A Changed and Deprecated Features

This appendix describes the Data Guard broker features that were changed, deprecated, or made obsolete. This appendix provides the following sections:

A.1 Changed Features

This section contains information about Data Guard broker features that were changed:

A.1.1 General Features That Changed

The following sections list features that have changed:

A.1.1.1 Changed Features in Release 11.1

  • Changed database startup behavior.

    The Data Guard broker honors the startup option specified by the database administrator. This removes the current requirement that databases belonging in a Data Guard configuration only be mounted. Previously, a primary or a logical standby database would be opened even if the DBA had only mounted it, but this will no longer happen. This also means that Data Guard actions will not start taking place until the database is opened in the case of a primary or a logical standby database. The DBA must explicitly open the database.

  • Database States and descriptions have changed.

    See Table A-3, "Database State Name Changes in Release 11.1"

  • The ADD DATABASE CONNECT IDENTIFIER IS clause is now optional if a pre-existing standby is being added to the configuration.

A.1.1.2 Changed Features in Release 10.2

  • Changed failover behavior

    After failover to a logical standby database, the broker disables all standby databases in the configuration that were not directly involved in the failover. The disabled databases must be reenabled before they can serve as standby to the new primary database. Previously, failover to a logical standby database resulted in the broker disabling only physical standby databases.

  • Changed behavior for the DelayMins configurable database property

    When the DelayMins property is set to 0, log apply services apply redo data to the standby database as soon as possible, including using real-time apply if the standby database is configured with standby redo logs.

    Additionally, if you specified the DelayMins and RealTimeApply properties on your release 10.1 database, the delay behavior might change unexpectedly. This is due to the RealTimeApply property being deprecated in release 10.2

    For example, if your release 10.1 database had the DelayMins property set to a nonzero value and the RealTimeApply property set to YES, the delay setting was ignored because the real-time apply setting overrides any delay settings. However, because in release 10.2 the RealTimeApply property is deprecated, the release 10.2 database will no longer be affected by the RealTimeApply property and the application of redo according to the time specified by the DelayMins property may be unexpectedly delayed.

A.1.2 Changed Properties

The following sections list properties that have changed:

A.1.2.1 Changed Properties in Release 11.1

The following properties were changed in release 11.1:

Table A-1 Changed Properties in Release 11.1

Property Name Description of Change


This property has been changed to DGConnectIdentifier. The value of DGConnectIdentifier will be used for all Data Guard network traffic, all of the time.

When upgrading a 10g configuration to Oracle Database release 11.1, the InitialConnectIdentifier value will be retained as the new DGConnectIdentifier value for that database. Before the upgrade, you must ensure that the InitialConnectIdentifier will reach all instances if this is an Oracle RAC database.


This property has been changed to LsbyPreserveCommitOrder

A.1.2.2 Changed Properties in Release 10.2

The following properties were changed in release 10.2:

Table A-2 Changed Properties in Release 10.2

Property Name Description of Change


The default value has changed from 120 seconds to 0 seconds.

ApplyParallel (configurable property)

  • New default value is AUTO

  • Can no longer specify the number of processes to use for Redo Apply


Using this property is the preferred method for delaying the application of redo data to a standby database. If you set DelayMins property to 0:

  • Any previously configured DelayMins setting will be ignored.

  • The standby database will apply redo data as soon as possible, including using real-time apply if the standby database is configured with standby redo logs.

If you have more than one physical standby database in the configuration, Oracle recommends using Flashback Database after a failing over to a physical standby databases. You can use Flashback Database to reinstate any physical standby databases that were disabled but were not the target of the failover.


Range of valid values is now from 1 to 30 (was from 1 to 10)




The default value has changed from 30 seconds to 180 seconds.

A.1.3 Changed State Names

Table A-3 shows the database state names that changed in Release 11.1:

Table A-3 Database State Name Changes in Release 11.1

Database Type State Name Prior to Oracle Database 11.1 New State Name as of Oracle Database 11.1







Physical standby



Physical standby



Physical standby


NoneFoot 1 

Logical standby



Logical standby





NoneFoot 2 

Footnote 1 Prior to Release 11.1, the READ-ONLY state allowed a physical standby database to be opened read-only. In Release 11.1, this database state has been deprecated because a physical standby database can apply redo while opened read-only. Therefore this state change operation through the broker is no longer necessary.

Footnote 2 This database state has been deprecated. You can shut down a database using either the SQL*Plus SHUTDOWN command or the DGMGRL SHUTDOWN command.

A.1.4 Changed DGMGRL Features in Release 10.2

Data Guard command-line interface (DGMGRL) commands that changed in Oracle Database 10g (10.2) include:





A.2 Deprecated and Obsolete Features

The following sections list features that have been deprecated or made obsolete:

A.2.1 Deprecated and Obsolete Features in Release 11.1

This section contains information about Data Guard broker features that were deprecated or are obsolete.

  • Deprecated database properties include:

    • LocalListenerAddress

    • The READ-ONLY state for physical standby databases has been deprecated

    • The OFFLINE and ONLINE states have been deprecated

  • The ADD DATABASE ... MAINTAINED AS {PHYSICAL|LOGICAL} statement is deprecated. Specifically, the MAINTAINED AS clause of ADD DATABASE command is deprecated. The broker now automatically finds out the standby database type.

A.2.1.1 Deprecated and Obsolete Properties in Release 11.1

Table A-4 Deprecated and Obsolete Properties in Release 11.1

Deprecated Property Replacement Property (if any)



A.2.2 Deprecated and Obsolete Features in Release 10.2

This section contains information about Data Guard broker features that were deprecated or are obsolete.

A.2.2.1 Deprecated and Obsolete Properties in Release 10.2

Table A-5 Deprecated and Obsolete Properties in Release 10.2

Deprecated Property Replacement Property (if any)


No replacement.


Set the DelayMins property to zero (0).


None. Specifying the number of blocks is no longer necessary. The transport mode is determined automatically by redo transport services, based on the protection mode defined for the Data Guard configuration.


Set the DelayMins property to zero (0).