V$BUFFERED_QUEUES displays information about all buffered queues in the instance. There is one row per queue.

Column Datatype Description
QUEUE_ID NUMBER Identifier for the queue
QUEUE_SCHEMA VARCHAR2(30) Owner of the queue
QUEUE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Name of the queue
NUM_MSGS NUMBER Total number of messages currently in the buffered queue
SPILL_MSGS NUMBER Current number of overflow messages spilled to disk from the buffered queue
CNUM_MSGS NUMBER Cumulative total number of messages enqueued into the buffered queue since the database last started
CSPILL_MSGS NUMBER Cumulative total number of overflow messages spilled to disk from the buffered queue since the database last started
EXPIRED_MSGS NUMBER Number of expired messages
QUEUE_STATE VARCHAR2(25) Indicates whether the queue is in recovery mode (QUEUE IS IN RECOVERY MODE) or not (NORMAL)