The ISVALUE function tests whether a dimension or a composite has a specified value.


Use INSTAT to determine whether a value of a dimension is in the current status of the dimension.

Return Value






The name of the dimension or the composite to be checked.

When the composite is unnamed, use the SPARSE keyword to refer to the composite (for example, SPARSE <market product>).


The value you want to test, either a text literal or text expression for an ID or TEXT dimension, an INTEGER for an INTEGER dimension, or a combination of values enclosed by angle brackets for composites and conjoint dimensions.


Example 7-133 Testing Valid Values

Suppose you want to find out if Packs is a value of the product dimension. The following statement produces the answer YES or NO.

SHOW ISVALUE(product, 'Packs')

Example 7-134 Testing Logical Position Numbers

You can test for the logical position numbers of base dimension values in a conjoint dimension. For example, suppose market and product are the base dimensions of the conjoint dimension markprod. The following statement tests whether or not there is a value assigned to the combination of the fourth market dimension value and the third product dimension value.

SHOW ISVALUE(markprod, '<4 3>')