
Description of cluster_id.gif follows
Description of the illustration cluster_id.gif


Description of mining_attribute_clause.gif follows
Description of the illustration mining_attribute_clause.gif


This function is for use with clustering models that have been created using the DBMS_DATA_MINING package or with the Oracle Data Mining Java API. It returns the cluster identifier of the predicted cluster with the highest probability for the set of predictors specified in the mining_attribute_clause. The value returned is an Oracle NUMBER.

The mining_attribute_clause behaves as described for the PREDICTION function. Refer to mining_attribute_clause.

See Also:


The following example lists the clusters into which customers of a given dataset have been grouped.

This example, and the prerequisite data mining operations, including the creation of the dm_sh_clus_sample model and the dm_sh_sample_apply_prepared view, can be found in the demo file $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo/dmkmdemo.sql. General information on data mining demo files is available in Oracle Data Mining Administrator's Guide. The example is presented here to illustrate the syntactic use of the function.

SELECT CLUSTER_ID(km_sh_clus_sample USING *) AS clus, COUNT(*) AS cnt 
  FROM km_sh_sample_apply_prepared
GROUP BY CLUSTER_ID(km_sh_clus_sample USING *)

      CLUS        CNT
---------- ----------
         2        580
        10        199
         6        185
         8        115
        12         98
        16         82
        19         81
        15         68
        18         65
        14         27
10 rows selected.