The MODMAXITERS option determines the maximum number of iterations Oracle OLAP will perform in attempting to solve a block of simultaneous equations in a model.

See also:

"Model Options" for descriptions of all of the options that control the solution of simultaneous blocks, and

Data Type






A positive INTEGER value that indicates the maximum number of iterations Oracle OLAP should perform in attempting to solve a simultaneous block. The default is 50.


Reporting Model Execution Results

When any equation in a simultaneous block diverges or fails to converge within the number of iterations specified by MODMAXITERS, the solution of the block fails and an error occurs. You can use the MODEL.XEQRPT program to produce a report on the results of the model's execution. The report indicates whether a simultaneous block diverged or failed to converge. When a block failed to converge, you can experiment with increasing the value of MODMAXITERS to see if convergence can be attained.


Example 6-57 Model with MODMAXITERS

Suppose a model named MYMODEL contains a block of simultaneous equations that failed to converge within 50 iterations. The following statements increase the value of MODMAXITERS and run the model again.

myModel actual