
anonymity document

An XML document that specifies the set of attributes to be made anonymous, and the actions to be taken to make the attributes anonymous.

application conformance

The semantic consistency of DICOM content with respect to application-specific constraint rules, which can be stronger or weaker than rules in the DICOM standard. Administrators can define constraint documents to include user-defined rules that are specific to a particular organization.

configuration document

A unique document for each database instance that is applicable to all the DICOM content stored in the database. Configuration documents are managed by the repository. Examples include private and standard dictionary documents, mapping documents, constraint documents, and preference documents.

conformance validation

The process of checking the conformance of DICOM content against a set of constraint documents that define rules with which to validate conformance. Oracle extends conformance validation to DICOM metadata documents as well.

constraint document

An XML document that defines a collection of rules to validate the conformance of DICOM content with the DICOM standard. Constraint documents specify the relationships and semantic constraints of attributes that are not expressed by the DICOM metadata schema. Constraint documents are based on the SOP class specification defined in Part 3 of the DICOM standard. Administrators can define constraint documents to include user-defined rules that are specific to a particular organization.

constraint rule

A collection of rules to validate the conformance of DICOM content with respect to the DICOM standard. These rules are defined in constraint documents, which specify the relationships and semantic rules of attributes that are not expressed by the DICOM metadata schema. Administrators can define constraint documents to include user-defined rules that are specific to a particular organization.

data model

A set of user-configurable documents that includes an object-oriented representation of the file format in DICOM. These documents combine information objects and services, in pairs.

data model repository

A set of collectively managed, user-configurable documents that defines the run-time behavior of Oracle Multimedia DICOM. Administrators can update the repository to configure Oracle Multimedia DICOM for a particular database instance.

DICOM conformance validator

A utility that checks the syntactical and semantic consistency of DICOM content with respect to constraint rules specified in the data model repository.

DICOM content

Standalone DICOM Information Objects that are encoded according to the data structure and encoding definitions of PS 3.10-2007 of the DICOM standard (commonly referred to as DICOM Part 10 files). For more information about DICOM Information Objects, see the DICOM standard, which is available worldwide from the NEMA Web site at

DICOM data type definition schema

An XML schema that defines the value representations (DICOM data types) provided in Part 5 of the DICOM standard. This data type definition schema is strongly coupled with the DICOM parser. It is designed by Oracle, the content is fixed, and it ships with Oracle Multimedia.

DICOM encoding rules

See transfer syntax.

DICOM image

Any DICOM content that can be decomposed into 2-D pixel arrays. Examples include a video segment, a volume scan, and a single-frame dental image.

DICOM metadata document

An XML document that contains the metadata, as encoded attributes, extracted from DICOM content. Oracle provides methods to build a metadata document from DICOM content. Each metadata schema requires a mapping document that defines how attributes from the DICOM content should be mapped into an XML document that conforms to the schema. In addition, each metadata schema references the DICOM data type definition schema.

DICOM parser

A utility that extracts metadata from DICOM content into a structure in memory.

DICOM volume scan

A set of images gathered in a single imaging operation. These images can be stored as separate slices in multiple ORDDicom objects. Or, they can be stored as single ORDDicom multiframe objects.

DICOM XML encoder

A utility that converts the in-memory structure of the extracted DICOM attributes into an XML document.

image processor

A utility that includes Java Advanced Imaging (JAI). This utility provides support for operations such as producing thumbnail-size images and converting between DICOM and other supported image formats. When used with Oracle Multimedia DICOM methods, this utility supports import and export operations between the database and operating system files (external file storage).

information object

An object-oriented representation of a real world entity in DICOM. For example: images and waveforms captured by imaging devices.

mapping document

An XML document that defines how each attribute should map to a particular element in an XML metadata document tree. This document determines what the DICOM metadata document looks like.

metadata encoding

The process of encoding the extracted DICOM attributes into a DICOM metadata document.

metadata extraction

The process of extracting attributes from DICOM content.

metadata schema

The XML schema document that constrains the DICOM metadata document. This schema references the DICOM data type definition schema. Oracle supports customization of the metadata schema for each instance of the database. Oracle ships a default metadata schema. Administrators can update the default metadata schema and the corresponding mapping document to define a schema that is specific to the database instance.

Oracle interMedia

In Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1), the name Oracle interMedia has been changed to Oracle Multimedia.

ORDDicom database object

A database object used to encapsulate DICOM content and extracted attributes. The database object has public member methods that permit the querying and processing of ORDDicom objects.

preference document

An XML document that defines a set of run-time parameters, such as how to log warning messages when processing DICOM content. Oracle ships a default preference document. Administrators can update the default preference document to change the run-time behavior. For example, administrators can change the logging destination. They can turn the logging of warning messages on or off. Or, they can specify the categories of errors to be ignored.

private attributes

A set of attributes defined by an organization and encoded in DICOM content according to the encoding rules set by that organization for those attributes. Private attributes can add modality-specific, manufacturer-specific, or site-specific information to DICOM content. Private attributes are not administered by the DICOM standard, and they are generally not known or used by any organization other than the one that defined the private attributes.

private dictionary document

A document that lists the private attributes in the data dictionary. A data dictionary can contain one or more private dictionary documents. Each private dictionary document contains the definitions for a set of private attributes and the UID of the organization that defined the private attributes. Private dictionary documents can be published by Oracle or a third party. DICOM administrators can add new private dictionary documents to the data dictionary as they become available. Private dictionary documents enable users to extend the standard dictionary document definitions by adding manufacturer-specific or enterprise-specific attributes to DICOM content. Private dictionary documents are constrained by private dictionary schemas.


A library used to store documents that are applicable to all the ORDDicom objects stored in a database instance. Administrators can access the repository and update the documents stored in it. Changes made to these documents will change the outcome of the affected Oracle Multimedia DICOM methods and procedures. Examples of documents stored in the repository include mapping documents, data dictionary documents, and constraint documents. At run time, a specified method is used to query the repository to obtain the latest copy of these documents. For example, a DICOM administrator can update an attribute definition in a data dictionary document and change its data type from DA (date) to DT (date time). From that point forward, after setting to the new data model the parser will interpret the attribute as an instance of the DT data type, and the metadata encoder will encode the attribute as DT in all future metadata documents.

schema validation

The process of using an XML schema definition to validate an XML document that is constrained by the schema. Schema validation enables users to confirm the correctness of data types, data formats, and data hierarchies. Schema validation applies to XML documents only. It does not apply to DICOM content.

service object pair (SOP)

The combination of services and information objects.

service object pair (SOP) class

A class used to model a category of information object and a set of operations associated with that information object.

standard attributes

The set of attributes defined by the DICOM standard committee, which is published in Part 6 of the DICOM standard. Standard attributes can be modified or deprecated by the DICOM standard committee in the future. The number of standard attributes increases each year as the DICOM standard expands to include new areas of technology.

standard dictionary document

A document that lists the attributes defined by the DICOM standard. The DICOM standard dictionary document is converted from Part 6 of the DICOM standard. The DICOM standard committee expects to publish this document in XML format in the future. Oracle software releases include a copy of the standard dictionary document tied to a particular release of the DICOM standard. Administrators can update this standard dictionary document to reflect the most recent changes made by the DICOM standard committee.

standards conformance

The syntactical and semantic consistency of DICOM content with respect to the DICOM standard. The default constraint document that Oracle ships with Oracle Multimedia defines rules that enforce conformance with parts of the DICOM standard.

transfer syntax

Encoding rules for medical imaging that specify how to encode DICOM content into a binary stream. These rules also specify how to compress the data content. Supported DICOM compression schemes (codecs) include RLE, JPEG, and JPEG2000.

UID definition document

An XML document that lists the unique identifiers (UIDs) for each DICOM data type.

unique identifier (UID)

A 64-byte, dot-concatenated, numeric string (similar to an IP address). The UID is a DICOM data type that is based on an ISO object identifier (OID) that uniquely identifies DICOM content worldwide. It is commonly constructed with a root that uniquely identifies the organization producing the DICOM content, and a suffix that uniquely identifies the DICOM content within that organization.

value multiplicity

A constraint rule that specifies how many times the value of an attribute can be repeated. It is part of the standard attribute specification (defined in Part 6 of the DICOM standard).

value representation

The data type, as defined by the DICOM standard. The DICOM standard defines standard data types in Part 5. See the XML schema ordcmrdt.xsd (available in the ord/dicom/xml/xsd directory under <ORACLE_HOME>) for more information about the data types supported by Oracle Multimedia DICOM.

XML mapping document

An XML document used to define how to map DICOM attributes to elements in the DICOM metadata document. The XML mapping document is used by the metadata encoder to produce a DICOM metadata document. Because the metadata document is constrained by the metadata schema, the XML mapping document must match the metadata schema. Oracle Multimedia defines a default mapping document that coincides with the DICOM metadata schema. Administrators can update the mapping document and the corresponding metadata schema to define a schema that is specific to each database instance.