The NLS_SORT option specifies the sequence of character values used when sorting or comparing text. The value of NLS_SORT affects the GT, GE, LT, and LE operators, SORT command, and the SORTLINES function.

Within a session, you can dynamically modify the value of this option using the OLAP DML syntax show below or by using the SQL statement ALTER SESSION SET option = value.  

Data Type



NLS_SORT = option-value


See Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for more information about the NLS_SORT parameter.


Example 6-78 Binary and Linguistic Sorts

A dimension named words has the following values.

cerveza, Colorado, cheremoya, llama, luna, lago

This example shows the results of a binary sort.

SORT words A words
STATUS words
The current status of WORDS is:
Colorado, cerveza, cheremoya, lago, llama, luna

A Spanish language sort results in this order.

SORT words A words
STATUS words
The current status of WORDS is:
cerveza, cheremoya, Colorado, lago, llama, luna

An extended Spanish language sort results in this order.

SORT words A words
STATUS words
The current status of WORDS is:
cerveza TO cheremoya, lago TO llama