The REGRESS.REPORT program produces a standard report of a regression performed using the REGRESS command.




Example 10-94 Report for a Simple Regression

Assume that you have performed the simple regression illustrated in Example 10-92, "Simple Regression" . You can now execute REGRESS.REPORT to see the results of the regression.

                              Regression Analysis
       Dependent Variable: SALES
        WEIGHTBY Variable: NONE
Regressor                Coefficient      Std. Error     T-ratio
--------------------    ------------    ------------    --------
ADVERTISING                     0.36            0.16        2.24
PRICE                          -8.66            1.80       -4.82
EXPENSE                         1.05            0.01       79.69
      Corrected R-square                   1.00
      F-Statistic (2, 141)                   NA
      Number of observations                144
      Standard error of estimate       1,477.16

Example 10-95 Report for a Weighted Regression

Assume that you have performed the simple regression illustrated in Example 10-93, "Weighted Regression" . You can now execute REGRESS.REPORT to see the results of the regression.

                              Regression Analysis
       Dependent Variable: SALES
Regressor                Coefficient      Std. Error     T-ratio
--------------------    ------------    ------------    --------
ADVERTISING                     0.44            0.17        2.64
PRICE                          -8.03            1.92       -4.19
EXPENSE                         1.04            0.01       76.45
      Corrected R-square                   1.00
      F-Statistic (2, 141)                   NA
      Number of observations                144
      Standard error of estimate       1,373.15