This diagram illustrates the workflow for using SQL Performance Analyzer in a database upgrade from Oracle9i to Oracle Database 10g Release 2. In the top left corner is a database labeled "Oracle9i Database - Production". An arrow labeled "1" points from this database to multiple documents labeled "SQL Trace (subset of sessions)". A second arrow labeled "2" points from this database to a single document labeled "Mapping Table". Two arrows labeled "3" point from both sets of documents to a second database in the lower left corner labeled "Oracle Database".

From the second database labeled "Oracle Database", a line labeled "4" connects to the text "Build STS". A second unlabeled line connects to the text "No Data Necessary". An arrow labeled "5" points to a third database in the lower right corner labeled "Oracle Database or higher - Test". This arrow is further labeled with the text "SQL" and "Remote Test-execute (db link)".

From the third database labeled "Oracle Database or higher - Test", another arrow labeled "5" points back to the second database labeled "Oracle Database". This arrow is further labeled with the text "Plan and Stats". A line labeled "6" connects to the text "Compare Perf, View Report" from this database.

End of description.