OracleDataAdapter Safe Type Mapping

The ODP.NET OracleDataAdapter class provides the Safe Type Mapping feature to ensure that the following Oracle data types do not lose data when converted to their closely related .NET types in the DataSet:


  • DATE

  • TimeStamp (refers to all TimeStamp objects)


This section includes the following topics:

Comparison Between Oracle Data Types and .NET Types

The following sections provide more details about the differences between the Oracle data types and the corresponding .NET types. In general, the Oracle data types allow a greater degree of precision than the .NET types do.

Oracle NUMBER Type to .NET Decimal Type

The Oracle data type NUMBER can hold up to 38 precision, and the .NET Decimal type can hold up to 28 precision. If a NUMBER data type that has more than 28 precision is retrieved into a .NET Decimal type, it loses precision.

Table 3-18 lists the maximum and minimum values for Oracle NUMBER and .NET Decimal types.

Table 3-18 Oracle NUMBER to .NET Decimal Comparisons

Value Limits Oracle NUMBER .NET Decimal


9.9999999999999999999999999999999999999 e125



-9.9999999999999999999999999999999999999 e125


Oracle Date Type to .NET DateTime Type

The Oracle data type DATE can represent dates in BC whereas the .NET DateTime type cannot. If a DATE that goes to BC get retrieved into a .NET DateTime type, it loses data.

Table 3-19 lists the maximum and minimum values for Oracle Date and .NET DateTime types.

Table 3-19 Oracle Date to .NET DateTime Comparisons

Value Limits Oracle Date .NET DateTime


Dec 31, 9999 AD

Dec 31, 9999 AD 23:59:59.9999999


Jan 1, 4712 BC

Jan 1, 0001 AD 00:00:00.0000000

Oracle TimeStamp Type to .NET DateTime Type

Similar to the DATE data type, the Oracle TimeStamp data type can represent a date in BC, and a .NET DateTime type cannot. If a TimeStamp that goes to BC is retrieved into a.NET DateTime type, it loses data. The Oracle TimeStamp type can represent values in units of e-9; the .NET DateTime type can represent only values in units of e-7. The Oracle TimeStamp with time zone data type can store time zone information, and the .NET DateTime type cannot.

Table 3-20 lists the maximum and minimum values for Oracle TimeStamp and .NET DateTime types.

Table 3-20 Oracle TimeStamp to .NET DateTime Comparisons

Value Limits Oracle TimeStamp .NET DateTime


Dec 31, 9999 AD 23:59:59.999999999

Dec 31, 9999 AD 23:59:59.9999999


Jan 1, 4712 BC 00:00:00.000000000

Jan 1, 0001 AD 00:00:00.0000000


The Oracle data type INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND can hold up to 9 precision, and the .NET TimeSpan type can hold up to 7 precision. If an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND data type that has more than 7 precision is retrieved into a .NET TimeSpan type, it loses precision. The Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND type can represent values in units of e-9, and the .NET TimeSpan type can represent only values in units of e-7.

Table 3-21 lists the maximum and minimum values for Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND and .NET DateTime types.

Table 3-21 Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND to .NET TimeSpan Comparisons

Value Limits Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND .NET TmeSpan


+999999999 23:59:59.999999999

+10675199 02:48:05.4775807


-999999999 23:59:59.999999999

-10675199 02:48:05.4775808

SafeMapping Property

The OracleDataAdapter Safe Type Mapping feature prevents data loss when populating Oracle data for any of these types into a .NET DataSet. By setting the SafeMapping property appropriately, these types can be safely represented in the DataSet, as either of the following:

  • .NET byte[] in Oracle format

  • .NET String

By default, Safe Type Mapping is disabled.

Using Safe Type Mapping

To use the Safe Type Mapping feature, the OracleDataAdapter.SafeMapping property must be set with a hash table of key-value pairs. The key-value pairs must map database table column names (of type string) to a .NET type (of type Type). ODP.NET supports Safe Type Mapping to byte[] and String types. Any other type mapping causes an exception.

In situations where the column names are not known at design time, an asterisk ("*") can be used to map all occurrences of database types to a safe .NET type. If both the valid column name and the asterisk are present, the column name is used.


  • Database table column names are case-sensitive.

  • Column names in the hash table that correspond to invalid column names are ignored.

Safe Type Mapping as a string is more readable without further conversion. Converting certain Oracle data types to a string requires extra conversion, which can be slower than converting it to a byte[]. Conversion of .NET strings back to ODP.NET types relies on the formatting information of the session.

SafeTyping Example

// C#
using System;
using System.Data;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; 
class SafeMappingSample
  static void Main()
    string constr = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle";
    // In this SELECT statement, EMPNO, HIREDATE and SALARY must be
    // preserved using safe type mapping.
    // Create the adapter with the selectCommand txt and the connection string
    OracleDataAdapter adapter = new OracleDataAdapter(cmdstr, constr);
    // Get the connection from the adapter
    OracleConnection connection = adapter.SelectCommand.Connection;
    // Create the safe type mapping for the adapter
    // which can safely map column data to byte arrays, where
    // applicable. By executing the following statement, EMPNO, HIREDATE AND
    // SALARY columns will be mapped to byte[]
    adapter.SafeMapping.Add("*", typeof(byte[]));
    // Map HIREDATE to a string
    // If the column name in the EMP table is case-sensitive,
    // the safe type mapping column name must be case-sensitive.
    adapter.SafeMapping.Add("HIREDATE", typeof(string));
    // Map EMPNO to a string
    // If the column name in the EMP table is case-sensitive,
    // the safe type mapping column name must also be case-sensitive.
    adapter.SafeMapping.Add("EMPNO", typeof(string));
    adapter.SafeMapping.Add("SAL", typeof(string));
    // Create and fill the DataSet using the EMP
    DataSet dataset = new DataSet();
    adapter.Fill(dataset, "EMP");
    // Get the EMP table from the dataset
    DataTable table = dataset.Tables["EMP"];
    // Get the first row from the EMP table
    DataRow row = table.Rows[0];
    // Print out the row info
    Console.WriteLine("EMPNO Column: type = " + row["EMPNO"].GetType() +
      "; value = " + row["EMPNO"]);
    Console.WriteLine("ENAME Column: type = " + row["ENAME"].GetType() +
      "; value = " + row["ENAME"]);
    Console.WriteLine("HIREDATE Column: type = " + row["HIREDATE"].GetType()+
      "; value = " + row["HIREDATE"]);
    Console.WriteLine("SAL Column: type = " + row["SAL"].GetType() +
      "; value = " + row["SAL"]);

See Also:
