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10g Release 2 (

Part Number B28223-05
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17 Integrating Metadata Through the Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard

Oracle Warehouse Builder provides several utilities for sharing its metadata with other tools and systems. This chapter first shows you how to create collections that store definitions for a group of Warehouse Builder objects. It also discusses importing metadata stored in Object Management Group (OMG) Common Warehouse Model (CWM) formats using the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Using the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard

The Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard enables you to synchronize, integrate, and use metadata stored in OMG CWM formats. Use the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard to import selected metadata from OMG CWM compliant applications version 1.0 into the Warehouse Builder repository. You can also import metadata that is stored in a proprietary format by integrating with MIMB (Meta Integration Model Bridges). For more information on the formats that MIMB can translate, see "Integrating with the Meta Integration Model Bridges (MIMB)".

The Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard can be used only in single-user mode. This means that no other users can be connected to the repository into which you are importing OMG CWM metadata. Before you use the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard to import OMG CWM metadata into a repository, ensure that you are the only user connected to that repository.

Integrating with the Meta Integration Model Bridges (MIMB)

Warehouse Builder enables you to integrate with Meta Integration Model Bridges (MIMB) that translate metadata from a proprietary metadata file or repository to the standard CWM format. You can then import this metadata into Warehouse Builder using the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard. After integrating with MIMB, you can also import metadata from CA ERwin, Sybase PowerDesigner, and many other sources through these bridges.

MIMB integration enables you to import metadata into Warehouse Builder from the following sources:

  • OMG CWM 1.0: Database Schema using JDBC 1.0/2.0

  • OMG CWM 1.0: Meta Integration Repository 3.0

  • OMG CWM 1.0: Meta Integration Works 3.0

  • OMG CWM 1.0: XML DTD 1.0 (W3C)

  • OMG CWM 1.0: XML DTD for HL7 3.0

  • Acta Works 5.x

  • Adaptive Repository

  • ArgoUML

  • Business Objects Crystal Reports

  • Business Objects Data Integrator

  • Business Objects Designer


  • CA ERwin

  • CA ParadigmPlus

  • Cognos Impromptu 7.1

  • Cognos ReportNet Framework Manager

  • Hyperion Application Builder

  • IBM

  • Informatica PowerCenter

  • Merant App Master Designer 4.0

  • Microsoft SQL Server

  • Microsoft Visio

  • Microsoft Visual Studio

  • Microsoft Yukon Database Source View Designer

  • MicroStrategy

  • NCR Teradata

  • Oracle Designer

  • Popkin System Architect

  • ProActivity 3.x & 4.0

  • Rational Rose

  • SAS ETL Studio

  • Select SE 7.0

  • Silverrun

  • Sybase Power Designer

  • Unisys Rose

  • Visible IE Advantage 6.1

  • Various XML/XMI versions


The list of sources is not exhaustive and does not include the product versions. For a list of all the supported sources, refer to the MIMB documentation at

Follow these steps to integrate Warehouse Builder with MIMB.

Download the Meta Integration Model Bridge

After you download the MIMB on your system, Warehouse Builder automatically recognizes the installation and displays the new import options on the Metadata Source and Target Identification Page of the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard.

To download MIMB:

  1. Download the Model Bridge (personal) product from the following Web site:

  2. Install the MIMB by running the setup on your system.

  3. During installation, choose Typical with Java Extensions as the installation type from the Setup Type page.

    If the set up program is not able to find a JDK on your machine, you must provide the JNI library directory path name. Your path environment variable must contain the metaintegration directory. If not, you need to add it to the path: c:\program files\metaintegration\win32.

  4. Enable MIMB through your Warehouse Builder client by starting the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard. For more information on importing metadata using this wizard, see "Importing Metadata into Warehouse Builder".

Importing Metadata into Warehouse Builder

The Transfer Wizard enables you to import metadata from OMG CWM metadata into Warehouse Builder. Perform the following steps to import metadata:

  1. Run the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard.

    The Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard converts the OMG CWM compliant metadata and stores it in an MDL file. For more details on using the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard, see "Running the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard".

  2. Import the MDL file created in Step 1 into Warehouse Builder using the Metadata Loader Import Utility.

    For more information importing the MDL file, see "Importing the MDL File into Warehouse Builder".

Running the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard

From the Design menu, select Import, and then Bridges. Warehouse Builder displays the Welcome page of the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard. This page lists the steps you perform while using the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard. If you want to display version information about the wizard, click About Oracle OWB Transfer Tool. For version information about the individual bridges, press the Bridge Versions button from the About Oracle OWB Transfer Tool dialog. Click Next to proceed.

Provide details on the following pages of the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard:

Metadata Source and Target Identification Page

Use this page to specify the format of the source data.

The From field automatically identifies your metadata source as OMG CWM 1.0. You can import metadata from many other sources if you choose to integrate with the Meta Integration Model Bridge (MIMB). When you integrate with MIMB, the From field displays a list of other sources from which you can import metadata. For details, see "Integrating with the Meta Integration Model Bridges (MIMB)".

The To field displays OWB mdl. You cannot change this value. The Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard converts the source metadata into an mdl file that can processed by the Metadata Loader Utility.

Use the Description field to enter an optional description of the metadata to be transferred. This description displays in the progress bar during the transfer process.

Transfer Parameter Identification Page

This page lists the parameters used during the transfer process. Table 17-1 describes the transfer parameters used by the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard.

Table 17-1 Transfer Parameters for OMG CWM File Import

Transfer Parameter Name Description

OMG CWM Input File

Specify the file containing the OMG CWM model you want to import. Click the Ellipsis button to browse for the file location.

OWB Project

Specify the name of the Warehouse Builder project into which the model will be imported.

Warehouse Builder MDL

Specify the name of the MDL file that will store the converted source metadata.

Default Module Type

Choose the type of module into which you want to import the metadata. The options are Source warehouse module and Target warehouse module. The Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard will create the correct module and import the metadata into it.

When you choose the Source warehouse module option, the names are case-sensitive. When you choose Target warehouse module, all the object names are converted to uppercase.

Process OLAP Physical Representation

If you are importing metadata from a star schema, then you can choose True if you want to maintain its physical representation or False to only import its logical definitions. If you are importing a snowflake schema, its physical implementation is lost and only the logical definitions are imported into Warehouse Builder.

Log Level

Log level to be assigned to the transfer: Errors, Information, and Trace.

Errors: lists the errors, if any, generated during the transfer.

Information: lists the transfer details about the metadata objects, including any errors.

Trace: produces a trace for debugging purposes, which also includes the errors and information log details. If you need assistance with the trace, contact Oracle World Wide Support. Trace type provides the most detailed log information.

When you integrate with MIMB, the Transfer Parameter Identification page displays additional parameters. The parameters displayed depend on the source you choose in From field of the Metadata Source and Target Identification page. The descriptions of these parameters display in the box at the bottom of the wizard page.

Summary Page

The Summary page displays the values that you selected for each field. Review your entries. If any entries are incorrect, click Back to return to the previous screen and make the necessary changes. Click Finish to transfer the metadata. The Oracle WB Transfer dialog is displayed. For details about this dialog, see "Oracle WB Transfer Dialog".

Oracle WB Transfer Dialog

This dialog indicates the progress of the metadata transfer. The description you provide on the Metadata Source and Target Identification Page is appended to the title of the transfer window. For example, if you entered the description as My Metadata Transfer, the title of this dialog will be Oracle WB Transfer - My Metadata Transfer. If you did not provide a description, a title does not display.

The transfer can require several minutes or an hour or more to complete, depending on the amount of metadata you transfer.

Do one of the following:

  • If the transfer completes successfully (100% displays), click OK. The Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard displays a reminder informing you that you must import the MDL file into the repository.

  • If a transfer failure message displays, click View Log File and review the log. (You can also view the log of a successful transfer.)

    To save the log for reference, click Save As to open the Save dialog. Select the folder where you want to store the log and click Save.

  • If you determine the cause of the failure from the Information Log, note the information requiring update. Close the log by clicking OK. On the Oracle WB Transfer dialog, click Return to Wizard and update the incorrect information on the Transfer Parameter Identification Page. Then transfer the data again.

  • If you cannot determine the cause of the failure from the Information Log, you can create a Trace log. Close the current log by clicking OK. On the Oracle WB Transfer dialog, click Return to Wizard and change the Log Level to Trace on the Transfer Parameter Identification Page. Then transfer the data again.

If the transfer is successful, the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard creates an MDL file and stores it in the location you specified in the Warehouse Builder MDL parameter on the Transfer Parameter Identification Page. The version of the MDL file created by the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard is

Importing the MDL File into Warehouse Builder

After the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard converts the source metadata and stores it in an MDL file, you must import this MDL file into the Warehouse Builder repository. The Metadata Import Utility enables you to import an MDL file into Warehouse Builder. For more information about the Metadata Import Utility, see Chapter 33, "Importing and Exporting with the Metadata Loader (MDL)".

Use the following steps:

  1. From the Design menu, select Import, and then Warehouse Builder Metadata.

    The Metadata Import dialog is displayed.

  2. In the File Name field, specify the name of the MDL file created using the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard. You can also use the Browse button to select the MDL file.

  3. Click Import.

    The Metadata Upgrade dialog is displayed.

  4. Click Upgrade.

    The Metadata Import Progress dialog is displayed. The text above the progress bar displays the status of the import.

    If you want to display a detailed log of the import process, click Show Details. The Message Log panel displays the details. Click Show Statistics for information about the number and type of objects imported.

  5. Click Close.

Transfer Considerations

Before you transfer metadata into the Warehouse Builder repository, you need to perform tasks within the source and target tools to ensure that the metadata can be transferred successfully.

This section lists the objects that are extracted from the source tool during the transfer and their corresponding Warehouse Builder objects.

Importing Metadata from an Object Management Group CWM Standard System

An OMG CWM standard system could have more than one implementations of a cube. In such cases, the Oracle Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard imports the first implementation of the cube. The log file of the import details the version of the cube implementation that is imported.

Table 17-2 lists the object conversion from an OMG CWM file system to the Warehouse Builder repository.

Table 17-2 OMG CWM Object Conversion

Object in OMG CWM Object Imported to Warehouse Builder










Level Attributes






Cube Measure





Foreign Key

Foreign Key

Unique Constraint/Primary Key

Unique Key





Table 17-3 lists the data type conversion from an OMG CWM system to a Warehouse Builder repository.

Table 17-3 OMG CWM Data Type Conversions

Data type in OMG CWM Data type Imported to Warehouse Builder