ALL_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS displays information about the running Scheduler jobs accessible to the current user.

Related Views

  • DBA_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS displays information about all running Scheduler jobs in the database.

  • USER_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS displays information about the running Scheduler jobs owned by the current user. This view does not display the OWNER column.

Column Datatype NULL Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the running Scheduler job
JOB_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the running Scheduler job
JOB_SUBNAME VARCHAR2(30)   Subname of the running Scheduler job (for a job running a chain step)
JOB_STYLE VARCHAR2(11)   Job style:


DETACHED VARCHAR2(5)   Indicates whether the detached attribute is set for the job (TRUE) or not (FALSE). If the detached attribute is set, then the job will remain running even after the job action has completed.
SESSION_ID NUMBER   Identifier of the session running the Scheduler job
SLAVE_PROCESS_ID NUMBER   Process number of the slave process running the Scheduler job
SLAVE_OS_PROCESS_ID VARCHAR2(12)   Process number of the operating system slave process running the scheduler job
RUNNING_INSTANCE NUMBER   Database instance number of the slave process running the Scheduler job
RESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUP VARCHAR2(32)   Resource consumer group of the session in which the Scheduler job is running
ELAPSED_TIME INTERVAL DAY(3) TO SECOND(2)   Elapsed time since the Scheduler job was started
CPU_USED INTERVAL DAY(3) TO SECOND(2)   CPU time consumed by the running Scheduler job, if available