1 What is Oracle HTML DB?

The section offers a general description of Oracle HTML DB and the components you can use to develop database-centric Web applications.

This section contains the following topics:

About Oracle HTML DB

Oracle HTML DB is a hosted declarative development environment for developing and deploying database-centric Web applications. Oracle HTML DB turns a single Oracle database into a shared service by enabling multiple workgroups to build and access applications as if they were running in separate databases. Thanks to built-in features such as design themes, navigational controls, form handlers, and flexible reports, Oracle HTML DB accelerates the application development process.

The HTML DB engine renders applications in real time from data stored in database tables. When you create or extend your application, Oracle HTML DB creates or modifies metadata stored in database tables. When the application is run, the HTML DB engine then reads the metadata and displays the application.

Oracle HTML DB automatically maintains session state without requiring any coding. To provide stateful behavior within an application, Oracle HTML DB transparently manages session state in the database. Application developers can get and set session state using simple substitutions as well as standard SQL bind variable syntax.

The Oracle HTML DB development platform consists of the following components:

  • Application Builder

  • SQL Workshop

  • Data Workshop

About Application Builder

You use Application Builder to assemble an HTML interface (or application) on top of database objects such as tables and procedures. An application is a collection of database-driven Web pages linked together using tabs, buttons, or hypertext links. Once you create an application, the HTML DB engine renders the application using the templates and user interface elements you specify.

A page is the basic building block of an application. Each page can have buttons and fields and can include application logic (or processes). You can branch from one page to the next using conditional navigation, perform calculations, run validations (such as edit checks), and display reports, forms, and charts.

About SQL Workshop

You use SQL Workshop to view and manage database objects from a Web browser. Using SQL Workshop you can store and retrieve data, execute SQL commands, and perform the following tasks:

  • Run SQL commands

  • Upload and run SQL scripts

  • Maintain a history of the executed SQL

  • Create or modify database objects

  • Query data by example

  • Browse the data dictionary

  • Enable database browsing with drill-up and drill-down

About Data Workshop

You use Data Workshop to import data into and export data from the hosted database. Supported import formats include text (such as comma or tab delimited data), XML documents, and spreadsheets. Supported export formats include text (such as comma or tab delimited data) and XML documents.

For example, you can quickly share data with multiple users by converting a spreadsheet into a database table using the Import Spreadsheet Data Wizard. Running this wizard creates a new table and loads the data without requiring any SQL knowledge. Once the data is loaded into a database table, you can build a application on top of it just like you would on any other database table.