V$DATABASE displays information about the database from the control file.

Column Datatype Description
DBID NUMBER Database identifier calculated when the database is created and stored in all file headers
NAME VARCHAR2(9) Name of the database
CREATED DATE Creation date of the database
RESETLOGS_CHANGE# NUMBER System change number (SCN) at open resetlogs
RESETLOGS_TIME DATE Timestamp of open resetlogs
PRIOR_RESETLOGS_TIME DATE Timestamp of prior resetlogs
LOG_MODE VARCHAR2(12) Archive log mode:



ARCHIVE_CHANGE# NUMBER Database force archiving SCN. Any redo log with a start SCN below this will be forced to archive out.
CONTROLFILE_TYPE VARCHAR2(7) Type of control file:
  • STANDBY - Indicates that the database is in standby mode

  • CLONE - Indicates a clone database

  • BACKUP | CREATED - Indicates the database is being recovered using a backup or created control file

  • CURRENT - database is available for general use

CONTROLFILE_CREATED DATE Creation date of the control file
CONTROLFILE_SEQUENCE# NUMBER Control file sequence number incremented by control file transactions
CONTROLFILE_CHANGE# NUMBER Last SCN in backup control file; null if the control file is not a backup
CONTROLFILE_TIME DATE Last timestamp in backup control file; null if the control file is not a backup
OPEN_RESETLOGS VARCHAR2(11) (NOT ALLOWED | ALLOWED | REQUIRED) Indicates whether the next database open allows or requires the resetlogs option
OPEN_MODE VARCHAR2(10) Open mode information:



PROTECTION_MODE VARCHAR2(20) Protection mode currently in effect for the database:
  • MAXIMUM PROTECTION - Database is running in maximized protection mode

  • MAXIMUM AVAILABILITY - Database is running in maximized availability mode

  • RESYNCHRONIZATION - Database is running in resynchronization mode

  • MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE - Database is running in maximized protection mode

  • UNPROTECTED - Database is unprotected (this normally occurs when the primary database is mounted and not open)

PROTECTION_LEVEL VARCHAR2(20) Aggregated protection mode currently in effect for the database:
  • MAXIMUM PROTECTION - Database is running in maximized protection mode

  • MAXIMUM AVAILABILITY - Database is running in maximized availability mode

  • RESYNCHRONIZATION - Database is running in resynchronization mode

  • MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE - Database is running in maximized protection mode

  • UNPROTECTED - Database is unprotected (this normally occurs when the primary database is mounted and not open)

Note: This column is an aggregation of the PROTECTION_MODE of all standby archive log destinations.

REMOTE_ARCHIVE VARCHAR2(8) Value of the REMOTE_ARCHIVE_ENABLE initialization parameter
ACTIVATION# NUMBER Number assigned to the database instantiation
SWITCHOVER# NUMBER Number assigned to the database switchover
DATABASE_ROLE VARCHAR2(16) Current role of the database:




ARCHIVELOG_CHANGE# NUMBER Highest NEXT_CHANGE# (from the V$ARCHIVED_LOG view) for an archive log
ARCHIVELOG_COMPRESSION VARCHAR2(8) Status of the archive log compression (ENABLED) or (DISABLED)
SWITCHOVER_STATUS VARCHAR2(20) Indicates whether switchover is allowed:
  • NOT ALLOWED - Either this is a standby database and the primary database has not been switched first or this is a primary database and there are no standby databases.

  • SESSIONS ACTIVE - Indicates that there are active SQL sessions attached to the primary or standby database that need to be disconnected before the switchover operation is permitted. Query the V$SESSION view to identify the specific processes that need to be terminated.

  • SWITCHOVER PENDING - This is a standby database and the primary database switchover request has been received but not processed.

  • SWITCHOVER LATENT - The switchover was in pending mode, but did not complete and went back to the primary database.

  • TO PRIMARY - This is a standby database and is allowed to switch over to a primary database.

  • TO STANDBY - This is a primary database and is allowed to switch over to a standby database.

  • RECOVERY NEEDED - This is a standby database that has not received the switchover request.

  • PREPARING SWITCHOVER - Either this is a primary database that is accepting redo data from a logical standby database in preparation for switch over to the logical standby database role, or it is a logical standby database sending redo data to a primary database and other standby databases in preparation for switch over to the primary database role. In the latter case, a completed dictionary has already been sent to the primary database and other standby databases.

  • PREPARING DICTIONARY - This is a logical standby database that is sending redo data to a primary database and other standby databases in the configuration in preparation for switch over to the primary database role.

  • TO LOGICAL STANDBY - This is a primary database that has received a complete dictionary from a logical standby database.

DATAGUARD_BROKER VARCHAR2(8) Indicates whether the Data Guard configuration is being managed by the broker (ENABLED) or not (DISABLED)
GUARD_STATUS VARCHAR2(7) Protects data from being changed:
  • ALL - Indicates all users other than SYS are prevented from making changes to any data in the database.

  • STANDBY - Indicates all users other than SYS are prevented from making changes to any database object being maintained by logical standby.

  • NONE - Indicates normal security for all data in the database.

SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_MIN VARCHAR2(8) Ensures that LogMiner (and any products building on LogMiner technology) will have sufficient information to support chained rows and various storage arrangements such as cluster tables:
  • NO - None of the database-wide supplemental logging directives are enabled

  • IMPLICIT - Minimal supplemental logging is enabled because all or a combination of primary key, unique key, and foreign key supplemental logging is enabled

  • YES - Minimal supplemental logging is enabled through an ALTER DATABASE ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG DATA statement

See Also: Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for additional information about the ALTER DATABASE ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG DATA statement

SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_PK VARCHAR2(3) For all tables with a primary key, indicates whether all columns of the primary key are placed into the redo log whenever an update is performed (YES) or not (NO)

See Also: Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for more information about the ALTER DATABASE ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG supplemental_id_key_clause statement

SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_UI VARCHAR2(3) For all tables with a unique key, indicates whether all other columns belonging to the unique key are placed into the redo log if any of the unique key columns are modified (YES) or not (NO)

See Also: Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for more information about the ALTER DATABASE ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG supplemental_id_key_clause statement

FORCE_LOGGING VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the database is under force logging mode (YES) or not (NO)
PLATFORM_ID NUMBER Platform identification number of the database
PLATFORM_NAME VARCHAR2(101) Platform name of the database
RECOVERY_TARGET_INCARNATION# NUMBER Incarnation number where all datafiles are recovered by the RECOVER DATABASE command
LAST_OPEN_INCARNATION# NUMBER Record number of the incarnation in V$DATABASE_INCARNATION that was last opened successfully
CURRENT_SCN NUMBER Current SCN; null if the database is not currently open. For a standby database, the current standby redo application SCN.
FLASHBACK_ON VARCHAR2(18) Possible values are as follows:
  • YES - Flashback is on

  • NO - Flashback is off

  • RESTORE POINT ONLY - Flashback is on but one can only flashback to guaranteed restore points

SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_FK VARCHAR2(3) For all tables with a foreign key, indicates whether all other columns belonging to the foreign key are placed into the redo log if any foreign key columns are modified (YES) or not (NO)

See Also: Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for more information about the ALTER DATABASE ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG supplemental_id_key_clause statement

SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_ALL VARCHAR2(3) For all columns, indicates whether all the fixed-length maximum size columns of that row are placed into the redo log (YES) or not (NO)

See Also: Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for more information about the ALTER DATABASE ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG supplemental_id_key_clause statement

DB_UNIQUE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Unique database name
STANDBY_BECAME_PRIMARY_SCN NUMBER SCN at which a physical standby database became a primary database. This SCN is useful for converting a failed primary database into a physical standby database after a forced failover.

See Also: Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administration

FS_FAILOVER_STATUS VARCHAR2(21) Fast-start failover status:













See Also: Oracle Data Guard Broker for detailed descriptions of these values

FS_FAILOVER_CURRENT_TARGET VARCHAR2(30) DB_UNIQUE_NAME of the standby that is the current FSFO target standby for the Data Guard configuration
FS_FAILOVER_THRESHOLD NUMBER Time (in seconds) that the observer will attempt to reconnect with a disconnected primary before attempting FSFO with the target standby
FS_FAILOVER_OBSERVER_PRESENT VARCHAR2(7) Indicates whether the observer is currently connected to the local database (YES) or not (NO)

Note: This column is consistent throughout an Oracle RAC environment; that is, if the observer is connected to any instance, then all instances will show a value of YES.

FS_FAILOVER_OBSERVER_HOST VARCHAR2(512) Machine name that is currently hosting the observer process
PRIMARY_DB_UNIQUE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) For any Standby database (Physical, Logical, or Reporting), this column will contain the DB_UNIQUE_NAME of the Primary database that this Standby last received current redo from.

If this standby has not received any current redo since last being started, then this column will be null.

For a Primary database that had previously been a Standby, this column will contain the DB_UNIQUE_NAME of the last Primary that this database received current redo from while acting as a Standby.

For a Primary database that has never been a Standby, this column will be null.

MIN_REQUIRED_CAPTURE_CHANGE# VARCHAR2(40) Minimum REQUIRED_CHECKPOINT_SCN for all local capture processes on the database