What's New

The changes in Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) can be divided into the following categories:

New Features for Release 1 (11.1)

In this release, Oracle JDBC drivers support the following new features:

JDK 1.5 and 1.6 Support

The Oracle JDBC Thin and OCI drivers have been enhanced to provide support for JDK 1.5 and 1.6. The server-side JDBC drivers provide support for only JDK 1.5.

JDBC 4.0 Support

Oracle JDBC drivers provide support for most of the JDBC 4.0 standard features. Refer to "Support for JDBC 4.0 Standard" for more information about the JDBC 4.0 standard features


This release of Oracle JDBC drivers provides a Java interface to access SYS.ANYTYPE and SYS.ANYDATA Oracle types. For more information refer "Oracle SYS.ANYTYPE and SYS.ANYDATA Types" Types .

Oracle Advanced Security

Oracle Advanced Security provides confidentiality, integrity, and availability features. This release of Oracle JDBC drivers have been enhanced to support all the features of Oracle Advanced Security. This feature is covered in Chapter 9, "JDBC Client-Side Security Features".

Oracle SecureFiles

Java/JDBC applications get richer SecureFiles LOB data manipulation API and performance enhancements such as versioning, sliding inserts, sliding delete, fragment move, in-place data replacement, compression, encryption, sharing, and client-side read. This feature is covered in "Oracle SecureFiles".

Native Streams AQ Protocol

This release of Oracle JDBC drivers provides a Java interface to Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing (AQ). This feature is covered in Chapter 25, "Oracle Advanced Queuing".

Database Startup and Shutdown

Starting from this release, you can start up and shut down an Oracle Database instance from your JDBC application in the same way as you would from SQL*Plus. This feature is covered in "Database Startup and Shutdown".

Database Diagnosability

In this release the JDBC drivers have been enhanced by including new diagnosabilty features and improving existing diagnosabilty features. These features enable users to diagnose problems in the applications that use Oracle JDBC drivers and the problems in the drivers themselves. This feature is covered in detail in Chapter 30, "Diagnosability in JDBC".

Database Change Notification

This release of Oracle JDBC drivers provide support for the Database Change Notification feature of Oracle Database. Using this functionality of the JDBC drivers, multi-tier systems can take advantage of the Database Change Notification feature to maintain a data cache as updated as possible by receiving invalidation events from the JDBC drivers. This feature is covered in detail in "Database Change Notification".

New JDBC DMS Metrics with JMX Support

The Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) metrics generated in Oracle JDBC 11.1 release are different from 10.2, 10.1, 9.2, and earlier versions of Oracle JDBC as it makes no attempt to retain compatibility with earlier versions. For more information refer "Accessing DMS Metrics Using JMX".

RowSets in the server

Starting from this release, RowSets are also supported in the server-side drivers, in addition to the Thin and OCI drivers. For more information refer "Overview of JDBC RowSets".

Result Cache

This release of Oracle JDBC drivers provide support for Result Cache feature, which is very different from traditional caching and presummarization mechanisms. For more information refer "Result Set Caching".

Desupported Features

From this release onwards, Oracle JDBC drivers will not support JDK versions earlier than 1.5.

Interface Changes

In this release, the oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection interface has been enhanced. For better visibility and clarity, all connection properties are defined as constants in this interface.

The oracle.jdbc.driver package, which was deprecated in Oracle Database release 9.0.1, is desupported in this release. Code having references to this package will not compile and run. You can use oracle.jdbc package instead of this package.