The DELETE command deletes one or more objects from an analytic workspace. The deletion becomes permanent when you execute UPDATE and COMMIT statements.

Before you delete an object, you must first delete all of its associated objects. For example, before you can delete a dimension, you must first delete any variables dimensioned by it. Also, you cannot delete an object when a PERMIT statement denies you the right to change its permission.


When you see an error message when you try to delete an object, then the name of that object might be a reserved word. (Use RESERVED to identify reserved words.) When this is the case, use a RENAME statement to give the object a new name, and then delete it.


DELETE name... [AW workspace]



The names of one or more objects, separated by spaces or commas. DELETE removes the definitions of these objects from the appropriate workspace.

You can specify a qualified object name or use the AW argument to indicate the attached workspace in which each object can be found. Do not use both qualified object names and the AW argument in the same DELETE command.


Oracle OLAP does not warn you when you delete an object that has the same name as an existing object in another attached workspace. Also, when the NAME dimension is limited to less than all its values, DELETE automatically sets the status of NAME to ALL
AW workspace

The name of an attached workspace in which you wish to delete all the specified objects. When you do not use a qualified object name or the AW argument to specify an analytic workspace, objects are deleted in the current workspace.


Example 9-106 Deleting a Dimension

Suppose you have a dimension named city and a variable named population that you want to delete. The variable population is the only object that is dimensioned by or makes use of city, so you can delete them both together when you place the variable before the dimension in the DELETE command.

DELETE population city

Placing city before population in the preceding statement would produce an error.