

Description of last.gif follows
Description of the illustration last.gif

See Also:

"Analytic Functions" for information on syntax, semantics, and restrictions of the query_partitioning_clause


FIRST and LAST are very similar functions. Both are aggregate and analytic functions that operate on a set of values from a set of rows that rank as the FIRST or LAST with respect to a given sorting specification. If only one row ranks as FIRST or LAST, then the aggregate operates on the set with only one element.

This function takes as an argument any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. The function returns the same datatype as the numeric datatype of the argument.

See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion

Refer to FIRST for complete information on this function and for examples of its use.