G Oracle Clusterware API Messages

This appendix describes the Oracle Clusterware API messages. The Oracle Clusterware commands and APIs are the primary sources of these error messages.

See Also:

Oracle Database Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows for Windows messages and for all other messages refer search online at



The Oracle Clusterware API demo is not supported for Windows.
CRS-0184: Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.
Cause: The CRS daemon on the local node is either not running or there was an internal communication error with the CRS daemon.
Action: Check if the CRS daemon process is running on the local node.
CRS-0210: Could not find resource '%s'.
Cause: An attempt was made to operate on a resource that is not registered.
Action: Check if the resource is registered using crs_stat.
CRS-0211: Resource '%s' has already been registered.
Cause: An attempt was made to register a resource that is already registered.
Action: Check if the resource is registered using crs_stat.
CRS-0213: Could not register resource '%s'.
Cause: There was an internal error while registering the resource.
Action: Check the CRS daemon log file.
CRS-0214: Could not unregister resource '%s'.
Cause: There was an internal error while unregistering the resource.
Action: Check the CRS daemon log file.
CRS-0215: Could not start resource '%s'.
Cause: There was an internal error while starting the resource.
Action: Check the CRS daemon log file.
CRS-0216: Could not stop resource '%s'.
Cause: There was an internal error while stopping the resource.
Action: Check the CRS daemon log file.
CRS-0217: Could not relocate resource '%s'.
Cause: There was an internal error while relocating the resource.
Action: Check the CRS daemon log file.
CRS-0218: Could not restart the resource '%s' on the original node.
Cause: There was an internal error while restarting the resource.
Action: Check the CRS daemon log file.
CRS-0219: Could not update resource '%s'.
Cause: There was an internal error while updating the resource.
Action: Check the CRS daemon log file.
CRS-0220: Resource '%s' has invalid resource profile.
Cause: Invalid attributes in the resource profile.
Action: Run crs_profile -validate to identify the invalid attributes.
CRS-0221: Resource '%s''s action script cannot be found.
Cause: The action script has been deleted from the file system.
Action: Run crs_stat -p to determine the action script location and to check for its existence.
CRS-0223: Resource '%s' has placement error.
Cause: There was no host available on which to failover/start the resource based on the Placement Policy for the resource.
Action: Check the target host for the resource and restart the resource using the crs_start command.
CRS-0230: Member '%s' is not in the cluster.
Cause: The hostname was not found in the cluster.
Action: Check the hostnames in the cluster.
CRS-0232: Cluster member is down. Cannot perform operation.
Cause: The node on which CRS is attempting to start the resource is down.
Action: Start the node and retry the operation.
CRS-0233: Resource or relatives are currently involved with another operation.
Cause: Another CRS daemon was operating on the same resource.
Action: Wait for a minute and try the command or operation again.
CRS-0253: CRS configuration error, the CRS default directory is not set in OCR.
Cause: The OCR key which contains the user default CRS key is not initialized.
Action: Check the CRS configuration. If necessary reinstall CRS.
CRS-0254: Authorization failure.
Cause: The user permissions were insufficient to operate on the resource.
Action: Check the permissions associated with the resource using crs_getperm.
CRS-0255: CRSD is not running in privileged mode. Insufficient permissions to run this command.
Cause: The CRS daemon was not running as the privileged user.
Action: Check if the CRS daemon is running as root (UNIX or Linux) or Administrator (Windows).
CRS-0256: Username conflicts with the owner of the resource.
Cause: An attempt was made to give separate user level permissions for the owner of the resource.
Action: Check the owner of the resource and the user being given permissions.
CRS-0257: Groupname conflicts with the primary group of the resource.
Cause: An attempt was made to give separate group level permissions for the primary group of the resource.
Action: Check the primary group of the resource and the group being given permissions.
CRS-0258: Invalid ACL string format.
Cause: CRS-258: Invalid ACL string format.
Action: Check the syntax of the permission string (ACL).
CRS-0259: Owner of the resource does not belong to the group.
Cause: The owner of the resource does not belong to the expected group.
Action: If this resource is owned by the root user, check if the root user belongs to the DBA group.
CRS-0402: Could not make safe dir('%s').
Cause: Unable to create safe directory('%s').
Action: Please check if you have proper permissions and sufficient space on the disk to create the directory.
CRS-0403: Could not chdir to safe dir('%s').
Cause: Unable to change directory to safe dir('%s').
Action: Please check if safe dir exists and if you have proper permissions.
CRS-0406: Could not create lock dir ('%s').
Cause: Unable to create lock directory ('%s')
Action: Please check if you have proper permissions and sufficient space on the disk to create the directory.
CRS-0407: Another CRSD may be running, could not obtain lock file '%s'.
Cause: Unable to obtain lock file as another CRSD may be running
Action: Please stop the existing CRSD before attempting to start CRSD again.
CRS-0413: Could not initialize the CSS context.
Cause: Unable to communicate with the cluster services.
Action: Verify that the CSS Daemon is properly configured and is running.
CRS-0414: Could not establish EVM connection.
Cause: Unable to communicate with EVM daemon.
Action: Run the 'crsctl check evmd' command to determine whether EVM daemon is properly configured and is running.
CRS-0451: CRS configuration error, unable to initialize OCR.
Cause: The OCR that contains information about the CRS configuration is unavailable.
Action: Check the CRS configuration. If necessary reinstall CRS.
CRS-0452: CRS configuration error, unable to find CRSD Connection Information in OCR.
Cause: The OCR key which contains the user default CRSD connection is not initialized.
Action: Check the CRS configuration. If necessary reinstall CRS.
CRS-0453: CRS configuration error, unable to find Instance Information in OCR.
Cause: The OCR key which contains the Instance's information is not initialized.
Action: Add the instance using srvctl.
CRS-0471: Node number is not found.
Cause: Cluster Services is unable to retrieve the node name.
Action: Verify your cluster installation, including any vendor cluster ware. If necessary reinstall the cluster.
CRS-0472: Node name is not found.
Cause: Cluster Services is unable to retrieve the node name.
Action: Verify your cluster installation, including any vendor cluster ware. If necessary reinstall the cluster.
CRS-1005: Failed to get required resources.
Cause: There was an internal error while evaluating the required resources for the subject resource.
Action: Check if the status of any resource is UNKONOWN using crs_stat -t.
CRS-1006: No more members to consider.
Cause: There was no host found on which to start the resource based on the placement policy.
Action: Check the placement policy and the required resources for the subject resource.
CRS-1007: Failed after successful dependency consideration.
Cause: There was no host found on which to start the resource based on the placement policy.
Action: Check the placement policy and the required resources for the subject resource.
CRS-1009: Resource '%s' is already running on member '%s'.
Cause: An attempt was made to start a resource on a host while it is already running on that host.
Action: This is an insignificant error. Check the operation being performed. 1011, 0, Trying to relocate to a dead member.
CRS-2001: User does not have permission to start CRSD.
Cause: Unable to start CRSD due to insufficient permissions.
Action: Start CRSD as a privileged user.
CRS-2007: Could not communicate with EVM.
Cause: Unable to communicate with EVM daemon.
Action: Run the 'crsctl check evmd' command to determine whether EVM daemon is properly configured and is running.