AW_ATTACH Procedure

The AW_ATTACH procedure attaches an analytic workspace to your SQL session so that you can access its contents. The analytic workspace remains attached until you explicitly detach it, or you end your session.

AW_ATTACH can also be used to create a new analytic workspace, but the AW_CREATE procedure is provided specifically for that purpose.


You cannot execute this procedure from within the OLAP Worksheet. You must execute if in a SQL tool such as SQL*Plus.


          awname        IN VARCHAR2,
          forwrite      IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
          createaw      IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
          attargs       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
          tablespace    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
          schema        IN VARCHAR2,
          awname        IN VARCHAR2,
          forwrite      IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
          createaw      IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
          attargs       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
          tablespace    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Table B-11 AW_ATTACH Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The schema that owns awname.


The name of an existing analytic workspace, unless createaw is specified as TRUE. See the description of createaw.


TRUE attaches the analytic workspace in read/write mode, giving you exclusive access and full administrative rights to the analytic workspace. FALSE attaches the analytic workspace in read-only mode.


TRUE creates an analytic workspace named awname. If awname already exists, then an error is generated. FALSE attaches an existing analytic workspace named awname.


Keywords for attaching an analytic workspace, such as FIRST or LAST, as described in AW command.


The following commands create a new analytic workspace named GLOBAL_TRACKING and copies the contents of GLOBAL into it. The workspace is stored in a table named AW$GLOBAL_TRACKING, which has three partitions and is stored in the user's default tablespace.

EXECUTE dbms_aw.aw_attach('global');
EXECUTE dbms_aw.aw_copy('global', 'global_tracking', NULL, 3);