5 Workspace Manager Static Data Dictionary Views

Workspace Manager creates and maintains static data dictionary views to hold information about such things as version-enabled tables, workspaces, savepoints, users, privileges, locks, and conflicts. These views are read-only to users. You can use the information in these views to help administer the Workspace Manager environment and diagnose problems.

There are also views created for each version-enabled table, as follows:


ALL_MP_GRAPH_WORKSPACES contains information about multiparent graph workspaces (explained in Section 1.1.10) for which the leaf workspace can be accessed by the current user.

Related View

Column Datatype Null? Description
MP_LEAF_WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the multiparent leaf workspace.
GRAPH_WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the multiparent graph workspace.
GRAPH_FLAG VARCHAR2(22)   L if the multiparent graph workspace is the leaf workspace in the multiparent graph; I if the multiparent graph workspace is an intermediate workspace in the multiparent graph; R if the multiparent graph workspace is the root workspace in the multiparent graph.


ALL_MP_PARENT_WORKSPACES contains information about parent workspaces of multiparent workspaces (explained in Section 1.1.10) that the current user can access.

Related View

Column Datatype Null? Description
MP_LEAF_WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the multiparent leaf workspace.
PARENT_WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the parent workspace.
CREATOR VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the user that made PARENT_WORKSPACE a parent workspace of MP_LEAF_WORKSPACE.
CREATETIME DATE   Date and time when PARENT_WORKSPACE became a parent workspace of MP_LEAF_WORKSPACE.
ISREFRESHED VARCHAR2(3)   YES if the multiparent leaf workspace is a continually refreshed workspace; NO if the multiparent leaf workspace is not a continually refreshed workspace.


ALL_REMOVED_WORKSPACES contains information about workspaces that have been removed during a RemoveWorkspace operation or a MergeWorkspace operation in which the remove_workspace parameter value was true, and while the value of the Workspace Manager system parameter KEEP_REMOVED_WORKSPACES_INFO was ON. (This system parameter is described in Section 1.5.)

Related Views

Column Datatype Null? Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   User name of the owner of the removed workspace.
WORKSPACE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the removed workspace.
WORKSPACE_ID NUMBER(38) NOT NULL ID of the removed workspace.
PARENT_WORKSPACE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the parent workspace of the removed workspace.
PARENT_WORKSPACE_ID NUMBER(38)   ID of the parent workspace of the removed workspace.
CREATETIME DATE   Date and time when the removed workspace was created.
RETIRETIME DATE   Date and time when the removed workspace was removed.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(1000)   Description of the removed workspace.
MP_ROOT_WORKSPACE_ID NUMBER(38)   ID of the root workspace of the multiparent graph; null if the workspace is not part of a multiparent graph. (Multiparent workspaces are explained in Section 1.1.10.)
CONTINUALLY_REFRESHED VARCHAR2(3)   YES if the workspace is continually refreshed (see the description of the isrefreshed parameter of the CreateWorkspace procedure); NO if the workspace is not continually refreshed.


ALL_VERSION_HVIEW contains information about the version hierarchy. It is used by Workspace Manager to perform queries against the xxx_HIST views (described in Section 5.47).

Column Datatype Null? Description
VERSION NUMBER(38) NOT NULL Version number of the workspace identified in the WORKSPACE column.
PARENT_VERSION NUMBER(38)   Version number of the parent version of the version identified in the VERSION column.
WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the workspace associated with the version number in the VERSION column.


ALL_WM_CONS_COLUMNS contains information about columns in unique constraints on version-enabled tables on which the current user has one or more of the following privileges: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.

Related View

Column Datatype Null? Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   User name of the constraint owner.
CONSTRAINT_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the constraint.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the version-enabled table on which the constraint is defined.
COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR2(4000)   Column in the constraint definition.
POSITION NUMBER   Position of the column in the constraint.


ALL_WM_CONSTRAINTS contains information about constraints on version-enabled tables on which the current user has one or more of the following privileges: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. It provides information about the following kinds of constraints: UNIQUE constraint, unique index, PRIMARY KEY constraints, and CHECK constraints.

Related View

Column Datatype Null? Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL User name of the constraint owner. (Same as the owner of TABLE_NAME.)
CONSTRAINT_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the constraint.
CONSTRAINT_TYPE VARCHAR2(2)   One of the following values: P = primary constraint, PU = primary constraint enforced using unique index, PN = primary constraint enforced using non-unique index, U = unique constraint, UU = unique constraint enforced using unique index, UN = unique constraint enforced using non-unique index, UI = unique index.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the table on which the constraint is defined.
SEARCH_CONDITION CLOB   Condition for checking the constraint.
STATUS VARCHAR2(8)   ENABLED if the constraint is enabled; DISABLED if the constraint is disabled.
INDEX_OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the index used for enforcing the constraint.
INDEX_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the index used for enforcing the constraint.
INDEX_TYPE VARCHAR2(40)   NORMAL if the index is not a function-based index; FUNCTION-BASED NORMAL for a function-based index.


ALL_WM_IND_COLUMNS contains information about indexes used for enforcing unique constraints on version-enabled tables on which the current user has one or more of the following privileges: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.

Related View

  • USER_WM_IND_COLUMNS (Section 5.28) contains information about indexes used for enforcing unique constraints on version-enabled tables that the current user owns.

Column Datatype Null? Description
INDEX_OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   User name of the index owner.
INDEX_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the index.
OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   User name of the owner of the version-enabled table on which the index is defined.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the version-enabled table on which the index is defined.
COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR2(4000)   Column on which the index is defined.
COLUMN_POSITION NUMBER   Position of the column in the index.
COLUMN_LENGTH NUMBER   Length of the column.
DESCEND VARCHAR2(4)   ASC if the column data in the index is in ascending order; DESC if the column data in the index is in descending order.


ALL_WM_IND_EXPRESSIONS contains information about functional expressions on functional unique indexes on version-enabled tables on which the current user has one or more of the following privileges: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.

Related View

Column Datatype Null? Description
INDEX_OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   User name of the index owner.
INDEX_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the index.
OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   User name of the owner of the version-enabled table on which the index is defined.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the version-enabled table on which the index is defined.
COLUMN_EXPRESSION VARCHAR2(4000)   Test of the functional expression on which the index is defined.
COLUMN_POSITION NUMBER   Position of the expression in the index.


ALL_WM_LOCKED_TABLES contains information about Workspace Manager locks on rows in version-enabled tables that the current user can access.

Related View

  • USER_WM_LOCKED_TABLES (Section 5.30) contains information about Workspace Manager locks on rows in version-enabled tables that the current user owns.

    Column Datatype Null? Description
    TABLE_OWNER VARCHAR2(40)   User name of the table owner.
    TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(40)   Name of the table.
    LOCK_MODE VARCHAR2(9)   Type of lock: EXCLUSIVE or SHARED.
    LOCK_OWNER VARCHAR2(4000)   User name of the owner of the lock.
    LOCKING_WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(4000)   Workspace in which the lock was placed.


ALL_WM_MODIFIED_TABLES contains information about all version-enabled tables that have been modified and on which the current user has one or more of the following privileges: SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE.

Related View

Column Datatype Null? Description
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(61)   Name of a version-enabled table.
WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Workspace in which the modification occurred.
SAVEPOINT VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the savepoint associated with the most recent modification, or LATEST if a savepoint does not yet exist is the workspace.


ALL_WM_RIC_INFO contains information about referential integrity constraints in version-enabled tables that the current user can access. Workspace Manager uses this information to provide referential integrity support, which is described in Section 1.9.1.

Related View

  • USER_WM_RIC_INFO (Section 5.33) contains information about referential integrity constraints in version-enabled tables that the current user owns.

Column Datatype Null? Description
CT_OWNER VARCHAR2(40) NOT NULL Owner of the child table in the referential integrity constraint.
CT_NAME VARCHAR2(40)   Name of the child table in the referential integrity constraint.
PT_OWNER VARCHAR2(40)   Owner of the parent table in the referential integrity constraint.
PT_NAME VARCHAR2(40)   Name of the parent table in the referential integrity constraint.
RIC_NAME VARCHAR2(40) NOT NULL Name of the referential integrity constraint.
CT_COLS VARCHAR2(4000)   List of foreign key columns in the child table in the referential integrity constraint.
PT_COLS VARCHAR2(4000)   List of foreign key columns in the parent table in the referential integrity constraint.
R_CONSTRAINT_NAME VARCHAR2(40)   Name of the unique constraint defined on the parent table in the referential integrity constraint.
DELETE_RULE VARCHAR2(2)   Rule to apply when deletion occurs in the parent table. C (Cascade) causes related child table rows to be deleted; N (Set Null) causes the foreign key of related child table rows to be set to null; R (Restrict) prevents the deletion if any related child table rows exist.
STATUS VARCHAR2(8)   ENABLED if the referential integrity constraint is enabled; DISABLED if the referential integrity constraint is disabled.


ALL_WM_TAB_TRIGGERS contains information about triggers that the current user created and for version-enabled tables owned by the current user that have triggers defined on them. If the current user has the CREATE ANY TRIGGER privilege, trigger information is displayed for all version-enabled tables.

Related View

Column Datatype Null? Description
TRIGGER_OWNER VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL Owner (schema) of the trigger.
TRIGGER_NAME VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL Name of the trigger.
TABLE_OWNER VARCHAR2(50)   Owner (schema) of the table on which the trigger is defined.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(50)   Name of the table on which the trigger is defined.
TRIGGER_TYPE VARCHAR2(3)   Trigger type: one of the codes described following this table.
STATUS VARCHAR2(10)   ENABLED if the trigger is enabled; DISABLED if the trigger is disabled.
WHEN_CLAUSE VARCHAR2(4000)   Clause that must evaluate to TRUE for the trigger body (TRIGGER_BODY) to execute.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(4000)   Description of the trigger. Useful if the trigger must be re-created.
TRIGGER_BODY CLOB   Statements executed by the trigger.
TAB_MERGE_WO_REMOVE VARCHAR2(4)   ON if DBMS_WM.TABLE_MERGE_WO_REMOVE_DATA has been set (see the SetTriggerEvents procedure), or OFF if DBMS_WM.TABLE_MERGE_WO_REMOVE_DATA has not been set.
TAB_MERGE_W_REMOVE VARCHAR2(4)   ON if DBMS_WM.TABLE_MERGE_W_REMOVE_DATA has been set (see the SetTriggerEvents procedure), or OFF if DBMS_WM.TABLE_MERGE_W_REMOVE_DATA has not been set.
WSPC_MERGE_WO_REMOVE VARCHAR2(4)   ON if DBMS_WM.WORKSPACE_MERGE_WO_REMOVE_DATA has been set (see the SetTriggerEvents procedure), or OFF if DBMS_WM.WORKSPACE_MERGE_WO_REMOVE_DATA has not been set.
WSPC_MERGE_W_REMOVE VARCHAR2(4)   ON if DBMS_WM.WORKSPACE_MERGE_W_REMOVE_DATA has been set (see the SetTriggerEvents procedure), or OFF if DBMS_WM.WORKSPACE_MERGE_W_REMOVE_DATA has not been set.
DML VARCHAR2(4)   ON if DBMS_WM.DML has been set (see the SetTriggerEvents procedure), or OFF if DBMS_WM.DML has not been set.
TABLE_IMPORT VARCHAR2(4)   ON if DBMS_WM.TABLE_IMPORT has been set (see the SetTriggerEvents procedure), or OFF if DBMS_WM.TABLE_IMPORT has not been set.

TRIGGER_TYPE is one of the following values:

  • BIR: before insert for each row

  • AIR: after insert for each row

  • BUR: before update for each row

  • AUR: after update for each row

  • BDR: before delete for each row

  • ADR: after delete for each row

  • BIS: before insert for each statement

  • AIS: after insert for each statement

  • BUS: before update for each statement

  • AUS: after update for each statement

  • BDS: before delete for each statement

  • ADS: after delete for each statement


ALL_WM_VERSIONED_TABLES contains information about all version-enabled tables on which the current user has one or more of the following privileges: SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE.

Related View

Column Datatype Null? Description
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of a version-enabled table.
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner (schema) of the table.
STATE VARCHAR2(13)   State of the table: one of the values described following this table.
HISTORY VARCHAR2(50)   History option for the table: NONE, VIEW_W_OVERWRITE, or VIEW_WO_OVERWRITE. (For an explanation of the history option values, see the information about the EnableVersioning procedure in Chapter 4.)
NOTIFICATION VARCHAR2(3)   (Not used for this release.)
NOTIFYWORKSPACES VARCHAR2(3999)   (Not used for this release.)
CONFLICT VARCHAR2(4000)   YES if there are any conflicts on the table between the workspace that performed the SetConflictWorkspace operation and its parent workspace; otherwise, NO.
DIFF VARCHAR2(4000)   YES if there are any differences for this table as a result of a SetDiffVersions operation; otherwise, NO.

STATE is one of the following values:

  • VERSIONED: The table has been version-enabled.

  • DV: The table is being version-disabled.

  • EV: The table is being version-enabled.

  • DDL: The table is active in a DDL session.

  • BDDL: The BeginDDL procedure is being performed on the table.

  • CDDL: The CommitDDL procedure is being performed on the table.

  • LWDV: The table is being lightweight version-disabled (an internal operation).

  • LWEV: The table is being lightweight version-enabled (an internal operation).

  • LW_DISABLED: The table has been lightweight version-disabled (an internal operation).


ALL_WM_VT_ERRORS contains information about the error that occurred during the last call to the DisableVersioning or CommitDDL procedure that specified a table on which the current user has one or more of the following privileges: SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE.

Related View

  • USER_WM_VT_ERRORS (Section 5.36) contains information about the error that occurred during the last call to the DisableVersioning or CommitDDL procedure that specified a table that the current user owns and on which the current user has one or more of the following privileges: SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE.

Column Datatype Null? Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner (schema) of the table.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of a version-enabled table.
STATE VARCHAR2(13)   State of the table. For example, VERSIONED means that the table is version-enabled, and DV means that the table is being version-disabled.
SQL_STR VARCHAR2(4000)   The SQL statement that failed during the processing of the DisableVersioning or CommitDDL procedure.
STATUS VARCHAR2(100)   Information about the state of the SQL statement that failed during the processing of the DisableVersioning or CommitDDL procedure.
ERROR_MSG VARCHAR2(200)   Error message caused by the SQL statement that failed during the processing of the DisableVersioning or CommitDDL procedure.


ALL_WORKSPACE_PRIVS contains information about Workspace Manager privileges in all workspaces that the current user can access.

Related View

Column Datatype Null? Description
GRANTEE VARCHAR2(30)   User or role to which the privilege was granted.
WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the workspace.
PRIVILEGE VARCHAR2(22)   Name of the Workspace Manager privilege.
GRANTOR VARCHAR2(30)   User or role that granted the privilege.
GRANTABLE VARCHAR2(3)   YES if grantee was given the grant option (that is, can grant the privilege to other users); NO if grantee was not given the grant option.


ALL_WORKSPACE_SAVEPOINTS contains information about savepoints in all workspaces that the current user can access.

Related View

Column Datatype Null? Description
SAVEPOINT VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the savepoint. Explicit savepoints are named by users; implicit savepoints are named by Workspace Manager.
WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Workspace in which the savepoint was created.
IMPLICIT VARCHAR2(3)   YES if the savepoint is implicit (that is, was created automatically by Workspace Manager); NO if the savepoint is explicit (that is, was created by a user).
POSITION NUMBER(38)   Position of the savepoint in the sequence in which savepoints were created.
OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the user that created the savepoint.
CREATETIME DATE   Date and time that the savepoint was created.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(1000)   Description of the savepoint.
CANROLLBACKTO VARCHAR2(3)   YES if the savepoint can be rolled back to; NO if the savepoint cannot be rolled back to. In a RollbackToSP operation, if any implicit savepoints have greater POSITION values than the position of the savepoint to be rolled back to, you must first merge or remove the workspaces that caused these intervening implicit savepoints to be created.
REMOVABLE VARCHAR2(3)   YES if the savepoint can be removed; NO if the savepoint cannot be removed. An implicit savepoint cannot be removed if it has any child dependencies; all other implicit savepoints and all explicit savepoints can be removed.


ALL_WORKSPACES contains information about all workspaces that the current user can access.

Its columns are the same as those for the DBA_WORKSPACES view, except for the following:


  • DBA_WORKSPACES includes the following columns that are not in ALL_WORKSPACES: SID and SERIAL#.

Related Views

Column Datatype Null? Description
WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the workspace.
WORKSPACE_ID NUMBER(38)   ID of the workspace.
PARENT_WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30)   Parent workspace of this workspace.
PARENT_SAVEPOINT VARCHAR2(30)   Implicit savepoint that was created in the parent workspace when this workspace was created.
OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the user that created the workspace.
CREATETIME DATE   Date and time that the workspace was created.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(1000)   Description of the workspace.
FREEZE_STATUS VARCHAR2(8)   FROZEN if the workspace is frozen (by a FreezeWorkspace operation); UNFROZEN if the workspace is not frozen.
FREEZE_MODE VARCHAR2(20)   NO_ACCESS, READ_ONLY, 1WRITER, or 1WRITER_SESSION. See the freezemode parameter description for the FreezeWorkspace procedure in Chapter 4.
FREEZE_WRITER VARCHAR2(30)   The user allowed to make changes in the workspace; or null if the workspace is not frozen or if it is frozen in NO_ACCESS or READ_ONLY mode. See the freezewriter parameter description for the FreezeWorkspace procedure in Chapter 4.
FREEZE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the user that froze the workspace.
SESSION_DURATION VARCHAR2(3)   YES if the workspace is frozen only for the duration of the current session; NO if the workspace is frozen until an explicit UnfreezeWorkspace procedure call is made; null if the workspace is not currently frozen.
CURRENT_SESSION VARCHAR2(3)   YES if the current session is allowed to make changes in the workspace; NO if the current session is not allowed to make changes in the workspace; null if the workspace is not currently frozen in session_duration mode.
RESOLVE_STATUS VARCHAR2(8)   ACTIVE if a conflict resolution session is in progress; INACTIVE if a conflict resolution session is not in progress.
RESOLVE_USER VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the user that started the conflict resolution session if resolve_status is ACTIVE; otherwise, null.
CONTINUALLY_REFRESHED VARCHAR2(3)   YES if the workspace is continually refreshed (see the description of the isrefreshed parameter of the CreateWorkspace procedure); NO if the workspace is not continually refreshed.
WORKSPACE_LOCKMODE VARCHAR2(19)   EXCLUSIVE if the locking mode is exclusive; SHARED is the locking mode is shared; CARRY if the locking mode is carry-forward. See the lockmode parameter description for the SetWorkspaceLockModeON procedure in Chapter 4.
WORKSPACE_LOCKMODE_OVERRIDE VARCHAR2(3)   YES if the override option is TRUE; NO if the override option is FALSE; null if the workspace lock mode is not set. See the override parameter description for the SetWorkspaceLockModeON procedure in Chapter 4.
MP_ROOT_WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the root workspace of the multiparent graph; null if the workspace is not part of a multiparent graph. (Multiparent workspaces are explained in Section 1.1.10.)


DBA_WM_SYS_PRIVS contains information about all users that have Workspace Manager system-level privileges (that is, privilege names containing _ANY_WORKSPACE, as explained in Section 1.4). This view is only available to users with the WM_ADMIN_ROLE role.

Column Datatype Null? Description
GRANTEE VARCHAR2(30)   User or role to which the system-level privilege was granted.
PRIVILEGE VARCHAR2(22)   Name of the Workspace Manager system-level privilege.
GRANTOR VARCHAR2(30)   User or role that granted the system-level privilege.
GRANTABLE VARCHAR2(3)   YES if grantee was given the grant option (that is, can grant the privilege to other users); NO if grantee was not given the grant option.


DBA_WM_VT_ERRORS contains information about the error that occurred during the last call to the DisableVersioning, CommitDDL, or RecoverFromDroppedUser procedure. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_WM_VT_ERRORS in Section 5.14. This view is only available to users with the WM_ADMIN_ROLE role.


DBA_WORKSPACE_SESSIONS contains information about all users and workspaces (except for the LIVE workspace). This view is only available to users with the WM_ADMIN_ROLE role. It is useful for monitoring users in the different workspaces.

Column Datatype Null? Description
USERNAME VARCHAR2(30)   User name.
WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Workspace that the user is currently in.
SID NUMBER   Session ID.
STATUS VARCHAR2(8)   ACTIVE if the user currently has an open transaction (that is, a database transaction); INACTIVE if the user does not have an open transaction.


DBA_WORKSPACES contains information about all workspaces. This view is only available to users with the WM_ADMIN_ROLE role.

Its columns are the same as those for the ALL_WORKSPACES view, except for the following:


  • DBA_WORKSPACES includes the following columns that are not in ALL_WORKSPACES: SID and SERIAL#.

Related Views

Column Datatype Null? Description
WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the workspace.
WORKSPACE_ID NUMBER(38)   ID of the workspace.
PARENT_WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30)   Parent workspace of this workspace.
PARENT_SAVEPOINT VARCHAR2(30)   Implicit savepoint that was created in the parent workspace when this workspace was created.
OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the user that created the workspace.
CREATETIME DATE   Date and time that the workspace was created.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(1000)   Description of the workspace.
FREEZE_STATUS VARCHAR2(8)   FROZEN if the workspace is frozen (by a FreezeWorkspace operation); UNFROZEN if the workspace is not frozen.
FREEZE_MODE VARCHAR2(20)   NO_ACCESS, READ_ONLY, 1WRITER, or 1WRITER_SESSION. See the freezemode parameter description for the FreezeWorkspace procedure in Chapter 4.

If the value is 1WRITER_SESSION, you can examine the SID and SERIAL# column values to see which session has a lock on the workspace.

FREEZE_WRITER VARCHAR2(30)   The user allowed to make changes in the workspace; or null if the workspace is not frozen or if it is frozen in NO_ACCESS or READ_ONLY mode. See the freezewriter parameter description for the FreezeWorkspace procedure in Chapter 4.
SID VARCHAR2(30)   Oracle system identifier (SID) of the database.
SERIAL# VARCHAR2(30)   Serial number associated with the session.
FREEZE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the user that froze the workspace.
SESSION_DURATION VARCHAR2(3)   YES if the workspace is frozen only for the duration of the current session; NO if the workspace is frozen until an explicit UnfreezeWorkspace procedure call is made; null if the workspace is not currently frozen.
CURRENT_SESSION VARCHAR2(3)   YES if the current session is allowed to make changes in the workspace; NO if the current session is not allowed to make changes in the workspace; null if the workspace is not currently frozen in session_duration mode.
RESOLVE_STATUS VARCHAR2(8)   ACTIVE if a conflict resolution session is in progress; INACTIVE if a conflict resolution session is not in progress.
RESOLVE_USER VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the user that started the conflict resolution session if resolve_status is ACTIVE; otherwise, null.
MP_ROOT_WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the root workspace of the multiparent graph; null if the workspace is not part of a multiparent graph. (Multiparent workspaces are explained in Section 1.1.10.)


ROLE_WM_PRIVS contains information about privileges that all roles granted to the current user have in each workspace.

Related View

Column Datatype Null? Description
ROLE VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the role.
WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the workspace.
PRIVILEGE VARCHAR2(22)   Name of the Workspace Manager privilege.
GRANTABLE VARCHAR2(3)   YES if the role was given the grant option (that is, can grant the privilege to other users); NO if the role was not given the grant option.


USER_MP_GRAPH_WORKSPACES contains information about multiparent graph workspaces (explained in Section 1.1.10) for which the leaf workspace is owned by the current user. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_MP_GRAPH_WORKSPACES in Section 5.1.


USER_MP_PARENT_WORKSPACES contains information about parent workspaces of multiparent workspaces (explained in Section 1.1.10) that the current user owns. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_MP_PARENT_WORKSPACES in Section 5.2.


USER_REMOVED_WORKSPACES contains information about workspaces, that the current user owns, that have been removed during a RemoveWorkspace operation or a MergeWorkspace operation in which the remove_workspace parameter value was true, and while the value of the Workspace Manager system parameter KEEP_REMOVED_WORKSPACES_INFO was ON. (This system parameter is described in Section 1.5.) Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REMOVED_WORKSPACES in Section 5.3.


USER_WM_CONS_COLUMNS contains information about columns in unique constraints on version-enabled tables that the current user owns. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_WM_CONS_COLUMNS in Section 5.5, except it does not contain an OWNER column.


USER_WM_CONSTRAINTS contains information about constraints on version-enabled tables that the current user owns. It provides information about the following kinds of constraints: UNIQUE constraint, unique index, PRIMARY KEY constraints, and CHECK constraints. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_WM_CONSTRAINTS in Section 5.6, except it does not contain an OWNER or INDEX_OWNER column.


USER_WM_IND_COLUMNS contains information about indexes used for enforcing unique constraints on version-enabled tables that the current user owns. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_WM_IND_COLUMNS in Section 5.7, except it does not contain an OWNER column.


USER_WM_IND_EXPRESSIONS contains information about indexes used for enforcing unique constraints on version-enabled tables that the current user owns. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_WM_IND_EXPRESSIONS in Section 5.8, except it does not contain an OWNER column.


USER_WM_LOCKED_TABLES contains information about Workspace Manager locks on rows in version-enabled tables that the current user owns. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_WM_LOCKED_TABLES in Section 5.9.


USER_WM_MODIFIED_TABLES contains information about version-enabled tables that have been modified and that the current user owns. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_WM_MODIFIED_TABLES in Section 5.10.


USER_WM_PRIVS contains information about privileges that the current user has in each workspace.

Related View

  • ROLE_WM_PRIVS (Section 5.22) contains information about privileges that all roles granted to the current user have in each workspace.

Column Datatype Null? Description
WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the workspace.
PRIVILEGE VARCHAR2(22)   Name of the Workspace Manager privilege.
GRANTOR VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the user that granted the privilege to the current user.
GRANTABLE VARCHAR2(3)   YES if the user was given the grant option (that is, can grant the privilege to other users); NO if the user was not given the grant option.


USER_WM_RIC_INFO contains information about referential integrity constraints in version-enabled tables that the current user owns. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_WM_RIC_INFO in Section 5.11.

Workspace Manager uses this information to provide referential integrity support, which is described in Section 1.9.1.


USER_WM_TAB_TRIGGERS contains information about triggers that are owned by the current user and that are on version-enabled tables. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_WM_TAB_TRIGGERS in Section 5.12, except that it does not contain the TRIGGER_OWNER column.


USER_WM_VERSIONED_TABLES contains information about version-enabled tables that the current user owns. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_WM_VERSIONED_TABLES in Section 5.13.


USER_WM_VT_ERRORS contains information about the error that occurred during the last call to the DisableVersioning or CommitDDL procedure that specified a table that the current user owns and on which the current user has one or more of the following privileges: SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_WM_VT_ERRORS in Section 5.14.


USER_WORKSPACE_PRIVS contains information about Workspace Manager privileges in workspaces created by the current user. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_WORKSPACE_PRIVS in Section 5.15.


USER_WORKSPACE_SAVEPOINTS contains information about savepoints in workspaces created by the current user. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_WORKSPACE_SAVEPOINTS in Section 5.16.


USER_WORKSPACES contains information about workspaces created by the current user. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_WORKSPACES in Section 5.17.


WM_COMPRESS_BATCH_SIZES contains information related to compression capabilities for version-enabled tables. This view is only available to users with the WM_ADMIN_ROLE role.

Column Datatype Null? Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL User name of the table owner.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the version-enabled table.
BATCH_SIZE VARCHAR2(23)   TABLE if the table can be compressed as a single batch only; TABLE/PRIMARY_KEY_RANGE if the table can be compressed as a single batch or in multiple batches.
NUM_BATCHES NUMBER   1 if BATCH_SIZE is TABLE, or a number specifying the number of batches to be used for compression operations when a batch size of PRIMARY_KEY_RANGE is used.


WM_COMPRESSIBLE_TABLES contains information about version-enabled tables that need to be compressed (if compression is to be performed) between two savepoints in a workspace. To create rows in this view, use the SetCompressWorkspace procedure.

Column Datatype Null? Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL User name of the table owner.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the version-enabled table.
WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(256)   Name of a workspace that was set as a result of a call to the SetCompressWorkspace procedure.
BEGIN_SAVEPOINT VARCHAR2(256)   Savepoint on the first version of the compression range. If the firstSP parameter was null in the call to the SetCompressWorkspace procedure, this column contains BEGINNING.
END_SAVEPOINT VARCHAR2(256)   Savepoint on the last version of the compression range. If both the firstSP and secondSP parameters were null in the call to the SetCompressWorkspace procedure, this column contains LATEST.


WM_EVENTS_INFO contains information about the capture of Workspace Manager events. For information about Workspace Manager events, see Chapter 2.

Column Datatype Null? Description
EVENT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name indicating the type of event.
CAPTURE VARCHAR2(30)   ON if events of this type are being captured; OFF if events of this type are not being captured.


WM_INSTALLATION contains information about the installed release of Workspace Manager. The information includes the Workspace Manager version number (OWM_VERSION) and the Workspace Manager system parameters.

Column Datatype Null? Description
NAME VARCHAR2(100)   Name of an informational item or system parameter pertaining to the current release of Workspace Manager on the system. (System parameters are explained in Section 1.5.)
VALUE VARCHAR2(4000)   Value associated with the informational item or system parameter identified in the NAME column.


WM_REPLICATION_INFO contains information about the Workspace Manager replication environment. For information about using Oracle replication with Workspace Manager, see Appendix C.

Column Datatype Null? Description
GROUPNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the main group for replication.
WRITERSITE VARCHAR2(128)   Name of the writer site in the replication environment.

5.45 xxx_CONF Views

There is one conflict view for each version-enabled table. Each conflict view has a name in the form <table_name>_CONF. For example, if the EMPLOYEE table is version-enabled, the EMPLOYEE_CONF metadata view exists.

Each conflict view contains the columns shown in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 Columns in the xxx_CONF Views

Column Datatype Description



Workspace in which the conflict exists.

(One column for each column in original table)

(Same as column in original table)

Value of the column in this workspace.



Time period during which the row is valid, if the table has valid time support (described in Chapter 3).

If you set the USE_SCALAR_TYPES_FOR_VALIDATION system parameter (described in Section 1.5) to ON, this column is replaced by two columns, WM_VALIDFROM and WM_VALIDTILL, of type TIMEZONE WITH TIMESTAMP.



YES if the row has been deleted; NO if the row has not been deleted; NE if the row is nonexistent (does not exist).



Overlapping period of the rows for which conflicts were detected, if the table has valid time support (described in Chapter 3).

A SELECT operation from a conflict view uses the workspace conflict context established by the GotoWorkspace procedure, unless you have specified a workspace conflict context for the session by using the SetConflictWorkspace procedure. Selecting from the conflict view finds rows in that table that are changed in the current workspace context, and compares their values with corresponding rows in the parent workspace to identify conflicts. If the current workspace conflict context is the LIVE workspace, all rows in the table are selected and no conflicts are found.

The following example lists the key value and all column values of conflicting rows in the EMPLOYEE table in the current workspace and its parent workspace. The conflict view reflects the context established by a previous call to the GetWorkspace or SetConflictWorkspace procedure to set the workspace conflict context (the current workspace in this case).


If ID, NAME, and CITY are the columns in the EMPLOYEE table, then assume the following values:

DiffBase      12   SMITH   NY       NO
LIVE          12   SMITH   BOSTON   NO

The database row identified by ID = 12 was changed in NEWWORKSPACE and LIVE workspaces. In NEWWORKSPACE the city was changed to NASHUA, and in the LIVE workspace the city was changed to BOSTON. When NEWWORKSPACE is merged into LIVE, this row will show up as a conflict. The application must pick between the choices and resolve conflicts in favor of the workspace with the desired value.

Note that DiffBase refers to the common ancestor (or base), as explained in the Usage Notes for the SetDiffVersions procedure.

The following example begins a conflict resolution session, calls the ResolveConflicts procedure to delete the conflicting row from the NEWWORKSPACE workspace and to insert the value in the parent workspace (LIVE) into both workspaces, commits the transaction, and ends the conflict resolution session.

DBMS_WM.ResolveConflicts ('NEWWORKSPACE', 'EMPLOYEE', 'ID = 12', 'PARENT');

For additional information about conflict resolution, see Section 1.1.4.

5.46 xxx_DIFF Views

There is one difference view for each version-enabled table. Each difference view has a name in the form <table_name>_DIFF. For example, if the EMPLOYEE table is version-enabled, the EMPLOYEE_DIFF metadata view exists. Rows are added to one or more xxx_DIFF views each time the SetDiffVersions procedure is executed.

Each difference view contains the columns shown in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2 Columns in the xxx_DIFF Views

Column Datatype Description

(One column for each column in original table)

(Same as column in original table)

Value of the column in this workspace.



Time period during which the row is valid, if the table has valid time support (described in Chapter 3).

If you set the USE_SCALAR_TYPES_FOR_VALIDATION system parameter (described in Section 1.5) to ON, this column is replaced by two columns, WM_VALIDFROM and WM_VALIDTILL, of type TIMEZONE WITH TIMESTAMP.



Branch from which the values in the preceding columns are taken. (See the explanation following this table.)



One of the following codes describing the change: U (updated), D (deleted), I (inserted), NC (no change), NE (nonexistent).



Overlapping period of the rows for which a difference was detected, if the table has valid time support (described in Chapter 3).

The WM_DIFFVER value is in one of the following formats:

  • '<workspace1>, <savepoint1>'

  • '<workspace2>, <savepoint2>'

  • 'DiffBase'

If the two-parameter version of the SetDiffVersions procedure was used, the value of savepoint1 or savepoint2 is LATEST.

Note the following about the possible values for WM_CODE:

  • NC will appear for rows in workspaces that did not change the value when another workspace did change the value. For example, if '<workspace2>, <savepoint2>' updated the row, the code for that row is U, but the code for the '<workspace1>, <savepoint1>' and 'DiffBase' rows is NC if they did not modify the row.

  • NE will appear for 'DiffBase' if a row is inserted in one or more branches, and NE will appear for 'DiffBase' and a branch if only one branch has had any insert operations.

For more information, including an example showing rows being added to a differences view, see the section on the SetDiffVersions procedure in Chapter 4.

5.47 xxx_HIST Views

There is one history view for each version-enabled table if the table was version-enabled with the hist parameter set to VIEW_W_OVERWRITE or VIEW_WO_OVERWRITE in the call to the EnableVersioning procedure. Each history view has a name in the form <table_name>_HIST. For example, if the EMPLOYEE table is version-enabled with the hist parameter set to VIEW_W_OVERWRITE or VIEW_WO_OVERWRITE, the EMPLOYEE_HIST metadata view exists.

You can use the history views to log and audit modifications to version-enabled tables.

Each history view contains the columns shown in Table 5-3.

Table 5-3 Columns in the xxx_HIST Views

Column Datatype Description

(One column for each column in original table)

(Same as column in original table)

Value of the column in this workspace.



Time period during which the row is valid, if the table has valid time support (described in Chapter 3).

If you set the USE_SCALAR_TYPES_FOR_VALIDATION system parameter (described in Section 1.5) to ON, this column is replaced by two columns, WM_VALIDFROM and WM_VALIDTILL, of type TIMEZONE WITH TIMESTAMP.



Name of the workspace containing the row.



Version number of the row with which the data is associated.



Name of the user that created the row.



Type of change operation that was performed on the row: D (delete), I (insert), or U (update).



Time when the row was created or updated.



Time when the row was deleted or modified.

5.48 xxx_LOCK Views

There is one lock view for each version-enabled table. Each lock view has a name in the form <table_name>_LOCK. For example, if the EMPLOYEE table is version-enabled, the EMPLOYEE_LOCK metadata view exists. (For an explanation of Workspace Manager locking, see Section 1.3.)

Each lock view contains the columns shown in Table 5-4.

Table 5-4 Columns in the xxx_LOCK Views

Column Datatype Description

(One column for each column in original table)

(Same as column in original table)

Value of the column in this workspace.



Time period during which the row is valid, if the table has valid time support (described in Chapter 3).

If you set the USE_SCALAR_TYPES_FOR_VALIDATION system parameter (described in Section 1.5) to ON, this column is replaced by two columns, WM_VALIDFROM and WM_VALIDTILL, of type TIMEZONE WITH TIMESTAMP.






User name of the owner of the lock.



Name of the workspace in which the lock was placed.



YES if the row is contained in the current workspace; NO if the row is not contained in the current workspace.

5.49 xxx_MW Views

There is one multiworkspace view for each version-enabled table. Each multiworkspace view has a name in the form <table_name>_MW. For example, if the EMPLOYEE table is version-enabled, the EMPLOYEE_MW metadata view exists. Rows are added to one or more xxx_MW views each time the SetMultiWorkspaces procedure (described in Chapter 4) is executed.

Each multiworkspace view contains the columns shown in Table 5-5.

Table 5-5 Columns in the xxx_MW Views

Column Datatype Description

(One column for each column in original table)

(Same as column in original table)

Value of the column in this workspace.



Time period during which the row is valid, if the table has valid time support (described in Chapter 3).

If you set the USE_SCALAR_TYPES_FOR_VALIDATION system parameter (described in Section 1.5) to ON, this column is replaced by two columns, WM_VALIDFROM and WM_VALIDTILL, of type TIMEZONE WITH TIMESTAMP.



Workspace containing the row that was modified.



Comma-delimited list of workspaces from which the row is visible.



One of the following codes describing the change: U (updated), I (inserted).

You can use the <table_name>_MW view to see changes in another workspace without leaving the current workspace (for example, to check if there is a conflict with the other workspace). Each row in the view shows the data as it would be in that workspace if the workspace had been merged when the row was inserted in the view.

You can also use the <table_name>_DIFF view (see Section 5.46) to see changes in another workspace without leaving the current workspace; however, the <table_name>_DIFF view can be used for only two workspaces, whereas the <table_name>_MW view can be used for any number of workspaces. In addition, the <table_name>_DIFF view shows deleted rows, whereas the <table_name>_MW view does not show deleted rows.

For more information and several examples, see the information about the SetMultiWorkspaces procedure in Chapter 4.