The STATUS program sends to the current outfile the status of one or more dimensions, dimension surrogates, or valuesets, or the status of all dimensions in an analytic workspace.

When you specify one or more dimension, dimension surrogate, or valueset names, Oracle OLAP produces the status of only those objects. When you use the AW keyword and specify the name of an attached analytic workspace, Oracle OLAP produces the status of every dimension in that analytic workspace. When you do not specify any argument, STATUS produces the current status of all the dimensions (not dimension surrogates or valuesets) in the current analytic workspace. However, STATUS does not display the status of the NAME dimension unless you specify STATUS NAME.


Use STATLIST rather than STATUS when you want to control the width or placement of the display.

Return Value



STATUS name... | AW [workspace-name]



The name of a dimension or valueset in the analytic workspace. You can also specify the name of a dimensioned analytic workspace object, such as a variable, formula, relation, or named composite. In this case, the status of each dimension of name is produced, unless the dimension is included in an unnamed composite.

AW [workspace-name]

Specifies that STATUS should produce the status of every dimension in workspace-name; workspace-name is the name of an analytic workspace.



When all values of a dimension are in the current status or in a valueset, in the original order, STATUS displays ALL. STATUS shortens any series of three or more values in their original order to value-1 TO value-n. In the case of the dimension NAME, however, STATUS does not shorten a series of three or more values.

Status When an Object Has No Values

When a dimension, dimension surrogate, or valueset has no values (for example, a recently defined object for which you have not yet supplied values), STATUS produces NULL for that dimension, dimension surrogate, or valueset. When you are in an analytic workspace in which no objects have been defined, STATUS produces the message, There are no dimensions in your current analytic workspace.


Example 10-149 Discovering the Current Status of Certain Dimensions

Use STATUS to produce the current status of the dimensions month and district.

The following statement

STATUS month district

produces this output.

The current status of MONTH is:
Jan95 TO Dec96
The current status of DISTRICT is:
Boston, Chicago, Denver

Example 10-150 Discovering the Status of the Dimensions of a Variable

Use STATUS to produce the current status of all the dimensions of the variable sales.

The following statement

STATUS sales

produces this output.

The current status of MONTH is:
Jan95 TO Dec96
The current status of PRODUCT is:
The current status of DISTRICT is:
Boston, Chicago, Denver