13 Gateway Configuration Using TCP/IP Communication Protocol

This chapter describes how to configure Oracle database for a gateway using TCP/IP for IMS Connect on your UNIX platform. It also provides the steps necessary to verify installation and configuration of the gateway and OLTP components. This chapter contains the following sections:

Configuring Oracle Database Gateway for APPC using TCP/IP support for IMS Connect involves working with the following components:

13.1 Before You Begin

This chapter requires you to input parameters unique to your system to correctly configure the gateway and TCP/IP communications interface.

Refer to Appendix D, "Configuration Worksheet" for a worksheet listing the installation parameters that you will need to know before you can complete the configuration process. Ask your network administrator to provide you with these unique parameter names before you begin.

13.2 Preparing to Configure a Gateway Installation/Upgrade

There are three ways to establish the gateway and Oracle database relationship when you are installing, upgrading, or migrating the gateway:

Depending on the location of your gateway and your Oracle database, you might need to transfer some of the gateway administrative files to the location where Oracle database is installed.

Follow the instructions applicable to your combination of the gateway-Oracle database locations listed below.

When Oracle Database and the Gateway Are Installed in the Same ORACLE_HOME

You do not need to transfer files. Proceed to Configuring Oracle Database: First-Time Installation.

When Oracle Database and the Gateway Are Installed on Separate Systems

When Oracle database and the gateway are installed on separate systems, you need to perform the following tasks:

  1. Locate the gateway administrative files in the gateway $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin directory. All files in this directory that have the suffix .sql, .pkh, and .pkb must be copied into a similarly named directory in the Oracle database Oracle home directory.

  2. Now, locate the gateway demo files and subdirectories in the gateway $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo directory. Copy the pgavsn.sql and pgaecho.sql files into a similarly named directory on Oracle database.

  3. Copy the pgaims.sql file from the gateway Oracle home $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo/IMS directory to the Oracle database Oracle home $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo/IMS directory.

    Optional Steps: If you want to run IVTNV and IVTNO, then you will need to copy the ivtno.ctl, ivtnod.sql, ivtnv.ctl, and ivtnvd.sql files into the Oracle database Oracle home at $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo/IMS directory as well. Ensure that you generate the required TIPs and transfer them as well.

When Oracle Database and the Gateway Are on the Same System but in Different Directories

You must change your gateway Oracle home to the Oracle database Oracle home directory.

  1. For example, if your gateway Oracle home is set as follows:

    $ echo $ORACLE_HOME

    and the server Oracle home is located in the /oracle/pga/11.1 directory, then you need to do the following:

    $ ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/pga/11.1; export ORACLE_HOME
  2. Now, create the directories with the following commands:

    $ cd $ORACLE_HOME
    $ mkdir dg4appc
    $ mkdir dg4appc/admin
    $ mkdir dg4appc/demo
    $ mkdir dg4appc/demo/IMS
  3. Use whatever file transfer mechanism is available on your system to copy all of the .sql, .pkh, and .pkb files from the gateway Oracle home $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin directory to the Oracle database Oracle home $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin directory.

  4. You might also transfer the demo files from the gateway directory to the Oracle database directory. Copy the pgavsn.sql and pgaecho.sql files and directory recursively from the gateway Oracle home $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo directory to the Oracle database $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo directory.

  5. You might also copy the pgaims.sql file from the gateway Oracle home $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo/IMS directory to the Oracle database Oracle home $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo/IMS directory.

    Optional Steps: If you want to run IVTNV and IVTNO, then you will need to copy the ivtno.ctl, ivtnod.sql, ivtnv.ctl, and ivtnvd.sql files into the Oracle database Oracle home $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo/IMS directory as well. Ensure that you generate the required TIPs and transfer them as well.

Proceed with Configuring Oracle Database: First-Time Installation. Following those steps, you may want to perform the Optional Configuration Stepsto Permit Multiple Users,.

13.3 Configuring Oracle Database: First-Time Installation

Follow these steps to configure your Oracle database after installing the Oracle Database Gateway for APPC.

  1. Ensure that the UTL_RAW PL/SQL package has been installed on Oracle database. All TIP specifications generated by Procedural Gateway Administrative Utility (PGAU) use UTL_RAW, which provides routines for manipulating raw data.

    1. Use SQL*Plus to connect to Oracle database as the SYS user.

    2. From SQL*Plus, enter the following command:


      The DESCRIBE statement produces output on your screen. If you browse through the output, then you should see some functions, including a compare function. If you do not see this output, then continue the UTL_RAW installation by performing Step d below.

      If the DESCRIBE statement indicates success, then Oracle database has UTL_RAW installed and you can proceed to Step 2.

    3. Use SQL*Plus to connect to Oracle database as SYS.

    4. From SQL*Plus, run the utlraw.sql and prvtrawb.plb scripts in the Oracle database $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory in the following order:

      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlraw.sql
      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/prvtrawb.sql
  2. Ensure that the DBMS_OUTPUT standard PL/SQL package is enabled on Oracle database. The sample programs and installation verification programs on the distribution media use this standard package.

    1. If necessary, use SQL*Plus to connect to the Oracle database as the SYS user.

    2. Enter the following command:


      The DESCRIBE statement produces output on screen. If you browse through that output, then you should see some functions, including a put_line function.

      If you do not see this output, then you must create the DBMS_OUTPUT package. Refer to the Oracle Database Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide for more information about creating the DBMS_OUTPUT package. After installing the DBMS_OUTPUT package successfully, run the DESCRIBE statement.

      If the DESCRIBE statement indicates success, then Oracle database has DBMS_OUTPUT created and you can proceed to Step 3.

  3. Install the UTL_PG PL/SQL package. All PGAU-generated TIP specifications use UTL_PG, which provides routines for performing numeric conversions to and from raw data.

    1. If necessary, use SQL*Plus to connect to Oracle database as the SYS user.

    2. From SQL*Plus, run the utlpg.sql and prvtpgb.plb scripts in the Oracle database $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory in the following order:

      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlpg.sql
      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/prvtpgb.plb
  4. Install the Heterogeneous Services (HS) catalogs.

    1. If necessary, use SQL*Plus to connect to Oracle database as the SYS user.

    2. Enter the following command:


      The DESCRIBE statement produces output on your screen. If the DESCRIBE statement indicates success, then heterogeneous services catalogs have been created on Oracle database and you can proceed to Step 5.

      If the DESCRIBE statement does not indicate success, then you must create Heterogeneous Services catalogs, and you must follow Step c below:

    3. If it is necessary to create the Heterogeneous Services catalog, then enter the following command:

      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/caths.sql
  5. Create a public database link to access the Oracle Database Gateway for APPC:

    Use SQL*Plus to connect to the Oracle database as the SYSTEM user. You can use the following SQL*Plus sample whether the Oracle database and the gateway are on the same system or on different systems. In the following sample, pgasrv is the tns_name_entry that will be assigned to the gateway when you modify the tnsnames.ora file later in this chapter.

  6. Create the gateway administrator user (PGAADMIN) and install the PG DD.

    1. Use SQL*Plus to connect to Oracle database as the SYSTEM user.

    2. From SQL*Plus, run the pgacr8au.sql script in the $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin directory. This script creates the PGAADMIN user ID.

      The initial password defined for PGAADMIN is PGAADMIN. Use the ALTER USER command to change the password. For further information about password issues, refer to the Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.

      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin/pgacr8au.sql
    3. Use SQL*Plus to connect to the Oracle database as PGAADMIN.

    4. From SQL*Plus, run the pgddcr8.sql script in the $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin directory. This script installs the PG DD.

      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin/pgddcr8.sql
    5. From SQL*Plus, connect to the Oracle database as the SYS user.

    6. Grant execute privileges on DBMS_PIPE to PGAADMIN:

  7. Ensure that the pg4tcpmap package has been installed on your Oracle database. Follow Steps a through c to test for proper installation of pg4tcpmap.

    Refer to Output for the pg4tcpmap Tool in Appendix B for a sample of the output from the pg4tcpmap tool, and refer to Chapter 6 of the Oracle Database Gateway for APPC User's Guide for details about the commands needed to run the tool.

    1. Use SQL*Plus to connect to Oracle database as the SYSTEM user.

    2. Enter the following command:

      SQL> select owner, table_name
      from dba_tables
      where table_name = 'PGA_TCP_IMSC', 
      and owner = 'PGAADMIN';
      SQL> column owner format a 10
      SQL> column index_name format a 18
      SQL> column table_name format a 14
      SQL> select owner, index_name, table_name
      from dba_indexes
      where index_name = 'PGA_TCP_IMSC_IND';

      Each SELECT statement must produce one row. The following output is the result of the first SELECT statement:

      TABLE_NAME                        OWNER            
      ------------------------------   ------------------------------
      PGA_TCP_IMSC                      PGAADMIN

      The following output is the result of the second SELECT statement:

      OWNER          INDEX_NAME           TABLE_NAME      UNIQUENESS
      ----------     ------------------   --------------  ---------

      If the SELECT statements produce the preceding output on your screen, then you can skip to Step 8. If the SELECT statement produces no output or more than one row, then the result is not the same as the output described above, and it is necessary for you to perform Step 1.

    3. From SQL*Plus, run the pgaimsc.sql script in the Oracle database $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin directory:

      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin/pgaimsc.sql
  1. Install the TIP trace access PL/SQL routines. These routines require that the DBMS_PIPES standard PL/SQL package is installed and that PGAADMIN has execute privileges on it. For more information on DBMS_PIPES, refer to the Oracle Database Rules Manager and Expression Filter Developer's Guide.

    1. If necessary, use SQL*Plus to connect to the Oracle database as user PGAADMIN.

    2. From SQL*Plus, run the pgatiptr.sql script in the $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin directory. This script creates PL/SQL routines that can be called to read and purge trace information created by PGAU-generated TIP specifications. It also creates public synonyms for these routines. The script prompts you for the necessary user IDs and passwords.

      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin/pgatiptr.sql
  2. Install the GPGLOCAL package. This package is required for compilation and execution of all PGAU-generated TIP specifications. TIP developers should be granted execute privileges on GPGLOCAL (refer to Optional Configuration Stepsto Permit Multiple Users).

    1. Use SQL*Plus to connect to Oracle database as PGAADMIN.

    2. From SQL*Plus, run the gpglocal.pkh script in the $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin directory. This script compiles the GPGLOCAL package specification.

      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin/gpglocal.pkh
    3. From SQL*Plus, run the gpglocal.pkb script in the $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin directory. This script compiles the GPGLOCAL package body.

      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin/gpglocal.pkb


      Recompile TIPs when changing communication protocol from SNA to TCP/IP:

      If you have existing TIPs that were generated previously on a gateway using the SNA communication package protocol and you want to utilize the new TCP/IP feature, then the TIPs have to be regenerated by PGAU with certain mandatory NLS_LANGUAGE and Side Profile Settings. Specify the correct ASCII character set in the DEFINE TRANSACTION command.

      This is because the gateway assumes that the correct user exit in IMS Connect is being used, which would translate between the correct ASCII and EBCDIC character sets.

13.4 Upgrading or Migrating the Oracle Database from Previous Gateways

Follow these instructions only if you have a previous version of the Oracle Database Gateway for APPC installed on your system and need to configure it for Release of the gateway.

  1. Upgrade your Oracle Database Gateway for APPC to current version levels as follows:

    1. Use SQL*Plus to connect to Oracle database as the SYS user.

    2. Install the UTL_RAW package body. From SQL*Plus, run the prvtrawb.plb script from the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory. This script upgrades the UTL_RAW package body.

      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/prvtrawb.plb
    3. Install the UTL_PG package body. From SQL*Plus, run the prvtpgb.plb script from the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory. This script upgrades the UTL_PG package body.

      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/prvtpgb.plb

      The prvtrawb.plb and prvtpgb.plb scripts should complete successfully. If they fail because specifications do not exist or were invalidated, then consider reinstalling the package specifications as directed in the following section.

13.4.1 If You Must Reinstall Package Specifications

If the UTL_RAW or UTL_PG package has been invalidated or deinstalled, then the prvtrawb.plb and prvtpgb.plb scripts might not complete successfully. You may have to reinstall the package specifications.

If you do reinstall the package specifications, then any dependent objects (such as existing user TIPs and client applications) are invalidated and subsequently need to be recompiled. The impact of this is a one-time performance delay while recompilation of the TIPs and dependent client applications proceeds.


Before proceeding with reinstallation of the package scripts, ensure that you are in the $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin directory.

TIPs were split into separate specification and body files in release 3.3 to avoid cascaded recompilations in later releases.

Step 1   Run the Following Scripts Before Proceeding with the PGAU Upgrade

From SQL*Plus, run the utlraw.sql script:

  1. If necessary, use SQL*Plus to connect to the Oracle database as the SYS user.

  2. From SQL*Plus, run the utlraw.sql and utlpg.sql scripts in the Oracle database $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory, in the following order, to upgrade their respective package specifications:

    SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlraw.sql
    SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlpg.sql

Step 2   Repeat Installation of UTL_RAW and UTL_PG Package Body

After the scripts have run, repeat Steps b and c in Section 13.4, "Upgrading or Migrating the Oracle Database from Previous Gateways". Then, proceed to the section titled Upgrading PGAU from Previous Gateway Releases.


TIPs and dependent client applications must be recompiled after reinstallation of the package specifications. Refer to the "Compiling a TIP" section in Chapter 3 of the Oracle Database Gateway for APPC User's Guide for information about compiling TIPs.

13.4.2 Upgrading PGAU from Previous Gateway Releases

Upgrade the PG DD as follows before running the new PGAU:

  1. If necessary, use SQL*Plus to connect to Oracle database as the PGAADMIN user.

  2. From SQL*Plus, run the pgddupgr.sql script in the $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin directory. This script upgrades the PG DD.

13.5 Optional Configuration Steps to Permit Multiple Users

The following configuration steps are optional. Perform these steps if you want to allow users other than PGAADMIN to perform PG DD operations using PGAU.

  1. Create public synonyms for the PG DD to allow other users to access the tables:

    1. Use SQL*Plus to connect to Oracle database as the SYSTEM user.

    2. From SQL*Plus, run the pgddcr8s.sql script in the $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin directory. This script creates public synonyms for the PG DD.

      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin/pgddcr8.sql
  2. Create roles for accessing the PG DD, performing definitions of transactions, and generating TIP specifications. The PGAADMIN user can grant these roles to other users as necessary.

    1. Use SQL*Plus to connect to Oracle database as user PGAADMIN.

    2. From SQL*Plus, run the pgddcr8r.sql script in the $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin directory. This script creates two roles, PGDDDEF and PGDDGEN. The PGDDDEF role provides SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges against some of the PG DD tables, and SELECT privileges against others, and allows execution of the PGAU DEFINE, GENERATE, REDEFINE, REPORT, and UNDEFINE statements. The PGDDGEN role provides select privileges against the PG DD tables and allows execution of the PGAU GENERATE and REPORT statements only.

      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin/pgddcr8r.sql
  3. Grant access to PGA required packages.

    TIP developers require access to the following PL/SQL packages, which are shipped with Oracle database:

    • DBMS_PIPE in the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory

    • UTL_RAW in the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory

    • UTL_PG in the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory

    Explicit grants to run these packages must be made to TIP developers.

    These grants can be private as in the following example:

    $ sqlplus SYS/ pw@database_specification_string
    SQL> GRANT EXECUTE ON UTL_RAW TO tip_developer;
    SQL> GRANT EXECUTE ON UTL_PG TO tip_developer;
    SQL> CONNECT PGAADMIN/ pw@database_specification_string

    Alternatively, these grants can be public as in the following example:

    $ sqlplus SYS/pw@ database_specification_string
    SQL> CONNECT PGAADMIN/ pw@database_specification_string

    You can use either private or public grants. Both are sufficient for using PGA. Public grants are easier and can be performed now. If you use private grants, then they must be given each time a new TIP developer user ID is created.

    SQL scripts for performing these grants are provided in the $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin directory. The pgddapub.sql script performs these grants for public access to the packages. The pgddadev.sql script performs the grants for private access to the packages by a single TIP developer. If you are going to use private grants, then you must run the pgddadev.sql script once for each TIP developer user ID:

    1. Use SQL*Plus to connect to Oracle database as PGAADMIN.

    2. From SQL*Plus, run the appropriate script (pgddapub.sql or pgddadev.sql) from the $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin directory. The script performs the necessary grants as described earlier. You are prompted for the required user IDs, passwords, and database specification strings. If you are using private grants, then repeat this step for each user ID requiring access to the packages.

      If you are using private grants, then repeat this step for each user ID requiring access to the packages.

      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin/pgddapub.sql


      SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin/pgddadev.sql
  4. If you are upgrading from a previous release of the gateway when the communication protocol was SNA, to the current gateway using TCP/IP, and if you want to upgrade your existing TIPs with new function and maintenance, then regenerate existing TIP specifications using the PGAU GENERATE statement.


    The PGAU has been enhanced to automatically upgrade existing PG DD entries with a new attribute when a PGAU GENERATE command is executed. To support this enhancement, add a new privilege to the PGDDGEN role. To do this as the PGAADMIN user, use SQL*Plus to connect to the Oracle database installation where the PG DD is stored. Then issue the following SQL command:
    1. Start PGAU from the directory path where the PGAU control files are generated and where TIPs are stored:

      $ pgau
      PGAU> CONNECT PGAADMIN/pgaadmin@database_specification_string 
      PGAU> GENERATE tranname 
      PGAU> EXIT

    For more information about the GENERATE command, refer to the PGAU GENERATE command section in Chapter 2 of the Oracle Database Gateway for APPC User's Guide.

    Note that it is not necessary to define the PG DD entries again.

  5. Start SQL*Plus in the same directory path where the newly-generated TIP specifications are stored.

    $ sqlplus tip_owner/pw@database_specification_string 
    SQL> @tipname.pkh 
    SQL> @tipname.pkb
    SQL> exit

    PGAU GENERATE produces the TIP in two output files: a specification and a body. You must compile both, first the specification and then the body.

    For more information about the GENERATE command, refer to the PGAU GENERATE command section in Chapter 2, of the Oracle Database Gateway for APPC User's Guide.

13.6 Configuring TCP/IP for the Gateway

You must now configure the TCP/IP for IMS Connect communication package profiles for TCP/IP connections.

Configure the profiles to define the TCP/IP conversations with the OLTP. Refer to Chapter 10, "Configuring TCP/IP for IMS Connect on UNIX Platforms" for the appropriate instructions.

When you have finished configuring your communications package, return to the following section, Section 13.7, "Configuring the Gateway".

13.7 Configuring the Gateway

To configure the gateway, perform the following:

  1. Tailor the gateway parameters.

    There are a number of parameters specific to Oracle Database Gateway for APPC when it is using TCP/IP for IMS Connect. These are supplied in the gateway parameter file, initsid.ora, which is in the $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin directory. A sample gateway parameter file, initPGA.ora is provided in this subdirectory.


    In the initsid.ora file, substitute your gateway SID name for "sid " in this file name.

    The initsid.ora file contains both APPC and TCP/IP parameters separated by a description. You must modify the initsid.ora file by deleting the APPC parameters. Refer to Appendix B, "Gateway Initialization Parameter File Using TCP/IP" for the valid TCP/IP parameters.

    The parameters fall into two categories:

    • Gateway initialization parameters

      These parameters control the general operation of the gateway in the Oracle environment.


      Before performing the following step, refer to Appendix B, "Gateway Initialization Parameter File Using TCP/IP" for information about tailoring gateway initialization and PGA parameters. Pay special attention to the information about using the PGA_CAPABILITY parameter.
    • PGA parameters

      PGA parameters control the TCP/IP interface portion of the gateway. Use the SET gateway initialization parameter to specify PGA parameters. Oracle recommends that you group all SET commands for PGA parameters at the end of the initsid.ora file.


      Misspelled parameters are ignored. However, if the $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/admin/initsid.ora file is missing all calls to the gateway fail and return a PGA-20928 error.

13.8 Loading the PGA_TCP_IMSC Table

Gateway users who want to employ the TCP/IP protocol do so by using the pg4tcpmap tool.

The pg4tcpmap tool is located on the gateway. Its function is to map the Side Profile Name to TCP/IP and IMS Connect attributes. You must run this tool before executing the PL/SQL gateway statements (such as $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo/IMS/pgaims.sql).

In PGAINIT TIP, for example, the user must specify a Side Profile Name. The SNA protocol recognizes and utilizes the parameter. In this release of the gateway, the pg4tcpmap tool uses the original PGAINIT TIP format to map the relevant SNA parameters to TCP/IP. The pg4tcpmap tool inserts the values of these parameters into a table called PGA_TCP_IMSC.

Before executing pg4tcpmap, you must specify the ORACLE_HOME, Oracle SID, and modify initsid.ora. Refer to Appendix B, "Gateway Initialization Parameters for TCP/IP Communication Protocol" in this guide and Chapter 6 in the Oracle Database Gateway for APPC User's Guide for complete information about the pg4tcpmap commands.

Chapter 6 of the Oracle Database Gateway for APPC User's Guide contains a list of the pg4tcpmap commands and instructions for using them, as well as an example of the table. Refer to Chapter 8, "Troubleshooting" in the Oracle Database Gateway for APPC User's Guide for information about the trace file for the executed pg4tcpmap tool.

To operate this tool, execute the following command:

$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/pg4tcpmap

Refer to Output for the pg4tcpmap Tool for a sample of the pg4tcpmap output.

13.9 Verifying the Gateway Installation and OLTP Configuration

To verify the gateway installation and the OLTP configuration, perform the following procedures after installing the gateway.


If your database link name is not "PGA," modify the demonstration .sql files to give them the particular database link name that you created in Step 5 of Section 13.3, "Configuring Oracle Database: First-Time Installation". You must modify the following .sql files:
  • pgavsn.sql

  • pgaecho.sql

  • pgaims.sql

13.9.1 Verifying the Gateway Installation

To verify the gateway software installation using the database link PGA previously created, perform the following steps:

  1. Using SQL*Plus, connect to your Oracle database as PGAADMIN.

  2. Run $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo/pgavsn.sql.

    SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo/pgavsn.sql

    The server version number banner appears at your terminal. The following output appears:

    Oracle Database Gateway for APPC (extension TCP/IP for IMS connect).
    Version Thu Feb 13 13:12:49 2007
    Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979,
    2007.  All rights reserved.

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  3. Run $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo/pgaecho.sql.

    SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo/pgaecho.sql

    You will receive the following output:

    ==> Congratulations, your installation was successful. <==

13.9.2 Verifying the OLTP Configuration

Use the following procedure to verify your OLTP configuration.


If you have not completed the file transfers detailed in Preparing to Configure a Gateway Installation/Upgrade, then complete them now before proceeding to the next step. IMS/TM Verification

Perform the following steps to verify the IMS/TM configuration. Be certain that you have installed and configured the IMS Connect and that it is up and running before you begin this procedure. Refer to the IBM IMS Connect Guide and Reference for information about how to perform the installation and configuration tasks.


TIPs must be recompiled when changing communication protocol to TCP/IP.

TCP/IP only: If you have existing TIPs that were generated previously on a gateway using the SNA communication package protocol and you want to utilize the new TCP/IP feature, then the TIPs will have to be regenerated by PGAU with mandatory NLS_LANGUAGE and Side Profile Settings. Specify the appropriate ASCII character set in the DEFINE TRANSACTION command.

This is because the gateway assumes that the appropriate user exit in IMS Connect is being used, which would translate between the appropriate ASCII and EBCDIC character sets.

  1. To verify that the FLIP transaction is installed correctly, log on to your IMS/TM system and enter the following transaction (replacing FLIP with the transaction ID you chose for FLIP when you configured your IMS/TM system for the gateway):


    The following output appears on your terminal:

  2. Log on to the UNIX based system.


    If you have not completed the file transfers detailed in Section 13.2 Preparing to Configure a Gateway Installation/Upgrade, complete them now, before proceeding to the next step.
  3. Modify the pgaims.sql file, which is located at $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo/IMS/pgaims.sql. Customize the following three items used for accessing the gateway and the IMS/TM system as described in the comments at the beginning of the file:

    • IMS/TM transaction ID

    • Side Profile Name

    • Logmode entry name

  4. Ensure that the TCP/IP communication protocol on your system has been started.

  5. Using SQL*Plus, connect to your Oracle database from PGAADMIN.

  6. Run pgaims.sql.

    SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo/IMS/pgaims.sql

    The following message appears:

==> Congratulations, your gateway is communicating with IMS/TM <==

Your IMS/TM installation verification is now complete.

13.10 Performing Postinstallation Procedures

The following are optional steps that you can perform as necessary. Installation of the sample applications for your OLTP is recommended to help you to fully understand how the gateway works and how it interfaces with your OLTP.

13.10.1 Installing Sample Applications

Your Oracle Database Gateway for APPC featuring TCP/IP for IMS Connect contains sample PL/SQL procedures and OLTP transaction programs that demonstrate the gateway's capabilities.


When you call a gateway that uses TCP/IP as the communication protocol, and you use EBCDIC as the language in the control files, then you must change the language from EBCDIC to ASCII. Some examples of control files that might be in EBCDIC language are ivtno.ctl and ivtnv.ctl.

For more information, refer to the $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo/IMS/ivtno.ctl and $ORACLE_HOME/dg4appc/demo/IMS/ivtnv.ctl files.

Samples are provided for IMS/TM:

  • IMS inquiry using IVTNO and IVTNV sample transactions

Additional samples are added to the distribution media in newer releases of the product. Wherever possible, the sample applications use the sample databases provided with the database products.

For this release, the entire documentation about installing and using the sample applications is available in:
