4 Preinstallation

This chapter guides you through the basic concepts and preinstallation steps for Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ. It contains the following topics:

4.1 Preinstallation Tasks

The preinstallation tasks for the Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ are divided into the following parts:

4.1.1 WebSphere MQ Software

Perform the following steps to check for WebSphere MQ software:

  1. Determine where the WebSphere MQ queue manager runs.

    • Local system

      If the WebSphere MQ queue manager runs on a local system, then the queue manager runs on the same system where you intend to install the gateway product set.

    • Remote system

      If the WebSphere MQ queue manager runs on a remote system, then the queue manager runs on a different system, not the system where you intend to install the gateway product set.

  2. Verify that the WebSphere MQ software is already installed. If the WebSphere MQ server software is installed on a different system than the gateway, then the WebSphere MQ client software must be installed on the gateway system.

  3. Identify the name of the WebSphere MQ queue manager.

  4. Identify the WebSphere MQ client channel definition.

If the queue manager is installed on a different system than the gateway, then the WebSphere MQ client software is used to access the remote queue manager. A channel definition is required for this configuration.

4.1.2 Setting Environment Variables

Before installing Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ on UNIX platforms, set the following environment variables:




  • TMP


    Verify that the values that you assign to the environment variables, which are listed in this section, are less than 42 characters long. Longer values might generate errors such as "Word too long" during installation. ORACLE_HOME

ORACLE_HOME is the root directory in which Oracle software is installed.

Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ cannot share the same Oracle home directory with other Oracle products. If you have installed other Oracle products, then Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ must be installed in a different ORACLE_HOME directory. Refer to Preventing Conflicts Between ORACLE_HOME Directories.


Do not install Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ in an ORACLE_HOME directory containing other Oracle products, including the database. Such an installation could overwrite shared components, causing the products to malfunction. Preventing Conflicts Between ORACLE_HOME Directories

To prevent a conflict between the software in an existing ORACLE_HOME directory and Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ, you must remove all references to the existing ORACLE_HOME directory. The following steps describe removing these references.

  1. Unset your existing ORACLE_HOME variable using one of the following commands.

    • C shell:

      prompt> unsetenv ORACLE_HOME
    • Bourne/Korn shell:

      prompt> export ORACLE_HOME=
  2. Edit the following environment variables so that they do not use the existing ORACLE_HOME value:

Table 4-1 Setting Environment Variables for a New ORACLE_HOME Directory 

Environment Variable Platforms


AIX-based Systems, HP 9000 Series HP-UX, and Sun Solaris


AIX-based Systems, HP 9000 Series HP-UX, and Sun Solaris


Sun Solaris


AIX-based Systems


HP 9000 Series HP-UX


Verify that the C compiler is in your PATH before you start the installation. Setting ORACLE_HOME

Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable by using one of the following commands:

  • C shell

    prompt> setenv ORACLE_HOME fullpath
  • Bourne/Korn shell

    prompt> ORACLE_HOME=fullpath
    prompt> export ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_SID

ORACLE_SID is used for the SID of the gateway. Setting ORACLE_SID

Set the ORACLE_SID environment variable by using one of the following commands:

  • C shell

    prompt> setenv ORACLE_SID dg4mqs


    prompt> setenv ORACLE_SID dg4mqc
  • Bourne/Korn shell

    prompt> ORACLE_SID=dg4mqs
    promtp> export ORACLE_SID


    prompt> ORACLE_SID=dg4mqc
    promtp> export ORACLE_SID DISPLAY

Setting the DISPLAY environment variable enables you to run Oracle Universal Installer remotely from a local work station. On the system where you run Oracle Universal Installer, set the DISPLAY environment variable to specify the system name or IP address of your local workstation.

If you get an Xlib error when starting Oracle Universal Installer such as "Failed to connect to server", "Connection refused by server", or "Can't open display", then run the commands on your local workstations as follows: On Server where the Installer is Running

  • C shell

    prompt> setenv DISPLAY hostname:0.0
  • Borne or Korn shell

    prompt> export DISPLAY=hostname:0.0
    prompt> export DISPLAY In Session on Your Workstation

  • C shell

    prompt> xhost +server_name
  • Borne or Korn shell

    prompt> xhost +server_name TMP

During installation, Oracle Universal Installer uses a temporary directory for swap space. This directory must meet the "Hardware Requirements". The installation might fail if you do not have sufficient space. Oracle Universal Installer checks for the TMP environment variable to locate the temporary directory. If this environment variable does not exist, then the installer uses the /tmp directory.

The following example demonstrates how to set the TMP environment variable.

  • C shell

    prompt> setenv TMP full path
  • Bourne/Korn shell

    prompt> TMP=full path
    prompt> export TMP

4.2 About Oracle Universal Installer

Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ uses Oracle Universal Installer to configure environment variables and install components. Oracle Universal Installer guides you through each step of the installation process, so you can choose configuration options for a customized product.

The Oracle Universal Installer includes features that perform the following tasks:

  • Explore and provide installation options for products

  • Detect preset environment variables and configuration settings

  • Set environment variables and configuration during installation

  • Uninstall products

4.2.1 oraInventory Directory

The Oracle Universal Installer creates the oraInventory directory the first time it is run on your system. The oraInventory directory keeps an inventory of the products that Oracle Universal Installer installs on your system as well as other installation information. If you have previously installed Oracle products, then you might already have an oraInventory directory.

  • When a UNIX group name is specified, it grants that group the permission to write to the oraInventory directory.  If another group attempts to run Oracle Universal Installer, then they must have permission to write to the oraInventory directory. If they do not have permission the installation fails.

  • The user running the Oracle Universal Installer must have permission to write to the oraInventory directory and all its files. This is required to run the installer.

  • The location of oraInventory is defined in /etc/oratab/oraInst.loc for HP 9000 Series HP-UX and AIX-Based Systems and C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\ for Microsoft Windows.

  • The location of oraInventory is defined in /var/opt/oraInst.loc for Sun Solaris.

  • The latest log file is oraInventory_location/logs/installActions.log On UNIX based systems and C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs\installActions.log for Microsoft Windows. Log file names of previous installation sessions are in the following format: installActionsdatetime.log.

  • Do not delete or manually alter the oraInventory directory or its contents. Doing this can prevent the Oracle Universal Installer from locating the products that you have installed on your system.

4.2.2 Starting Oracle Universal Installer

On UNIX based systems, perform the following steps to launch Oracle Universal Installer, which installs Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ:

  1. Stop all Oracle processes and services (for example, the Oracle database).

  2. Mount the installation CD-ROM.

    The Oracle Product Installation CD-ROM is in RockRidge format. To begin installation, insert the CD.

    To manually mount or unmount the CD-ROM, you must have root privileges. Unmount the CD-ROM before removing it from the drive.

    To manually mount the CD-ROM, perform the following tasks:

    1. Insert the Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

    2. Log in as the root user.

    3. Create the CD-ROM mount point directory.

      prompt> mkdir mount_point
    4. Mount the CD-ROM drive on the mount point directory and exit the root account:

      prompt> mount options device_name mount_point
      prompt> exit

    The following examples show how to mount the CD-ROM manually on /cdrom:

    Platform Command Example
    AIX-Based Systems
    prompt> mkdir /cdrom
    prompt> mount -o ro -V cdrfs device_name /mnt/cdrom
    prompt> exit
    HP 9000 Series HP-UX Note:  Add the following line to the /etc/pfs_fstab file:
    /dev/dsk/c5t2d0./cdrom pfs-rrip xlat=unix 0 0
    where /dev/dsk/c5t2d0 is the CD-ROM device file and
    pfs-rripxlat=unix 0 0 indicates the CD-ROM is in
    Rockridge extention.
    prompt> nohup /usr/sbin/pfs_mountd &
    prompt> nohup /usr/sbin/pfsd &

    Note:  Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

    prompt> /usr/sbin/pfs_mount /cdrom
    prompt> exit
    Sun Solaris
    prompt> mkdir /cdrom
    prompt> mount -r -F hsfs device_name /cdrom
    prompt> exit


    For AIX-Based System users only.

    Before installing the gateways from the CD-ROM, become root and run rootpre.sh.

    1. Log in as root and change directory to the CD-ROM mount point.

      prompt> su root
      prompt> cd mount_point
    2. Run rootpre.sh and exit root account.

      prompt> ./rootpre.sh
      prompt> exit
  3. Run Oracle Universal Installer from the CD-ROM.


    Be sure you are not logged in as the root user when you start Oracle Universal Installer. If you are, only the root user will have permissions to manage Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ.
    1. Log in as the Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ user.

    2. Start Oracle Universal Installer by entering:

      prompt> mount_point/runInstaller

On Microsoft Windows, perform the following steps to launch Oracle Universal Installer, which installs Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ:

  1. Start your system and select MS Windows from the operating system Loader option. Log in to your MS Windows system as a member of the Administrators group.

  2. If you are installing the gateway for the first time, ensure there is sufficient space on the disk where you are installing the gateway as specified in "Hardware Requirements".

  3. Before installing the software, stop all Oracle NT Services that are running:

    1. From the Start menu, go to Setting, then Control Panel, and then click Services. A list of all NT services is displayed.

    2. Select an Oracle NT service (these services begin with Oracle).

    3. Click Stop.

    4. Continue to select and stop all Oracle NT services until all active Oracle NT Services are stopped.

  4. Load the installation media and start the Oracle Universal Installer.

This launches Oracle Universal Installer using which you can install Oracle Database Gateway for WebSphere MQ.