G Setting Archive Tracing

The Oracle database uses the LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE parameter to enable and control the generation of comprehensive trace information for log archiving and redo transport activity. This tracing information is written to the Automatic Diagnostic Repository.

This appendix contains the following sections:

See Also:

Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information about the Automatic Diagnostic Repository

G.1 Setting the LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE Initialization Parameter

The format for the archiving trace parameter is as follows, where trace_level is an integer:


To enable, disable, or modify the LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE parameter for a physical standby database, issue a SQL statement similar to the following:


In the previous example, setting the LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE parameter to a value of 15 sets trace levels 1, 2, 4, and 8 as described in Section G.2.

Issue the ALTER SYSTEM statement from a different standby session so that it affects trace output generated by the remote file service (RFS) and ARCn processes when the next archived redo log file is received from the primary database. For example, enter:


G.2 Choosing an Integer Value

The integer values for the LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE parameter represent levels of tracing data. In general, the higher the level, the more detailed the information. The following integer levels are available:

Level Meaning
0 Disables archived redo log tracing (default setting)
1 Tracks archiving of log files
2 Tracks archive status by archive log file destination
4 Tracks archive operational phase
8 Tracks archive log destination activity
16 Tracks detailed archive log destination activity
32 Tracks archive log destination parameter modifications
64 Tracks ARCn process state activity
128 Tracks FAL server process activity
256 Tracks RFS Logical Client
512 Tracks LGWR redo shipping network activity
1024 Tracks RFS physical client
2048 Tracks RFS/ARCn ping heartbeat
4096 Tracks real-time apply activity
8192 Tracks Redo Apply activity (media recovery or physical standby)

You can combine tracing levels by setting the value of the LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE parameter to the sum of the individual levels. For example, setting the parameter to 6 generates level 2 and level 4 trace output.

The following are examples of the ARC0 trace data generated on the primary site by the archiving of log file 387 to two different destinations: the service standby1 and the local directory /oracle/dbs.


The level numbers do not appear in the actual trace output; they are shown here for clarification only.
Level   Corresponding entry content (sample) 
-----   -------------------------------- 
( 1)    ARC0: Begin archiving log# 1 seq# 387 thrd# 1 
( 4)    ARC0: VALIDATE 
( 4)    ARC0: PREPARE 
( 4)    ARC0: SPOOL 
( 8)    ARC0: Creating archive destination 2 : 'standby1' 
(16)    ARC0:  Issuing standby Create archive destination at 'standby1' 
( 8)    ARC0: Creating archive destination 1 : '/oracle/dbs/d1arc1_387.log' 
(16)    ARC0:  Archiving block 1 count 1 to : 'standby1' 
(16)    ARC0:  Issuing standby Archive of block 1 count 1 to 'standby1' 
(16)    ARC0:  Archiving block 1 count 1 to :  '/oracle/dbs/d1arc1_387.log' 
( 8)    ARC0: Closing archive destination 2  : standby1 
(16)    ARC0:  Issuing standby Close archive destination at 'standby1' 
( 8)    ARC0: Closing archive destination 1  :  /oracle/dbs/d1arc1_387.log 
( 4)    ARC0: FINISH 
( 2)    ARC0: Archival success destination 2 : 'standby1' 
( 2)    ARC0: Archival success destination 1 : '/oracle/dbs/d1arc1_387.log' 
( 4)    ARC0: COMPLETE, all destinations archived 
(16)    ARC0: ArchivedLog entry added: /oracle/dbs/d1arc1_387.log 
(16)    ARC0: ArchivedLog entry added: standby1 
( 4)    ARC0: ARCHIVED 
( 1)    ARC0: Completed archiving log# 1 seq# 387 thrd# 1 
(32)  Propagating archive 0 destination version 0 to version 2 
         Propagating archive 0 state version 0 to version 2 
         Propagating archive 1 destination version 0 to version 2 
         Propagating archive 1 state version 0 to version 2 
         Propagating archive 2 destination version 0 to version 1 
         Propagating archive 2 state version 0 to version 1 
         Propagating archive 3 destination version 0 to version 1 
         Propagating archive 3 state version 0 to version 1 
         Propagating archive 4 destination version 0 to version 1 
         Propagating archive 4 state version 0 to version 1 
        ARCH: invoking ARC0 
        ARC0: changing ARC0 KCRRSTART->KCRRACTIVE 
        ARCH: Initializing ARC0 
        ARCH: ARC0 invoked 
        ARC0 started with pid=8 
        ARC0: Archival started

The following is the trace data generated by the RFS process on the standby site as it receives archived redo log file 387 in directory /stby and applies it to the standby database:

level    trace output (sample) 
----    ------------------ 
( 4)      RFS: Startup received from ARCH pid 9272 
( 4)      RFS: Notifier 
( 4)      RFS: Attaching to standby instance 
( 1)      RFS: Begin archive log# 2 seq# 387 thrd# 1 
(32)      Propagating archive 5 destination version 0 to version 2 
(32)      Propagating archive 5 state version 0 to version 1 
( 8)      RFS: Creating archive destination file: /stby/parc1_387.log 
(16)      RFS:  Archiving block 1 count 11 
( 1)      RFS: Completed archive log# 2 seq# 387 thrd# 1 
( 8)      RFS: Closing archive destination file: /stby/parc1_387.log 
(16)      RFS: ArchivedLog entry added: /stby/parc1_387.log 
( 1)      RFS: Archivelog seq# 387 thrd# 1 available 04/02/99 09:40:53 
( 4)      RFS: Detaching from standby instance 
( 4)      RFS: Shutdown received from ARCH pid 9272