The screenshot shows a pop-up window for the Database Configuration Assistant. The text on this window says:

Database creation complete. Check the log files at

/home/oracle/base/cfgtoollogs/dbca/sales for details.

Database information:

Global Database Name:

System Identifier(SID) Prefix: sales

Server Parameter Filename: +DATA/sales/spfilesales.ora

The Database Control URL is

Note: All database accounts except SYS, SYSTEM, DBSNMP, and SYSMAN are locked. Select the Password Management button to view a complete list of locked accounts or to manage the database accounts (except DBSNMP and SYSMAN). From the Password Management window, unlock only the accounts you will use. Oracle Corporation strongly recommends changing the default passwords immediately after unlocking the account.

There is a button below the last paragraph of text labeled Password Management...

At the bottom of the window is the OK button.

End of description.