudoColor color model or PseudoColor visual. Set the PC X emulator to use a PseudoColor visual, and then start the installer. Refer to the X emulator documentation for instructions on how to change the color model or visual settings.

2.12.5 Installing on NFS-Mounted Storage

To run Oracle Application Server on NFS systems, you have to use a certified NFS-mounted storage system.

Currently Oracle Application Server is certified to run on these NFS systems:

  • Network Appliance (NetApp) filers

The NetApp system should be exported to at least the remote install user and remote root user. You can do this using exportfs command:

prompt> exportfs -i /vol/vol1

Before installing, verify that the NFS mount setuid permission is set to suid. The nosuid option will cause the install to fail.

To check the latest certification list for any updates, visit Oracle Technology Network (

2.12.6 Running Multiple Instances from One Installation

Oracle Application Server components are intended to be run only on the computer where they are installed. You cannot run the components on remote computers, even though the computers can access the files through NFS.

Figure 2-2 Run Oracle Application Server Only on the Computer Where It Is Installed

Description of Figure 2-2 follows
Description of "Figure 2-2 Run Oracle Application Server Only on the Computer Where It Is Installed"

2.12.7 Support for NIS and NIS+

You can install and run Oracle Application Server in NIS and NIS+ environments.

2.13 Font Packages for Java

You may need different character settings for different locales. For Solaris Font Packages for Java, you always need both SUNWi1of and SUNWxwfnt font packages for all locales. You may need additional font packages depending on your locale. For a list of Solaris Font Packages, see:

2.14 Prerequisite Checks Performed by the Installer

Table 2-11 lists the checks performed by the installer:

Table 2-11 Prerequisite Checks Performed by the Installer

Item Description

Operating system version

See Table 2-2 for supported versions.

Operating system patches

See Section 2.3, "Operating System Patches" for a list of required patches.

Operating system packages

See Section 2.4, "Operating System Packages" for a list of required packages.

Operating system kernel parameters

See Section 2.5, "Kernel Parameters" for a list of required kernel parameters.


See Table 2-2 for recommended values.

Swap space

See Table 2-2 for recommended values.

TMP space

See Table 2-2 for recommended values.

Instance name

The installer checks that the computer on which you are installing Oracle Application Server does not already have an instance of the same name.

Oracle home directory name

The installer checks that the Oracle home directory name does not contain any spaces.

Path to Oracle home directory

The installer checks that the path to the Oracle home directory is not longer than 127 characters.

Oracle home directory contents

The installer checks that the Oracle home directory does not contain any files that might interfere with the installation.

Oracle home directory

You should install Oracle Application Server in a new directory. Here are some examples of installations that are not allowed:

  • Any type of Oracle Application Server into an 8.0, 8i, 9.0.1, or 9.2 database Oracle home

  • Any type of Oracle Application Server into an Oracle Management Service Oracle home

  • Any type of Oracle Application Server into an Oracle Collaboration Suite Oracle home

  • Any type of Oracle Application Server into an Oracle HTTP Server standalone Oracle home

  • Any type of Oracle Application Server into an OracleAS Web Cache standalone Oracle home

  • Any type of Oracle Application Server into an Oracle9i Developer Suite 9.0.2 Oracle home

  • Any type of Oracle Application Server into an Oracle Containers for J2EE standalone Oracle home

  • Any type of Oracle Application Server into an Oracle9iAS Oracle home

  • Oracle Application Server middle tier into an infrastructure 9.0.2, 9.0.4, or 10gRelease 2 (10.1.2) Oracle home

  • OracleAS Infrastructure middle tier into any Oracle9iAS 9.0.2, 9.0.3, or 9.0.4 middle tier Oracle home

  • OracleAS Developer Kits into an infrastructure 9.0.2, 9.0.4, or 10g Release 2(10.1.2) Oracle home

  • OracleAS Developer Kits into an Oracle9iAS middle tier 9.0.2, 9.0.3, 9.0.4, or 10.1.2 Oracle home

  • OracleAS Developer Kits into an Oracle Developer Suite 9.0.2, 9.0.4, or 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) Oracle home

  • OracleAS Infrastructure into any Oracle9iAS 9.0.2, 9.0.3, or 9.0.4 Oracle home

  • OracleAS Infrastructure into an Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2(10.1.2) middle tier or OracleAS Developer Kits Oracle home

  • OracleAS Infrastructure into an Oracle Developer Suite 9.0.2, 9.0.4, or 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) Oracle home

  • OracleAS Infrastructure or middle tier into an Oracle home installed from the Business Intelligence CD-ROM

Port 1521

The installer displays a warning if port 1521 is in use by any application, including database listeners of any version. You need to stop the application that is using port 1521, then click OK in the warning dialog.

If it is a database listener that is using port 1521, you might be able to use it for the metadata repository database. See Section 2.7.4, "If Port 1521 Is in Use" for details.

If it is another application that is using port 1521, you need to stop it or configure it to use a different port. Alternatively, you can change the database listener to use a port other than 1521, but you can do this only after installation. See the Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide for details.

Static port conflicts

The installer checks the ports listed in the staticports.ini file, if specified. See Section 2.7, "Ports".


The installer checks that the monitor is configured to display at least 256 colors.

Display permission

The installer checks that the user has permissions to display on the monitor specified by the DISPLAY environment variable.

DISPLAY environment variable

The installer checks that the DISPLAY environment variable is set.

TNS_ADMIN environment variable

The TNS_ADMIN environment variable must not be set.

There must not be a tnsnames.ora file in the /etc or /var/opt/oracle directories.

DBCA_RAW_CONFIG environment variable

If you are installing the OracleAS Infrastructure in a Real Application Clusters environment, you need to set this environment variable to point to a file that describes the locations of your raw partitions.

Cluster file system

The installer checks that you are not installing Oracle Application Server in a cluster file system (CFS).

Oracle Enterprise Managerdirectories are writable

The installer runs this check only if you are expanding a middle tier or if you arereinstalling Oracle Application Server in the same Oracle home. The installerchecks that these directories are writable by the operating system user running theinstaller:

  • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd

  • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config

  • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/config

Oracle Enterprise Managerfiles exist

The installer runs this check only if you are expanding a middle tier or if you arereinstalling Oracle Application Server in the same Oracle home. The installerchecks that these files exist:

  • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/

  • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/config/consoleConfig.xml