23 Replication Catalog Views

When you install replication capabilities at a site, Oracle installs the replication catalog, which consists of tables and views, at that site.

This chapter contains this topic:


Do not modify the replication catalog tables directly. Instead, use the procedures provided in the DBMS_REPCAT package.

Summary of Replication Catalog Views

Many data dictionary tables have three corresponding views:

  • An ALL_ view displays all the information accessible to the current user, including information from the current user's schema as well as information from objects in other schemas, if the current user has access to those objects by way of grants of privileges or roles.

  • A DBA_ view displays all relevant information in the entire database. DBA_ views are intended only for administrators. They can be accessed only by users with the SELECT ANY TABLE privilege. This privilege is assigned to the DBA role when Oracle is initially installed.

  • A USER_ view displays all the information from the schema of the current user. No special privileges are required to query these views.

The columns of the ALL_, DBA_, and USER_ views corresponding to a single data dictionary table are usually nearly identical. Therefore, these views are described in full only once in this chapter (for the ALL_ view). The views are listed without the full description for DBA_ and USER_ views, but differences are noted.

As shown in Figure 23-1, the replication catalog views are used by master sites and materialized view sites to determine such information as what objects are being replicated, where they are being replicated, and if any errors have occurred during replication. Table 23-1 lists all of the replication catalog views.

Figure 23-1 Replication Catalog Views and Replicated Objects

Description of Figure 23-1 follows
Description of "Figure 23-1 Replication Catalog Views and Replicated Objects"

Table 23-1 Replication Catalog Views

ALL_ Views DBA_ Views USER_ Views

























































































DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEW_GROUPS lists all the registered materialized view groups at the master site or master materialized view site.

Column Data Type NULL Description
NAME VARCHAR2(30) - Name of the materialized view replication group
MVIEW_SITE VARCHAR2(128) - Site of the materialized view replication group
GROUP_COMMENT VARCHAR2(80) - Description of the materialized view replication group
VERSION VARCHAR2(8) - Oracle version of the materialized view replication group

Note: Oracle9i Database or later materialized view groups show Oracle8.

FNAME VARCHAR2(30) - Name of the flavor of the materialized view group
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) - Owner of the materialized view replication group


Contains global information about each deployment template accessible to the current user, such as the template name, template owner, what refresh group the template objects belong to, and the type of template (private or public).

When the DBA adds materialized view definitions to the template container, the DBA references the appropriate REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME. Any materialized views added to a specific template are added to the refresh group specified in REFRESH_GROUP_NAME.

Furthermore, deployment templates created as public are available to all users who can connect to the master site. Deployment templates created as private are limited to those users listed in the ALL_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS view.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES describes all deployment templates in the database.

  • USER_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES describes all deployment templates owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) - Name of the deployment template.
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) - Owner of the deployment template.
REFRESH_GROUP_NAME VARCHAR2(30) - Name of the refresh group to which the template objects are added during the instantiation process.
TEMPLATE_COMMENT VARCHAR2(2000) - User supplied comment.
PUBLIC_TEMPLATE VARCHAR2(1) - If Y then the deployment template is public.

If N then the deployment template is private.


Contains the individual object definitions that are contained in each deployment template accessible to the current user. Individual objects are added to a template by specifying the target template in REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME.

DDL_TEXT can contain variables to create parameterized templates. Variables are created by placing a colon (:) at the beginning of the variable name (for example, :region). Templates that use parameters allow for greater flexibility during the template instantiation process (that is, in defining data sets specific for a materialized view site).

When the object is added to the template, the specified DDL is examined and if any parameters have been defined, Oracle automatically adds the parameter to the ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS view.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS describes the object definitions for all deployment templates in the database.

  • USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS describes the object definitions for each deployment template owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the deployment template.
OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the deployment template object.
OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2(17) - The object type of the deployment template object:
INDEX              SYNONYM
PACKAGE            TYPE
DDL_NUM NUMBER NOT NULL Indicates the order in which to execute the DDL statements stored in the DDL_TEXT column when multiple DDL statements are used to create the object.
DDL_TEXT CLOB(4000) - The DDL that is executed to create the deployment template object.
MASTER_ROLLBACK_SEGMENT VARCHAR2(30) - The name of the rollback segment that is used during the instantiation of the deployment template object.
DERIVED_FROM_SNAME VARCHAR2(30) - If applicable, displays the schema that contains the object from which the template object was created.
DERIVED_FROM_ONAME VARCHAR2(30) - If applicable, displays the name of the object from which the template object was created.
FLAVOR_ID NUMBER - The flavor ID of the deployment template object.

Because the DDL_TEXT column is defined as a CLOB, you receive an error if you simply try to perform a SELECT on the ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS view. If you do not need to see the object DDL, then use the following select statement (be sure to exclude the DDL_TEXT parameter):


The following script uses cursors and the DBMS_LOB package to view the entire contents of the ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS view. Use this script to view the entire contents of the ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS view, including the DDL_TEXT column:


  CURSOR mycursor IS
  tempstring VARCHAR2(1000);
  len NUMBER;
  FOR myrec IN mycursor LOOP
        len := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(myrec.ddl_text);
        DBMS_LOB.READ(myrec.ddl_text, len, 1, tempstring);
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(myrec.refresh_template_name||' '||
          myrec.object_name||' '||myrec.object_type||' '||tempstring||' '||
          myrec.master_rollback_seg||' '||myrec.flavor_id);

See Also:

Oracle Database Advanced Application Developer's Guide for more information about using cursors. Also, see Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide for more information about using the DBMS_LOB package and LOBs in general.


Contains parameters defined in the object DDL for all templates accessible to the current user. When an object is added to a template, the DDL is examined for variables. Any found parameters are automatically added to this view.

You can also define default parameter values and a prompt string in this view. These can make the templates easier to use during the instantiation process.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS describes the template parameters for all deployment templates in the database.

  • USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS describes the template parameters for all deployment templates owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the deployment template.
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The owner of the deployment template.
REFRESH_GROUP_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the refresh group to which the template objects are added to during the instantiation process.
TEMPLATE_COMMENTS VARCHAR2(2000) - User specified comments.
PUBLIC_TEMPLATE VARCHAR2(1) - If Y then the deployment template is public.

If N then the deployment template is private.

PARAMETER_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the parameter.
DEFAULT_PARM_VALUE CLOB(4000) - The default parameter value.
PROMPT_STRING VARCHAR2(2000) - The prompt string for the parameter.
USER_OVERRIDE VARCHAR2(1) - If Y then the user can override the default parameter value.

If N then the user cannot override the default parameter value.

Because the DEFAULT_PARM_VALUE column is defined as a CLOB, you receive an error if you simply try to perform a SELECT on the ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS view. If you do not need to see the default parameter value, then use the following select statement (be sure to exclude DEFAULT_PARM_VALUE):


The following script uses cursors and the DBMS_LOB package to view the entire contents of the ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS view. Use this script to view the entire contents of the ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS view, including the DEFAULT_PARM_VALUE column:


  CURSOR mycursor IS
  tempstring VARCHAR2(1000);
  len NUMBER;
  FOR myrec IN mycursor LOOP
        len := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(myrec.default_parm_value);
        DBMS_LOB.READ(myrec.default_parm_value, len, 1, tempstring);
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(myrec.refresh_template_name||' '||
          myrec.owner||' '||myrec.refresh_group_name||' '||
          myrec.template_comment||' '||myrec.public_template||' '||
          myrec.parameter_name||' '||tempstring||' '||myrec.prompt_string||' '||

See Also:

Oracle Database Advanced Application Developer's Guide for more information about using cursors. Also, see Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide for more information about using the DBMS_LOB package and LOBs in general.


Contains information about the current status of template instantiation among the sites of an enterprise network. This view contains information about instantiation sites for deployment templates that are accessible to the current user. Specifically, the DBA can monitor the installation and deletion of templates at specific sites.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_SITES describes all remote instantiation sites for all templates in the database.

  • USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_SITES describes remote instantiation sites for all templates owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the deployment template.
REFRESH_GROUP_NAME VARCHAR2(30) - Name of the refresh group to which template objects are added during the instantiation process.
TEMPLATE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) - Name of the user who is considered the owner of the deployment template.
USER_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the user who instantiated the deployment template.
SITE_NAME VARCHAR2(128) - Target materialized view site of the deployment template.
REPAPI_SITE_NAME VARCHAR2(128) - This column is intended for use in a future release of Oracle.
STATUS VARCHAR2(10) - Displays the status of the deployment template at the target materialized view site:

0 = Not Installed

1 = Installed

-1 = Installed with errors

INSTANTIATION_DATE DATE - Displays when the template was instantiated. Is NULL if the template has not yet been instantiated.


Lists the authorized users for private deployment templates accessible to the current user. Users listed in this view have the ability to instantiate the specified template. Users not listed in this view cannot instantiate the deployment template.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS lists the authorized users for all the private deployment templates in the database.

  • USER_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATION lists the authorized users for private deployment templates owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the deployment template that a user has been authorized to instantiate.
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the owner of the deployment template.
REFRESH_GROUP_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the refresh group to which template objects are added during the instantiation process.
TEMPLATE_COMMENT VARCHAR2(2000) - User specified comment.
PUBLIC_TEMPLATE VARCHAR2(1) - If Y then the deployment template is public.

If N then the deployment template is private.

USER_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the user who has been authorized to instantiate the deployment template.


This view describes the template parameters for all deployment templates accessible to the current user. The DBA has the option of building a table of user parameters prior to distributing the template for instantiation. When a template is instantiated by a specified user, the values stored in the ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES view for the specified user are used automatically.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES describes the template parameters for all deployment templates in the database.

  • USER_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES describes the template parameters for all deployment templates owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the deployment template for which a user parameter value has been defined.
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the owner of the deployment template.
REFRESH_GROUP_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the refresh group to which the template objects are added to during the instantiation process.
TEMPATE_COMMENT VARCHAR2(2000) - User specified comment.
PUBLIC_TEMPLATE VARCHAR2(1) - If Y then the deployment template is public.

If N then the deployment template is private.

PARAMETER_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the parameter for which a user parameter value has been defined.
DEFAULT_PARM_VALUE CLOB(4000) - The default value for the parameter.
PROMPT_STRING VARCHAR2(2000) - The prompt string for the parameter.
PARM_VALUE CLOB(4000) - The parameter value that has been defined for the specified user.
USER_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The user name of the user for whom the specified parameter value has been defined.

Because DEFAULT_PARM_VALUE and PARM_VALUE columns are defined as CLOB data types, you receive an error if you simply try to perform a SELECT on the ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES view. If you do not need to see the default or user parameter values, then use the following select statement (be sure to exclude DEFAULT_PARM_VALUE and PARM_VALUE):


The following script uses cursors and the DBMS_LOB package to view the entire contents of the ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES view. Use this script to view the entire contents of the ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS view, including the DEFAULT_PARM_VALUE and PARM_VALUE columns:


  CURSOR mycursor IS
  tempstring VARCHAR2(1000);
  tempstring2 varchar2(1000);
  len NUMBER;
  FOR myrec IN mycursor LOOP
        len := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(myrec.default_parm_value);
        DBMS_LOB.READ(myrec.default_parm_value, len, 1, tempstring);
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(myrec.refresh_template_name||' '||
          myrec.owner||' '||myrec.refresh_group_name||' '||
          myrec.template_comment||' '||myrec.public_template||' '||
          myrec.parameter_name||' '||tempstring||' '||myrec.prompt_string||' '||
          tempstring2||' '||myrec.user_name);

See Also:

Oracle Database Advanced Application Developer's Guide for more information about using cursors. Also, see Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide for more information about using the DBMS_LOB package and LOBs in general.


Contains the interim status of any asynchronous administrative requests and any error messages generated at each master site. All messages encountered while executing a request are eventually transferred to the ALL_REPCATLOG view at the master site that originated the request. If an administrative request completes without error, then ultimately all traces of this request are removed from the ALL_REPCATLOG view. This view contains administrative requests and error messages that are accessible to the current user.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPCATLOG describes the status for all asynchronous administrative requests and all error messages in the database.

  • USER_REPCATLOG describes the status for all asynchronous administrative requests and all error messages owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
ID NUMBER - A sequence number. Together, the ID and SOURCE columns identify all log records at all master sites that pertain to a single administrative request.
SOURCE VARCHAR2(128) - Location where the request originated.
USERID VARCHAR2(30) - Name of the user making the request.
TIMESTAMP DATE - When the request was made.
ROLE VARCHAR2(9) - Indicates if site is the master definition site (masterdef) or a master site (master).
MASTER VARCHAR2(128) - If the role is 'masterdef' and the task is remote, then indicates which master site is performing the task.
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) - The name of the schema for the replicated object, if applicable.
REQUEST VARCHAR2(29) - The name of the DBMS_REPCAT administrative procedure that was run.
ONAME VARCHAR2(30) - The name of the replicated object, if applicable.
TYPE VARCHAR2(12) - The type of replicated object:
INDEX              SYNONYM
PACKAGE            TYPE
STATUS VARCHAR2(14) - The status of the administrative request: READY, DO_CALLBACK, AWAIT_CALLBACK, or ERROR.
MESSAGE VARCHAR2(200) - Any error message that has been returned.
ERRNUM NUMBER - The Oracle error number for the message.
GNAME VARCHAR2(30) - The name of the replication group.


Lists the replicated columns for the tables accessible to the current user.

If the table contains a column object, then this view displays a placeholder for the type and one row for each type attribute. If the table contains a nested table, then this view displays the storage table for the nested table as an independent table. If a table is an object table, then this view displays the hidden object identifier column.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPCOLUMN describes the replicated columns for all the tables in the database.

  • USER_REPCOLUMN describes the replicated columns for all the tables owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the object owner.
ONAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the object.
TYPE VARCHAR2(8) - The type of the object, either MATERIALIZED VIEW or TABLE.
CNAME VARCHAR2(4000) - The name of the replicated column.
ID NUMBER - The ID number of the replicated column.
POS NUMBER - The ordering of the replicated column.
COMPARE_OLD_ON_DELETE VARCHAR2(1) - Indicates whether Oracle compares the old value of the column in replicated deletes.
COMPARE_OLD_ON_UPDATE VARCHAR2(1) - Indicates whether Oracle compares the old value of the column in replicated updates.
SEND_OLD_ON_DELETE VARCHAR2(1) - Indicates whether Oracle sends the old value of the column in replicated deletes.
SEND_OLD_ON_UPDATE VARCHAR2(1) - Indicates whether Oracle sends the old value of the column in replicated updates.
CTYPE VARCHAR2(30) - Displays the column type. For user-defined types, displays the user-defined type name.
CTYPE_TOID RAW(16) - If user-defined type, displays the object identifier (OID) of the type. Otherwise, this field is NULL.
CTYPE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) - If user-defined type, displays the owner of a user-defined type. Otherwise, this field is NULL.
CTYPE_HASHCODE VARCHAR2(34) - If user-defined type, displays the type's hashcode. Otherwise, this field is NULL.
CTYPE_MOD VARCHAR2(3) - Displays REF for REF columns. Otherwise, this field is NULL.
DATA_LENGTH VARCHAR2(40) - Displays the length of the column in bytes.
DATA_PRECISION VARCHAR2(40) - Displays the column precision in terms of decimal digits for NUMBER columns or binary digits for FLOAT columns.
DATA_SCALE VARCHAR2(40) - Displays the digits to right of decimal point in a number.
NULLABLE VARCHAR2(1) - Indicates if the column allow NULL values.
CHARACTER_SET_NAME VARCHAR2(44) - If applicable, displays the name of character set for the column.
TOP VARCHAR2(30) - Displays the top column for an attribute in a column object. For example, in the oe.customers table, cust_address is a column object and street_address is one of its attributes. For the street_address attribute, cust_address is the TOP column.

For built-in data types, this field is NULL

CHAR_LENGTH NUMBER - Displays the length of the column in characters. This value only applies to the following data types:
  • CHAR




CHAR_USED VARCHAR2(1) - B indicates that the column uses BYTE length semantics. C indicates that the column uses CHAR length semantics. NULL indicates that the data type is not any of the following:
  • CHAR





Describes the column groups for each replicated table accessible to the current user.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPCOLUMN_GROUP describes the column groups for all the tables in the database.

  • USER_REPCOLUMN_GROUP describes the column groups for all the tables owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the schema containing the replicated table.
ONAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the replicated table.
GROUP_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The column group name.
GROUP_COMMENT VARCHAR2(80) - Any user-supplied comments.


The SNAME column is not present in the USER_REPCOLUMN_GROUP view.


Contains the name of each table accessible to the current user for which a conflict resolution method has been defined and the type of conflict that the method is used to resolve.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPCONFLICT describes the conflict resolution method for all the tables in the database on which a conflict resolution method has been defined.

  • USER_REPCONFLICT describes the conflict resolution method for all the tables owned by the current user on which a conflict resolution method has been defined.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the schema containing the replicated table.
ONAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the table for which a conflict resolution method has been defined.
CONFLICT_TYPE VARCHAR2(10) - The type of conflict that the conflict resolution method is used to resolve: delete, uniqueness, or update.
REFERENCE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The object to which the method applies. For delete conflicts, this is the table name. For uniqueness conflicts, this is the constraint name. For update conflicts, this is the column group name.


The SNAME column is not present in the USER_REPCONFLICT view.


Contains the DDL for each replication object accessible to the current user.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPDDL contains the DDL for each replicated object in the database.

  • USER_REPDDL contains the DDL for each replicated object owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
LOG_ID NUMBER - Identifying number of the ALL_REPCATLOG record.
SOURCE VARCHAR2(128) - Name of the database at which the request originated.
ROLE VARCHAR2(1) - If Y then this database is the master definition site (masterdef) for the request.

If N then this database is a master site.

MASTER VARCHAR2(128) - Name of the database that processes this request.
LINE NUMBER(38) - Ordering of records within a single request.
TEXT VARCHAR2(2000) - Portion of an argument or DDL text.
DDL_NUM NUMBER(38) - Indicates the order in which to execute the DDL statements stored in the TEXT column when multiple DDL statements are used.


Describes each object accessible to the current user that was generated to support replication.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPGENOBJECTS describes each object in the database that was generated to support replication.

  • USER_REPGENOBJECTS describes each object owned by the current user that was generated to support replication.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) - The name of the replicated schema.
ONAME VARCHAR2(30) - The name of the generated object.
TYPE VARCHAR2(12) - The type of the generated object, either PACKAGE, PACKAGE BODY, TRIGGER, or INTERNAL PACKAGE.
BASE_SNAME VARCHAR2(30) - The base object's owner.
BASE_ONAME VARCHAR2(30) - The object for which this object was generated.
BASE_TYPE VARCHAR2(12) - The type of the base object.
PACKAGE_PREFIX VARCHAR2(30) - The prefix for the package wrapper.
PROCEDURE_PREFIX VARCHAR2(30) - The procedure prefix for the package wrapper.
DISTRIBUTED VARCHAR2(1) - This column is obsolete.
REASON VARCHAR2(30) - The reason the object was generated.


Describes all of the replication groups that are accessible to the current user. The members of each replication group are listed in a different view: ALL_REPOBJECT.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPGROUP describes all of the replication groups in the database that are being replicated.

  • USER_REPGROUP describes all of the replication groups owned by the current user that are being replicated.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the replicated schema. This column is obsolete.
MASTER VARCHAR2(1) - Y indicates that the current site is a master site.

N indicates the current site is a materialized view site.

STATUS VARCHAR2(9) - Used at master sites only. Status can be: normal, quiescing, or quiesced.
SCHEMA_COMMENT VARCHAR2(80) - Any user-supplied comments.
GNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the replication group.
FNAME VARCHAR2(30) - Flavor name.
RPC_PROCESSING_DISABLED VARCHAR2(1) - N indicates that this site can receive and apply deferred remote procedure calls (RPCs).

Y indicates that this site cannot receive and apply deferred remote procedure calls (RPCs).

OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the replication group.


Contains information about the users who are registered for privileges in replication groups. Shows only those replication groups accessible to the current user.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES contains information about the users who are registered for privileges in all the replication groups in the database.

  • USER_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES contains information about the users who are registered for privileges in the replication groups owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
USERNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Displays the name of the user.
GNAME VARCHAR2(30) - Displays the name of the replication group.
CREATED DATE NOT NULL Displays the date that the replication group was registered.
RECEIVER VARCHAR2(1) - Indicates whether the user has receiver privileges.
PROXY_SNAPADMIN VARCHAR2(1) - Indicates whether the user has proxy_snapadmin privileges.
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) - Owner of the replication group.


Describes all of the columns that make up the column groups for each table accessible to the current user.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPGROUPED_COLUMN describes all of the columns that make up the column groups for each table in the database.

  • USER_REPGROUPED_COLUMN describes all of the columns that make up the column groups for each table owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the schema containing the replicated table.
ONAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the replicated table.
GROUP_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the column group.
COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the column in the column group.


The SNAME column is not present in the USER_REPGROUPED_COLUMN version of the view.


Describes the replication key column(s) accessible to the current user in each table.

The replication key column(s) is an alternate column or group of columns, instead of the primary key, used to determine which columns of a table to compare when using row-level replication. You can set the replication key columns using the SET_COLUMNS procedure in the DBMS_REPCAT package.

The following types of columns cannot be replication key columns:

  • LOB or LOB attribute of a column object

  • Collection or collection attribute of a column object

  • REF

  • An entire column object

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPKEY_COLUMNS describes the replication key column(s) in each table in the database.

  • USER_REPKEY_COLUMNS describes the replication key column(s) in each table owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the replicated table.
ONAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the replicated table.
COL VARCHAR2(4000) - Replication key column(s) in the table.


Contains information about the objects in each replication group accessible to the current user. An object can belong to only one replication group. A replication group can span multiple schemas.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPOBJECT contains information about the objects in each replication group in the database.

  • USER_REPOBJECT contains information about the objects owned by the current user in each replication group.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) - The name of the schema containing the replicated object.
ONAME VARCHAR2(30) - The name of the replicated object.
TYPE VARCHAR2(16) - The type of replicated object:
INDEX              SYNONYM
PACKAGE            TYPE
STATUS VARCHAR2(10) - CREATE indicates that Oracle is applying user supplied or Oracle-generated DDL to the local database in an attempt to create the object locally. When a local replica exists, Oracle COMPAREs the replica with the master definition to ensure that they are consistent. When creation or comparison complete successfully, Oracle updates the status to VALID. Otherwise, it updates the status to ERROR. If you drop an object, then Oracle updates its status to DROPPED before deleting the row from the ALL_REPOBJECT view.
GENERATION_STATUS VARCHAR2(9) - Specifies whether the object needs to generate replication packages.
ID NUMBER - The identifier of the local database object, if one exists.
OBJECT_COMMENT VARCHAR2(80) - Any user supplied comments.
GNAME VARCHAR2(30) - The name of the replication group to which the object belongs.
MIN_COMMUNICATION VARCHAR2(1) - If Y then use minimum communication for an update.

If N then send all old and all new values for an update.

REPLICATION_TRIGGER_EXISTS VARCHAR2(1) - If Y then internal replication trigger exists.

If N then internal replication trigger does not exist.

INTERNAL_PACKAGE_EXISTS VARCHAR2(1) - If Y then internal package exists.

If N then internal package does not exist.

GROUP_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) - Owner of the replication group.
NESTED_TABLE VARCHAR2(1) - If Y then the replicated object is the storage table of a nested table.

If N then the replicated object is not a storage table.


In addition to the information contained in the ALL_REPRESOLUTION view, the ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN view contains information about the columns that are used to resolve conflicts for each replicated table accessible to the current user. These are the column values that are passed as the list_of_column_names argument to the ADD_conflicttype_RESOLUTION procedures in the DBMS_REPCAT package.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN contains information about the columns that are used to resolve conflicts for each replicated table in the database.

  • USER_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN contains information about the columns that are used to resolve conflicts for each replicated table owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the schema containing the replicated table.
ONAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the replicated table.
CONFLICT_TYPE VARCHAR2(10) - The type of conflict that the method is used to resolve: delete, uniqueness, or update.
REFERENCE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The object to which the method applies. For delete conflicts, this is the table name. For uniqueness conflicts, this is the constraint name. For update conflicts, this is the column group name.
SEQUENCE_NO NUMBER NOT NULL The order in which resolution methods are applied, with 1 applied first.
METHOD_NAME VARCHAR2(80) NOT NULL The name of an Oracle-supplied conflict resolution method. For user-supplied methods, this value is 'user function'.
FUNCTION_NAME VARCHAR2(92) NOT NULL For methods of type 'user function', the name of the user-supplied conflict resolution method.
PRIORITY_GROUP VARCHAR2(30) - For methods of name 'priority group', the name of the priority group.
PARAMETER_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Displays the name of the table to which the parameter column belongs.
PARAMETER_COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR2(4000) - The name of the column used as the IN parameter for the conflict resolution method.
PARAMETER_SEQUENCE_NO NUMBER NOT NULL Ordering of column used as IN parameter.


The SNAME column is not present in the USER_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN view.


Contains the value and priority level of each priority group member in each priority group accessible to the current user. Priority group names must be unique within a replication group. Priority levels and values must each be unique within a given priority group.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPPRIORITY contains the value and priority level of each priority group member in each priority group in the database.

  • USER_REPPRIORITY contains the value and priority level of each priority group member in each priority group owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the replicated schema. This column is obsolete.
PRIORITY_GROUP VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the priority group or site priority group.
PRIORITY NUMBER NOT NULL The priority level of the member. The highest number has the highest priority.
DATA_TYPE VARCHAR2(9) - The data type of the values in the priority group.
FIXED_DATA_LENGTH NUMBER(38) - The maximum length of values of data type CHAR.
CHAR_VALUE CHAR(255) - The value of the priority group member, if DATA_TYPE is CHAR.
VARCHAR2_VALUE VARCHAR2(4000) - The value of the priority group member, if DATA_TYPE is VARCHAR2.
NUMBER_VALUE NUMBER - The value of the priority group member, if DATA_TYPE is NUMBER.
DATE_VALUE DATE - The value of the priority group member, if DATA_TYPE is DATE.
RAW_VALUE RAW(2000) - The value of the priority group member, if DATA_TYPE is RAW.
GNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the replication group.
NCHAR_VALUE NCHAR(500) - The value of the priority group member, if DATA_TYPE is NCHAR.
NVARCHAR2_VALUE VARCHAR2(1000) - The value of the priority group member, if DATA_TYPE is NVARCHAR2.
LARGE_CHAR_VALUE CHAR(2000) - The value of the priority group member, for blank-padded character strings over 255 characters.


The SNAME and GNAME columns are not present in the USER_REPPRIORITY view.


Describes the priority group or site priority group defined for each replication group accessible to the current user.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPPRIORITY_GROUP describes the priority group or site priority group defined for each replication group in the database.

  • USER_REPPRIORITY_GROUP describes the priority group or site priority group defined for each replication group owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the replicated schema. This column is obsolete.
PRIORITY_GROUP VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the priority group or site priority group.
DATA_TYPE VARCHAR2(9) - The data type of each value in the priority group.
FIXED_DATA_LENGTH NUMBER(38) - The maximum length for values of data type CHAR.
PRIORITY_COMMENT VARCHAR2(80) - Any user-supplied comments.
GNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the replication group.


The SNAME and GNAME columns are not present in the USER_REPPRIORITY view.


Indicates the technique used to propagate operations on each replicated object to the same object at another master site. These operations might have resulted from a call to a stored procedure or procedure wrapper, or might have been issued against a table directly. This view shows objects accessible to the current user.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPPROP indicates the technique used to propagate operations on each replicated object to the same object at another master site. This view shows all objects in the database.

  • USER_REPPROP indicates the technique used to propagate operations on each replicated object to the same object at another master site. This view shows objects owned by the current user

Column Data Type NULL Description
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the schema containing the replicated object.
ONAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the replicated object.
TYPE VARCHAR2(16) - The type of object being replicated:
PACKAGE            TYPE
DBLINK VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL The fully qualified database name of the master site to which changes are being propagated.
HOW VARCHAR2(13) - How propagation is performed. Values recognized are 'none' for the local master site, and 'synchronous' or 'asynchronous' for all others.
PROPAGATE_COMMENT VARCHAR2(80) - Any user-supplied comments.


Describes statistics collection for conflict resolutions for all replicated tables accessible to the current user.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPRESOL_STATS_CONTROL describes statistics collection for conflict resolutions for all replicated tables in the database.

  • USER_REPRESOL_STATS_CONTROL describes statistics collection for conflict resolutions for all replicated tables owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the table.
CREATED DATE NOT NULL Timestamp for when statistics collection was first started.
STATUS VARCHAR2(9) - Status of statistics collection: ACTIVE or CANCELLED.
STATUS_UPDATE_DATE DATE NOT NULL Timestamp for when the status was last updated.
PURGED_DATE DATE - Timestamp for the last purge of statistics data.
LAST_PURGE_START_DATE DATE - The last start date of the statistics purging date range.
LAST_PURGE_END_DATE DATE - The last end date of the statistics purging date range.


The SNAME column is not present in the USER_REPRESOL_STATS_CONTROL view.


Indicates the methods used to resolve update, uniqueness, or delete conflicts for each table accessible to the current user that is replicated using row-level replication for a given schema.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPRESOLUTION indicates the methods used to resolve update, uniqueness, or delete conflicts for each table in the database that is replicated using row-level replication for a given schema.

  • USER_REPRESOLUTION indicates the methods used to resolve update, uniqueness, or delete conflicts for each table owned by the current user that is replicated using row-level replication.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the replicated schema.
ONAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the replicated table.
CONFLICT_TYPE VARCHAR2(10) - The type of conflict that the method is used to resolve: delete, uniqueness, or update.
REFERENCE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The object to which the method applies. For delete conflicts, this is the table name. For uniqueness conflicts, this is the constraint name. For update conflicts, this is the column group name.
SEQUENCE_NO NUMBER NOT NULL The order that resolution methods are applied, with 1 applied first.
METHOD_NAME VARCHAR2(80) NOT NULL The name of an Oracle-supplied conflict resolution method. For user-supplied methods, this value is 'user function'.
FUNCTION_NAME VARCHAR2(92) NOT NULL For methods of type 'user function', the name of the user-supplied conflict resolution method.
PRIORITY_GROUP VARCHAR2(30) - For methods of type 'priority group', the name of the priority group.
RESOLUTION_COMMENT VARCHAR2(80) - Any user-supplied comments.


The SNAME column is not present in the USER_REPRESOLUTION view.


Lists all of the conflict resolution methods available in the database. Initially, this view lists the standard methods provided with Advanced Replication. As you create new user functions and add them as conflict resolution methods for an object in the database, these functions are added to this view.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPRESOLUTION_METHOD lists all of the conflict resolution methods available in the database.

  • USER_REPRESOLUTION_METHOD lists all of the conflict resolution methods available in the database.

Column Data Type NULL Description
CONFLICT_TYPE VARCHAR2(10) - The type of conflict that the resolution method is designed to resolve: update, uniqueness, or delete.
METHOD_NAME VARCHAR2(80) NOT NULL The name of the Oracle-supplied method, or the name of the user-supplied method.


Lists information about successfully resolved update, uniqueness, and delete conflicts for all replicated tables accessible to the current user. These statistics are gathered for a table only if you have called the DBMS_REPCAT.REGISTER_STATISTICS procedure.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS lists information about successfully resolved update, uniqueness, and delete conflicts for all replicated tables in the database.

  • USER_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS lists information about successfully resolved update, uniqueness, and delete conflicts for all replicated tables owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the replicated schema.
ONAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the replicated table.
CONFLICT_TYPE VARCHAR2(10) - The type of conflict that was successfully resolved: delete, uniqueness, or update.
REFERENCE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The object to which the conflict resolution method applies. For delete conflicts, this is the table name. For uniqueness conflicts, this is the constraint name. For update conflicts, this is the column group name.
METHOD_NAME VARCHAR2(80) NOT NULL The name of an Oracle-supplied conflict resolution method. For user-supplied methods, this value is 'user function'.
FUNCTION_NAME VARCHAR2(92) - For methods of type 'user function', the name of the user supplied conflict resolution method.
PRIORITY_GROUP VARCHAR2(30) - For methods of type 'priority group', the name of the priority group.
RESOLVED_DATE DATE NOT NULL Date on which the conflict for this row was resolved.
PRIMARY_KEY_VALUE VARCHAR2(2000) NOT NULL A concatenated representation of the row's primary key.


The SNAME column is not present in the USER_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS view.


Lists the members of each replication group accessible to the current user.

Related Views:

  • DBA_REPSITES lists the members of each replication group in the database.

  • USER_REPSITES lists the members of each replication group owned by the current user.

Column Data Type NULL Description
GNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the replication group.
DBLINK VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL The database link to a master site for this replication group.
MASTERDEF VARCHAR2(1) - Indicates which of the DBLINKs is the master definition site.
SNAPMASTER VARCHAR2(1) - Used by materialized view sites to indicate which of the DBLINKs to use when refreshing.
MASTER_COMMENT VARCHAR2(80) - User-supplied comments.
MASTER VARCHAR2(1) - If Y then the site is a master site for the replicated group.

If N then the site is not a master site for the replicated group.

GROUP_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the replication group.

The DBA_REPSITES view has the following additional columns:

Column Data Type NULL Description
PROP_UPDATES NUMBER - Encoding of propagating technique for master site.
MY_DBLINK VARCHAR2(1) - Used to detect problems after import. If Y then the DBLINK is the global name.


This view contains global information about each deployment template in the database, such as the template name, template owner, what refresh group the template objects belong to, and the type of template (private or public).

Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES. For detailed information about this view and its columns, see ALL_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.


The DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS view contains the individual object definitions that are contained in all deployment templates in the database. Individual objects are added to a template by specifying the target template in REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME.

Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS. For detailed information about this view and its columns, see ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.


Parameters defined in the object DDL for all templates in the database are stored in the DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS table. When an object is added to a template, the DDL is examined for variables. Any found parameters are automatically added to this view.

Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS. For detailed information about this view and its columns, see ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.


The DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_SITES view provides the DBA with information about the current status of template instantiation for all the sites of a enterprise network. This view contains information about instantiation sites for all deployment templates in the database. Specifically, the DBA can monitor the installation and deletion of templates at specific sites. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_SITES.


The DBA_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS view lists the authorized users for all templates in the database specified for private use. Users listed in this view have the ability to instantiate the specified template. Users not contained in this view cannot instantiate the template. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.


The DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES view describes the template parameters for all deployment templates in the database. The DBA has the option of building a table of user parameters prior to distributing the template for instantiation. When a template is instantiated by a specified user, the values stored in the DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES table for the specified user are used automatically.

Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES. For detailed information about this view and its columns, see ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.


The DBA_REPCATLOG view at each master site contains the interim status of any asynchronous administrative requests and any error messages generated. All messages encountered while executing a request are eventually transferred to the DBA_REPCATLOG view at the master site that originated the request. If an administrative request completes without error, then ultimately all traces of this request are removed from the DBA_REPCATLOG view. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCATLOG.


The DBA_REPCOLUMN view lists the replicated columns for all the tables in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCOLUMN.


The DBA_REPCOLUMN_GROUP view lists all the column groups each replicated table in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCOLUMN_GROUP.


The DBA_REPCONFLICT view displays the name of each table in the database on which a conflict resolution method has been defined and the type of conflict that the method is used to resolve. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCONFLICT.


The DBA_REPDDL contains the DDL for each replication object in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPDDL.


The DBA_REPEXTENSIONS view contains information about current operations that are adding new master sites to a master group without quiescing the master group.

See Also:

"Adding New Master Sites Without Quiescing the Master Group" for information about the procedure that adds new master sites to a replication environment
Column Data Type NULL Description
EXTENSION_ID RAW(16) NOT NULL The identifier for a current pending request to add master databases to a master group without quiesce.
REQUEST VARCHAR2(15) - Extension request type. Currently, the only possible value is ADD_NEW_MASTERS, which indicates a request to add new master sites to a master group without quiescing.
MASTERDEF VARCHAR2(128) - The global name of the master definition site of the master groups to which new master sites are being added.
EXPORT_REQUIRED VARCHAR2(3) - YES indicates that one or more new master sites will be added using export/import of either the entire database or at the table level.

NO indicates that all new master sites will be added using change-based recovery.

REPCATLOG_ID NUMBER - Identifier of replication catalog records related to a replication extension, on which the master definition site is waiting. This value is only meaningful at the master definition site.
EXTENSION_STATUS VARCHAR2(13) - Status of each replication extension. This value is only meaningful at the master definition site.

The possible values are:

READY: The extension request has been created and is ready.

STOPPING: The new master sites have been added to the master group and the master definition site is attempting to stop propagation from existing masters to new master sites and to the master definition site.

EXPORTING: The propagation of deferred transactions has been stopped from existing master sites to new master sites and to the master definition site. The master definition site is waiting for the export to finish.

INSTANTIATING: The DBMS_REPCAT.RESUME_PROPAGATION_TO_MDEF procedure has been invoked (if export was used), and the master definition site is waiting for the new masters to instantiate.

ERROR: An error occurred during the execution of this extension request.

FLASHBACK_SCN NUMBER - The system change number (SCN) that must be used during export or change-based recovery when the new master sites are added. The new master sites must be consistent with the SCN listed.
BREAK_TRANS_TO_MASTERDEF VARCHAR2(3) - This value is meaningful only if EXPORT_REQUIRED is TRUE.

If BREAK_TRANS_TO_MASTERDEF is TRUE, then existing masters can continue to propagate their deferred transactions to the master definition site for replication groups that are not adding master sites. Deferred transactions for replication groups that are adding master sites cannot be propagated until the export completes.

If BREAK_TRANS_TO_MASTERDEF is FALSE, then existing masters cannot propagate any deferred transactions to the master definition site.

BREAK_TRANS_TO_NEW_MASTERS VARCHAR2(3) - If BREAK_TRANS_TO_NEW_MASTERS is TRUE, then existing master sites can continue to propagate deferred transactions to the new master sites for replication groups that are not adding master sites.

If BREAK_TRANS_TO_NEW_MASTERS is FALSE, then propagation of deferred transaction queues to the new masters is disabled.


The percentage of propagation resources that should be used for catching up propagation to the master definition site.

CYCLE_SECONDS_MDEF NUMBER - This value is meaningful when PERCENTAGE_FOR_CATCHUP_MDEF is both meaningful and is a value between 10 and 90, inclusive. In this case, propagation to the master definition site alternates between replication groups that are not being extended and replication groups that are being extended, with one push to each during each cycle. This value indicates the length of the cycle in seconds.

The percentage of propagation resources that should be used for catching up propagation to new master sites.

CYCLE_SECONDS_NEW NUMBER - This value is meaningful when PERCENTAGE_FOR_CATCHUP_NEW is both meaningful and is a value between 10 and 90, inclusive. In this case, propagation to a new master alternates between replication groups that are not being extended and replication groups that are being extended, with one push to each during each cycle. This value indicates the length of the cycle in seconds.


The DBA_REPGENOBJECTS view describes each object in the database that was generated to support replication. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPGENOBJECTS.


The DBA_REPGROUP view describes all of the replication groups in the database. The members of each replication group are listed in a different view, DBA_REPOBJECT. The DBA_REPGROUP view's columns are the same as those in ALL_REPGROUP.


The DBA_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES view contains information about the users who are registered for privileges in replication groups. Shows all replication groups in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.


The DBA_REPGROUPED_COLUMN view lists all of the columns that make up the column groups for each table in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPGROUPED_COLUMN.


The DBA_REPKEY_COLUMNS view describes the replication key column(s) in each table in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPKEY_COLUMNS.


The DBA_REPOBJECT view contains information about the objects in each replication group in the database. An object can belong to only one replication group. A replication group can span multiple schemas. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPOBJECT.


In addition to the information contained in the DBA_REPRESOLUTION view, the DBA_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN view contains information about the columns that are used to resolve conflicts for each replicated table in the database. These are the column values that are passed as the list_of_column_names argument to the ADD_conflicttype_RESOLUTION procedures in the DBMS_REPCAT package. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN.


The DBA_REPPRIORITY view contains the value and priority level of each priority group member in each priority group in the database. Priority group names must be unique within a replication group. Priority levels and values must each be unique within a given priority group. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPPRIORITY.


The DBA_REPPRIORITY_GROUP view describes the priority group or site priority group defined for each replication group in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPPRIORITY_GROUP.


The DBA_REPPROP view indicates the technique used to propagate operations on each replicated object to the same object at another master site. These operations might have resulted from a call to a stored procedure or procedure wrapper, or might have been issued against a table directly. This view shows all objects in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPPROP.


The DBA_REPRESOL_STATS_CONTROL view describes statistics collection for conflict resolutions for all replicated tables in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPRESOL_STATS_CONTROL.


The DBA_REPRESOLUTION view indicates the methods used to resolve update, uniqueness, or delete conflicts for each table in the database that is replicated using row-level replication for a given schema. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPRESOLUTION.


The DBA_REPRESOLUTION_METHOD view lists all of the conflict resolution methods available in the database. Initially, this view lists the standard methods provided with the advanced replication facility. As you create new user functions and add them as conflict resolution methods for an object in the database, these functions are added to this view. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPRESOLUTION_METHOD.


The DBA_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS view lists information about successfully resolved update, uniqueness, and delete conflicts for all replicated tables in the database. These statistics are only gathered for a table if you have called the DBMS_REPCAT.REGISTER_STATISTICS procedure. The DBA_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS view's columns are the same as those in ALL_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS.


The DBA_REPSITES view lists the members of each replication group in the database.

This view has the following additional columns that are not included in the ALL_REPSITES and USER_REPSITES views:

Column Data Type NULL Description
PROP_UPDATES NUMBER - Encoding of propagating technique for master site.
MY_DBLINK VARCHAR2(1) - Used to detect problem after import. If Y then the dblink is the global name.

Except for these additional columns, its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPSITES.


The DBA_REPSITES_NEW view lists the new replication sites that you plan to add to your replication environment.

See Also:

"Adding New Master Sites Without Quiescing the Master Group" for information about the procedure that adds new master sites to a replication environment
Column Data Type NULL Description
EXTENSION_ID RAW(16) NOT NULL The identifier for a current pending request to add master databases to a master group without quiesce.
GOWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the user who owns the master group.
GNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL The name of the master group.
DBLINK VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL The database link for a new master site.
FULL_INSTANTIATION VARCHAR2(1) - Y indicates that the new database in DBLINK is to be added using full database export/import or change-based recovery.

N indicates that the new database in DBLINK is to be added using object-level export/import.

MASTER_STATUS VARCHAR2(13) - The instantiation status of a new master site. This value is only meaningful at the master definition site.

The possible values are:

READY: The new master site is ready.

INSTANTIATING: The new master site is in the process of being instantiated.

INSTANTIATED: The new master has been instantiated and is being prepared for replication activity. That is, the DBMS_REPCAT.PREPARE_INSTANTIATED_MASTER procedure has been run.

PREPARED: The propagation of deferred transactions is enabled from the new master site to other prepared masters, to existing masters, and to the master definition site. The new master is now prepared to participate in the replication environment.


This view contains global information about each deployment template owned by the current user, such as the template name, template owner, what refresh group the template objects belong to, and the type of template (private or public).

Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES. For detailed information about this view and its columns, see ALL_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.


The USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS view contains the individual object definitions that are contained in each deployment template owned by the current user. Individual objects are added to a template by specifying the target template in REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME.

Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS. For detailed information about this view and its columns, see ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.


Parameters defined in the object DDL for all templates owned by the current user are stored in the USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS table. When an object is added to a template, the DDL is examined for variables; any found parameters are automatically added to this view.

Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS. For detailed information about this view and its columns, see ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.


The USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_SITES view provides the user with information about the current status of template instantiation among the sites of a enterprise network. This view contains information about instantiation sites for deployment templates that are owned by the current user. Specifically, the user can monitor the installation and deletion of templates at specific sites. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_SITES.


The USER_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATION view lists the authorized users for all of the templates that are owned by the current user and specified for private use. Users listed in this view have the ability to instantiate the specified template. Users not contained in this view cannot instantiate the template. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.


The USER_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES view describes the template parameters for all deployment templates owned by the current user. The DBA has the option of building a table of user parameters prior to distributing the template for instantiation. When a template is instantiated by a specified user, the values stored in the USER_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES view for the specified user are used automatically.

Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES. For detailed information about this view and its columns, see ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.


The USER_REPCATLOG view at each master site contains the interim status of any asynchronous administrative requests and any error messages generated. All messages encountered while executing a request are eventually transferred to the USER_REPCATLOG view at the master site that originated the request. If an administrative request completes without error, then ultimately all traces of this request are removed from the USER_REPCATLOG view.

This view contains asynchronous administrative requests and error messages that are owned by the current user. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCATLOG.


The USER_REPCOLUMN view lists the replicated columns for all the tables owned by the current user. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCOLUMN.


The USER_REPCOLUMN_GROUP view lists the column groups for each replicated table owned by the current user. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCOLUMN_GROUP.


The SNAME column is not present in the USER_REPCOLUMN_GROUP view. This column is available in the ALL_REPCOLUMN_GROUP and DBA_REPCOLUMN_GROUP views.


The USER_REPCONFLICT view displays the name of each table owned by the current user on which a conflict resolution method has been defined and the type of conflict that the method is used to resolve. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPCONFLICT.


The SNAME column is not present in the USER_REPCONFLICT view. This column is available in the ALL_REPCONFLICT and DBA_REPCONFLICT views.


The USER_REPDDL contains the DDL for each replication object owned by the current user. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPDDL.


The USER_REPGENOBJECTS view describes each object owned by the current user that was generated to support replication. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPGENOBJECTS.


The USER_REPGROUP view describes all of the replication groups owned by the current user. The members of each replication group are listed in a different view, USER_REPOBJECT. The USER_REPGROUP view's columns are the same as those in ALL_REPGROUP.


The USER_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES view contains information about the users who are registered for privileges in replication groups. Shows only those replication groups owned by the current user. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.


The USER_REPGROUPED_COLUMN view lists all of the columns that make up the column groups for each table. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPGROUPED_COLUMN.


The SNAME column is not present in the USER_REPGROUPED_COLUMN view. This column is available in the ALL_REPGROUPED_COLUMN and DBA_REPGROUPED_COLUMN views.


The USER_REPKEY_COLUMNS view describes the replication key column(s) in each table owned by the current user. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPKEY_COLUMNS.


The USER_REPOBJECT view contains information about the objects owned by the current user in each replication group. An object can belong to only one replication group. A replication group can span multiple schemas. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPOBJECT.


In addition to the information contained in the USER_REPRESOLUTION view, the USER_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN view contains information about the columns that are used to resolve conflicts for each replicated table owned by the current user. These are the column values that are passed as the list_of_column_names argument to the ADD_conflicttype_RESOLUTION procedures in the DBMS_REPCAT package. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN.


The SNAME column is not present in the USER_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN view. This column is available in the ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN and DBA_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN views.


The USER_REPPRIORITY view contains the value and priority level of each priority group member in each priority group owned by the current user. Priority group names must be unique within a replication group. Priority levels and values must each be unique within a given priority group. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPPRIORITY.


The SNAME column is not present in the USER_REPPRIORITY view. This column is available in the ALL_REPPRIORITY and DBA_REPPRIORITY views.


The USER_REPPRIORITY_GROUP view describes the priority group or site priority group defined for each replication group owned by the current user. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPPRIORITY_GROUP.


The USER_REPPROP view indicates the technique used to propagate operations on each replicated object to the same object at another master site. These operations might have resulted from a call to a stored procedure or procedure wrapper, or might have been issued against a table directly. This view shows objects owned by the current user. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPPROP.


The USER_REPRESOL_STATS_CONTROL view describes statistics collection for conflict resolutions for all replicated tables owned by the current user. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPRESOL_STATS_CONTROL.


The SNAME column is not present in the USER_REPRESOL_STATS_CONTROL view. This column is available in the ALL_REPRESOL_STATS_CONTROL and DBA_REPRESOL_STATS_CONTROL views.


The USER_REPRESOLUTION view indicates the methods used to resolve update, uniqueness, or delete conflicts for each table owned by the current user that is replicated using row-level replication for a given schema. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPRESOLUTION.


The SNAME column is not present in the USER_REPREPRESOLUTION view. This column is available in the ALL_REPREPRESOLUTION and DBA_REPREPRESOLUTION views.


The USER_REPRESOLUTION_METHOD view lists all of the conflict resolution methods available in the database. Initially, this view lists the standard methods provided with the advanced replication facility. As you create new user functions and add them as conflict resolution methods for an object in the database, these functions are added to this view. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPRESOLUTION_METHOD.


The USER_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS view lists information about successfully resolved update, uniqueness, and delete conflicts for all replicated tables owned by the current user. These statistics are only gathered for a table if you have called the DBMS_REPCAT.REGISTER_STATISTICS procedure. The USER_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS view's columns are the same as those in ALL_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS.


The SNAME column is not present in the USER_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS view. This column is available in the ALL_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS and DBA_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS views.


The USER_REPSITES view lists the members of each replication group owned by the current user. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_REPSITES.