The Database Replay page is shown.

On the right of the page, the following text appears: Page Refreshed Aug 6, 2008 11:30:27 PM PDT. The Refresh button is to the right of the text.

The following text appears: "The Database Replay feature allows database workload to be captured on one system and replayed later on a different system. Replaying a captured workload can be useful to compare two different systems."

A table follows with the following columns: Task, Task Name, Description, and Go to Task.

Row 1 has the following values: 1, Capture Workload, Choose this option to capture workload on this database., (forward icon).

Row 2 has the following values: 2, Preprocess Captured Workload, Preprocessing will prepare a captured workload for replay. This must be done once for very captured workload., (forward icon).

Row 3 has the following values: 3, Replay Workload, Choose this option to replay a preprocessed workload on this database, (forward icon).

Below the table is a link labeled "View Workload Capture History". Below the link is the Active Capture and Replay table. The table has the following columns: Select, Name, Type, Directory Object, and Start Time. Row 1 has the following values: (null), No items found, (null), (null), (null).

End of description.