The SYS_CONTEXT function returns the value of parameter associated with the context namespace.

See also:

For more information, see the SYS_CONTEXT function in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.

Return Values



SYS_CONTEXT(namespace, parameter [, length ])



A text expression that specifies a namespace which is a valid SQL identifier. The context namespace must already have been created, and the associated parameter and its value must also have been set using the DBMS_SESSION.set_context procedure.


A text expression that specifies an attribute associated with a namespace. This parameter and its value must have previously been set using the DBMS_SESSION.set_context procedure. The parameter is not case sensitive, but it cannot exceed 30 bytes in length.


A numeric expression that specifies the maximum size of the return value. The value that you specfy must be a NUMBER (or a value that can be implicitly converted to NUMBER) and in the range of 1 to 4000 bytes,. If you specify an invalid value, then Oracle OLAP ignores it and uses the default value of 256 bytes..


USERENV Built-In Namespace

Oracle provides a built-in namespace called USERENV, which describes the current session. For more information on the predefined parameters of namespace USERENV, see the SYS_CONTEXT function in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.


Example 8-123 Retrieving the Name of the User of the Session

The following hypothetical example retrieves the value JOHNSMITH which is the name of the user who logged onto the database.