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Oracle® Application Server Metadata Repository Creation Assistant User's Guide
10g ( for UNIX

Part Number B28214-01
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C Troubleshooting OracleAS RepCA

This appendix describes how to solve common problems that you might encounter when running OracleAS RepCA. It contains the following sections:

C.1 Unable to Connect to the Database


OracleAS RepCA is unable to connect to the database


Check the following:

C.2 Unable to Connect as "sys" User


You get the following message when running OracleAS RepCA:

RepCA unable to connect as sys. Error message:
*** Specify Database Connect ***
ERROR -SQLException on getting SID and SYSTEMNAME
@ ORA-01017 : invalid username/password; logon denied


Try the following:

C.3 No Space


You load OracleAS RepCA in an existing Real Application Clusters database and you get a error.


If your database uses raw devices, perform the following steps:

  1. Exit OracleAS RepCA.

  2. Add another raw device to the database.

  3. Restart OracleAS RepCA.

If your database uses a file system, perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the file system has enough disk space.

  2. Set tablespaces to AUTOEXTEND.

C.4 Loading Fails on Real Application Clusters Database After Specifying Multiple Nodes


You load OracleAS RepCA in an existing Real Application Clusters database and you get a error. On the Specify Database Connection Information screen, you specified multiple nodes of the Real Application Clusters database.


When you input the nodes of the Real Application Clusters database on the Specify Database Connection Information screen, only specify one node of the database. The Real Application Clusters software will automatically replicate the data loaded by OracleAS RepCA onto all of the nodes.

C.5 Manual Steps: Cleaning Up a Failed Registration or Deregistering OracleAS Metadata Repository

This section describes how to clean up registration entries in Oracle Internet Directory without using OracleAS RepCA.

  1. Connect to Oracle Internet Directory using Oracle Directory Manager.

    1. Start up Oracle Directory Manager.

      prompt> $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oidadmin
    2. In the Connect screen, enter the connect information. Log in as the Oracle Internet Directory superuser (cn=orcladmin).

  2. Clean up the database registration entries in Oracle Internet Directory:

    1. Expand the following entries (shown in Figure C-1):

      Entry Management > cn=OracleContext > cn=your_database_name

    2. Delete all the child entries under cn=your_database_name, starting with the bottom-most child entry.

      Before deleting the cn=DESCRIPTION_0 entry, expand it until you reach the last child. Then delete each child starting with the innermost child.

      To delete an entry, right-click each child entry and select Delete from the pop-up menu. Click Yes in the Confirmation dialog. When deleting some child entries, you may get some error messages. You can ignore these error messages.

    3. Right-click cn=your_database_name and delete it.

    Figure C-1 Clean up Database Registration Entries

    Description of Figure C-1 follows
    Description of "Figure C-1 Clean up Database Registration Entries"

  3. Clean up the metadata repository registration entries in Oracle Internet Directory:

    1. Expand the following entries (shown in Figure C-2):

      Entry Management > cn=OracleContext > cn=Products > cn=IAS > cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases > orclReferenceName=your_database_name

    2. Delete each child entry under orclReferenceName=your_database_name.

    3. Delete the orclReferenceName=your_database_name entry.

    Figure C-2 Clean up Metadata Repository Registration Entries

    Description of Figure C-2 follows
    Description of "Figure C-2 Clean up Metadata Repository Registration Entries"

C.6 ORA-01403: No Data Found


When OracleAS RepCA loads the Workflow schema, it returns a PL/SQL error ORA-01403: "no data found".


Your NLS_LANG environment variable is set to a non-English locale. Before you run OracleAS RepCA, you need to make sure that the NLS_LANG environment variable is unset or is set to american_america.us7ascii.

prompt> unsetenv NLS_LANG
 - or -
prompt> setenv NLS_LANG american_america.us7ascii

You can set NLS_LANG back to its original value after running OracleAS RepCA.

C.7 ORA-06510: PL/SQL: Unhandled User-Defined Exception

After OracleAS RepCA is loaded, the error ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception" is found in the log file.

This error is caused when the loading scripts for the DSGATEWAY schema are run. These scripts belong to the OracleAS Syndication product, which is obsoleted. The DSGATEWAY schema is created for backward compatibility.

C.8 ORA-01031: Insufficient Privileges


After OracleAS RepCA is loaded, the log file contains the error ORA-01031: "insufficient privileges".


This error occurs during the loading of the OracleAS Syndication product, which is obsolete and is loaded for compatibility purposes. This error can safely be ignored.

C.9 Invalid Object in the DSGATEWAY Schema After Loading OracleAS Metadata Repository


After loading OracleAS Metadata Repository on Oracle Database 10g, there is an invalid object in the DSGATEWAY schema.


In Oracle Application Server 10g (, the DSGATEWAY schema is not used. It is provided for backward compatibility. The invalid object can safely be ignored.

C.10 Need More Help?

If this appendix does not solve the problem you encountered, try these other sources:

If you do not find a solution for your problem, open a service request.