7 Programming with LOBs

This chapter provides an overview of LOBs and their use in OCCI.

This chapter contains these topics:

See also:

Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide for extensive information about LOBs

Overview of LOBs

Oracle C++ Call Interface includes classes and methods for performing operations on large objects, LOBs. LOBs are either internal or external depending on their location with respect to the database.

Introducing Internal LOBs

Internal LOBs are stored inside database tablespaces in a way that optimizes space and enables efficient access. Internal LOBs use copy semantics and participate in the transactional model of the server. You can recover internal LOBs in the event of transaction or media failure, and any changes to an internal LOB value can be committed or rolled back. There are three SQL data types for defining instances of internal LOBs:

  • BLOB: A LOB whose value is composed of unstructured binary (raw) data

  • CLOB: A LOB whose value is composed of character data that corresponds to the database character set defined for the Oracle database

  • NCLOB: A LOB whose value is composed of character data that corresponds to the national character set defined for the Oracle database

The copy semantics for LOBs dictate that when you insert or update a LOB with a LOB from another row in the same table, both the LOB locator and the LOB value are copied. In other words, each row will have a copy of the LOB value.

Introducing External LOBs

BFILES are large binary (raw) data objects data stored in operating system files outside database tablespaces; therefore, they are referred to as "external" LOBs. These files use reference semantics, where only the locator for the LOB is reproduced when inserting or updating in the same table. Apart from conventional secondary storage devices such as hard disks, BFILEs may also be located on tertiary block storage devices such as CD-ROMs, PhotoCDs and DVDs. The BFILE data type allows read-only byte stream access to large files on the file system of the database server. Oracle can access BFILEs if the underlying server operating system supports stream mode access to these files.

External LOBs do not participate in transactions. Any support for integrity and durability must be provided by the underlying file and operating systems. An external LOB must reside on a single device; it may not be striped across a disk array.

Storing LOBs

The size of the LOB value, among other things, dictates where it is stored. The LOB value is either stored inline with the row data or outside the row.

  • Locator storage: a LOB locator, a pointer to the actual location of the LOB value, is stored inline with the row data and indicates where the LOB value is stored.

    For internal LOBs, the LOB column stores a locator to the LOB value stored in a database tablespace. Each internal LOB column and attribute for a particular row has its own unique LOB locator and a distinct copy of the LOB value stored in the database tablespace.

    For external LOBs, the LOB column stores a locator to the external operating system file that houses the BFILE. Each external LOB column and attribute for a given row has its own BFILE locator. However, two different rows can contain a BFILE locator that points to the same operating system file.

  • Inline storage: Data stored in a LOB is termed the LOB value. The value of an internal LOB may or may not be stored inline with the other row data. If you do not set DISABLE STORAGE IN ROW, and if the internal LOB value is less than approximately 4,000 bytes, then the value is stored inline.Otherwise, it is stored outside the row.

    Since LOBs are intended to be large objects, inline storage will only be relevant if your application mixes small and large LOBs.The LOB value is automatically moved out of the row once it extends beyond approximately 4,000 bytes.

Creating LOBs in OCCI Applications

Follow these steps to use LOBs in your application:

  • Initialize a new LOB locator in the database.

  • Assign a value to the LOB. In case of BFILES, assign a reference to a valid external file.

  • To access and manipulate lobs, see the OCCI classes that implement the methods for using LOBs in an application. All are detailed in Chapter 13, "OCCI Application Programming Interface":

  • Whenever you want to modify an internal LOB column or attribute using write, copy, trim, and similar operations, you must lock the row that contains the target LOB. Use a SELECT...FOR UPDATE statement to select the LOB locator.

  • A transaction must be open before a LOB write command succeeds. This means that you must write the data before committing a transaction (since COMMIT closes the transaction). Otherwise, you must lock the row again by reissuing the SELECT ... FOR UPDATE statement. Each of the LOB class implementations in OCCI have open() and close() methods. To check whether a LOB is already open, call the isOpen() method of the class.

  • The methods open(), close() and isOpen() should also be used to mark the beginning and end of a series of LOB operations. Whenever a LOB modification is made, it triggers updates on extensible indexes. If these modifications are made within open() ... close() code blocks, the individual triggers are disabled until after the close() call, and then are issued all at once. This enables the efficient processing of maintenance operations, such as updating indexes, when the LOBs are closed. However, this also means that extensive indexes are not valid during the execution of the open() ... close() code block.

    Note that for internal LOBs, the concept of openness is associated with the LOB and not the LOB locator. The LOB locator does not store any information about whether the LOB to which it refers is open. It is possible for more than one LOB locator to point to the same open LOB. However, for external LOBs, openness is associated with a specific external LOB locator. Therefore, more than one open() call can be made on the same BFILE using different external LOB locators.

Restricting the Opening and Closing of LOBs

The definition of a transaction within which an open LOB value must be closed is one of the following:



  • Between SELECT ... FOR UPDATE and COMMIT

  • Within an autonomous transaction block

The LOB opening and closing mechanism has the following restrictions:

  • An application must close all previously opened LOBs before committing a transaction. Failing to do so results in an error. If a transaction is rolled back, then all open LOBs are discarded along with the changes made, so associated triggers are not fired.

  • While there is no limit to the number of open internal LOBs, there is a limit on the number of open files. Note that assigning an already opened locator to another locator does not count as opening a new LOB.

  • It is an error to open or close the same internal LOB twice within the same transaction, either with different locators or with the same locator.

  • It is an error to close a LOB that has not been opened.

Reading and Writing LOBs

There are two general methods for reading and writing LOBs: non-streamed, and streamed.

Reading LOBs

Example 7-1 illustrates how to get data from a non-NULL internal LOB, using the a non-streamed method. This method requires that you keep track of the read offset and the amount remaining to be read, and pass these values to the read() method.

Example 7-1 How to Read Non-Streamed BLOBs

ResultSet *rset=stmt->executeQuery("SELECT ad_composite FROM print_media
                                    WHERE product_id=6666");
   Blob blob=rset->getBlob(1);
     cerr <<"Null Blob"<<endl;
      const unsigned int BUFSIZE=100;
      char buffer[BUFSIZE];
      unsigned int readAmt=BUFSIZE;
      unsigned int offset=1;
      //reading readAmt bytes from offset 1
      //process information in buffer

Example 7-2 is similar as it demonstrates how to read data from a BFILE, where the BFILE locator is not NULL, by using a non-streamed read.

Example 7-2 How to Read Non-Streamed BFILESs

ResultSet *rset=stmt->executeQuery("SELECT ad_graphic FROM print_media
                                    WHERE product_id=6666");
   Bfile file=rset->getBfile(1);
      cerr <<"Null Bfile"<<endl;
      //display the directory alias and the file name of the BFILE
      cout <<"File Name:"<<bfile.getFileName()<<endl;
      cout <<"Directory Alias:"<<bfile.getDirAlias()<<endl;
         unsigned int length=bfile.length();
         char *buffer=new char[length];
         bfile.read(length, buffer, length, 1);
         //read all the contents of the BFILE into buffer, then process
         delete[] buffer;
         cerr <<"File does not exist"<<endl;

In contrast to Example 7-1 and Example 7-2, the streamed reading demonstrated in Example 7-3 on a non-NULL BLOB does not require keeping track of the offset.

Example 7-3 How to Read Streamed BLOBs

ResultSet *rset=stmt->executeQuery("SELECT ad_composite FROM print_media
                                    WHERE product_id=6666");
   Blob blob=rset->getBlob(1);
      cerr <<"Null Blob"<<endl;
      Stream *instream=blob.getStream(1,0);
      //reading from offset 1 to the end of the BLOB
      unsigned int size=blob.getChunkSize();
      char *buffer=new char[size];
      while((unsigned int length=instream->readBuffer(buffer,size))!=-1)
         //process "length" bytes read into buffer
      delete[] buffer;

Writing LOBs

Example 7-4 demonstrates how to write data to an internal non-NULL LOB by using a non-streamed write. The writeChunk() method is enclosed by the open() and close() methods; it operates on a LOB that is currently open and ensures that triggers do not fire for every chunk read. The write() method can be used in place of the writeChunk() method; however, the write() method implicitly opens and closes the LOB.

Example 7-4 How to Write Non-Streamed BLOBs

ResultSet *rset=stmt->executeQuery("SELECT ad_composite FROM print_media
                                    WHERE product_id=6666 FOR UPDATE");
   Blob blob=rset->getBlob(1);
      cerr <<"Null Blob"<<endl;
      const unsigned int BUFSIZE=100;
      char buffer[BUFSIZE];
      unsigned int writeAmt=BUFSIZE;
      unsigned int offset=1;
      //writing writeAmt bytes from offset 1
      //contents of buffer are replaced after each writeChunk(),
      //typically with an fread()
      while(<fread "BUFSIZE" bytes into buffer succeeds>)
         blob.writeChunk(writeAmt, buffer, BUFSIZE, offset);
         offset += writeAmt;
      blob.writeChunk(<remaining amt>, buffer, BUFSIZE, offset);

Example 7-5 demonstrates how to write data to an internal LOB that is already populated by using a streamed write.

Example 7-5 How to Write Streamed BLOBs

ResultSet *rset=stmt->executeQuery("SELECT ad_composite FROM print_media
                                    WHERE product_id=6666 FOR UPDATE");
   Blob blob=rset->getBlob(1);
      cerr <<"Null Blob"<<endl;
      char buffer[BUFSIZE];
      Stream *outstream=blob.getStream(1,0);
      //writing from buffer beginning at offset 1 until 
      //a writeLastBuffer() method is issued.
      //contents of buffer are replaced after each writeBuffer(),
      //typically with an fread()
      while(<fread "BUFSIZE" bytes into buffer succeeds>)
      ostream->writeLastBuffer(buffer,<remaining amt>);

Enhancing the Performance of LOB Reads and Writes

Reading and writing of internal LOBs can be improved by using either getChunkSize() method.

Using the getChunkSize() Method

The getChunkSize() method returns the usable chunk size in bytes for BLOBs, and in characters for CLOBs and NCLOBs. Performance improves when a read or a write begins on a multiple of the usable chunk size, and the request size is also a multiple of the usable chunk size. You can specify the chunk size for a LOB column when you create a table that contains the LOB.

Calling the getChunkSize() method returns the usable chunk size of the LOB. An application can batch a series of write operations until an entire chunk can be written, rather than issuing multiple LOB write calls that operate on the same chunk

To read through the end of a LOB, use the read() method with an amount of 4 GB. This avoids the round-trip involved with first calling the getLength() method because the read() method with an amount of 4 GB reads until the end of the LOB is reached.

For LOBs that store variable width characters, the GetChunkSize() method returns the number of Unicode characters that fit in a LOB chunk.

Updating LOBs

To update a value of a LOB in the database, you need to assign the new value to the lob, execute a SQL UPDATE command in the database, and then commit the transaction. Example 7-6 demonstrates how to update an existing CLOB (in this case, by setting it to empty), while Example 7-7 demonstrates how to update a BFILE.

Example 7-6 Updating a CLOB Value

Clob clob(conn);
stmt->setSQL("UPDATE print_media SET ad_composite = :1
              WHERE product_id=6666");
stmt->setClob(1, clob);

Example 7-7 Updating a BFILE Value

Bfile bfile(conn);
bfile.setName("MEDIA_DIR", "img1.jpg");
stmt->setSQL("UPDATE print_media SET ad_graphic = :1 
              WHERE product_id=6666");
stmt->setBfile(1, bfile);

Reading and Writing Multiple LOBs

As of Oracle Database 10g Release 2, OCCI has new interfaces that enhance application performance while reading and writing multiple LOBs, such as Bfiles, Blobs, Clobs and NClobs.

These interfaces have several advantages over the standard methods for reading and writing a single LOB at a time:

  • Reading and writing multiple LOBs through OCCI in a single server round-trip improves performance by decreasing I/O time between the application and the back end.

  • The new APIs provide support for LOBs that are larger than the previous limit of 4 GB. The new interfaces accept the oraub8 data type for amount, offsets, buffer and length parameters. These parameters are mapped to the appropriate 64-bit native data type, which is determined by the compiler and the operating system.

  • For Clob-related methods, the user can specify the data amount read or written in terms of character counts or byte counts.

New APIs for this features are described in Chapter 13, "OCCI Application Programming Interface", section on Connection Class, and include readVectorOfBfiles(), readVectorOfBlobs(), readVectorOfClobs() (overloaded to support general charactersets, and the UTF16 characterset in particular), writeVectorOfBlobs(), and writeVectorOfClobs() (overloaded to support general charactersets, and the UTF16 characterset in particular).

Using the Interfaces for Reading and Writing Multiple LOBs

Each of the readVectorOfxxx() and writeVectorOfxxx() interface uses the following parameters:

  • conn, a Connection class object

  • vec, a vector of LOB objects: Bfile, Blob, or Clob

  • byteAmts, array of amounts, in bytes, for reading or writing

  • charAmts, array of amounts, in characters, for reading or writing (only applicable for Clobs and NClobs)

  • offsets, array of offsets, in bytes for Bfiles and Blobs, in characters for Clobs)

  • buffers, array of buffer pointers

  • bufferLengths, array of buffer lengths.

If there are errors in either reading or writing of one of the LOBs in the vector, the whole operation is cancelled. The byteAmts or charAmts parameters should be checked to determine the actual number of bytes or characters read or written.

Using Objects with LOB Attributes

An OCCI application can use the operator new() to create a persistent object with a LOB attribute. By default, all LOB attributes are constructed by using the default constructor, and are initialized to NULL.

Example 7-8 demonstrates how to create and use persistent objects with internal LOB attributes. Example 7-9 demonstrates how to create and use persistent objects with external LOB attributes.

Example 7-8 How to Use a Persistent Object with a BLOB Attribute

  1. Create a persistent object with a BLOB attribute:

    Person *p=new(conn,"PERSON_TAB")Person();
    p->imgBlob = Blob(conn);
  2. Either initialize the Blob object to empty:


    Or set it to some existing value

  3. Mark the Blob object as dirty:

  4. Flush the object:

  5. Repin the object after obtaining a REF to it, thereby retrieving a refreshed version of the object from the database and acquiring an initialized LOB:

    Ref<Person> r = p->getRef();
    delete p;
    p = r.ptr();
  6. Write the data:

    p->imgBlob.write( ... );

Example 7-9 How to Use a Persistent Object with a BFILE Attribute

  1. Create a persistent object with a BFILE attribute:

    Person *p=new(conn,"PERSON_TAB")Person();
    p->imgBFile = BFile(conn);
  2. Initialize the Bfile object:

    p->setName(directory_alias, file_name);
  3. Mark the Bfile object as dirty:

  4. Flush the object:

  5. Read the data:

    p->imgBfile.read( ... );

Using SecureFiles

Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 1, SecureFiles add powerful new features for LOB compression, encryption, and deduplication.

Using SecureFile Compression

SecureFile compression enables server-side compression of LOB data, which is transparent to the application. Using SecureFile compression saves storage space with minimal impact on reading and updating performance for SecureFile data.

Using SecureFile Encryption

SecureFile encryption introduces a new encryption facility for LOB data and extends Transparent Data Encryption by enabling efficient random read and write access to the of the encrypted SecureFile.

Using SecureFile Deduplication

SecureFile deduplication enables the Oracle Database to automatically detect duplicate LOB data, and to conserve space by storing a single copy of the LOB.

Combining SecureFile Compression, Encryption, and Deduplication

You are allowed to combine compression, encryption and deduplication in any combination. Oracle Database will apply these features according to the following rules:

  • Deduplicate detection, if enabled, will be performed before compression and encryption. This prevents the potentially unnecessary and expensive compression and encryption operations on SecureFiles that are already stored in a column.

  • Compression will be performed before encryption, to allow for the highest possible compression ratios.

SecureFile LOB Types and Constants

The following types for LOBs enable additional flexibility for compression, encryption, and deduplication of SecureFiles. Table 7-1 lists options for the LobOptionType, while Table 7-2 lists options for the LobOptionValue.

Table 7-1 Values of Type LobOptionType

Value Description

Compression option type


Encryption option type


Deduplicate option type

Table 7-2 Values of Type LobOptionValue

Value Description

Turns off LOB compression


Turns on LOB compression


Turns off LOB encryption


Turns on LOB encryption


Turns off LOB deduplication


Turns off LOB deduplication