18 Managing an Oracle HTML DB Hosted Service

This section describes tasks an Oracle HTML DB administrator performs when administering an Oracle HTML DB hosted service.

This section contains the following topics:

What is an Oracle HTML DB Administrator?

In the Oracle HTML DB development environment, users log in to a shared work area called a workspace. Users are divided into three primary roles:

  • Developer

    A developer can create and edit applications.

  • Workspace administrator

    A Workspace administrator performs administrator tasks specific to their workspace such as managing user accounts, monitoring workspace activity, and viewing log files.

  • Oracle HTML DB administrator

    An Oracle HTML DB administrator is a superuser that manages the entire hosted instance. To perform these tasks, an Oracle HTML DB administrator logs into the Oracle HTML DB Administration Services application.

See Also:

Refer to appropriate installation guide for your platform for more information on installing Oracle HTML DB

Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services

Oracle HTML DB administrators are responsible for managing an entire Oracle HTML DB instance. To perform these tasks, an Oracle HTML DB administrator logs into the Oracle HTML DB Administration Services application.

To log into Oracle HTML DB Administration Services:

  1. In a Web browser, navigate to the Oracle HTML DB Administration Services application:



    • hostname is the name of the system where Oracle HTTP Server is installed.

    • port is the port number assigned to Oracle HTTP Server. In a default installation, this number is 7777. You can find information about your Oracle HTTP Server installation's port number from either of the following files:

      • ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\install\portlist.ini

      • ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\httpd.conf

    • htmldb is the database access descriptor (DAD) defined in the mod_plsql configuration file.

    The Login page appears.

  2. In Username, enter admin.

  3. In Password, enter the Oracle HTML DB administrator account password you specified when you installed Oracle HTML DB.

  4. Click Login.

    Oracle HTML DB Administration Services appears.

See Also:

Refer to the appropriate installation guide for more information on installing Oracle HTML DB

Determining the HTML DB Engine Schema

Oracle HTML DB administrators may need to perform certain actions within the HTML DB engine schema. For example, in order for an Oracle HTML DB administrator to have the ability to assign Oracle default schemas, the database administrator (DBA) must explicitly grant the privilege by running the HTMLDB_SITE_ADMIN_PRIVS.ALLOW procedure within the HTML DB engine schema.

See Also:

"Understanding Oracle Default Schema Restrictions" for more information on the HTMLDB_SITE_ADMIN_PRIVS.ALLOW procedure

To determine the current HTML DB engine schema for your Oracle HTML DB instance:

  1. Use SQL*Plus to connect to the database.

  2. Run the following query in a schema with DBA privileges (for example, SYSTEM).

    SELECT TABLE_OWNER FROM all_synonyms

Managing the Schemas Associated with a Workspace

When a user logs into the Oracle HTML DB they log in to a shared work area called a workspace. Each workspace can have multiple associated schemas. By associating a workspace with a schema, developers in that workspace can:

  • Build applications that interact with the database objects in that schema.

  • Create new database objects in that schema.

To view the schema associated with a workspace:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage Workspaces, select Manage Schema to Workspace Assignments.

    The Schemas Provisioned by Workspace page appears.

  3. To view information about an existing schema, click the Edit icon.

  4. To create a new schema association, click Create.

  5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Understanding Oracle Default Schema Restrictions

When Oracle HTML DB installs, the Oracle HTML DB administrator does not have the ability to assign Oracle default schemas to workspaces. Default schemas (such as SYS, SYSTEM, and RMAN) are reserved by Oracle for various product features and for internal use. Access to a default schema can be a very powerful privilege. For example, a workspace with access to the default schema SYSTEM can run applications that parse as the SYSTEM user.

In order for an Oracle HTML DB administrator to have the ability to assign Oracle default schemas, the database administrator (DBA) must explicitly grant the privilege.

The DBA can remove this restriction and grant the privilege using SQL*Plus to run the HTMLDB_SITE_ADMIN_PRIVS.ALLOW procedure within the HTML DB engine schema. For example:


The DBA can reimpose this restriction and revoke this privilege using the HTMLDB_SITE_ADMIN_PRIVS.RESTRICT procedure within the HTML DB engine schema. For example:


The DBA can determine the current status of the privilege using SQL*Plus to run the HTMLDB_SITE_ADMIN_PRIVS.REPORT procedure within the HTML DB engine schema. For example:


EXEC HTMLDB_SITE_ADMIN_PRIVS.REPORT returns number of rows in the wwv_flow_restrict_admin table. 0 rows means that the Oracle HTML DB administrator is restricted and may not assign Oracle default schemas to workspaces. One or more rows means that the Oracle HTML DB administrator may assign Oracle default schemas to workspaces.

Creating a Workspace

When a user logs into the Oracle HTML DB they log in to a shared work area called a workspace. Each workspace is an area within the Oracle HTML DB development environment where multiple developers can create applications. Each workspace has a unique ID and name. In order to make changes to their workspace, Workspace administrators submit change request to an Oracle HTML DB administrator. Only an Oracle HTML DB administrator can create a new workspace.

Topics in this section include:

About Workspace Provisioning

When an Oracle HTML DB administrator creates a new workspace with a new tablespace, the datafile for the new tablespace is managed by Oracle-managed files.

Oracle-managed files simplifies the administration of the Oracle database and eliminates the need for the database administrator (DBA) to directly manage the operating system files that comprise the database. Using Oracle-managed files the DBA specifies operations in terms of database objects rather than filenames. The datafile for the any new tablespaces will be named according to the Oracle-managed files conventions and the placement of these files will be determined by the database initialization parameter DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST.

If the Oracle-Managed Files is not enabled, the datafile will be created in the same directory as the first datafile of the tablespace in which Oracle HTML DB was installed.

See Also:

Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information on Oracle-managed files

Specifying a Provisioning Mode

As an Oracle HTML DB administrator, you determine how the process of creating (or provisioning) a workspace works for your Oracle HTML DB development environment.

In manual provision mode, an Oracle HTML DB administrator creates new workspaces and notifies the Workspace administrator of the login information. In request provision mode, users request workspaces directly in a self-service fashion. In this scenario, users use a link on the login page to access a request form. Once the workspace request has been granted, they are e-mailed the appropriate login information.

To specify a provisioning mode:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Toggle Provisioning Status.

  3. Select one of the following:

    • Manual

    • Request

  4. Click Apply Changes.


Before users can request a workspace or change their passwords, an Oracle HTML DB administrator must configure environment preferences to facilitate the workflow component.

Creating a Workspace Without a Request

Administrators can create a workspace manually by running the Provision Workspace Wizard. You can access this wizard from either the Oracle HTML DB Administration Services home page or the Workspace Administration tab.

To create a workspace manually:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage Workspaces, select Create New Workspace.

    The Provision Workspace Wizard appears.

  3. Specify a workspace name and description and click Next.Select a schema, or enter the name for a new schema, followed by a password, and initial disk space quota and click Next.

  4. Specify a Workspace administrator by providing a username, password, and e-mail address and click Next.

  5. Confirm your selections and click Provision.

Viewing Workspace Reports

Oracle HTML DB administrators can view detailed information about a specific workspace by viewing the Workspace Utilization Report.

To view a workspace report:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage Workspaces, select Report Workspace Attributes.

  3. Select a workspace from the Workspace list and click Go.

    The Workspace Utilization Report appears. Table 18-1 describes the various sections of the Workspace Utilization Report.

Table 18-1 Workspace Utilization Report

Report Description
Workspace Information Displays high level information about the current workspace.
Workspace Schemas Manage workspace to schema mappings.

See Also: "Managing the Schemas Associated with a Workspace"

Workspace Schema Space Utilization Displays a report that details tablespace utilization.
Workspace Applications Displays a report that lists all applications within the current workspace.
Developers Displays a report that lists all application developers within the current workspace.
Workspace Users Enables administrators to manage user accounts.

See Also: "Managing Users in an Oracle HTML DB Instance"

Workspace Database Objects Displays a report that lists objects used in the current workspace.
Service Change Requests Enables administrators to manage change requests for the current workspace, or to view a report of all change requests in an Oracle HTML DB development instance.

See Also: "Managing Service and Change Requests"

Developer Activity Displays a report that details developer activity by date.

Managing Service and Change Requests

Oracle HTML DB administrators can make modifications to a workspace (such as such as adding an additional schema or increasing the disk space limit) by approving a change request from a Workspace administrator.

Topics in this section include:

Viewing a Pending Service or Change Request

You can view existing service requests and change requests from the Notifications list on the Administration home page, or from the Service Requests or Change Requests pages.

Topics in this section include:

Viewing a Pending Request from the Notifications List

To view pending service and change requests from the Notifications list:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Locate the Notifications list on the lower right side of the page. (See Figure 18-1.)

    Figure 18-1 Notifications List

    Description of notifi.gif follows
    Description of the illustration notifi.gif

    The Notifications list displays a summary of total and pending service and change requests.

  3. To view additional details, click the appropriate service request or change request number.

    The appropriate Change Request page appears.

Viewing a Request from the Workspace Utilization Report

To view pending requests from the Workspace Utilization Report:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage Workspaces, select Manage Workspaces.

  3. Locate a workspace as follows:

    • To locate a specific workspace, type the workspace name in the Search field and click Go.

    • To view all workspaces, leave the Search field blank and click Go.

  4. To view details about a specific workspace, click the View icon to the left of the workspace name.

    The Workspace Utilization Report appears.

  5. Under Available Reports, click Service Change Requests.

  6. Select a specific request, or click View All Change Requests.

Viewing Requests from the Service Requests Page

To view service requests from the Service Requests page:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Service Requests.

  3. From Status, select the type of requests you wish to view.

  4. To view request details, click the Edit icon associated with the appropriate request.

Viewing Requests from the Change Requests Page

To view change requests from the Service Requests page:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Change Requests.

  3. From Status, select the type of requests you wish to view.

  4. To view request details, click the Edit icon associated with the appropriate request.

Approving a Service or Change Request

To approve a pending service request:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate request page as described in "Viewing a Pending Service or Change Request".

  2. Click Adjust.

    The Adjust Request page appears.

  3. From Project Status, select one of the following:

    • To approve the request, click Approved.

    • To decline the request, click Declined.

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.


Be cautious when setting the Project Status Requested. Although Requested enables you to reprovision a workspace, it could result in data corruption due to the manner in which accounts are provisioned. The provisioning system assumes Requested service requests do not have the corresponding schemas and dictionary entries for a workspace administrator or developers. If you need to change the Project Status for an Approved workspace to Requested, terminate the service first and then change the status to Requested.

To approve a pending change request:

  1. Navigate to the Service Change Request page as described in "Viewing a Request from the Workspace Utilization Report".

  2. Click View Request.

    The Process Change Request page appears.

  3. Review the displayed reports.

  4. Select one of the following:

    • To approve a request for a schema, click Create Schema.

    • To approve a request for additional disk space, click Provision Space.

    • To approve a request to terminate the service, click Terminate Service

    • To deny a request, click Deny Request.

  5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Deleting an Existing Request

To delete an existing service or change request:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Navigate to the appropriate request page. (See "Viewing a Pending Service or Change Request".)

  3. From Status, select the type of request you wish to delete.

  4. Click the Edit icon associated with the request you wish to delete.

  5. When the request appears, click Terminate or Delete if the request is still active, or click Delete if the request has already been terminated.

Managing Users in an Oracle HTML DB Instance

Oracle HTML DB administrators can manage all user accounts within an Oracle HTML DB instance on the Manage Application Developers and Users page. User accounts are particularly useful if a workspace utilizes HTML DB Authentication.

See Also:

To create a new user account:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage Workspaces, select Manage Application Developers.

    The Manage Application Developers and Users page appears.

  3. Click Create.

  4. Under User Attributes, enter the appropriate information. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

  5. Under Password, type a case-sensitive password for this account.

  6. Under Developer Privileges, specify the developer's privileges:

    • User is a developer - These users can create and edit applications as well as view developer activity, session state, workspace activity, application, and schema reports.

    • User is an administrator - Workspace administrators additionally can create and edit user accounts, manage groups, alter passwords of users within the same workspace, and manage development services as described in "Managing a Development Workspace".

  7. Click Create or Create and Create Another.

To edit an existing user account:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage Workspaces, select Manage Application Developers.

    The Manage Application Developers and Users page appears.

  3. Locate a user as follows:

    • To locate a specific user, type a username or partial string in the Search field and click Go.

    • To view all users, leave the Search field blank and click Go

  4. Click the Edit icon adjacent to appropriate username.

  5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Purging Inactive Workspaces

If you are managing a large hosted Oracle HTML DB instance, periodically purging inactive workspaces can free up resources for other users. The process of purging inactive workspaces consists of the following steps:

  • Identify inactive workspaces

  • Remove the resources associated with each inactive workspace

  • Delete the inactive workspaces

Topics in this section include:

Identifying Inactive Workspaces

The first step in determining if a workspace is inactive is to establish some basic rules. A common approach is to base the rules on the Oracle HTML DB activity records found in the current HTML DB engine schema.

The following DDL (data definition language) creates a table of all workspaces requested before June 28, 2004 but that have been inactive since June 10, 2004. In this example, inactivity is determined by checking a key within the HTML DB engine schema for the most recent updates by each workspace.

CREATE TABLE ws_to_purge AS
 SELECT c.security_group_id, c.company_name, c.admin_email, c.request_date,
 SYSDATE last_updated_on, 'Y' ok_to_delete
   FROM wwv_flow_provision_company c
c.request_date <= to_date('20040628','YYYYMMDD') AND
     (  not exists
 (SELECT NULL /* Activity Log */
        FROM wwv_flow_activity_log l
       WHERE l.security_group_id = c.security_group_id
         AND l.time_stamp > to_date('20040610','YYYYMMDD'))
     (SELECT NULL /* workspace applications */
        FROM wwv_flows f
       WHERE f.security_group_id = c.security_group_id
         AND f.last_updated_on > to_date('20040610','YYYYMMDD'))
     (SELECT NULL /* Pages */
        FROM wwv_flow_steps s
       WHERE s.security_group_id = c.security_group_id
         AND s.last_updated_on > to_date('20040610','YYYYMMDD'))
     (SELECT NULL /* Regions */
        FROM wwv_flow_page_plugs p
       WHERE p.security_group_id = c.security_group_id
         AND p.last_updated_on > to_date('20040610','YYYYMMDD'))
     (SELECT NULL /* Items */
        FROM wwv_flow_step_items i
       WHERE i.security_group_id = c.security_group_id
         AND i.last_updated_on > to_date('20040610','YYYYMMDD'))
     (SELECT NULL /* Templates */
        FROM wwv_flow_templates t
       WHERE t.security_group_id = c.security_group_id
         AND t.last_updated_on > to_date('20040610','YYYYMMDD'))
     (SELECT NULL /* Files uploaded */
        FROM wwv_flow_file_objects$ o
       WHERE o.security_group_id = c.security_group_id
         AND o.created_on > to_date('20040610','YYYYMMDD'))
     (SELECT NULL /* SQL Workshop history */
        FROM wwv_flow_sw_sql_cmds s
       WHERE s.security_group_id = c.security_group_id
         AND s.created_on > to_date('20040610','YYYYMMDD'));

Once you identify inactive workspaces, you can purge them. Purging inactive workspaces is a two step process:

  • First, remove the resources (that is, the database schemas, tablespaces, and data files) associated with each inactive workspace

  • Second, drop the inactive workspaces from Oracle HTML DB

Removing the Resources Associated with Inactive Workspaces

Once you have identified inactive workspaces in a single table, the next step is to remove them.


Before removing the schemas, tablespaces, or data files associated with inactive workspaces, make sure these resources are not being used in by any other workspace or application

To remove the resources associated with inactive workspaces:

  1. Identify the schemas used by the workspaces to be deleted by joining the table containing the identified inactive workspaces to wwv_flow_company_schemas.

  2. Drop the schemas, tablespaces, and data files used exclusively by the inactive workspaces from the database by running a query similar to the following.

    SELECT s.schema
      FROM ws_to_purge ws,
           wwv_flow_company_schemas s
    WHERE s.security_group_id = ws.security_group_id
       AND ws.ok_to_delete = 'Y';

Deleting Inactive Workspaces

Once you remove the resources associated with an inactive workspace, you can delete it. You can delete inactive workspaces manually using the Oracle HTML DB Administration Services application. Or, you can delete them programmatically as shown in the following example.

     FOR c1 IN (SELECT security_group_id  
                 FROM ws_to_purge
                 WHERE ok_to_delete = 'Y')
     END LOOP;

Removing a Workspace

Removing a workspace does not remove any of the associated database objects. To remove the associated schemas, a database administrator (DBA) must use a standard database administration tool such as Oracle Enterprise Manager or SQL*Plus.

To remove a workspace:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage Workspaces, select Remove Workspace.

  3. Select a workspace name and click Next.

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Exporting and Importing a Workspace

To move a workspace and all associated users to a new Oracle HTML DB instance, you must export the workspace. When you export a workspace, Oracle HTML DB generates a text file. This file contains information about your workspace, all the users in your workspace, and any groups in your workspace (if applicable). You can use this file to import your workspace into another Oracle HTML DB instance.

Keep in mind, this method only imports workspace, users, and groups. This file does not contain:

  • The schemas associated with this workspace, or the objects in those schemas.

  • Any applications, images, cascading style sheets and static text files.

All of these items must be exported separately.

To export a workspace:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage Workspaces, select Export Workspace.

  3. Select a workspace name and click Export.

  4. To export the selected workspace, click Save File.

  5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

To import a workspace:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage Workspaces, select Import Workspace.

  3. Select a workspace name and click Next.

  4. To install the workspace, click Install.

  5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Managing Logs

Oracle HTML DB administrators can manage the following log files on the Manage Logs and Files page:

  • SQL Workshop logs

  • Page View Activity logs

  • Developer activity logs

  • External click counting log

Topics in this section include:

Deleting SQL Workshop Logs

The SQL Workshop logs maintain a history of recent commands and scripts run in the SQL Command Processor.

To delete log files entries:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Logs.

    The Manage Logs page appears.

  3. Select Review SQL Workshop logs.

  4. Select one of the following:

    • Script File executions log entries

    • Control File execution log entries

    • SQL Command Processor history log entries

    • SQL Archives entries

  5. To delete entries by age:

    • Specify the age of the entries to deleted.

    • Click Delete Entries.

  6. To delete all entries, click Truncate Log.

Deleting Page View Activity Log Entries

Page view activity logs track user activity for an application. Developers enable logging within their application on the Edit Application Attributes page.

The HTML DB engine actually uses two logs to track user activity. At any given time, one log is designated as current. For each rendered page view, the HTML DB engine inserts one row into the log file. A log switch occurs at the interval listed on the Manage Activity Logs page. At that point, the HTML DB engine removes all entries in the noncurrent log and designates it as current.

To truncate the activity logs manually:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Logs.

    The Manage Logs page appears.

  3. Select Review page view activity log, with option to truncate.

  4. Click Truncate Logs.

  5. Click either Truncate Log 1 or Truncate Log 2.

See Also:

Deleting Developer Activity Log Entries

The Developer Activity Log tracks changes to applications within an individual workspace. Log entries older than one month are automatically deleted.

To delete Developer Activity Log entries:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Logs.

    The Manage Logs page appears.

  3. Select Developer activity logs, review with option to delete entries.

  4. On the Developer Activity Logs page, click Manage.

  5. Specify the age of the entries to be deleted and click Delete Entries.

See Also:

"Viewing Application Changes by Developer and Day" for more information on the Developer Activity Log

Deleting Click Counting Log Entries

The External Clicks Log counts clicks from an Oracle HTML DB application to an external site. You can implement this functionality using COUNT_CLICK procedure.

To delete click counting log entries:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Logs.

    The Manage Logs page appears.

  3. Select External click counting log, review with option to truncate.

  4. On the Click Counting Log page, click Manage.

  5. Specify the age of the entries to be deleted and click Delete Entries.

Deleting the HTML DB Mail Log Entries

The HTML DB Mail Log records message header information and send date of successfully sent mail message.

See Also:

"Managing E-mail"

To truncate the mail log:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Logs.

    The Manage Logs page appears.

  3. Select Manage mail log.

  4. On the Manage Mail Log page, click Truncate Log.

Managing Session State

A session is a logical construct that is used to establish persistence (or stateful behavior) across page views. Each session is assigned a unique ID which the HTML DB engine uses to store and retrieve an application's working set of data (or session state) before and after each page view. An automatic process clears sessions older than 24 hours every eight hours. As an Oracle HTML DB administrator, you can also purge them manually.

An Oracle HTML DB administrator can view session state statistics and purge session state on the Session State Management page.

Topics in this section include:

Purging Sessions by Age

Using the Purge Session page, administrators can purge sessions by age.

To view specific session details:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Select the Manage Session State.

  3. Select Purge old sessions by age.

  4. On the Purge Session page, specify:

    • The maximum number of sessions to be purged

    • The age of session to be purged

  5. To view a report of session statistics, click Count Sessions.

  6. To purge the selected sessions, click Purge Sessions.

Viewing Session Details Before Purging

Before purging sessions, administrators can use the Recent Sessions page to first view a listing of recent sessions and then drill down on session details.

To purge sessions by age:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Select the Manage Session State.

  3. Select Report recent sessions with drill down to session details.

  4. On the Recent Sessions page, you can:

    • Click a session ID to view additional details.

    • Click Purge Session to delete the displayed sessions.

Viewing Session Statistics Before Purging

On the Session State Statistics page, administrators can view statistics about current sessions prior to purging.

To view session state statistics:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Select the Manage Session State.

  3. Select Report session counts.

  4. Click Purge Sessions to delete the current sessions.

Monitoring Activities

Oracle HTML DB administrators can monitor user activity by accessing a number of charts and reports on the Monitoring page.

To monitor user activity:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Monitor Activity, select a chart or page to review.

Managing Environment Preferences

HTML DB Environment Preferences are named substitution value pairs defined by an Oracle HTML DB administrator. Oracle HTML DB uses these preferences internally to determine a provisioning mode, configure the HTML DB engine to send mail, and restrict user access by IP address.

Topics in this section include:

Accessing the HTML DB Environment Preferences Page

To access Oracle HTML DB environment preferences:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Environment Preferences.

    The HTML DB Environment Preferences page appears.


SERVICE_REQUEST_FLOW is a preference managed by Oracle HTML DB that determines the provisioning status of an Oracle HTML DB instance. Do not edit this preference.

Configuring Oracle HTML DB to Send Mail

If you enable request provision mode or enable users to reset their passwords using a link on the login page, you must configure Oracle HTML DB to send mail. In order to enable Oracle HTML DB to send mail, you must configure a number of settings on the Environment Preferences page.

To configure Oracle HTML DB to send mail:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Environment Preferences.

    The HTML DB Environment Preferences page appears. Configure the following Run settings:

    • DEVELOPMENT_SERVICE_URL - If you are running in request provisioning mode, the value of this setting is used in the e-mail when the request is approved. This setting defines the URL for the service. If this setting is not present, the URL will be derived from your environment.

    • SMTP_HOST_ADDRESS - Defines the server address of the SMTP server. On installation, this will be set to localhost. If you are using another server for SMTP relaying, change localhost to that server's address.

    • SMTP_HOST_PORT - Defines the port the SMTP server listens to for mail requests. By default, this setting will be set to 25 at the time of installation.

    • SMTP_FROM - Defines the "from" address when an administrative tasks such as approving a provision request, or resetting a password generates an e-mail.

Restricting User Access by IP Address

Oracle HTML DB administrators can restrict user access to an Oracle HTML DB instance by creating a Runtime setting named RESTRICT_IP_RANGE.

To restrict user access by IP address:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Environment Preferences.

    The HTML DB Environment Preferences page appears.

  3. Click Create.

  4. On the Runtime Settings page:

    1. In Name, enter RESTRICT_IP_RANGE.

    2. In Value, enter an IP address. Use an asterisk (*) to specify a wildcard.

      • Enter an IP address from one to four levels. For example:

        141, 141.* ... ...
      • Enter a comma delimited list of IP addresses.


    When using wildcards, do not include additional numeric values after wildcard characters. For example, 138.*.41.2.

Disabling Access to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services

Oracle HTML DB administrators can restrict user access to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services by creating a Runtime setting named DISABLE_ADMIN_LOGIN. Creating this setting in production environments prevents unauthorized users from logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services and possibly compromising user login credentials.

To disable user access to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Environment Preferences.

    The HTML DB Environment Preferences page appears.

  3. Click Create.

  4. On the Runtime Settings page:

    1. In Name, enter DISABLE_ADMIN_LOGIN

    2. In Value, enter YES in upper case letters

Setting this value and logging out, prevents anyone for logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services.

To reverse this setting, connect in SQL*Plus as the HTML DB engine schema and execute the following:


Disabling Access to Oracle HTML DB Internal Applications

Oracle HTML DB administrators can restrict user access to Oracle HTML DB Internal applications by creating a Runtime setting named DISABLE_WORKSPACE_LOGIN. Creating this setting in production environments prevents unauthorized users from running applications in the Internal workspace (that is, Application Builder, SQL Workshop, and Data Workshop) and possibly compromising login credentials. Administrators who use this feature should also consider disabling user access to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services.

To disable user access to the Internal workspace:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Environment Preferences.

    The HTML DB Environment Preferences page appears.

  3. Click Create.

  4. On the Runtime Settings page:


    2. In Value, enter YES in upper case letters

Setting this value and logging out, prevents anyone for logging in to the Internal workspace.

To reverse this restriction, log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services and remove the DISABLE_WORKSPACE_LOGIN Runtime, or change the Value to NO.

Managing Application Build Status

Every Oracle HTML DB application has an application level attribute called Build Status. You can use this attribute to prevent an application from being modified by other developers. Build Status has two settings:

  • Run and Build Application - Developers can both run and edit an application

  • Run Application Only - Developers can only run an application

Setting the Build Status to Run Application Only is an effective way to prevent other developers from modifying it. You can change the Build Status by:

Deploying an application from one Oracle HTML DB instance to another is a three step process:

  1. Export the application and all related files from the development Oracle HTML DB instance

  2. Import the exported files into the target Oracle HTML DB instance

  3. Install the exported files from Export Repository

During steps 1 and 2, you have the option of setting the Build Status to Run Application Only. Be aware that if you set the Build Status to Run Application Only during deployment, you can only change it in Oracle HTML DB Administration Services.

To change a Build Status set during deployment:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage Applications, select Manage Build Status.

  3. Locate an application by making selections from the Build Status, Workspace, and Application lists and clicking Go.

  4. Click the Edit icon adjacent to the appropriate application.

    The Edit Build Status page appears.

  5. Select the alternate build status and click Apply Changes.

Managing E-mail

Oracle HTML DB administrators can manage e-mail sent from an application by accessing the HTML DB Mail Queue and HTML DB Mail Log.

Topics in this section include:

Viewing the Mail Queue

Oracle HTML DB administrators can use the Manage Mail Queue page to monitor e-mail messages in the mail queue.

To monitor messages in the mail queue:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Mail Queue.

    The Mail Queue page appears.

  3. To send e-mail messages, select the messages to be send and click Send All Mail.

  4. To delete e-mail messages, select the messages to be deleted and click Delete.

Viewing the HTML DB Mail Log

The HTML DB Mail Log records message header information and send date of successfully sent mail message.

To view the mail log:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Logs.

    The Manage Logs page appears.

  3. Select Manage mail log.


To delete mail log entries, click Truncate Log.

Creating a Site-Specific Tasks List

You can create a list of links called Site-Specific Tasks on the Workspace Home page and Workspace Login page. To include these task lists in an Oracle HTML DB instance, an Oracle HTML DB administrator must create the tasks on the Site-Specific Tasks page.

Topics in this section include:

Adding a New Task

To add new task to a Site-Specific Tasks lists:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Site-Specific Task Lists.

    The Site-Specific Tasks page appears.

  3. To create a new link, click Create.

  4. On the Site-Specific Tasks page you can specify the following:

    1. In Display Sequence, indicate the relative order of this task within the list.

    2. In Display Location, indicate the page on which the task should display (that is, the Workspace Login page or Workspace Home page).

    3. In Task Name, enter a name for this task.

    4. In Tasks Link, enter the link target for this task using f?p syntax.

Editing an Existing Task

To edit an existing task:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Site-Specific Task Lists.

    The Site-Specific Tasks page appears.

  3. Click the Edit icon adjacent to the appropriate link.

  4. On the Site-Specific Tasks page, edit the appropriate attributes.

  5. Click Apply Changes.

Deleting a Task

To delete an existing task:

  1. Log in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. (See "Logging in to Oracle HTML DB Administration Services".)

  2. Under Manage HTML DB Service, select Manage Site-Specific Task Lists.

    The Site-Specific Tasks page appears.

  3. Click the Edit icon adjacent to the appropriate link.

  4. Click Delete.