The $ALLOCMAP property specifies the default aggmap for allocation for a variable. This is the aggmap that Oracle OLAP uses when the variable is the target variable of an ALLOCATE statement that does not include a USING phrase.


You add or delete an $ALLOCMAP property to the most recently defined or considered object (see DEFINE and CONSIDER commands) using a PROPERTY statement:

  • To add the property, issue the following statement.

    PROPERTY '$ALLOCMAP' aggmap-name

  • To delete the property, issue the following statement.




A TEXT expression that specifies the name of a previously defined ALLOCMAP type aggmap object.


Example 5-5 Using $ALLOCMAP to Specify a Default Allocation Specification

Example 9-34, "Recursive Even Allocation with a Lock" uses the following statement to allocated data in the projbudget variable using the projbudgmap allocation specification.

ALLOCATE projbudget USING projbudgmap

You can specify that projbudgmap is the default allocation specification for the projbudget variable by issuing the following statements.

CONSIDER projbudget
PROPERTY '$ALLOCMAP' "projbugmap'

Now, merely by issuing the following statement, you can allocate data in the projbudget variable using the projbudgmap allocation specification.

ALLOCATE projbudget